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Erdogan purpose for international peace keeping force in Palestine

I would say situation in Syria changed very quickly from favorable to unfavorable. Kuridish factor change the ground reality where after the emergence of ISIS , NATO brought in Kurds to counter ISIS. It was totally uncoordinated effort to topple Assad.
Already at the beginning of the Syrian insurgency, the US support was luke-warm at best.
Noone saw any organisation within the rebels with a goal that met any standards.
When later the FSA seemed to emerge as such an organisation and they begged for help against Syrian Armour, the US made some minimal effort by sending amongst other things a few 100 TOWs. Once the US got to actually training any insurgents they only managed to produce a few handfuls, which quickly defected. The US only got seriously interested once ISIS emerged and most conflicts with the Assad forces has been in the form of slapping when they are disturbing the anti ISIS activities. The anti Assad forces has been funded almost solely by the Gulf states including KSA.
Already at the beginning of the Syrian insurgency, the US support was luke-warm at best.
Noone saw any organisation within the rebels with a goal that met any standards.
When later the FSA seemed to emerge as such an organisation and they begged for help against Syrian Armour, the US made some minimal effort by sending amongst other things a few 100 TOWs. Once the US got to actually training any insurgents they only managed to produce a few handfuls, which quickly defected. The US only got seriously interested once ISIS emerged and most conflicts with the Assad forces has been in the form of slapping when they are disturbing the anti ISIS activities. The anti Assad forces has been funded almost solely by the Gulf states including KSA.
Actually Syrian Christian lobby is very strong in US , EU and they are pro Assad, it seems like that.
Actually Syrian Christian lobby is very strong in US , EU and they are pro Assad, it seems like that.

If the US really wanted Assad gone, he would be gone.
Lobby or not, Assad is not appreciated.
Noone appreciates a butcher.
I would say situation in Syria changed very quickly from favorable to unfavorable. Kuridish factor change the ground reality where after the emergence of ISIS , NATO brought in Kurds to counter ISIS. It was totally uncoordinated effort to topple Assad.
In 2012 Assad was collapsing like domino, yet US refused to supply even one bullet to the rebels, not talking about striking Assad terrorist barrel bombers.
In 2012 Assad was collapsing like domino, yet US refused to supply even one bullet to the rebels, not talking about striking Assad terrorist barrel bombers.
Because rebel situation side and went against US or made there own groups or follow extremist groups.
Because rebel situation side and went against US or made there own groups or follow extremist groups.
No rebels were not against USA at all. In contrast to Assad and his allies. Extremist groups rised in 2013 as result of total US inaction despite all Assad massacres.

And if we go back to topic. There are simple principles which are agreed by all of the world:

  • A Palestinian state must recognize the state of Israel without prejudging what various grievances or claims are appropriate,
  • Abide by previous diplomatic agreements, and
  • Renounce violence as a means of achieving goals.

Hamas should simply accept these principles and live in peace.
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