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End to US drone hits if military launches North Waziristan operation

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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End to US drone hits if military launches North Waziristan operation

United States has linked the halting of the drone campaign in the tribal belt with the Pakistan military launching a full-scale operation against the influential Afghan insurgent group, the Haqqani network, allegedly based in North Waziristan.

US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen told Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani during marathon talks in Rawalpindi on Wednesday that the CIA-led Predator strikes would continue until Pakistan eliminates Haqqani network from its the tribal region, The Express Tribune has learnt.

However, officials privy to the discussions said General Kayani refused to give any assurance or timeline to the top American military commander on carrying out an all-out assault in North Waziristan.

“Our position is absolutely clear that the operation in North Waziristan will be launched only if it is in the national interest,” said a security official, who requested not to be identified.

The Pakistan’s security establishment has long been accused of having links with the Afghan Taliban particularly the influential Haqqani network.

The American officials say Pakistan’s reluctance to go after the deadliest Afghan militant outfit in its tribal belt is the main reason the Obama administration had to rely on unmanned drones to take out “high value” targets.

But General Kayani strongly dismissed such perceptions, saying the military is committed to defeating extremists.

“The COAS highlighted that Pakistan Army’s ongoing operations are a testimony of our national resolve to defeat terrorism,” said a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations after Kayani’s meeting with Mullen.

“The COAS reinforced the government’s stance on drone strikes and emphasised that they not only undermine our national effort against terrorism, but turn public support against our efforts, which remains the key to success,” the statement added.

It said Kayani strongly rejects the negative propaganda of Pakistan not doing enough and Pakistan Army’s lack of clarity on the way forward.
His remarks came in response to Admiral Mullen’s blunt assessment that the ISI had a “longstanding relationship” with the Haqqani network.

Military sources say the army chief conveyed strong reservations to Mullen on his accusations against the Pakistan’s premier spy agency.

Despite tensions, the ISPR quoted Admiral Mullen as saying that he lauded the sacrifices and efforts of the people of Pakistan and its security forces, and reassured that security ties will not be allowed to unravel between the two armed forces.

The army chief acknowledged that the evolving Pak-US strategic relations are important for mutual long term objectives of comprehensive security in both the countries.

The relations between Washington and Islamabad have been under stress due to a series of incidents including the killing of two Pakistanis by a CIA contractor and drone attacks, one of which killed some 40 tribal elders.

The two countries have since been making serious efforts to defuse the tension. Mullen was the second top American military official who visited Islamabad in less than two weeks following a trip by US Central Command Chief General James Mattis on April 7.

In addition to these visits, the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha also flew to Washington for discussions with CIA Chief Leon Paneta last week.

End to US drone hits if military launches North Waziristan operation – The Express Tribune
Utter nonsense by Mullen.

What high level target from the Haqqani network has been taken out by US drones in NW after all these years of operation?

What impact have all these drone attacks over all these years had on the Haqqani network?

The stance of Mullen is typical of an arrogant colonial power committed to internationally illegal actions on another nations territory – but of course we know US history is full of such instances.
And then this happens:

Cross-border militants swoop on security post in Lower Dir – The Express Tribune

What is Mullen and the US doing about this?

Perhaps they should focus on flying drones on the Afghan side where these terrorists continue to operate freely and attack Pakistan from, rather than scapegoating Pakistan and threatening and bullying it.

Let me remind readers about other incidents related to this – Qari Ziaur Rehman, an Afghan Taliban commander based on Konar, led thousands of fighters into Bajaur and Mohmand several times in support of the Taliban groups there when the PA launched operations in those agencies. The US made little to no effort against these groups.
Utter nonsense by Mullen.

What high level target from the Haqqani network has been taken out by US drones in NW after all these years of operation?

What impact have all these drone attacks over all these years had on the Haqqani network?

The stance of Mullen is typical of an arrogant colonial power committed to internationally illegal actions on another nations territory – but of course we know US history is full of such instances.

The statement by Mullen is simple: Either Pakistan cleans its stables, or USA will do it. There no third choice.
The statement by Mullen is simple: Either Pakistan cleans its stables, or USA will do it. There no third choice.

Perhaps Mullen, and you, should read the article in my second post here.

Nor have you answered the questions asked in my first post.

US drones would be better utilized controlling and attacking terrorists in Afghanistan. But please, continue with your support for duplicitous US behavior and policies - don't let the facts get in your way.
“Our position is absolutely clear that the operation in North Waziristan will be launched only if it is in the national interest,” said a security official, who requested not to be identified.

The Pakistan’s security establishment has long been accused of having links with the Afghan Taliban particularly the influential Haqqani network.

The American officials say Pakistan’s reluctance to go after the deadliest Afghan militant outfit in its tribal belt is the main reason the Obama administration had to rely on unmanned drones to take out “high value” targets.

Rooting out the armed extremist networks is not in the national interest?

From the recent developments it seems that the US and NATO is getting impatient and restless given the volatile situation developing on ground in Pakistan. The negative perception of US' war on terror seems to be on the rise which might make it a difficult situation if PA keeps refusing to act soon.

It is a "now or never" situation, especially keeping in mind that the US is contemplating on withdrawal from Afghanistan by end of the year.
The statement by Mullen is simple: Either Pakistan cleans its stables, or USA will do it. There no third choice.

There is a difference between cleaning your stable and setting fire to it...
I reckon that is what shall happen if we listen to US instead of following an independent long term strategy which has the interests of Pakistan at its heart.

USA will do what is right for them and we should likewise pursue our own interests and move according to our threat perception and long term goals.
I am 100% certain that the current US strategy shall never ever succeed in bringing stability to Afghanistan since a foreign power can never do so with a primarily military solution.
It is too late for a soft approach by US in the region, the damage has been done in terms of building a negative perception in the area.
USA will have no choice but to leave or bleed itself and the local opponents...either way, it makes absolute sense for Pakistan to look beyond USA and do what is right for long term stability of the region.

Opening up new fronts will only increase the militancy and will give more and more space to Al Qaeda and its affiliates.
Political solutions and compromises shall have to be sought here as are sought everywhere in the world.
The aim is to separate terrorists from the locals, not to turn locals into terrorists...which means that a soft hand shall have to be used more often than brute force.
Not that brute force shall not have to be used against some elements, however this is not the solution for the entire Pakistan-Afghanistan belt.

There is certainly a third option, we do what is right for Pakistan keeping in mind our surroundings and the developing future scenario when USA leaves Afghanistan.
The third option does not translate into a pro terrorist option, it simply means that Pakistan must exercise its right to sort out the issues via its own methodology and to weed out the terrorists through a series of dialogue, coercion, agreements and military actions as and when required.
As long as we do only what US asks us to do instead of using our own think tanks and following our own strategy based on ground realities, we certainly run a huge risk of losing track and damaging Pakistan.
If USA does not agree to our point of view, then tough luck...but we have to stick to our guns here.
Perhaps Mullen, and you, should read the article in my second post here.

Nor have you answered the questions asked in my first post.

US drones would be better utilized controlling and attacking terrorists in Afghanistan. But please, continue with your support for duplicitous US behavior and policies - don't let the facts get in your way.

I have read the article. All it indicates is the continuing need for rooting out terrorists on BOTH sides of the border. What's your point?

US drones are being used on the Afghan side of the border too.

(I will continue to ignore your personal attacks.)
I have read the article. All it indicates is the continuing need for rooting out terrorists on BOTH sides of the border. What's your point?
That the US is not employing all its resources to eliminate terrorists on its side of the border, and therefore has no business criticizing Pakistan on the issue, and should use its drones on the Afghan side to eliminate all terrorists there before venturing into NW.
US drones are being used on the Afghan side of the border too.
Obviously not enough, since terrorists are able to train, mass, and carry out coordinated attacks into Pakistan at will. US drones operating over Pakistan territory should be diverted to Afghanistan to assist in eliminating terrorists on territory NATO is responsible for before critiquing Pakistan.
(I will continue to ignore your personal attacks.)
There is nothing 'personal' in pointing our your obvious bias and dishonesty in propagating US propaganda and bashing Pakistan.
Its bound to happen sooner or later. USA will tolerate Pakistan's reluctance to go against the Afghan Taliban on its soil, only till the time upsetting Pakistan has a bigger downside than letting AT have that safe haven in Pakistan. As the days go by, and US forces are not meeting success in rooting the taliban out, the option of letting Pakistan protect its strategic assets (Taliban ) is becoming a larger downside for the US forces. The inflexion point wont be too far off, where either Pakistan will start towing the US line (like they did in 2001) or we will see a major flare up in the relationship. Given Pakistan's dependence on USA for its economy (world bank) and military, the chances of first are much higher than the second..
The statement by Mullen is simple: Either Pakistan cleans its stables, or USA will do it. There no third choice.

Pakistan already won its independence from the white man in 1947.

Who is this Mullen to give ultimatums to a sovereign independent nuclear power nation of 185 million people.
Its bound to happen sooner or later. USA will tolerate Pakistan's reluctance to go against the Afghan Taliban on its soil, only till the time upsetting Pakistan has a bigger downside than letting AT have that safe haven in Pakistan. As the days go by, and US forces are not meeting success in rooting the taliban out, the option of letting Pakistan protect its strategic assets (Taliban ) is becoming a larger downside for the US forces. The inflexion point wont be too far off, where either Pakistan will start towing the US line (like they did in 2001) or we will see a major flare up in the relationship. Given Pakistan's dependence on USA for its economy (world bank) and military, the chances of first are much higher than the second..

Read the article I posted, and research Qari Ziaur Rehman and Mullah Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan - the Taliban have safe havens on territory controlled by NATO - the US needs to get its own house in order before critiquing Pakistan.
Pakistan already won its independence from the white man in 1947.

Who is this Mullen to give ultimatums to a sovereign independent nuclear power nation of 185 million people.

Don't waste your time with him. Please check out his and my last dozen or so posts to understand his utterly depraved viewpoint.
Read the article I posted, and research Qari Ziaur Rehman and Mullah Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan - the Taliban have safe havens on territory controlled by NATO - the US needs to get its own house in order before critiquing Pakistan.

There is the issue of ability and intent here.. NATO and USA are making their efforts in Afghanistan. However if they think that the success there is linked to removing safe havens in Pakistan for the Taliban, then your argument of getting their house in order does not hold any water. This doesnt have to be sequential if its linked to each other. The relationship between Pakistan and Taliban is well known and the reluctance of Pak govt to move against them due to the presence of extremist elements in Pak govt, Army and Intelligence agencies is obvious. Hence the difference in the 2 situations.. i.e. Safe havens in Afghanistan that Taliban hold with force and safe havens in Pakistan which exist with Pakistan govts permission (explicit or implicit)
US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen told Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani during marathon talks in Rawalpindi on Wednesday that the CIA-led Predator strikes would continue until Pakistan eliminates Haqqani network from its the tribal region, The Express Tribune has learnt.

This mean US will continue drone attacks. Mullen's earlier talks in this visit were also strong. But they should stop killing civilians. That makes situation worse and led people towards terrorism.
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