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Engaging in Combat


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
Have you guys ever engage someone in armed combat? If so share your experience- what went through your mind, how it started, and what exactly you did.

As for me I've been in a few incidents were it escalated but not to the point I needed to use lethal force.

@Xeric I know you're in the PA feel free to share your armed encounters.
Wise men walk away from nonsense, idiots get involved and pay with either their lives, health, or legal consequences. Problems don't get resolved by using lethal force, in fact problems start after use of lethal force.
Wise men walk away from nonsense, idiots get involved and pay with either their lives, health, or legal consequences. Problems don't get resolved by using lethal force, in fact problems start after use of lethal force.

True, but there are some situations which you personally can't avoid if you are being robbed or your house is burglarized, then you cannot "walk away" from the problem.
By 'armed combat' do you mean in war/COIN ops or just fighting off muggers on the streets?
That would be "Self Defence", in such case do whatever it takes to save your and your family's life, honour, or property....even if it requires taking life of of the attacker/s.

True, but there are some situations which you personally can't avoid if you are being robbed or your house is burglarized, then you cannot "walk away" from the problem.

Firefight type situation.
That can still be considered a firefight if a shoot out happens.
Been shot at but never been involved in actually combat against an nation. As I am not a solider or militant.

However, in Gaza back when I used to live there me and a few of my cousins were being chased down by an Israeli apache helicopter.

Something happened that day and as we were leaving they were trying to clear the area, basically trying to scare people off by flying circles around the city I was in.

We were followed somewhat until we reached a block from home. I was a child then and thought it was fun running I had no clue what was going on my older cousin who was also pretty young told me to just run with us.

One on one shooting isn't combat though. Real combat as I've heard by people who experienced it is a intense scene where numerous men are taking part in the effort and people that sign up for it enjoy battle and see it as an honor.

For a single incident though, one time I didn't know what was going on but bullets swayed right past me when I was in a downtown city. Best decision was to get away from the area and I felt almost like stale. Stopped thinking about everything else and my awareness was all towards what occurred.

I've also seen fire in Gaza some rubber bullets some live in one area where Israeli forces had a sort of bridge in southern Gaza and they got attacked their many times.

As for someone actually putting a gun towards you it depends what their intentions are. I've seen someone angry at men who were hitting on girls in a conservative society and harassing girls and a man pulled his gun right at the guys chest and it later ensued into a fight. But, got taken care of eventually but nothing scary just a guy yelling about the man and claiming he will do something about it. But, reality is his behavior is not accepted and people were happy with what he did.
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Been shot at but never been involved in actually combat against an nation. As I am not a solider or militant.

However, in Gaza back when I used to live there me and a few of my cousins were being chased down by an Israeli apache helicopter.

Something happened that day and as we were leaving they were trying to clear the area, basically trying to scare people off by flying circles around the city I was in.

We were followed somewhat until we reached a block from home. I was a child then and thought it was fun running I had no clue what was going on my older cousin who was also pretty young told me to just run with us.

One on one shooting isn't combat though. Real combat as I've heard by people who experienced it is a intense scene where numerous men are taking part in the effort and people that sign up for it enjoy battle and see it as an honor.

For a single incident though, one time I didn't know what was going on but bullets swayed right past me when I was in a downtown city. Best decision was to get away from the area and I felt almost like stale. Stopped thinking about everything else and my awareness was all towards what occurred.

I've also seen fire in Gaza some rubber bullets some live in one area where Israeli forces had a sort of bridge in southern Gaza and they got attacked their many times.

As for someone actually putting a gun towards you it depends what their intentions are. I've seen someone angry at men who were hitting on girls in a conservative society and harassing girls and a man pulled his gun right at the guys chest and it later ensued into a fight. But, got taken care of eventually but nothing scary just a guy yelling about the man and claiming he will do something about it. But, reality is his behavior is not accepted and people were happy with what he did.

How accessible are firearms for Palestinians? I know the Israelis strictly regulate all imports to Palestine but are Palestinians able to bypass the restrictions and acquire firearms?
How accessible are firearms for Palestinians? I know the Israelis strictly regulate all imports to Palestine but are Palestinians able to bypass the restrictions and acquire firearms?

Very easy to acquire automatic rifles as long as you have the money. Many Palestinian households have firearms for security purposes and because back during the occupation in Gaza all Palestinians didn't submit to it. This is in Gaza. West Bank differs depending on the city, it's not that easy in the West Bank probably difficult.

Although in Gaza now you mostly see military groups with these firearms and many Palestinians look for a source of money and sell theirs out of desperation.
Very easy to acquire automatic rifles as long as you have the money. Many Palestinian households have firearms for security purposes and because back during the occupation in Gaza all Palestinians didn't submit to it. This is in Gaza. West Bank differs depending on the city, it's not that easy in the West Bank probably difficult.

Although in Gaza now you mostly see military groups with these firearms and many Palestinians look for a source of money and sell theirs out of desperation.

Then why do so many Palestinians pathetically throw stones at the IDF soldiers and not engage in armed combat with them which is much more effective? All you see are these helpless Palestinians against heavily armed Israelis. I understand Hamas has weapons but the general public appears to be disarmed.
Then why do so many Palestinians pathetically throw stones at the IDF soldiers and not engage in armed combat with them which is much more effective? All you see are these helpless Palestinians against heavily armed Israelis. I understand Hamas has weapons but the general public appears to be disarmed.

That's because you're speaking of the West Bank where there aren't many arms besides the few with security forces.

Nothing is as easy as you think it is though. Even if they had weapons it wouldn't be wise to use them anytime soon. There are Israeli cities and Israelis inside and surrounding the West Bank.

General public cannot contribute in a military fight, they however are the sole driving force which exercise Palestinian activism for our cause and without them there wouldn't be anything.

People speak volumes....
That's because you're speaking of the West Bank where there aren't many arms besides the few with security forces.

Nothing is as easy as you think it is though. Even if they had weapons it wouldn't be wise to use them anytime soon. There are Israeli cities and Israelis inside and surrounding the West Bank.

General public cannot contribute in a military fight, they however are the sole driving force which exercise Palestinian activism for our cause and without them there wouldn't be anything.

People speak volumes....

Disagree with you, if common Palestinians won't defend themselves on the streets then they will continue to suffer the same treatment. Every time Israel invades the common people have to show resistance.
Disagree with you, if common Palestinians won't defend themselves on the streets then they will continue to suffer the same treatment. Every time Israel invades the common people have to show resistance.

That's not true, there's always several factors that play into what will win Palestinians freedom.

You know the Israeli army is all over the West Bank making sure nobody gets arms. Even if they somehow acquire arms this means nothing against a world military power.

I'm looking at it strictly from military POV or strategy wise as you see it even though weapons won't do it for Muslims only.
I been shooting people in the head for a whole year....Well, you dish out some, you get some.

Problem with war is, it's a giant 2 way shooting range....
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