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Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan

What about his right hand man Tahawwur Hussain Rana who faces trial if he is found guilty there must be evidence against him especially as this trial is being held in Canada of all places.

=http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2010/12/07/16461451.html]Canadian terror suspect faces Valentine's trial | Canada | News | Toronto Sun[/url]

What does the article about Rana above have to do with substantiating the claims attributed to Headley in the Indian media?
India supports TTP....alright. But who gives themm all these weapons??
What does the article about Rana above have to do with substantiating the claims attributed to Headley in the Indian media?

Rana and Headley were both joint accomplice why else are they facing trial on 26/11 and other plots

Tahawwur Hussain Rana lived in Chicago but still ran an immigration consulting business in Toronto at the time of his arrest in 2009. Rana stands accused of plotting, along with David Headley, to attack the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark because of its decision to publish the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in the fall of 2005.

The cartoons, published to illustrate the issue of self-censorship and freedom of speech in relation to Islam, set off a spasm of protests around the world with several people dying in the ensuing violence.

Prosecutors believe Rana financed Headley’s trips to Denmark to plan an attack. After the pair were arrested for the newspaper plot, accusations also surfaced that they were involved in plotting the Mumbai terror attack in November 2008.

Prosecutors in the U.S. claim Rana “provided material support” for the Mumbai attack, which saw at least 160 people killed and more than 300 injured as gunmen stormed several popular tourist spots and Jewish locations in the city. Islamic terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out the attack.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA )) No. 09 CR 830 v. ) ) Judge Harry D. Leinenweber ILYAS KASHMIRI, ) ABDUR REHMAN HASHIM SYED, ) SUPERSEDING INDICTMENT a/k/a “Major Abdur Rehman,” ) a/k/a “Pasha,” ) DAVID COLEMAN HEADLEY, ) Violations: Title 18, United a/k/a “Daood Gilani,” ) States Code, Sections 956(a)(1), TAHAWWUR HUSSAIN RANA ) 2332(a)(1) and (2); 2332f(a)(2), ) 2339A, 2339B and 2.

Tahawwur Hussain Rana documents

DAVID COLEMAN HEADLEY, defendant herein, conspired withLashkar Members A, B, C, and D, and others known and unknown to the grand jury, to deliver, place, discharge and detonate explosives and other lethal devices in, into and against places of public use, state and government facilities, public transportation systems, and infrastructure facilities in India, with the intent to cause death and serious bodily injury, and with the intent to cause extensive destruction of such places and facilities and where such destruction would likely result in major economic loss; and DAVID HEADLEY was a national of the United States and was found in the United States.
If indians cant stand sources from Pakistani media then they shouldn't be in this Pakistani website in the first place.
Yeah apparently these are fake by thenews and such. But from I am hearing, there is indeed allegations from British intelligence on Indian support for terrorists in Balochistan. I will try to get the link ASAP.

Edit: It's the same article posted above. Read the third last paragraph. Here's the link to the same article http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/09/pakistani-newspaper-fake-leaks-india?INTCMP=SRCH (In case tyagi decides to delete that part)
If indians cant stand sources from Pakistani media then they shouldn't be in this Pakistani website in the first place.

But Pakistanis can have 'Indian Defence Section' on their websites.

Please check anytime and you will find maximum members in that section.Including Pakistanis.

And you accuse Indians of being obsessed with Pakistan.
^ Except the all important Balochistan part. :lol:
Pakistan papers sorry after running WikiLeaks hoax

The Associated Press
Friday, December 10, 2010

ISLAMABAD -- Leading Pakistani newspapers have acknowledged they were hoaxed after publishing reports based on fake WikiLeaks cables containing crude anti-Indian propaganda.

The reports - which featured prominently in several papers on Thursday - cited alleged U.S. diplomatic cables as confirming many right-wing Pakistani views and conspiracy theories about India and the disputed Kashmir region.

The instigator of the hoax material remains unclear, though it appeared to have originated on a news website known for anti-Indian and anti-Hindu articles

One paper, The Express Tribune, published an apology on Friday. Others admitted they were hoaxed.

Pakistan papers sorry after running WikiLeaks hoax
It is amusing and disturbing to see some very important board members defending the absolutely fake story before and even after it has clearly been exposed. The excuse being that every one indulges in propaganda. True, but the degree of falsity and shamelessness required for different kinds of propaganda are different.

It is one thing to say attribute some fake or doubtful story to "an intelligence official". It is quite another to attribute a story to a source which is publicly available and which, if true, would be quite a solid basis for the story. Think of a story along the lines of 'Pakistan's Constitution amended to declare Ahmadias Muslim' after a major amendment. If true, it would be an impeccable source. But otherwise, it is a most shameless piece of lying in the name of journalism.

As they say, it is OK to test the boundaries but one should never cross the boundaries. Or grey areas and white lies.
That's something which many Bharatis might not answer.;)

Just the same way it is now the "all important thing"!

Who knows, it may be true. Or may not be. There are allegations by some British intelligence personnel, referred to in a diplomatic cable by the Americans. Not very convincing, but may be true. I haven't forgotten the Iraq ALLEGATIONS by the same British and American intelligence officials.
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The Nation choose not to bend!!!! :rolleyes: What the people made these stories think about the world?

Wikileaks: Pakistan hoaxed by bogus anti-India cables

BBC News - Wikileaks: Pakistan hoaxed by bogus anti-India cables

Pakistani men at newsstands in Islamabad Reports about the bogus cables featured prominently in leading Pakistani newspapers on Thursday

Pakistani newspapers have admitted they were hoaxed after publishing reports based on fake Wikileaks cables containing anti-Indian propaganda.

US diplomatic cables were reported on Thursday as confirming many right-wing Pakistani views and conspiracy theories about their regional arch-foe.

They claimed US envoys thought one Indian general was "rather a geek", and accused India of genocide in Kashmir.

It is still not clear who instigated the hoax.

The Guardian, a British newspaper which has all of the 250,000 leaked Wikileaks cables, said that an extensive search of the database had found nothing to match any of the claims carried in the Pakistani media.

'Deep regret'

According to the erroneous reports, Indian spies were said to be supporting Islamist militants in Pakistan's north-western tribal region of Waziristan and the south-western province of Balochistan.

US diplomats were also said to believe that the Indian Army was faction-ridden; a "Bosnia-like genocide" was happening in Indian-administered Kashmir; and the Indian military was hand-in-glove with "Hindu fanatic groups".

The English-language Express Tribune newspaper, which is affiliated to the International Herald Tribune in Pakistan, published a front-page retraction.

The daily said it "deeply regrets publishing this story without due verification and apologises profusely for any inconvenience".

The News, another daily, said on Friday: "On further inquiries, we learnt from our sources that the story was dubious and may have been planted."

But Jang, which had reported the fake Wikileaks story on its front page, made no mention of the matter on Friday.

And the Nation newspaper said in an editorial that the hoax had exposed "India's true face".

Here it is..... enjoy!

Editorial: India’s true face
Published: December 10, 2010

The whistleblower website WikiLeaks, which has ruffled many a feather for exposing the inner feelings of important personalities on the world’s political stage, has put its seal of confirmation on the genocide of the people of Kashmir, struggling to get out of the stranglehold of India’s illegal occupation of their homeland. Leaders of the liberation struggle in Held Kashmir, in particular APHC Chairman Syed Ali Geelani, have been raising a hue and cry against the inhumanities the Indian security forces are committing freely to suppress the voice of freedom. Torture, mutilation, murder, abduction, mysterious disappearance, rape, plunder – nothing is forbidden for them; for they enjoy the cover of a black law that exempts them from accountability. Human rights have been so brutally violated that Lt-General H. S. Panag, who was GOC-in-Chief of the Northern Command of the Indian army, has been equated with General Milosevic of Bosnia, in one of the cables sent by an American diplomat from New Delhi. Yet, the self-styled leader of the civilised world has been so insensitive and hypocritical that it turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the helpless Kashmiris and opted, instead, for befriending the Indians in the hope of drawing economic and strategic benefits.

Washington’s hypocrisy did not end at the borders of Held Kashmir. It knew very well that the Indians were stoking the fires its war on terror had lit in FATA and were helping the disaffected people of Balochistan to rise against Pakistan. Cables received from its officials testified to their involvement in these troubled regions. However, the Americans never tried to pull up its real strategic partner to save it from public humiliation. On the other hand, Pakistan, the “key ally” in the war on terror, was always pressed to “do more” and eliminate the sanctuaries of the so-called Quetta Shura in the province’s capital. Besides, WikiLeaks’ evidence confirms that the US has hardly been serious in eradicating terrorism; for its functionaries in India had termed the Hindu militant groups – RSS and its ilk – which were working in unison with the Indian army, even more lethal than Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Yet, one does not recall hearing any criticism of, or planning action against, them from Washington.

No doubt, WikiLeaks has caused embarrassment to leaders of a number of countries. The public, however, stands well served in that the website has blown the lid off the hidden and nasty dealings of their rulers. It is now for Pakistan to actively pursue these disclosures at the diplomatic level and press home to the world to compel India not only to settle the core issue of Kashmir on the basis of UN resolutions, but also stop interference in Balochistan and FATA. Without these prerequisites, there can be no peace in the subcontinent or end to terrorism in the world. :chilli:

India’s true face | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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once again the United States at work behind closed door to save india from being exposed.

I can only image the double time the United Sates must have done behind closed does to save yindia after the reports came out.

The US has enough influence over Pakistani media to remove editors , the case being of Shereen Mazari , she was removed after she became critical of US involvmentin Pakistan.

and we also know that the US scripts the actions of UK prime minsters when it comes to Pakistan so what to talk of the Guardian and other trash from the UK.
once again the United States at work behind closed door to save india from being exposed.

I can only image the double time the United Sates must have done behind closed does to save yindia after the reports came out.

The US has enough influence over Pakistani media to remove editors , the case being of Shereen Mazari , she was removed after she became critical of US involvmentin Pakistan.

and we also know that the US scripts the actions of UK prime minsters when it comes to Pakistan so what to talk of the Guardian and other trash from the UK.

You deserved a thank! :cheers:

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