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Ethiopian woman chosen as "Miss Israel"

is she beautiful ??? :undecided:


The whole reason the OP posted this thread was to score brownie points, so I do not see why the Israelis here are accusing others of racism when this whole thread was race motivated. Others are just pointing it out.
Main principle in Islam is equality of belief between a husband and wife.

A Muslim man is only allowed to marry a Christian or Jewish woman in extremely special circumstances.

A Muslim man will try to teach their children respect for all Prophets, while a non-Muslim man will not allow not agree to this.

Your comment was off-topic as usual ******.

Can a Muslim Woman marry a Non-Muslim Man or Woman (Outside of People of Book) like Chinese or Hindu?

Yes or No?

That gives your answer.
Can a Muslim Woman marry a Non-Muslim Man or Woman (Outside of People of Book) like Chinese or Hindu?

Yes or No?

That gives your answer.

No and neither can a Muslim man. Why do you think Akbar the Great's marriage to a hindu was so controversial??
Predictable attempt to deflect from the thread topic.

Focus on the post, not the poster.

You are doing the same that you are accusing me of doing.

Focus on my post which will mean either the surveys are correct and hence the argument of most pakistanis here that (few people on surveys dont decide the national mood) or the survey too like any other thing is fallible.

It was not off-topic, but a relevant one at reminding the pakistanis of their own arguments.
You are doing the same that you are accusing me of doing.

Focus on my post which will mean either the surveys are correct and hence the argument of most pakistanis here that (few people on surveys dont decide the national mood) or the survey too like any other thing is fallible.

It was not off-topic, but a relevant one at reminding the pakistanis of their own arguments.

Nonsense. Your post is the typical Indian tendency to drag Pakistan into all threads.

The topic here is about Israeli treatment of blacks.
Don't pedal your idealistic BS.

In Islam, A Muslim Woman cannot marry Non-Muslim Man. That would be Wajib-ul-qatl for Woman and Man both.
That is the biggest nonsens,how do you explain the mixed religion marriages.
You live in the middle ages?
Dont come with Taliban or wahhabi rules.
Idealistic BS?Grow up!
That is the biggest nonsens,how do you explain the mixed religion marriages.
You live in the middle ages?
Dont come with Taliban or wahhabi rules.
Idealistic BS?Grow up!

I did not write Quran.

Neither did I follow Mohammad his entire life and compiled the Hadeeths.

You should be questioning Islam, not me.

It is to be followed by Muslims.
I did not write Quran.

Neither did I follow Mohammad his entire life and compiled the Hadeeths.

You should be questioning Islam, not me.

It is to be followed by Muslims.

There is no muslim in the world who lives by the Quran.
On this world thats impossible.
Instead of quoting the Quran you should asks muslims,some will say no and some like me will say yes.
''It is to be followed by muslims''what are we prisoners you make it sound as if islam is a forced religion?
It is up to you what you do with it,nobody can force you.
There is no muslim in the world who lives by the Quran.

Every Muslim has to live by the Quran. when you become a Muslim, you submit to Allah and live as per his Rules.

On this world thats impossible.

That is what you think. I can show you people here on this Forum who Truly follow Islam.

Instead of quoting the Quran you should asks muslims,some will say no and some like me will say yes.
''It is to be followed by muslims''what are we prisoners you make it sound as if islam is a forced religion?
It is up to you what you do with it,nobody can force you.

Islam means Submission. You are a Muslim. You are a Slave of Allah, A Slave!

In Islam, you have to live by Islamic Rules and negation of anything has Punishment subscribed in Islam ranging from Stoning to Lashes to Beheading.

By being born/converted to a Muslim, You:

What is Islam ? - Submission to the Will of God

The word "Islam" is an Arabic word that means submitting and surrendering your will to Almighty God. The religion of Islam is the acceptance of and obedience to the teachings of God, which He revealed to His last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Being Muslim means:

Belief in God is to believe that He is One, The Creator, Sustainer, Provider, and the One who disposes of all affairs.
Belief in the angels is to believe that they exist and that they are honored creatures. Angels are created from light, who worship God alone, obey Him, and act only on His command. Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Belief in Allah's revealed books and Prophets means that Allah sent messengers like Noah, Abraham Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (pbuh). And the books that came with them like the Torah, Zaboor (Psalms), Injeel, Quran to call people to worship Allah alone, associating nothing with him. He sent the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the last messenger, and abrogated all the previous books with the Quran.
Belief in the Day of Judgment is to belief that the Day of Resurrection, when all people will be resurrected for Allah�s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.

Belief in Al-Qadr is believing in divine predestination. So everything good or bad that happens or takes place according to what Allah has foreordained. Divine predestination includes belief in four things;

1. Allah knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen.
2. Allah has recorded all that has happened and all that will happen.
3. Whatever Allah wills to happen, happens. And whatever He wills not to happen, doesn�t happen.
4. Allah is the creator of everything .

You can't follow certain part of Islam which you may dislike/disagree.

There is Wajib-ul-qatl for Munafiqs (Fake Muslims) like you in Islam.

You can Curse all day long Why you were born as a Muslim, but that doesn't allow you to alter and follow Islam as you want.

Islam is a Complete System a Deen!

The Design of Islam is such.

This is what Islam believes and if you don't agree, you are gone!

Submitters (Muslims in Arabic) are the true followers of God's religion. While every religion has been corrupted by innovations, traditions, and false, idolatrous doctrines, there may be "Submitters" within every religion.

Absolute Submission to God (Islam)
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