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'Enemy' ballistic missile to be downed in space next month

Hmm... So dual seeker..? Good.. Should also be deployed on Astra-2 , Aakash-2...

So, a Solid-fuel version of Prithvi... Wonder what else is DRDO hiding...

Every Suspecting move by DRDO means some new Technology is being Validated which is Crucial for the Next Important Development.

Agni 4 was a Precursor to Agni 5.

The Guidance and Flight Control in Brahmos of 500 Km is the Precursor to Nirbhay.
India has left China far behind in this anti ballistic missile tech... India is doing some great work.. if this test is successful it will make even the US to want to cooperate with India.
This is the best new year gift for me. :yahoo: PDV system destroying a ballistic missile in space is far more advanced technology than Agni-5. Many new technologies are on the offings....

1) New two stage Dhanush missile ;) A new missile!!!
2) Dual seeker on PDV.
3) New missile PDV with kill vehicle to destroy targets in space.
There was always going to come a time when all the decades of R&D and billions in investmant would come to fruitiion and these devlopments would start to come thick and fast. This time seems to be now!
man if it's success then anti-indian elements should tighten their arse hard coz they can f*ck from anywhere
awesome news
After seeing everybody's comments, I have just one thing to say. Please do not lashout DRDO if this fails, They are people like us who is try to keep there country safe. Even if this fails, it will teach them something to improve.

I am not trying to spread negative vibes. Its always better to prepare for the worst and hope for best.

I am also from a group who would criticized DRDO after failure but I know in my heart that there is no one in our country who could say that we are trying to do this.

Go DRDO make us proud.

I am not just proud, I am blessed to be an INDIAN.

best news is not that we would be killing a missile in outer space best news is ''Alongside the actual launch of the PDV at an actual target missile, the test next month will also feature up to 6 simulated targets that will force the radars and command systems to respond. “We can launch six interceptors simultaneously --- some endo-atmospheric and some exo-atmospheric --- to handle such an attack,” says Saraswat.'':cheesy:
Then we can send air raids into Pakistan without fearing nuclear blowout in response...:taz:

Pakistan will not only send 1 nuke.. Pakistan will send dozens... No AAD or BMD in the world can handle that...

And besides India would never dare do air raid. We all heard it from you in Parliament attacks and 26/11... You sent dossiers on a plane :lol:
Now where are the DRDO bashers? or Chinese, LCA , Arjun thing....

Pakistan will not only send 1 nuke.. Pakistan will send dozens... No AAD or BMD in the world can handle that...

And besides India would never dare do air raid. We all heard it from you in Parliament attacks and 26/11... You sent dossiers on a plane :lol:

yes , i agree India didnt but you might don't know surprise surprise, any foolish mistake , will make india launch, after all these attack your countries politicians send by your military to every country asking help to prevent war from india.
Pakistan will not only send 1 nuke.. Pakistan will send dozens... No AAD or BMD in the world can handle that...

And besides India would never dare do air raid. We all heard it from you in Parliament attacks and 26/11... You sent dossiers on a plane :lol:
learn from history , you will never know when we will surprise you. just like 4th dec. 1971 , or siachin in 1984. :lol: and we all know who is crying till now.
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