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End of US millitary dominance

What is the point of this presentation? The video is silent about countermeasures. There are ALWAYS new countermeasures in the works .....:usflag:
that's about time
maybe they would finally reconsider their foreign policies
US is 100s of years ahead in technology & knowledge & resources with the best human capital available

all by itself so jealousy wont do any harm to US
but follow its foot steps and achieve whats it founders & nation builders achieved then maybe there wont be any need to wish for the fall of USA
then I think such feeling will change with a need to do partnership to enjoy the prosperity
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Pakistan would self-destruct without the US defense umbrella.

So would most Arab states, Palestinians, and for along time...Europe.

Be careful what you wish for.
Pakistan does not have US defense umbrella.SEATO was dissolved on June 30, 1977. (Pakistan left much earlier in 65 due to sanctions).If US goes down then there is one state that is guaranteed to go down and that is Israel whether you like it or not.You should pray for US.It's your daddy - Without US help you guys are nothing.
Pakistan would self-destruct without the US defense umbrella.

So would most Arab states, Palestinians, and for along time...Europe.

Be careful what you wish for.
height of information!!:coffee:
Pakistan does not have US defense umbrella.SEATO was dissolved on June 30, 1977. (Pakistan left much earlier in 65 due to sanctions).If US goes down then there is one state that is guaranteed to go down and that is Israel whether you like it or not.You should pray for US.It's your daddy - Without US help you guys are nothing.

25% of Pakistan's entire military is subsidized by the US. Over 40,000 US troops sit in Afghanistan, protecting the Pakistani mainland and preventing violence from spilling over into your cities.

USA supported Pakistan during the Bangladesh war in 1971, and spent 1+ billion on the anti-soviet resistance of the 70s/80s.

Pakistan even considered reducing operations this year, it wasn't until Obama pledged over 2 billion in military aid for 2010, in addition to the 6 billion gifted to Afghanistan every quarter...did the government decided against ending on-going offenses.

Israel has the military capacity to convert its enemies into a radioactive desert. The US spends more effort trying to contain Israel from destroying its enemies, forcing controlled-cease fires, early retreats...etc...

USA doesn't beg the Arab nations or Palestinians to stop attacking.

height of information!!

United States gives more money to the Palestinians than all 50 Muslim countries combined.

I mean Palestinian people. Not money for weapons, propaganda, penthouses in London, etc.
Well, the situation is not as gloomy as you put it.If Americans go out the ISI is more then enough to handle Afghanistan situation.Oh and speaking of nuclear waste if Pakistan has serious integral threat from Afghanistan then dont think it wont use nuclear weapons.We don't have NFU Policy.In other words, Pakistan is indestructible now.1971 will NEVER repeat and we survived just fine during 90's without any US Help.(We were sanctioned).Pakistan was pressured into going into N W but it didnt.Our Generals clearly stated we will only go when our logistics are in place and we're in position to fight the enemy.We can't fight without having proper logistics setup and then retreating (like it did in 2003-2005) because army went into those areas unprepared.Pakistan has the ability to strike any enemy country.Most of our enemies are within our nukes range anyway.So its just your wet dream that Pakistan will explode.Yeah the soldiers are doing a great job in afghanistan they just could not secure the border before ******* the whole country up and putting Pakistan into flames and please don't mention US aid during Soviet Union Occupation.If Israel was in place of Pakistan it would have milked far more money and weapons from US.
Pakistan has survived sanctions for decades and is a country that not only has professional armed forces trained, but also combat experienced. If we can survive sanctions, fight the mighty Red Army in Afghanistan and India which is 4 times bigger then us, then we should be OK without the US.

There use to be a time in the 50s and 60s when US Secretary of State use to tell the Pakistani Foreign Minister, "Jump" and he use to say "How high". Now Pakistan has come a long way in defence manufacturing and it may burst your bubble, but that is the truth.

US is a democracy and it will be around for a long time, but if it tries to become an Empire instead of a country, it will face the same fate of all empires in history and that will be a collapse.:pakistan:
25% of Pakistan's entire military is subsidized by the US. Over 40,000 US troops sit in Afghanistan, protecting the Pakistani mainland and preventing violence from spilling over into your cities..
u made me laugh!the harm has already been done..
oh our western border is secure because of US soldiers..thanks for informing its secure..

USA supported Pakistan during the Bangladesh war in 1971, and spent 1+ billion on the anti-soviet resistance of the 70s/80s.
u better read pak history befor putting your assumptions

Pakistan even considered reducing operations this year, it wasn't until Obama pledged over 2 billion in military aid for 2010, in addition to the 6 billion gifted to Afghanistan every quarter...did the government decided against ending on-going offenses.
well everyone knows why us is insistent upon these operations..

Israel has the military capacity to convert its enemies into a radioactive desert. The US spends more effort trying to contain Israel from destroying its enemies, forcing controlled-cease fires, early retreats...etc...

USA doesn't beg the Arab nations or Palestinians to stop attacking.
ya n that bcoz US itself prepares mini nukes for israel..

United States gives more money to the Palestinians than all 50 Muslim countries combined.

I mean Palestinian people. Not money for weapons, propaganda, penthouses in London, etc
ok pakistan gives that one..:rofl:
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Pakistan has survived sanctions for decades and is a country that not only has professional armed forces trained, but also combat experienced. If we can survive sanctions, fight the mighty Red Army in Afghanistan and India which is 4 times bigger then us, then we should be OK without the US.

There use to be a time in the 50s and 60s when US Secretary of State use to tell the Pakistani Foreign Minister, "Jump" and he use to say "How high". Now Pakistan has come a long way in defence manufacturing and it may burst your bubble, but that is the truth.

US is a democracy and it will be around for a long time, but if it tries to become an Empire instead of a country, it will face the same fate of all empires in history and that will be a collapse.:pakistan:

Have you seen the leadership in Pakistan?

Compare its economy to India. Compare its military performace to USA's or Indias.

Pakistan needs some serious work. It has been protected and supported by the USA for quite some time.

This is not unique...but without the USA, Pakistan's military would have to look elsewhere for support. Its war with the terrorists relies extensively on US training and weapons.
25% of Pakistan's entire military is subsidized by the US. Over 40,000 US troops sit in Afghanistan, protecting the Pakistani mainland and preventing violence from spilling over into your cities

Misinfo.............40 000 troops werent asked by Pakistan to invade afghanistan..........Wat 400000?
they dont even have a hundred posts on pak afgan border?
We have in hundreds?????
My arse we have more then a 100000 troops there....

USA supported Pakistan during the Bangladesh war in 1971, and spent 1+ billion on the anti-soviet resistance of the 70s/80s.

Yeah righ?
For there own self...cold war ...usa vs ussr rivalry not coz they wanted to help afghanistan.......we were not even given awacs when soviets were violatin our airspace......
In 90 we were sanction........our money we gave to usa for purchase of f-16 wasnt even returned.

Pakistan even considered reducing operations this year, it wasn't until Obama pledged over 2 billion in military aid for 2010, in addition to the 6 billion gifted to Afghanistan every quarter...did the government decided against ending on-going offenses.

Still we havent launched attack on n waziristan........we will do it when we want not usa.....
usa moves all posts frm afghan border while we engage talibs......giving them a way out to escape.
We have lost more then 53 billion $ and our economy due to USA WOT........6 billion is for afghanistan not us.

We have survived 3 wars and decades without us help.......fuk our govt.....we dont want us AID....we can ask our overseas pakistanis to send 3 billion more while they r sending 8-10 billion every year.

Israel has the military capacity to convert its enemies into a radioactive desert. The US spends more effort trying to contain Israel from destroying its enemies, forcing controlled-cease fires, early retreats...etc...

USA doesn't beg the Arab nations or Palestinians to stop attacking.


United States gives more money to the Palestinians than all 50 Muslim countries combined.

I mean Palestinian people. Not money for weapons, propaganda, penthouses in London, etc.

Ur the highest reciever of US AID.
And weapon tech.
The terrorists can be easily taken care off.It's just a matter of time.Compare Pakistan Army's performance in Swat with India Army Performance in J&K.I am sure even YOU would agree that Pakistan performed way better and of course Army just can't switch training to COIN's only.It has to train for conventional war as well. (Which might not happen - Thanks to Nukes) But it is good prepare for the worst scenario.You severely underestimate Pakistan and it's tactical manoeuvrings..Look regardless of your gloomy situation i can tell you this - Pakistan will in fact be a major strategic beneficiary from the Afghan mess whenever it solves.It'll be taken care off.They don't blame ISI for every damn thing for no reason you know.Indian Diplomats, Army etc infiltrated.I think we're doing a pretty damn good job.
u made me laugh!the harm has already been done..
oh our western border is secure because of US soldiers..thanks for informing its secure..

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama signs big Pakistan aid bill

Surprise! Pakistan Siphoned off Billions in U.S. Military Aid | Danger Room | Wired.com

U.S. Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers

ya n that bcoz US itself prepares mini nukes for israel..

Wrong, France, Britain and Germany supported Israel's nuclear program. USA nearly sanctioned Israel because it refused to admit its nuclear program. DBG resigned after JFK showed him spy photos showing Israel's nuclear power plant.

A nuclear Israel makes it harder for the USA to control the middle east and protect the arab states (oil!)

Ur the highest reciever of US AID.
And weapon tech.

Actually, Iraq is. 36 billion a year to be exact.

Israel receives weapons, not $. So really, it's just subsidization for the US defense industry and provides 50,000 Americans with jobs.

Plus, with the technology, Israel has delivered some pretty sweet weapons of its own, which USA and its allies use on a daily basis.

If I recall both Pakistan and Iraqi army have Israeli-made weapons.

Israel saved GD billions in R&D by modifying the F-16.

Today the modern F-16 has over 600+ Israeli additions. So the 35 F-16s sold to Pakistan last winter were loaded with Israeli technology.

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