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Equality between men and women

Where does the western woman stand in scale of humanity and who represents her?
Are they represented by the artificial ladies of Hollywood who appear on the TV screens, who are suppressed by the massive work load and by men?
When comparing two different cultures, can a real study be made in order to compare between the realities of the two cultures, and thus reach a practical answer (and not just an informative one) as to which of the two is more honorable and civilized?
In a media that is controlled by corrupt people, women who adhere to Hijaab are considered as a clear evidence for her humility, backwardness degradation, ignorance … etc. On the other hand, trading with women’s bodies was never considered as such…!!
We are trying to claim that the situation of the Muslim or Arab woman is in the highest level of perfection and development. Additionally, we do not believe that the humongous stress she faces is due to her being a female, but rather it is part of what men face, all of which comes as a natural result of the nation being oppressed, tyrannized and forced to follow other cultures.
When we address the situation and status of the western woman, we will do it from an inside look and we will let those concerned do the talking, and let numbers and statistics inform about reality.
We will raise a real dialogue between two civilizations, not only a methodological or ideological one, but a true comparison between the two realities. The topic we chose to start with and address is; “Domestic Violence Against Women In The West”.
We must notice that such violence, which goes beyond human limits and dimensions, is not exercised by illiterate people who live in the countryside somewhere, nor in the poorest areas. Conversely, such abuse is practiced by slick men like those who appear in Hollywood who are in some cases well educated having high social status. It is exercised against weak women, regardless how fine they may appear to be … after returning to their homes; they become nothing more than slaves under the effect of lash of humility and violence.

lol, have you not been to Saudi Arabia or Talibanised Afghanistan?

You can observe that in all religions, women have been subject to discrimination/prejudice, and men enjoy the immunity granted to them by their religion. Okay, let's not get into this.

Has Islam really got women measured up to men's level in terms of rights? We really should take facts into consideration.

** “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other.. Good women are 'obedient'. As for those among you who fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” Sura 4:34

** ''Men have a status above women. God is mighty and wise.” Sura 2:228

** A man can marry up to 4 wives and divorce his wife, however for a woman to obtain divorce is quite a hectic process.

** For the murder of a woman, compensation is half the amount of that of a man and the testimony of a woman is worth only half of a man’s.

And so on..

Are these cultural obligations on the pretext of 'Holy commandments' , in this male-dominated world or what? We really need to broaden our perspectives and be open to possibilities.
lol, have you not been to Saudi Arabia or Talibanised Afghanistan?

You can observe that in all religions, women have been subject to discrimination/prejudice, and men enjoy the immunity granted to them by their religion. Okay, let's not get into this.

Has Islam really got women measured up to men's level in terms of rights? We really should take facts into consideration.

** “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other.. Good women are 'obedient'. As for those among you who fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” Sura 4:34

** ''Men have a status above women. God is mighty and wise.” Sura 2:228

** A man can marry up to 4 wives and divorce his wife, however for a woman to obtain divorce is quite a hectic process.

** For the murder of a woman, compensation is half the amount of that of a man and the testimony of a woman is worth only half of a man’s.

And so on..

Are these cultural obligations on the pretext of 'Holy commandments' , in this male-dominated world or what? We really need to broaden our perspectives and be open to possibilities.
Selective quoting of versus is not going to help your cause or reasoning in this subject.

Gender roles in Islam are wisely determined; both biological and psychological factors of each gender have been taken in to consideration.

Now addressing your misconceptions:-

** "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other.. Good women are 'obedient'. As for those among you who fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them."

The authority part: This is about "leadership role" in a household or family unit. Their should be ideally 1 leader in a family unit. Otherwise "power struggles" will ensue which will lead to an unstable, confusing and conflict oriented environment within the household. And this kind of environment is not suitable for child-rearing. In addition, Islam places the responsibility of "bread-winner" role on man within household, so man is the default choice for leadership in a family unit in the same religion.

The superiority part: A human male is typically biologically and psychologically tougher then a human female. This is an additional reason for a human male to be the best candidate for leadership roles in a family unit and even in various societal roles. Exceptions do exist but societal norms should not be created on the basis of exceptions because of their rarity.

The obedience part: A woman is likely to be a role-model wife if she obeys and respects her husband. In this manner, she ensures peaceful, stable and healthy environment within the household. If a woman finds herself in a bad marriage then she can seek divorce (khula).

Now should I explain to you the demerits of a disobedient wife? I think you would not need this lecture, if you are wise.

** "Men have a status above women. God is mighty and wise."

See the explanation above. Also, refrain from selective quoting of versus! Post the entire information (associated with the verse) so that readers may get the opportunity to understand its context.

** "A man can marry up to 4 wives and divorce his wife, however for a woman to obtain divorce is quite a hectic process."

Islam permits polygyny only on "conditional basis." If a man can do justice with multiple wives, only then he can marry more then one. In Islam, acceptance of polygyny have historical relevance as well, because during wars, men would often get separated from their wives for long durations and wars would often lead to enslavement of women from occupied regions; so to prevent disrespect of enslaved women, Islam encouraged men to marry such women instead (automatically freeing such women from slavery by doing so).

Also, Islam makes divorce obtaining process more difficult for women because of various psychological factors involved in this scenario. Women are more likely to initiate divorce then men do under parity situations. No doubt, Allah Almighty knows best.

By the way, Islam "discourages" the practice of divorce on the whole. It should be "last resort" option.

** "For the murder of a woman, compensation is half the amount of that of a man and the testimony of a woman is worth only half of a man's."

From where did you get this idea? I advice you to seek clarify from a renowned religious scholar about this matter.

Only in financial matters, testimony of two women is considered to be on par with that of a single man. Their must be wisdom behind this decree as well.


In the nutshell, you must not forget that Islam actually uplifted living standards of women during the dark ages. Also, western concepts of gender equality are not based on Islamic values and norms. So try to understand Islam better instead of complaining about what people are doing in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. People are not expected to be fair in any nation.

gazak allah khiran


The issue of women in Islam, is topic of great misunderstanding and distortion due partly to a lack of understanding, but also partly due to misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to represent the teachings of Islam. We speak here about what Islam teaches, and that is that standard according to which Muslims are to be judged. As such, my basis and source is the Quran--the words of Allah, and the sayings of the Prophet, his deeds and his confirmation. Islamic laws are derived from these sources. To facilitate our discussion we can discuss the position of women from a spiritual, economic, social, and political standpoint.

From the spiritual aspect, there are seven points to remember:

According to the Quran, men and women have the same spirit, there is no superiority in the spiritual sense between men and women. [Noble Quran 4:1, 7:189, 42:11]

The Quran makes it clear that all human beings (and the phraseology doesn't apply to men or women alone, but to both) have what you might call a human; He

"breathed some of My spirit into divine touch. When God created him"(or her in this sense). [Noble Quran 15:29 See also 32:9]

Some of His spirit here means not in the incarnational sense, but the pure, innate spiritual nature that God has endowed her or him with.

The Quran indicates again that one of the most honored positions of human, is that God created the human, and as I referred to Surah 17 earlier, it means both sexes, as His trustee and representative on earth. There are many references in the Quran that reaffirm this.


In the Bible, and also:

Let a woman learn in silence with all subjection;
And any woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence ...

In doctrine, as is the case in most other religions, and women can be a priest, that it is fixed and the higher status of men in society, so that you can blow up and talk about equality as far as necessary, but many do not tell "paste" ... Yes, a woman on the altar of No Entry)

Furthermore, it allows for women in Islam to teach men, Aisha, may Allah be pleased by God, the wife of the Prophet may Allah bless him and greet him, after the death of her husband made a lot of talk and the men came with her questions are answered always, but without opening the door, sat down at the door He listened to what she says. This is the case with my husband, wife can discuss.


To cast down one's glance, does not look in a real way, not to stare. The phrase means: "Tell the believers not to stare at or flirt with women."

1,900 rape each day of America
Washington: Nearly 1,900 women raped every day in America, according to a study published Thursday that paints a far bleaker picture than U.S. Justice Department figures announced earlier this week.

The National Victim Center, which promotes the rights of victims of violent crime, said 1.3 adult women are raped every minute and 683,000 U.S. women raped each year on the basis of a survey of more that 4,000 women, including 579 rape victims.
One in eight adult American women have been raped, bringing the total number of rape victims to at least 12.1 million, it said.
The survey showed that 61 percent of all rape cases involve women under 18, and that 29 percent of all rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 years old.\\\\\\\


You're talking about your personal experience (individual cases), but differs from that community

Er what kind of religious nation is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

The nation is mixed with all religions. Pakistan is currently in turmoil.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia only has two cities, which only Muslims may enter. The rest of the Kingdom is intertwined.


In Iran, if you're a Sunni Muslim then you may be executed.


Afghanistan executes anyone who ascribes to anything other than Wahabism


Turkey is not a Muslim nation. They are trying to become a part of the EU, so they are shedding their Muslim roots.


Indonesia is mixed with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Muslims; hardly a truly Muslim nation.

You are listing countries, not nations. Arabia during the time of the Prophet SAW, was a Muslim nation. There is too much bickering amongst Muslims in order for their to be an Ummah like in the early days of Islam.

Baha'i, the Shiites and Ismailis
Have nothing to do with Islam
No matter how you try to prove a negative

why i became a sunni muslim


Shia's are not Muslims (Off) - by Bilal philips


Marriage in Islam
Several cases
1 - the marriage of one wife
This happens for the majority of Muslims
2 - to marry two wives or more to four
Not any person can marry four wives
There are certain conditions
Justice among them - to spend on them - the ability of health - the provision of adequate housing
For medical benefits there are some men Aictvy monogamous sexual Bashhute and feel strong and needed more than one woman to the law of God has so
And also there are times can not meet the wife's sexual desires of her husband for a long time because of menstruation or postpartum, and there are pairs of patience with this can not, therefore, the law of God to him to marry more than one even in the way of deviation Isere is situated at the mistakes and regret later

Therefore, Islamic law of marriage here, more than one wife to important objectives of the husband and wife and the society as a whole and that to preserve the arts and knowledge of genealogy, contrary to what we see in other communities of the dispersion of families , loss, betrayal, genealogy and much more

Marriage is the comfort, happiness and freedom for both parties and may not be to force the parties to one thing and this is the splendor of Islam and tolerance, which should be known to all

Solution to many problems in society
Spinsterhood - betrayal of a wife ----
Marry more than one woman needs several things

Justice and equality in the money, love and good treatment
To the characteristic of the pair here

Patience and loving heart and the ability of health

Most often when people one wife
God says in the Holy Qur'an
3. And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan-girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (the captives and the slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice.

Why Polygamy

Certificate one man= 2 woman
Scientifically women prone to forget, and practically find themselves forget certain things and remain hesitant can not say for sure, but one that mentions .. In addition to the woman's brain differs from the man's brain .. , Women are more susceptible to blood loss causing anemia often temporary, which has a direct impact on her memory .. And God between us in the mandates reason, saying: remember each other ... then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon.) [Baqarah: 282]

When a divorce is initiated by the husband, it is known as talaq. The pronouncement by the husband may be verbal or written, and should only be done once. Since the husband is seeking to break the marriage contract, the wife has full rights to keep the dowry (mahr) paid to her.

If the wife initiates a divorce, there are two options. In the first case, the wife may choose to return her dowry to end the marriage. She forgoes the right to keep the dowry, since she is the one seeking to break the marriage contract. This is known as khul'a. On this topic, the Quran says, "It is not lawful for you (men) to take back any of your gifts except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah. There is no blame on either of them if she give something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by Allah so do not transgress them" (Quran 2:229).

In the second case, the wife may choose to petition a judge for divorce, with cause. She is required to offer proof that her husband had not fulfilled his responsibilities. In this situation, it would be unjust to expect her to also return the dowry. The judge makes a determination based on the facts of the case and the law of the land.

Depending on where you live, a separate legal process of divorce may be required. This usually involves filing a petition with a local court, observing a waiting period, attending hearings, and obtaining a legal decree of divorce. This legal procedure may be sufficient for an Islamic divorce if it also satisfies Islamic requirements.

In any Islamic divorce procedure, there is a three-month waiting period before the divorce is finalized.

Nowhere in the Quran do we find any trace of any notion of blaming Eve for the first mistake or for eating from the forbidden tree. Nowhere, even though the Quran speaks about Adam, Eve, and the forbidden tree, but in a totally different spirit. The story is narrated in 7:19-27, and it speaks about both of them doing this, both of them are told that both of them disobeyed, both of them discovered the consequences of their disobedience, both of them seek repentance and both of them are forgiven.

Nowhere in the Quran does it say woman is to be blamed for the fall of man. Furthermore, when the Quran speaks about the suffering of women during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, nowhere does it connect it with the concept of original sin, because there is no concept of original sin in Islam. The suffering is presented not as a reason to remind woman of the fall of man, but as a reason to adore and love woman or the mother. In the Quran, especially 31:14, 46:15, it makes it quite clear God has commanded upon mankind to be kind to parents and mentions,

"His mother bore him in difficulty or suffering upon suffering." [Noble Quran 31:14, 46:15]

The Quran makes it clear again to remove any notion of superiority and I refer you again to 49:13. I must caution you that there are some mistaken translations, but if you go to the original Arabic, there is no question of gender being involved.

In terms of moral, spiritual duties, acts of worship, the requirements of men and women are the same, except in some cases when women have certain concessions because of their feminine nature, or their health or the health of their babies.


Nowhere in the Quran do we find any trace of any notion of blaming Eve for the first mistake or for eating from the forbidden tree. Nowhere, even though the Quran speaks about Adam, Eve, and the forbidden tree, but in a totally different spirit. The story is narrated in 7:19-27, and it speaks about both of them doing this, both of them are told that both of them disobeyed, both of them discovered the consequences of their disobedience, both of them seek repentance and both of them are forgiven.

Nowhere in the Quran does it say woman is to be blamed for the fall of man. Furthermore, when the Quran speaks about the suffering of women during the period of pregnancy and childbirth, nowhere does it connect it with the concept of original sin, because there is no concept of original sin in Islam. The suffering is presented not as a reason to remind woman of the fall of man, but as a reason to adore and love woman or the mother. In the Quran, especially 31:14, 46:15, it makes it quite clear God has commanded upon mankind to be kind to parents and mentions,

"His mother bore him in difficulty or suffering upon suffering." [Noble Quran 31:14, 46:15]

The Quran makes it clear again to remove any notion of superiority and I refer you again to 49:13. I must caution you that there are some mistaken translations, but if you go to the original Arabic, there is no question of gender being involved.

In terms of moral, spiritual duties, acts of worship, the requirements of men and women are the same, except in some cases when women have certain concessions because of their feminine nature, or their health or the health of their babies.
Give respect and you will be respected ............

Idiot man insulted women and same for women .. but women must respect male on its religious and protector..
The Reality Facts...
Those deviate from these norms of decent life will face trouble...:cool:

The Quran explicitly, in more than one verse, 3:195, 4:124, specified that whoever does good deeds, and is a believer and then specifies "male or female" God will give them an abundant reward.

In the area of economic rights, we have to remember that in Europe until the 19th century, women did not have the right to own their own property. When they were married, either it would transfer to the husband or she would not be able to dispense of it without permission of her husband. In Britain, perhaps the first country to give women some property rights, laws were passed in the 1860's known as "Married Women Property Act." More than 1300 years earlier, that right was clearly established in Islamic law.

"Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they have a share in that." [Noble Quran 4:32]



The Quran explicitly, in more than one verse, 3:195, 4:124, specified that whoever does good deeds, and is a believer and then specifies "male or female" God will give them an abundant reward.

In the area of economic rights, we have to remember that in Europe until the 19th century, women did not have the right to own their own property. When they were married, either it would transfer to the husband or she would not be able to dispense of it without permission of her husband. In Britain, perhaps the first country to give women some property rights, laws were passed in the 1860's known as "Married Women Property Act." More than 1300 years earlier, that right was clearly established in Islamic law.

"Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they have a share in that." [Noble Quran 4:32]

@revol We really appreciate the efforts and pain you took to highlight that how and why Islam is the best when it comes to equality and rights of man and woman.

I'm afraid that I must say that the reality is far from what you've been advocating. e.g.

Saudi the country holding the holiest place for Muslim brothers across the world and known as guardians of Muslim ethics and considered as pinnacle of the best practices of Holly Quran... in that very country Women are ...

- Legal Minor always need male guardian
- Not allowed to drive
- Discriminated in job applications due to gender segregation rules
- Must be covered in black rain coat despite the weather/ season
- Banned from playing sports, gymming
- Sole purpose of education to learn to be good wife, give birth and grow children

To sum up .women and men were never considered equal in any society on earth till date. The discrimination in a form or other always exist. There were / are some societies more tolerant than others. People have realized, education playing wonders and today's women are doing wonders. They are walking along with man and in some cases doing better than them.

Things are moving in right direction and sooner or later there will be a new dawn...
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Islam never considered Men and Women are equal rather complementary to each other. Usually a man worth twice as women in social life. Man will enjoy 72 virgin if granted to heaven whereas women will be granted only the first husband.

Islam is not a Women Activist forum rather a religion which speaks the truth and reality. You can rant as much as you can and follow whatever religion you want but women will always be the 2nd to man.

- Legal Minor always need male guardian
- Not allowed to drive
- Discriminated in job applications due to gender segregation rules
- Must be covered in black rain coat despite the weather/ season
- Banned from playing sports, gymming
- Sole purpose of education to learn to be good wife, give birth and grow children

Those things that you mentioned

Some of the limits and the basics of Islam
No 1,4

And others for the benefit of women in society
No 2.5
And others
Depending on what it takes to work for them of the need for men or women

no 3

Easy to build a suitable place for women to exercise sports

If you want to know Islam properly
[Must study the Qur'an and the Hadith]

And not through acts of random people

Dear brother

The problem you have a very simple

Many Muslims today

Do not represent Islam properly

Please try to study the Holy Qur'an

Forget about equality it has more disadvantages ... I don't want to be equal ... :no: :no:
there is no restriction in Islamic law that says a woman cannot work or have a profession, that her only place is in the home. In fact, by definition, in a truly Islamic society, there must be women physicians, women nurses, women teachers, because it's preferable also to separate teenagers in the volatile years in high school education. And if she chooses to work, or if she's married with the consent of her husband, she's entitled to equal pay, not for equal work, but for work of equal worth.

when it comes to financial security, Islamic law is more tilted in many respects towards women. These are seven examples:

During the period of engagement, a woman is to be on the receiving side of gifts.

At the time of marriage, it is the duty of the husband, not the bride's family. He is supposed to pay for a marital gift. The Quran called it a gift, and it is exclusively the right of the woman. She doesn't have to spend it on the household, she doesn't have to give it to her father or anyone else.

If the woman happened to own any property prior to marriage, she retains that property after marriage. It remains under her control. Also, in most Muslim countries, the woman keeps her own last name, and her own identity.

If the woman has any earnings during her marital life, by way of investments of her property or as a result of work, she doesn't have to spend one penny of that income on the household, it is entirely hers.

The full maintenance and support of a married woman is the entire responsibility of her husband, even though she might be richer than he is. She doesn't have to spend a penny.

At the time of divorce, there are certain guarantees during the waiting period and even beyond for a woman's support.

If the widow or divorcee has children, she's entitled to child support.

In return for these listed securities, it is clear why the Islamic laws pertaining to inheritance give men a higher share. From the social standpoint, as a daughter we find that credit goes to Islam for stopping the barbaric practice of pre-Islamic Arabs of female infanticide. These ignorant people used to bury female daughters alive. The Quran forbade the practice, making it a crime. Surah 81 Additionally, the Quran condemned the chauvinistic attitudes of some people who used to greet the birth of a boy with gladness, but sadness in the case of a girl.

The duty, not the right, the duty of education, as the Prophet said, is a duty on every Muslim, male and female.

As far as treatment of daughters is concerned, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Anyone who has two daughters, and did not bury them, did not insult them and brought them up properly, he and I will be like this," holding his two fingers close together. Another version adds, "And also did not favor his sons over daughters." One time the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was seated. A companion was sitting with him. The companion's son came. He kissed his son and put him on his lap. Then his daughter came, and he just sat her by his side. The Prophet told the man, "You did not do Justice," meaning he should have treated the daughter equally, kissed her and put her in his lap also. Indeed, whenever the Prophet's daughter Fatimah came to him, in front of everyone, he stood up, kissed her and let her sit in his favorite place where he'd been sitting.

From the marital standpoint, the Quran clearly indicates in Surahs 30:20 and 42:11 that marriage is not just an inevitable evil, marriage is not somebody getting married to his master or slave, but rather to his partner.

"Among His Signs is this, that he created for you mates from among yourselves, that they may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect." [Noble Quran 30:21]

There are numerous verses in the Quran to the same effect.

10 Historical Facts-
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