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England in 1902

Second time this stupid video was posted
people used to do a lot of stuff in the past, like own slaves, accepted Monarchies, stopped women from voting
do you want all of that back?
we need to move forwards, not go back into the past
These look like nuns or church goers. Normal women in those times in England didn't wear this kind of clothing.
Second time this stupid video was posted
people used to do a lot of stuff in the past, like own slaves, accepted Monarchies, stopped women from voting
do you want all of that back?
we need to move forwards, not go back into the past
This was the so called 'high civilization' in UK of 1902 -

  • 5% aristocrats lived like kings
  • 95% of men worked 14 hour days in conditiuons so miserable that many died by 40s
  • 95% of the women worked 12 hour days either in factories or as maids in aristocrat's houses suffering sexual abuse
  • Most children were hungry and many began working from 9 years old in horrible conditions
  • many men were drafted into empire army to die like dogs in far away Africa, Asia or Middle East
  • Poverty, sickness was rampant and death was often a relief from life
  • male aristocrats were at the top, followed by female aristocrats, the poor workers were treated as animals and poor women were only good for being used as baby making objects or sex.
  • non white like us Pakistani's or others would be treated as even below the value of dogs.
And this @Yaseen1 thinks that is 'high civilization'. Mashallah ......
I see dead people walking in that video.
Harsh reality of life every walking thing which is full of life has to go silent someday.
Very thoughtful of you........... that was not the point!

Second time this stupid video was posted
people used to do a lot of stuff in the past, like own slaves, accepted Monarchies, stopped women from voting
do you want all of that back?
we need to move forwards, not go back into the past
Showing a video doesn't mean we want to go back, we're just showing that England used to be like this so why they have problem of us being like this.
dress has nothing to do with backwardness .It is knowledge and technology which makes you forward .If they would not have worked 14 hours in factories at that time they would not reached the position at which they are today as there was no automation and machines or computers to help humans doing job in less time like today so it was not slavery of women.At present women in u.k also work at 12 hours every working day and similar is the case with u.s and other top economies as work load is high in such countries unlike under developed countries of third world non whites are hated even today and newzeland incident is proof of it.Now when their women are not giving birth to babies they are at risk of decline in numbers and are fearing that soon their dominance and civilization will end.Now their hunger ended but at cost of dying of people of africa and other third world with hunger as they looted their resources and joining army and fighting for land is not slavery otherwise with this logic anyone who join army is slave
These look like nuns or church goers. Normal women in those times in England didn't wear this kind of clothing.

This was the so called 'high civilization' in UK of 1902 -

  • 5% aristocrats lived like kings
  • 95% of men worked 14 hour days in conditiuons so miserable that many died by 40s
  • 95% of the women worked 12 hour days either in factories or as maids in aristocrat's houses suffering sexual abuse
  • Most children were hungry and many began working from 9 years old in horrible conditions
  • many men were drafted into empire army to die like dogs in far away Africa, Asia or Middle East
  • Poverty, sickness was rampant and death was often a relief from life
  • male aristocrats were at the top, followed by female aristocrats, the poor workers were treated as animals and poor women were only good for being used as baby making objects or sex.
  • non white like us Pakistani's or others would be treated as even below the value of dogs.
And this @Yaseen1 thinks that is 'high civilization'. Mashallah ......
Showing a video doesn't mean we want to go back, we're just showing that England used to be like this so why they have problem of us being like this.
while the world is going forwards, we are going backwards
of course they would have problems with us, if we live in their country
would we tolerate cavemen as our neighbors?
These look like nuns or church goers. Normal women in those times in England didn't wear this kind of clothing.
If you go to National Portrait Gallery near Trafalgar Square in London, you will be amazed to see most pictures of women with some kind of burqa, niqab, hijab or veil. It is a fact that women in west also used to cover themselves up but it is useless thing to discuss in 21st century. The west of 2019 is differrent to 1909...
This was the so called 'high civilization' in UK of 1902 -

  • 5% aristocrats lived like kings
  • 95% of men worked 14 hour days in conditiuons so miserable that many died by 40s
  • 95% of the women worked 12 hour days either in factories or as maids in aristocrat's houses suffering sexual abuse
  • Most children were hungry and many began working from 9 years old in horrible conditions
  • many men were drafted into empire army to die like dogs in far away Africa, Asia or Middle East
  • Poverty, sickness was rampant and death was often a relief from life
  • male aristocrats were at the top, followed by female aristocrats, the poor workers were treated as animals and poor women were only good for being used as baby making objects or sex.
  • non white like us Pakistani's or others would be treated as even below the value of dogs.
And this @Yaseen1 thinks that is 'high civilization'. Mashallah ......

This is high civilization indeed given what one's reference point is.

If one considers KSA or gulf countries as exemplary societies, then yes what you described of UK in the 1900s is indeed high civilization.

Better yet, if one considers umayyah caliphate as exemplary, then the UKs civilization in 1900s is very high.
The modest dressing was a norm up until the turn of the 20th century.
See this video demonstrating the change in Egyptian women's clothing over a hundred years. (This is in NO way to single out a certain nation but just to prove my point).
It is as if with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, clothes also fell from bodies of the women.

we need to move forwards, not go back into the past
Well that depends on what we are moving forward/progressing towards, what part of our past are we moving away from. Change for the sake of change may not always be an improvement.
Changing towards what? That's the real question.
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