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End Of Time (The Final Call) - 10th June 2016

That Knowledge Only Allah posses and He knows best.
yes but there is a very important purpose of the signs of the last day mentioned in hadiths and they are lots of them. you can well imagine the importance of these signs that one question among the 5 questions in hadith of gabriel was about the signs of the last day. that incident happened during the last days of the Prophet SAW when religion was made complete . then to stress upon few very important aspects hazrat Jibrael appeared in front of the companions of the Prophet SAW in human form. the sensible people plan by reading the signs and idiots wait for actual " day mar sarhay char"

I have listened/watched one or two his lectures and that too recently after TMA's posts. However what i find impressive the originality of his work, his knowledge of the world affairs both of politics and economy, his deep understanding of the holy Qurans and his ability to reconcile the world affairs and see into the future. That's a scholarly work. Dr Shahid's approach is ammature as he lacks the background and level of knowledge required to understand it. All he has done is to compile the information and present it in a tv show. His strength is in talking contiuously and beautifully using good words and lengthy sentences. But what I found slightly dishonest on his part is no mention of Sh Imran Hossain while I can see he is borrowing from his work especially when he discusses about the dajjal and gog and maggog.
i always wait for his new lectures. so far listened to most of his lectures but as i mentioned before i disagree with some of his views and it is perfectly natural. no one can be an absolute authority on any issue and specially islam which is an ocean of knowledge. over all shiekh imran speaks with a lot of logic
but he is expecting nuclear war this year.
i always wait for his new lectures. so far listened to most of his lectures but as i mentioned before i disagree with some of his views and it is perfectly natural. no one can be an absolute authority on any issue and specially islam which is an ocean of knowledge. over all shiekh imran speaks with a lot of logic
but he is expecting nuclear war this year.
i will only to be able to say something once I have listened a lot of his lectures if not all. Yes one can disagree with him and I think he encourages that. I am not aware of any such prediction as I said I haven't watched a lot of stuff but I think what he makes are predictions and guesses and he is not very rigid about dates. I don't see a nuclear war happening this year but what I see is that the world moving towards it and the west is preparing for it...since I visit Sweden a lot, a pretty neutral country that has never been a NATO and even maintained its neutrality in WW II is talking about joining NATO and enhancing ties with USA while Sweden has no direct conflict or threat from Russia. When I asked them this question, they had no straight answer. ....I felt they were not honest or open in replying my question.
Isn't it the same documentary that was first released some 12 years ago? Or is this one different?
Isn't it the same documentary that was first released some 12 years ago? Or is this one different?
Essentially the same stuff as, of course, the Quranic verse and Hadith don't change but there are differences and personally I think it is worth watching. :)
Essentially the same stuff as, of course, the Quranic verse and Hadith don't change but there are differences and personally I think it is worth watching. :)
So he was trying to related a verse to some personality but since that time is gone he is now relating it to some other persona?
I respected this man a lot but he have gone so biased and extreme in his views lately that i cannot trust him that much. I suppose the documentary will have the same effect, the first one had much more reach and this one will be relatively limited because of his polarized views.

Still, you are recommending so i will try to find some time to watch these.
So he was trying to related a verse to some personality but since that time is gone he is now relating it to some other persona?
I respected this man a lot but he have gone so biased and extreme in his views lately that i cannot trust him that much. I suppose the documentary will have the same effect, the first one had much more reach and this one will be relatively limited because of his polarized views.

Still, you are recommending so i will try to find some time to watch these.
I partially agree with you but my perspective is that he has done a good job in compiling the data in one place/program and presented in an easy to understand manner, shows some footage and pictures. But I normally do not buy his or for that matter anyones claims/conclusion until I have done my own research. His reach will be limited because there is so much media and also people have access to internet and social media. In fact Sh. Imran Hossain has been doing a much better job and been doing since a long time, it was just that we did not know perhaps due to limited internet access. Once you listen him, you will find a huge difference between a scholar and a compiler. Because Sh has a tremendous knowledge of holy Quran and Hadith as he has been properly schooled but also he has education in economy from the elite schools in Switzerland and also exposure as a high ranking govt official of Australia and Trinidad...so he is totally in a different league...However I have not been able to watch more of this lectures.
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I partially agree with you but my perspective is that he has done a good job in compiling the data in one place/program and presented in an easy to understand manner, shows some footage and pictures. But I normally do not buy his or for that matter anyones claims/conclusion until I have done my own research. His reach will be limited because there is so much media and also people have access to internet and social media. In fact Sh. Imran Hossain has doing a much better job since a long time, it was just that we did not know perhaps due to limited internet access. Once you listen to him, you will find a huge difference between a scholar and a compiler. Because Sh has a tremendous knowledge of holy Quran and Hadith as he has been properly schooled but also he has education in economy from the elite schools in Switzerland and also exposure as a high ranking govt official of Australia and Trinidad...so he is totally in a different league...However I have not been able to watch more of this lectures.
i will surely look up Sh. Imran and listen to him
Isn't it the same documentary that was first released some 12 years ago? Or is this one different?
the signs predicted in the hadiths are just coming true and he is co relating the events with the signs mentioned in the hadiths. in one of the lectures by shiekh hamza yusaf narrated the hadith according to which at the end times the buildings of mecca will be higher then the mountains of makkah and when that happens it will be a clear message the time is casting it's shadow. with the construction of the clock tower near masjid ul haram in recent years whose height is greater then the surrounding mountains this hadith has come to be true in both literal and metaphorical meanings. till few years ago it was a prediction and now it's reality.
Old program.. But very informative and eye opening.
End Of Time The Final Call – 18th June 2016

An ordinary piece of work. Nothing special was expected from a doctor.
End Of Time (The Final Call) - 19th June 2016

the signs predicted in the hadiths are just coming true and he is co relating the events with the signs mentioned in the hadiths. in one of the lectures by shiekh hamza yusaf narrated the hadith according to which at the end times the buildings of mecca will be higher then the mountains of makkah and when that happens it will be a clear message the time is casting it's shadow. with the construction of the clock tower near masjid ul haram in recent years whose height is greater then the surrounding mountains this hadith has come to be true in both literal and metaphorical meanings. till few years ago it was a prediction and now it's reality.
This is the actual hadith or interpretation of it:

When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings. And the Hour is one of five things which nobody knows except Allah. [Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 47]
One thing he said Hazrat Noah(A.S) has three sons , Shem,Ham,Japheth. All of mankind is from these three sons..That is Jewish believe...Muslim says there was 4 sons of Noah(A.S) and 50 Companions(up to best of my knowledge)
one interesting thing is said HAM was our forefather of subcontinents people....were as Jewish history differ Ref:Table of Nations (that we are descendants of Shem not of HAM)...

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