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Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

Rockets and ballistic missiles on US/Israel base in Arbil.

It's targeting Kurds, Iran wouldn't target US directly for Israeli strike in Syria. Not first time Israel did strikes in Syria , either. Iran instead of striking back at Israel directly, firing at some buildings in Erbil airport and gonna say they killed 50 Mossad officials.

The US will be able to determine quickly if those came from Iran
Iraqi militias have these missiles fyi. Since not much more reporting on the incident, it's a strike on some buildings/agriculture in Kurdish areas of Iraq, in which Iran will claim it was targeting Israeli intelligence.
It would be absurd to target embassy after several days of nuclear deal meetings. Even this didnt happen after direct attacks by trump against Gen. Suleimani.
There would possibly be clarification coming from Iran in this case. However even retaliation to israeli attacks and connected operatives or similar it would be wise to refrain from any further responses and stay on the defensive during the Ukraine-Russian conflict as without looking at evidence there are many that would jump to enlarge the conflict worldwide. Better send more sam sites to protect generals operating in Syria.

israel generally attacks by long range cruise missiles as planes dont risk coming nearby. The cms dont have much bunker busting ability. The generals should stay underground in tunnel networks.
It would be absurd to target embassy after several days of nuclear deal meetings. Even this didnt happen after direct attacks by trump against Gen. Suleimani.
There would possibly be clarification coming from Iran in this case. However even retaliation to israeli attacks and connected operatives or similar it would be wise to refrain from any further responses and stay on the defensive during the Ukraine-Russian conflict as without looking at evidence there are many that would jump to enlarge the conflict worldwide.
Could be a false flag. If tensions rise in ME oil will go to 200......many folks in ME want to see that.
Impacts seem to be at Erbil international airport. Not first time this happened. Although caliber of missiles is more lethal this time around. Last time they claimed to hit Mossad intelligence presence at Erbil airport. The Iraqi militias that is. This time they do appear to be missiles from Iran. It's a way for Iran to avoid striking Israel by claiming to hit Israeli targets in Iraq. Even though there aren't any.
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