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Epic | Egyptian Army helped America and NATO invade Iraq in 2003!!


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Ties With Egypt Army Constrain Washington

WASHINGTON — Most nations, including many close allies of the United States, require up to a week’s notice before American warplanes are allowed to cross their territory. Not Egypt, which offers near-automatic approval for military overflights, to resupply the war effort in Afghanistan or to carry out counterterrorism operations in the Middle East, Southwest Asia or the Horn of Africa.

American warships are also allowed to cut to the front of the line through the Suez Canal in times of crisis, even when oil tankers are stacked up like cars on an interstate highway at rush hour. Without Egypt’s cooperation, military missions could take days longer.

Those are some of the largely invisible ways the Egyptian military has assisted the United States as it pursues its national security interests across the region — and why the generals now in charge in Cairo are not without their own leverage in dealing with Washington in the aftermath of President Obama’s condemnation Thursday of the military’s bloody crackdown on supporters of the former president, Mohamed Morsi.

In his first overtly punitive step, Mr. Obama canceled the Bright Star military exercise, the largest and most visible sign of cooperation between the armed forces of the two nations. But given the growing violence in Egypt, it might have been impossible to guarantee the safety of the thousands of American troops scheduled to deploy for the war game, and the decision to call it off might have been the wise move regardless of the politics.

For the Pentagon, which had earlier delayed the delivery of four F-16 fighter jets to the Egyptian Air Force, other steps might be more difficult.

“We need them for the Suez Canal, we need them for the peace treaty with Israel, we need them for the overflights, and we need them for the continued fight against violent extremists who are as much of a threat to Egypt’s transition to democracy as they are to American interests,” said Gen. James N. Mattis, who retired this year as head of the military’s Central Command.

While a cozy relationship with the Egyptian military might be preferable for American interests to a radicalized, hostile government in Cairo, there is also a threshold of violence — still unknown — that, if passed, would make it impossible for the Defense Department to continue its dealings there.

As Egyptian generals familiar with the American military are no doubt aware, there have been instances when the United States restricted or even severed military-to-military relations with a useful ally, for periods both long and short, because of authoritarian practices, human rights violations or security policies at odds with those of the United States. Among the examples are Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.

In the meantime, Obama administration officials are taking a hard look at possible incentives and punishments that might compel the generals in Cairo to end the crackdown and open a dialogue on transition to democratic governance.

“The violence is intolerable, but clearly they feel the nation of Egypt is facing a sovereign, existential crisis,” said one Obama administration official. “So while the violence is intolerable, we may be able to eventually accept these decisions if the violence ends, and quickly.”

The risk is that the United States may be left standing by as its allies in the Egyptian military lose control of the crisis.

For decades the Egyptians have helped the American military in ways that are largely unknown to the American public, said Robert Springborg, a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., and an expert on the Egyptian military. Mr. Springborg noted that in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 — after the Turkish Parliament refused to allow the American military to use Turkish territory for crossing into Iraq from the north — Egypt gave the Pentagon immediate access for two aircraft battle groups and accompanying aircraft through the Suez Canal and across its territory.

Given the number of countries in the region that do not allow American military overflights, especially for combat missions, Egypt’s location makes it a vital, and relatively direct, access route to an unstable crescent of strategic importance.

Egypt’s role in the Camp David agreements has also been of critical value for America’s closest ally in the region, Israel. In the four decades before Camp David, Israel and Egypt fought several major wars; in the nearly four decades since, none. Even in the current crisis, the military communications systems established by Camp David to link Israel and Egypt have helped defuse tensions. When Egypt recently moved additional troops into the Sinai Peninsula — in violation of the accords — Israel quietly assented, knowing that the extra forces were to secure the border and tamp down rising militant activities.

The Obama administration has notably avoided threatening to cut off the $1.3 billion in annual military assistance to Egypt, recognizing that the money has helped guarantee peace with Israel for the past 35 years. All of the aid for this year already has been authorized, so even an order to halt the financial assistance would not have an impact until next year. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Persian Gulf nations have increased their financial support to Egypt, far surpassing the American contribution.

Beyond delaying shipment of the F-16 warplanes, officials said, there are few unfulfilled weapons contracts that could be held up as a punitive measure.

American officials looking at ways to punish the Egyptian military for the order to clear Muslim Brotherhood protest sites have looked to the lesson of Pakistan, which came under economic sanctions for its nuclear program.

Among the actions taken was ending a program of inviting young Pakistani military officers to attend armed service academic programs in the United States. One result has been a generation of Pakistani officers with no affinity for — and, more often, hostility toward — the American military. A similar result could occur if the next generation of promising Egyptian officers were not invited to American military schools.

In the end, one powerful incentive for the generals to quickly end the civil unrest and establish order — and try to make good on promises to begin a transition to legitimate governance might be economic — to attract tourism and investment. And also to preserve Egypt’s relationship with the United States.

“Both sides have a strong interest in preserving it and will work to that end,” Mr. Springborg said. “The Egyptian military will take steps to clothe the military’s behind-the-scene rule with suitable civilian trappings, making it possible for the U.S. and others to deal with it.”


U.S. military needs Egypt for access to critical area

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military is heavily dependent on Egypt to move personnel and equipment to Afghanistan and around volatile parts of the Middle East, complicating U.S. efforts to place pressure on the Egyptian military in the wake of its violent crackdown on protesters.

"Egypt has been a cornerstone for the U.S. military presence in the Middle East," said James Phillips, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation.

During the past year, more than 2,000 U.S. military aircraft flew through Egyptian airspace, supporting missions in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East, according to U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for the region.

About 35 to 45 U.S. 5th Fleet naval ships pass through the Suez Canal annually, including carrier strike groups, according to the Bahrain-based fleet. Egypt has allowed U.S. warships to be expedited, which often means getting to the head of a very long line of ships waiting for access to the canal.

"The Egyptian military has always been good to us," said Kenneth Pollack, an analyst at the Brookings Institution.

Egyptian cooperation is particularly critical at a time when the Pentagon is facing budget pressures and tensions with Iran remain high.

In response to the Egyptian military's bloody crackdown on protesters, President Obama announced this week the United States would cancel Bright Star, a training exercise with Egypt that had been scheduled for next month. Washington has also suspended the delivery of a shipment of F-16 fighter aircraft.

Obama stopped short of cutting off the $1.3 billion in annual military aid it supplies to Egypt, though some in Congress, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., have called for cutting the aid.

In canceling the exercise the president said he was balancing the need to advance U.S. interests with "the principles that we believe in."

If Egypt cut off its airspace and canal access, the U.S. military would face heavier costs and much longer transit times as it positions troops and equipment in the Middle East.

For example, without access to the canal, which connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, warships would generally have to sail around Africa in order to get to the Persian Gulf.

Analysts say Egypt's ruling military would probably not cut off air and sea access immediately if U.S. aid were cut, but the relationship might deteriorate rapidly, particularly if Egypt's generals feel they don't need the aid.

Persian Gulf states may take up some of the slack if the United States cuts its aid. Relieved that Egypt's military removed a Muslim Brotherhood government, Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, have already pledged billions of dollars to Egypt.

Historically, Egypt's leaders have been sensitive to the appearance that outside powers are pushing them around. Egypt closed the 120-mile long Suez Canal after the Six Day Arab-Israeli war in 1967.

"Egyptian nationalism is a critical factor," said Anthony Cordesman, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

U.S. military leaders have remained in touch with their Egyptian counterparts throughout the crisis in an effort to maintain the close relationship and communicate Washington's concerns.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi after the crackdown that led to the deaths of hundreds of Egyptians.

"The Department of Defense will continue to maintain a military relationship with Egypt, but I made it clear that the violence and inadequate steps towards reconciliation are putting important elements of our longstanding defense cooperation at risk," Hagel said in a statement.

In Washington, the Pentagon will emphasize the importance of the military relationship in discussions with the White House as the president considers further steps to deal with the Egyptian crisis.

But U.S. military leaders will not want to be seen as trying to unduly influence Obama's decisions, analysts say.

"In this administration the Department of Defense has been incredibly wary to be seen as pushing the White House to do anything," Pollack said.

U.S. military needs Egypt for access to critical area
Egypt is a US puppet state.

1.5 billion dollars a year is given out for "services rendered".
@Yzd Khalifa

Taliban massacre thousands of civilians in Mazar-e-Sharif

We never cooperated or help American army throughout the Middle East, nor did we help them in Afghanistan.

Your conspiracy theory won't work anymore. Interviewing an ex-hezbollahi member that was kicked out of the group isn't doing you much favor.

There was a mutual understanding regarding Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran has always supported it's own groups in Afghanistan and Iraq.

You still can't deny the fact that Sunni Arabs have been the cornerstone for the U.S. military presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Even though publicly Mubarak was against the Iraq war in 2003, his military was essential for the invasion of Iraq!.:omghaha:

Not to mention the essential role of Jordan and Kuwait for the American military to invade Iraq!

That is just soo comical!

BTW, those Jewish people in the video are from Jewish sect called Neturei Karta, they oppose the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.

Neturei Karta is a group of Orthodox Jews which rejects Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel. They believe that the true Israel can only be reestablished with the coming of the Messiah.

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It's obvious! They openly admitted that they worked for the US. The thick irony was later, when Bush was done with them, he referred to Iran as the one of the axis of evil! :omghaha: :lol: :D :rofl: how humiliating this was!
Dont bother with this nut job, they have forgotten how in order to install karzai the americans were helped in Afghanistan by the iranians how went over to the NA to tell them to accept this dude.

The Shias never liked Taliban and Alqaeda in the first place. After all, they have massacred thousands of Shias in Afghanistan.

It's called mutual interest. "The enemy of my Enemy is my friend" (temporarily). Iran did benefit from the removal of both Saddam and Taliban but that wasn't what the Americans were intending to do, it just happened.

The US and Israel hate the Shias with passion especially after the removal of the "gulf police" (the shah) and the creation of Hezbollah which forced Israel and its allies out of Lebanon and put an end to Israel's interference in Lebanon.

The Gulf states never dared to lift a finger at Iran when the shah was in power because he was Americas little lapdog.

Enjoy the reality which you refuse to accept. :cheers:
I don't think you ever heard of " the point of principle "

The fact that Iran willingly chose to help the US on its own will, while it keeps defying everybody who's friendly to the US is incredibly ironic.

Don't try to make any excuse, it won't help it.
The Shias never liked Taliban and Alqaeda in the first place. After all, they have massacred thousands of Shias in Afghanistan.

It's called mutual interest. "The enemy of my Enemy is my friend" (temporarily). Iran did benefit from the removal of both Saddam and Taliban but that wasn't what the Americans were intending to do, it just happened.

The US and Israel hate the Shias with passion especially after the removal of the "gulf police" (the shah) and the creation of Hezbollah which forced Israel and its allies out of Lebanon and put an end to Israel's interference in Lebanon.

The Gulf states never dared to lift a finger at Iran when the shah was in power because he was Americas little lapdog.

Enjoy the reality which you refuse to accept. :cheers:
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