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EU pact may restrict Indian cos'' export of life-saving drugs to developing nations..


Dec 17, 2010
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Geneva, Mar 3 (PTI) Indian pharma companies will be unable to supply life-saving HIV/AIDS and TB drugs to developing countries if New Delhi agrees to the ''data exclusivity'' condition as demanded by the EU in ongoing talks for a free trade agreement, health organisation UNITAID warned today.
"Of particular concern are signals that the negotiations may lead to the introduction of measures that go beyond the TRIPS agreement - such as ''data exclusivity'' - a condition known as TRIPS Plus," the Geneva-based inter-governmental health organisation UNITAID said.
India and the European Union are aiming to conclude the talks for an ambitious Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA), which would open commerce in goods, services and investment, by the first half of 2011.
"If the free trade agreement introduces TRIPS Plus measures many of the people on medicines today will not be able to access vital second-line treatment when they become resistant to the medicines they are taking now," said Jorge Bermudez, UNITAID�s Executive Secretary.
While many of the HIV/AIDS drugs would require patent protection for 20 years, those off-patented medicines being supplied by Cipla and other Indian companies to poor patients in Africa and elsewhere will come under severe restrictions because of the EU''s demand for "data exclusivity" conditions.
India has become the "developing world''s pharmacy because for over 10 years it has provided a constant supply of affordable medicines to patients in poor countries, UNITAID said.
Citing a new study -- A lifeline treatment: the role of Indian generic manufacturers -- published by the Journal of the International AIDS Society, UNITAID said the "findings raise grave concerns" as its dependence on Indian generic manufactures to supply quality-assured, patient-friendly, low -cost AIDS medicines in over 50 countries will be severely affected because of impending new trade agreements.
In its recent free trade agreement with Japan, India has refused to accept data exclusivity conditions.
However, the government is yet to say "no" to the European Union which is mounting unprecedented pressure to accept the TRIPS+ commitments, sources said.

EU pact may restrict Indian cos'' export of life-saving drugs -  International News

Europe this is bad...

GoI Don't agree for this TRIPS...exclude it in the pact..
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