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Encirclement of Pakistan


Dec 16, 2010
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Encirclement of Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat

Although Pakistan has been facing multiple crises of grave nature, yet the same have been intensified by the foreign enemies recently as part of the encirclement of our country.

In this connection, on November 24, 2010, a US court has issued summons to senior officials of the Inter-services Intelligence Agency (ISI) including its Chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha, along with Mumbai attack masterminds and leaders of Lashkar-i-Taiba, Hafiz Saeed and Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi in response to a lawsuit filed by relatives of two American victims accusing them of providing material support for the 26/11 attacks of Mumbai.

The 26-page lawsuit accusing ISI of aiding and abetting LeT regarding the deaths of 166 people was filed before a New York Court on November 19. However, in an unprecedented step, the US court has summoned ISI chief to appear before it during 26/11, anniversary.
In this regard, Pakistan’s political leaders have strongly condemned the decision of the US court, saying that ISI chief must not appear before the court. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani categorically stated in the National Assembly that the ISI chief would not be asked to appear before the American court.

Here it is notable that American CIA-operated drones strikes continues unabated on Pakistan’s tribal areas. In this context, a writ petition must be filed in a court of Pakistan against the US President Obama and the ex-president Bush in connection with the deaths of many a persons through drones attacks.

It is of particular attention that the summon of Pakistan’s ISI chief is part of inter-related developments against Pakistan, which have co-relationship with each other. It can be judged from the fact that on December 16, 2010, regarding US AfPak Policy Review, American President Barack Obama said that the United States welcomed Pakistan’s efforts against extremists including offensives in its tribal regions, but “progress has not come fast enough, so we will continue to insist on Pakistani leaders that terrorist safe havens within that are borders must be dealt with.”

Meanwhile, on December 20, The New York Times reported that “senior American military commanders like Gen. David Petreaus and his subordinates are pushing for ground raids in Pakistan aimed at capturing Taliban commanders and taking them back to Afghanistan for interrogation.”

At the same time, Washington wants Islamabad to take military action against the Haqqani group in North Waziristan. While Islamabad has already made it clear that army is engaged in other tribal areas, so it cannot attack the militants of North Waziristan.

In this context, rejecting US duress, Pakistan’s army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has said that a decision about military action in North Waziristan will not be made on external dictation.

India has also accelerated its campaign against Islamabad in connection with the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage. In this context, on November 25, this year, India’s Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that substantive and verifiable progress has not been made by Pakistan�on bringing all the perpetrators and masterminds of the heinous attacks to justice.

As a matter of fact non-state actors are present in whole of the region from India and Afghanistan to the Indian-occupied Kashmir. And it was proved that these non-sovereign entities were responsible for the Mumbai catastrophe and Pakistan had no official involvement.

On the other side, Islamabad had demanded from New Delhi information and progress in relation to a serving Lt. Col. Srikant Purohit along with other army officials involved in bombing of Samjhota express, which brunt alive 69 Pakistanis. But India has sent no reply in that respect.

It is noteworthy that some external opportunist elements like the US, India, Afghanistan and Israel are in collusion as part of a plot to ‘destabilize’ Pakistan for their common strategic interests. It was due to new subversive acts of the militants in the tribal areas, backed by American CIA, Indian RAW, Afghan Khad and Israeli Mossad that Prime Minister Gilani had disclosed that there were “several enemies of the country” and “foreign hands were also involved in the acts of terrorism.” Moreover, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik and ISPR spokesman, Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas have repeatedly pointed out foreign hands in helping the insurgency in Pakistan.

As regards RAW, more than 50 Indian foreign offices, established along with the north-western border of Pakistan are supporting the militants not only in the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, but also Balochistan where a minority group called the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has been waging a separatist war in southwestern Pakistan with the aid of RAW and CIA. Bugti’s death was a blow to neo-BLA, but this group’s external backers did not stop their aggressive activities. After Bugti’s death his grandson, Brahmdagh Bugti is currently operating against Pakistan from Kabul.

On 23 July 2008, in an interview with the BBC, Brahmdagh Bugtti, while answering to a question in relation to getting arms from neighboring countries, replied that they are fighting for self-defence and “have the right to accept any foreign aid in this perspective”.

Another Indian-backed separatist group, calling their militants Jundollah (God’s soldiers) is also working against the cordial relationship of China and Iran with Pakistan.

Besides, Pakistan’s province, Balochistan where China has invested billion of dollars to develop Gwadar seaport which could link Central Asian trade with rest of the world, irritates the US including its other allies like India and Israel. Balochistan has even shifted the central gravity of the Great Game to Pakistan. Notably, Washington which signed a deal of civil nuclear technology with New Delhi wants to counterbalance China by making India the superpower of Asia. In this regard, a cold war has already started between the US and China.

As a ‘nuclearised’ Pakistan will be the arena of the next cold war, hence American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are creating instability by supporting separatist and hostile elements in Balochistan and other cities of our country. In this respect, besides suicide attacks and assaults on Pakistan’s security personnel, other incidents like kidnappings and killings of Iranians and Chinese engineers in the last three years might be cited as example.

In fact, the problem was not restricted to Balochistan alone, it also related to the Karakorum Highway, which was extended to Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa and the tribal areas of Pakistan. The fight in the name of Islam started in Bajor, Malakand and Swat, when in 2004; China signed an agreement with the government of Pakistan for an extension of the historical highway from Gilgat to Swat, passing through Dir and Chitral. That highway was named the Karakorum Highway phase II. As soon as some parts of that plan were brought to world’s attention, a siren went off in the capitals of some countries�especially Washington, New Delhi and Tel Aviv. The USA took it as a threat to its global plans, and India felt that it threatened its integrity. American close ally, Israel also took it as a greater threat from an Islamic country.

In this regard, Indo-Israeli lobbies are working in the US and other western countries in order to implicate Islamabad. With the help of particularly American media, these lobbies are propagating that the next terror-plan to attack the US homeland will be prepared in Pakistan. In this respect, recent release of the new secret documents which have targeted Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria including some other Islamic countries in general and Pakistan in particular are the plot of their collective enemies through WikiLeaks. Especially, the main aim of these diplomatic cables is to distort the image of Pakistan by maligning our political leadership, army and superior spy agency, ISI which is the first defense line of the country in thwarting the conspiracy of the foreign enemies.

Nonetheless, US has been playing a double game against our country, while its allies�India and Israel have intensified the encirclement of Pakistan with its support.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations. Email: sajjad_logic@yahoo.com

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Nowadays everyone is feeling encircled

Pakistan fells threatened by U.S,India, Israel and afghan encircling it.

India feel threatened by China encircling it.

China feel threatened by U.S at its allies encircling it.

U.S feels threatened by Megatron and Dicepticons encircling it.:lol:

this never ends
US kangroo court summons ISI cheif and we are soo enthusiastic to server the americans..yeah right..next time they need intel co-op on Afghanistan they can be well assured another boot up the bum.
US kangroo court summons ISI cheif and we are soo enthusiastic to server the americans..yeah right..next time they need intel co-op on Afghanistan they can be well assured another boot up the bum.

Speak against India....thats all right.....But US has kept Pakistan floating.....coz this "another boot up the bum" that u r thinking of is suicidal for u. If US thinks of putting its boot up ur bum, then it can do it so hard that it will be visible even on ur face! :smokin:
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