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Erdogon snubs EU chief


Oct 9, 2020
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More misogynistic behaviour from Muslim leaderz

More misogynistic behaviour from Muslim leaderz

The lady got a seat right next to them on a sofa. This state room is always meant for head of states and is build for two seats. This lady is not a head of state. Furthermore her own cohort should have given her the seat rather than sit next to the Turk President. Cannot believe they are making a big deal of this.

Secondly the west should quit with this women's right bullshit, preaching to everyone on women's rights when only in the 20th century they gave them the right to vote and slightly earlier the right to property. When they stop female trafficking, stop their male citizens lining up in places like Thailand, stop exploitation of young women in their **** industry, take to task their leaders involved in child molestation (Prince Andrew, Trump, Clinton and many more through Jeff Epstein) - then they can talk about women's right. Till then they should work on protecting the abysmal state of women in their countries (a woman in the west gets assaulted every 14.6 seconds), while people in the East should focus on making their societies better for their women. I am not giving a pass to the Eastern countries on their handling of women's rights. All I am saying is the West cannot be the preacher on this subject.

More misogynistic behaviour from Muslim leaderz

Look, we see a typical examples of how a stupid can try to manipulate forum with its imaginations.

  • He does not know the balance of power and the areas of struggles between politicians in EU.
  • He does not know how the state protocols are prepared, arranged with the notifications of the guest delegation, and possibly many other practices.
  • He did not even do search on the subject, nor even read the description of Charles Michel, who was the number one person in the incident.

Michel apologises from the public about the Sofa Gate. He said Turkey had a clear willingness to do well, but Turkish authorities’ “strict interpretation of protocol rules” has produced a desolate situation. I mean, he basically confirms what we reported on the protocol (via Ragıp Soylu twitter.com/ragipsoylu)

Fantastic! You found a news site with psyop content, and by instrumentalized it, used this for your main aim, imposing with on what you wanna say about Muslims. Well done. You have fulfilled the first requirement of the troll definition.


One senior Turkish official said Michel's staff agreed on the seating at the presidency before the visit took place. "However there was no representative from von der Leyen's team," the official said. "So we didn't get their input."

A second senior Turkish official said every arrangement during the visit was made in collaboration with EU officials who visited the country before the summit took place.

Turkish officials were swift to try to make it up to the European Commission president.

The government are said to have offered the EU delegation a different seating arrangement during lunch: Erdogan would sit directly opposite both Michel and von der Leyen. Yet Michel's team reportedly rejected the offer, and Michel alone sat across from Erdogan, with von der Leyen again to the side.

"Michel's team only accepted to give von der Leyen a seat in the same height and type," the first senior official said.

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BAD move by that big nosed Belgian guy and the Turks. Sure, perhaps the Turks were trapped or suckered into it. These days, big nations seem to enjoy putting smaller nations in uncomfortable situations.

That LADY is the head of the executive branch of the EU gov't. She IS the leader of the EU gov't. Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA? Joe Biden.
Big OOPS for Turkey.
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To me the worst thing about it all is that Turks, who desperately want to be in the EU, couldn't even bother to learn how the EU gov't works.
Shows Turkey in no way belongs in the EU.
To me the worst thing about it all is that Turks, who desperately want to be in the EU, couldn't even bother to learn how the EU gov't works.
Shows Turkey in no way belongs in the EU.
It is like you are blind to reading anything that counters your narrative even if it hits you in the face (posting right above yours). Life is an ignorant bliss and must surely be simple and nice.
Just see who is folding his hands behind back (b/w Erdogan and that Euro guy) and you'll get the answer.

More misogynistic behaviour from Muslim leaderz
To me looks like Europeans staged it that way or maybe Turks didn't know she'll be there too??

They're coming after Erdogan hard man. They tried with Obama still in power in 2016 via the secularist military.

Turkish military has a history of harshly enforcing militant secularism whenever they felt the state was becoming too "Islamist" They took out Adnan Menderes and Çelal Bayar when they loosened some of the despotic laws made by Ataturk. I.e opening thousands of mosques, allowing the azan in Arabic once again and opening imam hatips/nadrassas. This was the 60s.

In 70s it was a musical chairs between generals and prime ministers.

80s rolled around and brought a great deal of struggle between the left wing Kemalists and the right wing "Islamists".

This is offcource not a comprehensive history of Turkey. And I am not a historian.

From this brief and incomplete timeline(from my part). We can see that it has been a tennis match between the Left wing Kemalists and the right wing "Islamists". Where in one instance the Right Wing was able to do away with some draconian laws against Islam like the Azan in Turkish etc. The other side was able to reposte with the Hijab ban for instance.

I think Erdoğan has done a great job of trying to strike a reasonable balance between the hardcore Kemalist khooni liberals and the conservative muslims. I think Sumeyye Erdogan put it beautifully in her speech at the ICNA convention that it was sad to see Turkey being held hostage by an elite left wing class centered on the Western part of Turkey with Istanbul as their bastion. While the rest of the country are moderate to conservative muslims.

But just like in Pakistan how Western elements provoke and make use of khooni liberals. Similarly Turkey has a fair share of khooni liberals. They can be easily found on Reddit. As they belong to a class that has access to english education. In their minds Erdoğan is a shaytan. But they are not aware that if they support the West in getting rid of Erdoğan then what will come next. Assuredly a lot of instability. Like the Libyans and Syrians were caught off guard.

When the 2016 coup failed they found the perfect scapegoat Fetullah Gülen.

Coming together is what will make Turkey successful and strong.

Not creating division by banning hijabs, closing mosques, banning azan and closing imam hatips. Otherwise, no difference will be left between China(XinJiang), France(İslamophobia), America(war crimes) and others like Serbia in past. I mean historically a sweeping majority of people in Turkey were muslims since almost a millennia. If you try to erase their identity over night this friction that we see between the right and left in Turkey from 1929 to this day is inevitable. Also passing laws telling Kurds they cannot associate themselves with a Kurdish identity even in an unofficial way is just playing with fire I believe. Imagine if you told the Pashtun they are only Pakistanis and cannot call themselves Afridis or Khans or Yusufzai. Half of Pakistan would be in an insurgency. Like the Turkish East/South East is to this day.

So to conclude I believe the more La ilaha ilallah Turkey, Erdogan or Pakistan, Imran Khan say the more coups, plots and other such things we will see from Western media, western leaders and western organizations. Recently we saw how they have been trying to crush the Lira and CPEC in Pakistan.

A few sources to substantiate my point of view. Feel free to disagree.

And you can easily find the Western sources playing dirty by portraying this sort of impending Islamist doom in Turkey.
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