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Establishment toppled Imran khan's Government- Asif Zardari

Now we know how Zardari used to get bails in his mega corruption cases so easily
This was so clear during that period even to outsiders that all zardari frontmen also escaped. In the past few months his hitman uzair baluch was being cleared of crimes one after another.
I wonder what PMIK was doing.... he had daily reports. SOMEONE GAGGED HIS MOUTH AND BIND HIS HANDS!
That was the time to dissolve assemblies and call for new elections.
Showbaz has got full loaded aircraft to SA, but observe only few with Turkey's Erdogan visit to SA today.

Incorrect - the diplomatic cable outlining the threats by the US against Imran Khan has been validated by two National Security Council meetings under two governments.

Zardari does not offer details on what specifically the issue was that caused the Army leadership to approach the PDM regarding 'some formula to fix things'.

The issue may very well have been threats conveyed to the Army leadership by the US about Imran Khan continuing in government and Zardari basically said that the PDM would not cooperate in putting up a unified front against US threats even in a case like this where national security was concerned because he placed getting power over country.
Ukraine issue is a precursor of .....
Need a government that is favorable.
.....Generals can do everything but Battle, Resist. Generals are not even leaders ...they try to pretend and take everything down with them....
Folks we are lucky to have someone like PMIK.
Even Sheikh Rasheed in today's press conference has pointed fingers directly towards Bajwa, it has become clear Bajwa was involved in toppling IK government.

There was never ever a doubt in this.
Who is the 'establishment', lets start calling them by their real names.
Establishment in Pakistan is definitely the PAK Army + ISI and other armed forces as silent supporters.

So in short it's the Army Chief who calls the shots and everyone fall in line including civil bureaucracy and judiciary. That's an open secret the courts in Pakistan are manipulated the military.

COAS as the head of the establishment and PAK Army+ISI as it's core organizations. Everything else is secondary.
No surprise here everyone knows that without Military backing Judicial coup wouldnt have been possible. Supreme court voilated the contitution when it forced a decision upon Parliment and Speaker. Now President is being dictated by La Whore High court turning country into true banana republic.

Let it be heard loud and clear behind every blunder in history of Pakistan Military has always led from front foot. Even now state agencies are being forced to harass anti PDM govt forces. If this continues i predict that situation might get out of hand and every Military wont be able to stop the carnage on street.

When justice is denied in courts then justice is achieved on streets. Every one should remember the role of establishment if in future these MoFos try to deny and try to go into background to save their own arse. These disgusting creatures have destroyed Pakistan several times over.
Establishment helped PTI in 2018 General Elections also

Further supports the point that behind every political engineering Establishment has it role. Only and idiot would believe that Military has no role in Pakistani politics. Military and its political Engineering has been a course on our nation. Repeatedly they committed violation of constitution with crippling consequences to Pakistan and its people. These people didnt learn a thing after they split Pakistan into two in 1971.

As long as Military continues its meddling and weakens civilian institutions Pakistan will not progress an inch. This need to end either by sharafat or by a bloody revolution.
This video is from 20th December 2021
One month after new DG ISI took his charge

Khwaja asif also said PTI government was toppled because of bad relationship with establishment

The dilemma of the establishment is that they 1st create a party and Govt. When that Govt eventually grows some teeth they scramble to find its antidote immediately. Because a strong civilian Federal Govt is a direct threat to the establishment's own little empire. The made ZA Bhutto then Nawaz Sharif and cronies as antidote to ZA Bhutto issue, then PML Q as Nawaz Sharif's antidote. Then help made IK to get to the power. Didn't like him then made PDM as antidote to the IK regime. But PDM is the worst mixture of parties that can ever be made in a democratic country.

Now everyone knows who is the real culprit behind the scenes. IS establishment hiding behind Pakistani establishment hiding behind the Courts and Judges.

For any future long lasting stable Federal Govt this establishment link should be countered at all costs. Otherwise we would keep observing an unstable ever declining Pakistan
Go to courts for that. Don't be slave of IK. Act on facts not on fake news.
The same courts manipulated by Bajwa that themselves violated the constitution by infringing upon the Speakers powers?


Military Coups and conspiracies by the establishment are not fought via courts - you build up a critical mass of public pressure on those that engaged in the conspiracy.

The only solution is immediate free and fair elections utilizing EVM's and allowing Overseas Pakistanis to vote.
With that being said, what exactly is the due process here as you wish to see it?
Immediate Free and Fair elections with EVM's and Overseas Pakistanis being allowed to vote.

Investigations into those guilty for conspiring to overthrow the elected PTI government and subsequent trials can be done after the aforementioned elections result in a legitimate government being formed.
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