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Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

Is Imran Khan required to take nation into confidence as to why he quit the KL Summit?

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    Votes: 32 94.1%
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Regrettably, it is an undeniable fact the hand that gives is normally above the hand that receives. Undoubtedly Pakistan is a Nuclear Power, but can anyone tell me that having Nuclear Weapons made Pakistan strong enough to pursue independent foreign policies?

No country can be truly independent unless she has a strong economy. Qatar did not have nuclear weapons but is economically even stronger than Saudi Arabia, hence refused to be bullied. Until such time Pakistan attains a strong economy, we would remain prone to blackmail and a target of bullying.
This is very rich coming from Pakistanis! Pakistan government already played its card in saying a big fat "NO" on Yemen front and the understanding being that they do not want to be seen as partisans against Iran. Now that Iran shows up at a summit where Saudis and Emirates aren't there, why should they not expect Pakistan to keep it's word and remain non partisan?

Saudis have a lot invested in Pakistan which other well wishers do not ... besides Pakistan is one of the insurance policies for the continuation of the Saudi monarchy itself. It is on Pakistan itself if it wants to take it as an infringement of its foreign policy but that also means Pakistan's word cannot be trusted either.

Besides, Iran is the very reason why GCC is looking to invest big time in India. To wean Indians off Iranian oil and market, how can they allow Pakistan all of sudden in Iranian camp?

There are many facets to same paradigm just dig deeper.
In fact contrary to the opinion of most posters here... Pakistan finds itself in a very coveted position. Every camp seeks Pakistan and be better for it ... strategic independence, something Pakistan always sought, it seems is still intact, however, has not been able to cash in its position.

@Mangus Ortus Novem @dBSPL
Like i predicted earlier, wait for the summit, Erdogan will speak on this Pakistan backing off issue to portray a -ve image of KSA.

And it happened...

It was also reported that the Saudi Crown Prince broke protocol and personally drove Pakistani PM to the airport.....so believe what you like.
Like i say,
It’s not KSA or UAE that are doing less,
It is us. We don’t like to act and deal maturely with them and take them FOR GRANTED. KSA more than UAE, UAE has been cornering itself from all these issues lately and even from its big brother KSA. They are concerned primarily about themselves so I wouldn’t be surprised to see them fall completely into indian camp.

BUT, KSA will always be important for us and they need us more than we need them.

They are twisted in all the mess they have created in the Arab world and now STUCK.

We act as their advisors in these crucial times. And like i always say, Arabs are like “ZIDDI BACHAY”. You just have to understand how to properly nurture them and hence MUTUAL BENEFITS.

@Mangus Ortus Novem

Only way this inside discussion can get leak is Imran Khan leaking it to Erdogan, directly or indirectly.
Now if we got to believe Imran Khan leak, than was he doing any good to Pakistan by leaking it?
If we ponder on consequences, nothing seems good for Pakistan, but may be that was the intention of Imran Khan!!!
I know, he him self is an idiot but people around him are directly advised from Iran!
We have become AllooGoshtNation ... I am sorry to say this!
I am feeling quite hungry at the moment, and it so happens that apart from raw food, nothing is cooked :(:(

Only way this inside discussion can get leak is Imran Khan leaking it to Erdogan, directly or indirectly.
Now if we got to believe Imran Khan leak, than was he doing any good to Pakistan by leaking it?
If we ponder on consequences, nothing seems good for Pakistan, but may that was the intention of Imran Khan!!!
It is not a leak, yes, IK might have said to him, but any kid can figure out these reasons.
Being on news is not such a deal
Instead of big talk mr erdogan could have created the opportunity for 8 million pakistanis and than talked about it , its true millions of pakistanis work in gcc its kind of life line of pakistan in these very tough economic times
The GOP statement says that Pakistan didn't participate in the Malaysian summit to stop the Muslim world splitting into two blocks.
It's no secret that Pakistan lately has been the middleman between several countries.
It is not a leak, yes, IK might have said to him, but any kid can figure out these reasons.
Being on news is not such a deal

if its a figment of imagination than only kids would discuss it.
All those who says saudia is this and that. Stop complaining and make your country and it's economy good enough to not ask for money.
70 years se saudia paisa dei raha har baar bas kardo nahi tou chup chaap jo saudia kehta hie wo karo.

Also please malaysia and turkey can give us good export deal and something so that we can come out from economical crisis and then we can make our own decisions in situation like this.
Qatar did not have nuclear weapons but is economically even stronger than Saudi Arabia, hence refused to be bullied

Please do tell how? I am a follower of Qatari affairs, stats, and the stock market, and it has tanked since 2017 to a degree where they have redacted and omitted a lot of economical statistics and information from their official statistics website following the embargo.

And about this Imran khan affair. As usual, people be talking crap about Saudi Arabia and taking words as facts from the mouths of their ENEMIES, namely the Muslim brotherhood and their allies, Turkey, Qatar, and Iran, aka the biggest hypocrites on planet earth.

If this is how you form your opinions, then don't blame anyone if they started accusing Pakistan of every crime in existence because they took the words of the Indians as facts and have not given Pakistan ANY benefit of the doubt or at least given them a platform to make their own statements about their on freaking affairs.

And about the people that say that Saudi is the biggest ally of the US and Israel, where does that put Turkey and Qatar, Jordan, Oman?

Turkey who has full relations and military cooperation with Israel. Turkey who for 50 years wanted to join the EU (the crusaders as the brotherhood likes to call them), and is part of Nato.

And the hypocrisy and the ignoring the facts for the sake keeps going on and on and on:

U.S. air bases:

Turkey: Yes. (Incirlik Air Base)

Qatar: Yes. (Al Udeid Air Base)

Saudi Arabia
: No

Buys/sells or have bought weapons from Israel:

Turkey: Yes.

What Israel had done for Turkey in military corporation:
  • Modernization of Turkey's F-4 Phantoms and F-5 aircraft – $900 million.
  • Upgrading 170 of Turkey's M60A1 tanks – $687 million.
  • Popeye-I and Popeye-II missiles.
  • Popeye-II surface-to-air missiles – $150 million.
  • 10 Heron UAV - $183 million.
  • Arrow anti-ballistic-missiles. (Agreed in principle by Israel; approval by the United States pending.)
  • The agreement provided exchange of pilots eight times a year; allowed Israeli pilots to practice "long range flying over mountainous land" in Turkey's Konya firing range; and permitted Turkish pilots to train at Israel's computerized firing range at the Nevatim airfield.[116]
  • The two navies conducted maneuvers during Operation Reliant Mermaid (the U.S. also participated) in January 1998."

Iran: Yes.

Iran Contra:

  • First arms sales in 1981 (see above)
  • 20 August 1985 – 96 TOW anti-tank missiles
  • 14 September 1985 – 408 more TOWs
  • 24 November 1985 – 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
  • 17 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 27 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 24 May 1986 – 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
  • 4 August 1986 – More Hawk spares
  • 28 October 1986 – 500 TOWs

Saudi Arabia: No

Have or had diplomatic relations with Israel:

Turkey: Yes

And still have one of the best relations with more than 10 flights a day between the two countries, military corporation, and flourishing trade.

Qatar: Yes

Saudi Arabia: No. Never had.

Erdogan declared that Israel and the Jews have the right to Palestine. Erdogan recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2016.



"it was announced by the Israeli Airports Authority that in 2013 and 2014 Turkish Airlines flew more passengers to and from Israel than any other foreign airline."


Turkey-Israel naval collaboration, 2009: US Capt. John Moore, Turkish Rear Adm. Ismail Taylan, Israeli Rear Adm. Rom Rutberg


Oman leader: Qaboos w/ Netanyahu


Qatar leader: Hamad w/ Perez


Jordan leader: Abdullah w/ Netanyahu

And yet some have the audacity to consider Erdogan the propagandist the savior of Islam or someone who wants the best for the Ummah.

Saudi Arabia works in silence, it does not participate in these circus shows of blabbermouths who seek votes or seconds terms. So believe what you want and ignore as much facts as you want to make the world consistent with your fairy tales if it makes you sleep better at night, but that doesn't mean that these facts does not exist or that you are shooting yourself in the foot.
This pseudo-Islamic summit in Malaysia was a giant fiasco and will remain as such.

The Arab world is the heart, cradle, soul and brain of the Islamic world historically and to this very day 1400 years later.

An so-called Islamic organization without the Arab world (geography the size of Russia, the most strategic geography in the Muslim world, largest Muslim ethnicity, the richest area of the Muslim world, the one with the oldest history and oldest Islamic/biggest Islamic contribution, home to all the holy sites) etc. is a failed one from the very beginning.

Without Arabs there would be no Ummah to begin with.

Turkey, a secular member state where gay parades occur in public, prostitution is legal, domestic beer/alcohol production is widespread, completely economically dependent on the EU/West (whenever Arabs (Qatar) are not saving their crushing economy) and a NATO (crusader) member state, Qatar (host of the largest US base in the region) and Malaysia (great ties with India and barely Muslim to begin with) are supposed to be leading the Muslim world by dividing it and not using the already existing (OIC) Islamic organization where all Muslim majority members states are members of. Hence 90% of all OIC members not turning up for this excuse of a summit.

As for Iran, let us not even go there.

As for Pakistan, please join that "Muslim group" that will change ZERO on the ground. Let alone Kashmir (that the Pakistani state long ago failed with completely).

Judging by the reactions here, KSA's and Arab money and resources should not be wasted on foreigners, nor should we be employing millions of Pakistanis. Let Turkey/Iran/Malaysia whatever host millions of Pakistanis and bail out the failed Pakistani economy time and time again.

I hope that MbS is wiser than that as we don't really need this version of Pakistan. We should be using our resources on KSA and the Arab world, and actual beneficial relationships with the West or non-West. Not ungrateful people who are spitting in the same soup that feeds them.

@azzo @dani92 @CamelGuy @Amun @Hell NO @The SC @Philip the Arab
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Why do Saudi only seem to threaten fellow ‘brotherly’ countries like Pak, Turkey, Libya is under siege & Yemen.

Yet I heard Saudis say ‘what can we do to India?’ when it came to condemn them for Kashmir atrocities. Backstabbers

Why do Saudi pump in 100bn to India, and employ 4m Indians? Yet they cannot even issue a gesture for Kashmir?
Independent foreign policy is a luxury available to economically strong countries.
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Why do Saudi only seem to threaten fellow ‘brotherly’ countries like Pak, Turkey, Libya is under siege & Yemen.

Yet I heard Saudis say ‘what can we do to India?’ when it came to condemn them for Kashmir atrocities. Backstabbers

Why do Saudi pump in 100bn to India, and employ 4m Indians? Yet they cannot even issue a gesture for Kashmir?

Oh strange, I thought it was some Pakistanis not wanting to condemn the Chinese for the Uighur atrocities.
Pathetic KSA trolls and theirs whataboutism strategies at work.
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