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A lot of Turks in Turkey despite them being mixed do actually have Turkic blood in them mixed with native Anatolian. So yes Turkish people do have Turkic blood. We do see both Anatolia and Central Asia as our home and heritage.

Theres very little Turkic influence on your blood, studies have show that. Every nation has a blood mixed from outside that's natural, doesn't make you the same lot though. Like Azeris you're the same people you were before the Turkic peoples arrived. I read somewhere you've got more in common with Iranians, Armenians and the people of the Balkans.

Turk's and Turkic people are not exactly the same

You're right, I should've expressed myself better, apologies.

Turks were subjects of Romans? Are you seriously retarded?

You got your answers above from the other users now pack up and educate yourself retard. Turkic in Anatolia and India had pretty much the same culture during the Turkic expansion.

Pakistanis are the last ones who should be talking about genetics, the area got invaded by everyone.

So your mama could have taken it from a Turk or someone else, where as Turks moved across Asia to give it, don’t try the troll shit with me dog.

No i'm not retarded you just missed my point, you're not a Turk. Your ancestors were conquered by them. You adopted their identity and started calling yourselves Turks. Before they arrived you were Anatolians, spoke Greek and other languages I think. You're a hotpot of peoples who mixed in the area, that's why your genetics shows relations to everyone around you. So no, you ain't a Turk.

As for the mama rubbish, my people are ethnically still the same, we have the same languages and same identity just our religion changed, so no my mama didnt take anything from anyone, your's was passed around like currency from Achaemenid Persia to Greece to Rome and then finally the Turko mongol peoples coming in. You had some case of stockholm Syndrome, identifying with the latest abuser.
Theres very little Turkic influence on your blood, studies have show that. Every nation has a blood mixed from outside that's natural, doesn't make you the same lot though. Like Azeris you're the same people you were before the Turkic peoples arrived. I read somewhere you've got more in common with Iranians, Armenians and the people of the Balkans.

You're right, I should've expressed myself better, apologies.

No i'm not retarded you just missed my point, you're not a Turk. Your ancestors were conquered by them. You adopted their identity and started calling yourselves Turks. Before they arrived you were Anatolians, spoke Greek and other languages I think. You're a hotpot of peoples who mixed in the area, that's why your genetics shows relations to everyone around you. So no, you ain't a Turk.

As for the mama rubbish, my people are ethnically still the same, we have the same languages and same identity just our religion changed, so no my mama didnt take anything from anyone, your's was passed around like currency from Achaemenid Persia to Greece to Rome and then finally the Turko mongol peoples coming in. You had some case of stockholm Syndrome, identifying with the latest abuser.

Stockholm syndrome is Pakistanis like you who got invaded by Muslims and worship there invaders.

Typical baskistani don’t address any points just talk shit.

Rest of your point is usual bs a lot of Turks can track there linage back, can you? No, Your most probably a Hindu that got islamised by the Turks. Most of Turks are a result of Turkic settlement and migration to Anatolia, again retard like you wouldn’t know because you have no concept of history just bs you pull out from the arse.

Difference between Turks and Your types of islamised facists is Turks don’t look at genetics but it is funny coming from Pakistanis who are more mixed and got invaded by lots of outsiders.

Your mom took it from the Persians, Arabs, Turks etc don’t talk Hindu your Muslim thanks to your invaders. You turned thy cheek to all of them.

You guys are proud of an empires that raped and pillaged your people.
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Lol did that Pakistani juat say they are ethnically the same lmaoooo

The missiles and weapons you name after are not even Pakistani but invaded Pakistan like Ghazni and Ghori.

Your language even comes from Turkic Ghaznavid invaders hahahha
Lol did that Pakistani juat say they are ethnically the same lmaoooo

The missiles and weapons you name after are not even Pakistani but invaded Pakistan like Ghazni and Ghori.

Your language even comes from Turkic Ghaznavid invaders hahahha

His a retard with no knowledge of history, to claim Turks are a “mix” lol most Turks are ethnically Turks who migrated and settled into Anatolia, the Turks who invaded India are the same Turks that invaded Anatolia. Cultural and linguistically there is no denying that.

These guys live with denial man.
Well nobody is pure to be honest. People conquered and settled throughout history. My fathers side has crimean tatar heritage. Irony is you have retards saying Turks of Turkey barely have any Turkic heritage.

Turkic heritage is not just limited to Oghuz Turks.
Well nobody is pure to be honest. People conquered and settled throughout history. My fathers side has crimean tatar heritage. Irony is you have retards saying Turks of Turkey barely have any Turkic heritage.

Turkic heritage is not just limited to Oghuz Turks.

Of course and we don’t deny that, only Pakistanis and Arabs obsessed with genetics and they claim to be Muslims lol

If they opened there eyes they would see Turks of Turkey kept there Turkic culture exactly because they migrated and mixed less with outsiders, it was a slow process. Even the Greeks, Arabs, Armenians and Kurds kept it because there was not much mixing.

Compared to say India or China were Turks were in a minority hence the culture and population mixed and lost there Turkic heritage.

These retards think everyone from Central Asia has Chinese looking eyes lol.
Turkic World spread from Siberia to Turkey. How can people expect them to be same?? Iraqi Turkmen and Syrian Turkmens may look Middle Easterner but they are Turks and are descended from Seljuks.

Turkey is Turkic end of story. Majority of people in Turkey feel more close with Turkic history than ancient anatolian history. English feel more close to Anglo Saxon Germanic peoples than their Celtic History.

People just need to deal with it.

For us Muslims. We are diverse and mixed but we dont forget our origin and heritage.
Stockholm syndrome is Pakistanis like you who got invaded by Muslims and worship there invaders.

Typical baskistani don’t address any points just talk shit.

Rest of your point is usual bs a lot of Turks can track there linage back, can you? No, Your most probably a Hindu that got islamised by the Turks. Most of Turks are a result of Turkic settlement and migration to Anatolia, again retard like you wouldn’t know because you have no concept of history just bs you pull out from the arse.

Difference between Turks and Your types of islamised facists is Turks don’t look at genetics but it is funny coming from Pakistanis who are more mixed and got invaded by lots of outsiders.

Your mom took it from the Persians, Arabs, Turks etc don’t talk Hindu your Muslim thanks to your invaders. You turned thy cheek to all of them.

You guys are proud of an empires that raped and pillaged your people.
You're not muslim?
I am muslim, proudly, if it wasn't for those invaders I wouldn't be a Muslim today. Of course we love those men, they're heroes for us, they conquered the hindus and brought islam and helped develop the culture we have today that people love so much. Second, I never denied i'm not a descendant of hindus. That's why I said ethnically and linguistically we're still the same nation. Once again most Turks are not the descendants of the actual Turks who came into your country. Nomads historically had small numbers, how many do you think came to Anatolia? The smaller group was naturally absorbed into the bigger group. By blood you're not their descendants, you just adopted an imposed identity.

You just backtracked, this argument started because you told AzaadPakistani he isn't a descendant of the Mughals on the basis of blood. I ain't arguing against that, but culturally and linguistically we are. We seem them as our predecessors. Now that you're accepting your not a Turk by blood your basing it on culture and linguistics. Those empires didn't rape/pillage my people, They probably did so to hindus. Were muslims, our entire national identity is based on faith not on blood, our nation cant survive on ethic nationalism, general Zia(military ruler) even said something along those lines.

Lol did that Pakistani juat say they are ethnically the same lmaoooo

The missiles and weapons you name after are not even Pakistani but invaded Pakistan like Ghazni and Ghori.

Your language even comes from Turkic Ghaznavid invaders hahahha

What's funny? We are ethnically the same people we were pre islam. Just our faith changed. Ghazni and Ghori are our heroes/ancestors, their muslims and ruled our lands and brought Islam to us. Our language was brought by Turkic/Mongol/Persian peoples that mixed with native muslims and created a new language, not denying it. But our identification with those men is based on faith not blood, you claim a blood relation with the Seljuks when you have no blood relationship with them.

His a retard with no knowledge of history, to claim Turks are a “mix” lol most Turks are ethnically Turks who migrated and settled into Anatolia, the Turks who invaded India are the same Turks that invaded Anatolia. Cultural and linguistically there is no denying that.

These guys live with denial man.

Genetic tests show it...how can you deny that? Practically throughout the Ottoman empire the dynasty married outside the Turkic race, and Turkic peoples were known for ignoring the mother and treating all children as Turks, I think it started out of necessity from bride stealing on the steppes. I never said the Turks who invaded India were different ethnically from the ones who invaded Anatolia. I agree culturally and linguistically you ARE the same as the Turkic peoples, your just not their blood descendants.

Well nobody is pure to be honest. People conquered and settled throughout history. My fathers side has crimean tatar heritage. Irony is you have retards saying Turks of Turkey barely have any Turkic heritage.

Turkic heritage is not just limited to Oghuz Turks.

Genetic tests show you've gove more common blood with your neighbours than with Turkics. You may have Crimean Tatar heritage but clearly all Turks dont.
Of course and we don’t deny that, only Pakistanis and Arabs obsessed with genetics and they claim to be Muslims lol

If they opened there eyes they would see Turks of Turkey kept there Turkic culture exactly because they migrated and mixed less with outsiders, it was a slow process. Even the Greeks, Arabs, Armenians and Kurds kept it because there was not much mixing.

Compared to say India or China were Turks were in a minority hence the culture and population mixed and lost there Turkic heritage.

These retards think everyone from Central Asia has Chinese looking eyes lol.

When am I obsessed with genetics? My entire arguments been based off common faith, language and culture, you're the one who's obsessed with genetics, now your proven wrong your running. You adopted their culture your not a turk. Orhan I married a byzantine, i'm pretty sure the rest of the turks would have followed his example. How can the indigenous people simply disappear, bearing in mind they outnumber you. And if you didn't mix then why are your features caucasian today?

Turkic World spread from Siberia to Turkey. How can people expect them to be same?? Iraqi Turkmen and Syrian Turkmens may look Middle Easterner but they are Turks and are descended from Seljuks.

Turkey is Turkic end of story. Majority of people in Turkey feel more close with Turkic history than ancient anatolian history. English feel more close to Anglo Saxon Germanic peoples than their Celtic History.

People just need to deal with it.

For us Muslims. We are diverse and mixed but we dont forget our origin and heritage.

Most of you aren't turkic, the natives never died out, their descendants are still there. Its hard to distingish who the actual Turkic people are in a sea of anatolians. Exactly, so when we say we are the heirs/descendants of Mughals, we ain't wrong are we? We feel closer to the Mughals/Ghaznavids and various other turkic muslim rulers.

@AZADPAKISTAN2009 thanks for shitting on a otherwise potentially good thread with your “mughalistan” and “ummahistan” bs

Go learn some history don’t sprout from your arse.

You claim to be good muslims and focus on heritage etc etc and yet your having a go at him for claiming his history, and ridiculing the concept of the ummah. You're hypocrites.

Also slow down with the rapid fire replies.
All nations are proud of their origins, Let's try and discuss these matters without resorting to personal attacks, Even though one opinion differs form yours, This is a great thread that demands greater intellectual input.. Dont ruin it.. Cheers
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