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Erdogan Reciting The Holy Quran Just Before The Juma Prayer In Hagia Sophia


Sep 26, 2018
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The more i see him and his actions the more i am falling in LOVE with him. Without the shadow of doubt he is the leader of the entire Muslim ummah.



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Captured in 1453 by the brilliant Sultan Mehmet. A deserved reward for unseating one of the mightiest empires the near east had ever known, and that too by a tactical piece of genius. To have the foresight and ingenuity to bring his navy over land with the sea route blocked deserves two hagia sophias.
Imam gives first Friday sermon at Hagia Sophia with a sword at hand. Apparently it represents “the conquest” of the building. 2 green flags, 1 sword with 3 crescents that symbolise 3 continents also represent the conquest The conquest verses also embroidered to the sword.




This was an important moment indeed and made most people proud. I am one of them. On the other side we have a mostly careless young generation which doesn't care about religion, history, culture etc. thanks to increasing uncontrolled internet and social media usage. Psychologically, teenagers tend to apply all kind of mainstream trends, opinions despite some members here rejects. And now the trend is bashing our history. There is a Ataturk vs Erdoğan ( Seculars vs Conservatives ) trend ongoing. The concept in their minds are concrete and accepts no challenge. If you are an Erdoğan supporter automatically makes you an anti-Atatürk or if you love Atatürk then you are an atheist secular. This leads us to be even deeper diversified nation. Twitter is full of such conversations. This situation worries me even if I know that majority of us know that both Ottomans and Ataturk is part of our history.
This was an important moment indeed and made most people proud. I am one of them. On the other side we have a mostly careless young generation which doesn't care about religion, history, culture etc. thanks to increasing uncontrolled internet and social media usage. Psychologically, teenagers tend to apply all kind of mainstream trends, opinions despite some members here rejects. And now the trend is bashing our history. There is a Ataturk vs Erdoğan ( Seculars vs Conservatives ) trend ongoing. The concept in their minds are concrete and accepts no challenge. If you are an Erdoğan supporter automatically makes you an anti-Atatürk or if you love Atatürk then you are an atheist secular. This leads us to be even deeper diversified nation. Twitter is full of such conversations. This situation worries me even if I know that majority of us know that both Ottomans and Ataturk is part of our history.

Something that I found amusing is that Turkish people is much less obedience in 5 time prayers compared to Indonesia as Pew Research survey reveals, but it can have a party like AKP dominate the country politics, while in Indonesia Islamic parties are not that strong. Can you give an explanation into that ?
Something that I found amusing is that Turkish people is much less obedience in 5 time prayers compared to Indonesia as Pew Research survey reveals, but it can have a party like AKP dominate the country politics, while in Indonesia Islamic parties are not that strong. Can you give an explanation into that ?
The Turkish folks might be lacking in Amal, but Iman is engrained deep into their heats, thanks to being the vanguards of the Muslim heartlands for the thousand years...

The more i see him and his actions the more i am falling in LOVE with him. Without the shadow of doubt the leader of the entire Muslim ummah.

Reis Erdo'an has started it with the recitation of the Sura El Fatiha and the first three Ayet-i Kerim of Sura El Bakara. Others will finish it...

it's almost impossible not to be Ra'zi with Erdo'an. May Allah-u Azimushshan be Ra'zi with him...

It's like the second Fatah for Istanbul...
Something that I found amusing is that Turkish people is much less obedience in 5 time prayers compared to Indonesia as Pew Research survey reveals, but it can have a party like AKP dominate the country politics, while in Indonesia Islamic parties are not that strong. Can you give an explanation into that ?

It's not about party. It is a totally leader factor here. Turks love strong leaders. Erdoğan is the strongest leader since Ataturk.

Something that I found amusing is that Turkish people is much less obedience in 5 time prayers compared to Indonesia as Pew Research survey reveals, but it can have a party like AKP dominate the country politics, while in Indonesia Islamic parties are not that strong. Can you give an explanation into that ?
There's a somewhat famous speech here in Turkey. It says "Islam is not the religion of most Turks; it is actually the Anatolian religion covered as Islam" meaning they tend to act like a Muslim or think that they're Muslim but sometimes their actions are the complete opposite of what Islam demmands. I'm not trying to generalize this but most AKP supporters commits sins and still pray(!) 5 times a day so after seeing them people here stsrted to backslide from Islam and stopped going to mosques on Fridays or pray 5 times a day. In this case some people tend to see Erdogan or Ataturk or someone else as some kind of a God and still act like a Muslim. Which is also called as "Political Islam" by some peoplw in here. Because of this, the Z generation and other people have started to feel be alienated from Islam
This was an important moment indeed and made most people proud. I am one of them. On the other side we have a mostly careless young generation which doesn't care about religion, history, culture etc. thanks to increasing uncontrolled internet and social media usage. Psychologically, teenagers tend to apply all kind of mainstream trends, opinions despite some members here rejects. And now the trend is bashing our history. There is a Ataturk vs Erdoğan ( Seculars vs Conservatives ) trend ongoing. The concept in their minds are concrete and accepts no challenge. If you are an Erdoğan supporter automatically makes you an anti-Atatürk or if you love Atatürk then you are an atheist secular. This leads us to be even deeper diversified nation. Twitter is full of such conversations. This situation worries me even if I know that majority of us know that both Ottomans and Ataturk is part of our history.
Yet there is a difference.

Erdogan built his legacy on himself. Ataturk built his legacy on ideas and principles. The moment Erdogan loses, Turkey will be very different, disappointing our Pakistani friends.
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