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Erdoan Over the Edge

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Another balanced view of the Turkish protests, by yet another Turk.
You probably won't like this one either.

On the Ground at Gezi Park and Taksim Demonstrations | What Would Muhammad Do?

For those "protesters" who still don't get it, Turkey has a mature democracy. If you want changes, the proper place and time is an election. Disrupting business, harassing women, and vandalizing property is not the way to do it.

There is a special thread with 290 page full of pictures, videos, analyses and opinions: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey-defence/256988-turkeys-protests-rebooted.html

Turkey is a democracy but not a mature one. You are the last person who should lecture Turks about democracy. Public gatherings and demonstrations are our legal right granted to us by our constitution. We have had enough BS from people like you, go make your own research and don't believe everything you read.
There is a special thread with 290 page full of pictures, videos, analyses and opinions: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey-defence/256988-turkeys-protests-rebooted.html

Yes, and I notice you guys don't tolerate any opposing viewpoints in that thread.

Turkey is a democracy but not a mature one. You are the last person who should lecture Turks about democracy. Public gatherings and demonstrations are our legal right granted to us by our constitution. We have had enough BS from people like you, go make your own research and don't believe everything you read.

On the contrary, I understand democratic principles far better than you lot seem to.

In most Western democracies, you do NOT have the right to hold large protests and disrupt public life without a permit. The protesters made their demands, the government backed down. Now, it's time to go home and decide matters at the ballot box. Not every issue is going to be settled at the point of a loud speaker.

Ergodan was democratically elected. If people have problems with him or his policies, they can voice their objections in the Presidential elections.

Democracy is not about who can throw the loudest tantrum on the streets to force their demands onto everyone else.
Yes, and I notice you guys don't tolerate any opposing viewpoints in that thread.

The "protesters" in Turkey are the usual homeless, jobless, aimless and generally useless losers who can be found in any society. They are acting up for the cameras.

The silent Turkish majority will speak come election time.

^ This right here is not an opinion but an insult coming from a clueless person. Yeah, i can't tolerate anymore to the retarded accusations of ignorant people.

There are considirable amount of pro-Erdogan Turkish members here and we are having really constructive and informative discussions when we write our opinions in Turkish, without the interventions of people like you who think they know everything about a 17 days long nation-wide demonstration after reading a single article about it from a week ago.

On the contrary, I understand democratic principles far better than you lot seem to.

In most Western democracies, you do NOT have the right to hold large protests and disrupt public life without a permit. The protesters made their demands, the government backed down. Now, it's time to go home and decide matters at the ballot box. Not every issue is going to be settled at the point of a loud speaker.

Democracy is not about who can throw the loudest tantrum on the streets to force their demands onto everyone else.

Seem to who? You?

Do you even know how and why this protest started and spread across Turkey so suddenly?
Do you even know how and why this protest started and spread across Turkey so suddenly?


The analysis by Turks (above) gives a balanced picture.

Once again, I am not defending Erdogan or his policies, but he was democratically elected. No one is seriously claiming that the election system in Turkey is rigged, which means that the results are fairly legitimate.

In a functioning democracy, you address your concerns at the ballot box. Protests are fine to get the message out, and that has been achieved.

The analysis by Turks (above) gives a balanced picture.

Once again, I am not defending Erdogan or his policies, but he was democratically elected. No one is seriously claiming that the election system in Turkey is rigged, which means that the results are fairly legitimate.

In a functioning democracy, you address your concerns at the ballot box. Protests are fine to get the message out, and that has been achieved.

As i said, nobody is challenging the legitimacy of Erdogan. He is indeed the democratically elected leader of Turkey and has some tremendous achivements. No sane person has ever denied that but unfortunately, he also has a very dark side as well.

I advice you to check how and why the protests start and spread at 31 of May. Then, let's talk again.
Yes, and I notice you guys don't tolerate any opposing viewpoints in that thread.
when we express our opininons, they resort to insults unfortunately..

but im sure when things cool down everyone will think wiser and everything will get better..

thanks for your opinions, non-turkish contributions are always welcomed.
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