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Engines; The Heart any War-Machine


Jan 26, 2011
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You can have the most powerful cannon and most sophisticated electronics but without reliable engines they are all pointless.

China has come along way engine technology but still has a lot of work

Land vehicles: China is completely self sufficient in this field.

Aircraft: With the WS-10 finally equipping the j-11B in large numbers China is finally capable of producing a engine for its large fighter fleet. After this first engine future engines like the WS 13 and WS 15 will come much easier. However turboprop engines for large transport and helicopters still need much more investment.

Naval: This is the weakest link in China's engine development with even recent 052C's using german and ukrainian engines. However with mass production of this destroyer it means indigenous programs are successful as no more engines seemed to have been ordered. China is mature in nuclear engines as evidenced by the the 093, 094, and very soon to be inducted 095, and 096 nuclear submarines. The question of integration into aircraft carriers however is still an open question.

Missiles: This is strongest area as China can produce the entire range of missiles from BVR AAMS to Kinetic kill vehicle capable ballistic missiles, to SRBMs. China is also making missiles no one else has like the DF 21D ASBM.

Please discuss China's advances in engine technology both the positive and negative. Relevant articles and examples would be appreciated. As always no flaming or trolling please.
we should make nuclear powered or solar-gas hybrid destroyers to be more environmentally friendly and to escape oil embargos by the US. combustion engines are the technology of yesterday. this way we can escape the western trap of investing in a technology due to phase out in 50 years.
Nuclear engines would need to be drastically cheaper for that to happen. As for solar power are you kidding me.
Solar power is not at the point where it is efficient enough for powering destroyers or even much cars for that matter. They have niche military applications like in portable radios but they are still very much a civilian technology.

could you please post some articles on China's engine development, it would really help this thread get started.
Sodium powder-water engine. Oxygen not required. Sodium can be extracted from sea water at port. Water can just use sea water.
Don't know if it has sufficient energy density compared to diesel though.

lets run submarine with it! :lol:

edit: some problems

Also, sodium is a solid. The only way you could use sodium in engines is if you powderised it first. An oxide layer forms on sodium and so, the majority of the powder will become sodium oxide due to the massive increase in surface area when powderising. Sodium oxide has already released much of its energy and is pretty much useless.

Sodium is hard to store. If there is a leak and water is mixed in with the sodium storage area then there is the possibility of an explosion.

Also, sodium reacted with water creates sodium hydroxide (aq) which is a strong alkali and will corrode the engine very quickly! It would also be dangerous if it leaked. Unlike water, this cannot just be released into the environment as you would find the road surfaces wearing out very quickly, as well as severe damage to plants and animals! The solution would have to be stored onboard which would be pretty inconvenient."

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we should make nuclear powered or solar-gas hybrid destroyers to be more environmentally friendly and to escape oil embargos by the US. combustion engines are the technology of yesterday. this way we can escape the western trap of investing in a technology due to phase out in 50 years.

China is now ahead in solar energy, and will soon close the gap in nuclear reactor with USA.
According to Peishens, China is now working on the nuclear powered CVN.

I just wonder what level of technology that the nuclear reactor would be? close to A4W or A1B?
Sodium powder-water engine. Oxygen not required. Sodium can be extracted from sea water at port. Water can just use sea water.
Don't know if it has sufficient energy density compared to diesel though.

lets run submarine with it! :lol:

edit: some problems

Also, sodium is a solid. The only way you could use sodium in engines is if you powderised it first. An oxide layer forms on sodium and so, the majority of the powder will become sodium oxide due to the massive increase in surface area when powderising. Sodium oxide has already released much of its energy and is pretty much useless.

Sodium is hard to store. If there is a leak and water is mixed in with the sodium storage area then there is the possibility of an explosion.

Also, sodium reacted with water creates sodium hydroxide (aq) which is a strong alkali and will corrode the engine very quickly! It would also be dangerous if it leaked. Unlike water, this cannot just be released into the environment as you would find the road surfaces wearing out very quickly, as well as severe damage to plants and animals! The solution would have to be stored onboard which would be pretty inconvenient."

Sodium is not really an option. The energy density is just not there AFAIK.
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Does anybody aware of any research about nuclear powered jet engines?
Does anybody aware of any research about nuclear powered jet engines?

The Americans tried it, shielding the crew was too difficult, they gave it up.

The one engine they got working was a direct drive system and spewed radiation wherever it flew.

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