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Encirclement of China

Rubbish of an article taken from a third rate blog.
No one is encircling China. China does not need to be encircled. It is encircled form birth. China is encircled geographically. One look at the map is enough. In the north is Russia, in the west are the CAR nations where Russia holds sway and US is buying its foot holds and slowly but steadily eating into Russia's back yard. In the south is India. All that is available to China for entry, exit, trade etc is the east. Is there any doubt as to why China is so sensitive to the goings on in the East and South China Seas then?
China could have ensured that the environment on its east was friendlier than that in the north, west or south but, alas, that was not to be. With South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, the east is not exactly a friendly place. Much of the fault for this lies with China itself. The US has merely capitalised upon and taken advantage of the format which already existed here.

Just as the Soviet Union was always severely handicapped due to its limited access to the world's oceans through warm water ports, so will this problem always hinder China's elevation to super power status. One of the biggest reasons for America's continued domination of the world is the totally free, unhindered and unlimited access to the two major oceans, Pacific and Atlantic and thanks to the generosity of the Russian Empire, USA also has access to the Arctic Ocean via Alaska.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Australia are irrelevant to the issue. It was geography that encircled China.

Just my two paisas.

Sir, your argument with regard to geography is appropriate but geography alone does not govern the environment. The geopolitics, geoeconomy and geostrategy also pose significant questions on the existing geographical realities. Therefore the need to view these aspects in a wholesome way provide the answers, a not so good article notwithstanding. The link below may allay some of your concerns:

Encirclement is happening - name it containment, contaigement (containment and engagement), hedging as explained in American official strategy papers and the latest happenings on Air Sea warfare concept against A2/AD for containing China in south and north china sea.
Sir, your argument with regard to geography is appropriate but geography alone does not govern the environment. The geopolitics, geoeconomy and geostrategy also pose significant questions on the existing geographical realities. Therefore the need to view these aspects in a wholesome way provide the answers, a not so good article notwithstanding. The link below may allay some of your concerns:

Encirclement is happening - name it containment, contaigement (containment and engagement), hedging as explained in American official strategy papers and the latest happenings on Air Sea warfare concept against A2/AD for containing China in south and north china sea.

A good response my friend.

I had basically sought to make two points in my post. Firstly, China is a major continental power in the wrong continent. Even though, India is nowhere in the same league as Russia and China, but for China to be boxed in by Russia and India would not be a very comfortable state of affairs. China has fought wars with both Russia(USSR) and India in the past. Relations of both countries with China are stable as of now but the potential for future conflicts do exist. Compared to the adverse geographical position that China finds itself in, these efforts of encirclement by the US are just pinpricks. My second contention was that to be a truly dominant world power capable of influencing events in distant out of area theaters, a country needs vast and powerful maritime resources and adequate access to warm water oceans. This is China's Achilles heel. A lot needs to be done here before China can ensure a safe and secure passage to and from the Pacific and the Indian Oceans.

The Air Sea warfare concept is simply an upgradation of the Air Land Warfare concept which was the bed rock of NATO's war fighting strategy against the Warsaw Pact in continental Europe from the 60s till the end of the Cold War. It envisages the use of the sea as a medium in which the future wars would be conducted. The aerial component being the same, engaging the enemy simultaneously in the near, middle and far distances simultaneously while also launching crippling strike in the space and the cyber regions. The Air Sea warfare concept was indeed designed with China in mind as China is and will be the only likely adversary of the US in the near future. Basically it is a strategy for conducting war and not containment/encirclement and so is a different ball game altogether.

Sticking to the thread................ The US believes that China has the capacity to strike the US main land from the main land of China with nuclear warheads......... as such the US will NEVER enter a war with China, abit like the Soviet Union, posturing and wrangling, but never a conflict....

However they will use a proxy like they did to indirectly hurt China....question is, who will that proxy country be.........
wonder if i post an article from a blog (and a third rate one at that) it will be left untouched. mods do something will you please.

---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

those arnt his real flags

he was in Pakistan . then declared he was off for a vacation to Uganda for a while . he is still there. :D guess they don't want him to leave.
Sticking to the thread................ The US believes that China has the capacity to strike the US main land from the main land of China with nuclear warheads......... as such the US will NEVER enter a war with China, abit like the Soviet Union, posturing and wrangling, but never a conflict....

However they will use a proxy like they did to indirectly hurt China....question is, who will that proxy country be.........
Infact they are trying to recruit locals of Turkistan Islamic movement funding them , training them within the terrorists training camps in Afghanistan or elsewhere around the world. They are also using the adopted Chinese Children by the American families when they growup and sending them in China as their agents. They can easily mingle with the local Chinese population and can run terrorism business within China very easily...Plus they also tried to recruit the asylees from The Muslims majority areas in Sinkiang province and provoked them against the Chinese govt. Plus West has special agents within the Tableeghi Jamaat too who can go around the world for preaching purpose but infact undercover agents make contacts through them and funds their business especially in China and Russia. provoke local pplz against their govt. It shold be noticed that the Main Markaz of the Tableeghi Jamaat is in London funded by their secret agency..plus in US and Canada ....there are more other religious Islamic organisations working under the secret society getting direct funds and training for their evil business around the world.Their another pupose is to spread FIRQA PARASTI within Islam and to say everybody Kafir except their group...Please also note that many pplz going on Tableegh with Tableeghi Jamaat don't even know what is going on under their nose and the've been used secretly for what purpose......
Anyways many pplz will contradict with my info..but the fact is there....:smokin:
A good response my friend.

I had basically sought to make two points in my post. Firstly, China is a major continental power in the wrong continent. Even though, India is nowhere in the same league as Russia and China, but for China to be boxed in by Russia and India would not be a very comfortable state of affairs. China has fought wars with both Russia(USSR) and India in the past. Relations of both countries with China are stable as of now but the potential for future conflicts do exist. Compared to the adverse geographical position that China finds itself in, these efforts of encirclement by the US are just pinpricks. My second contention was that to be a truly dominant world power capable of influencing events in distant out of area theaters, a country needs vast and powerful maritime resources and adequate access to warm water oceans. This is China's Achilles heel. A lot needs to be done here before China can ensure a safe and secure passage to and from the Pacific and the Indian Oceans.

The Air Sea warfare concept is simply an upgradation of the Air Land Warfare concept which was the bed rock of NATO's war fighting strategy against the Warsaw Pact in continental Europe from the 60s till the end of the Cold War. It envisages the use of the sea as a medium in which the future wars would be conducted. The aerial component being the same, engaging the enemy simultaneously in the near, middle and far distances simultaneously while also launching crippling strike in the space and the cyber regions. The Air Sea warfare concept was indeed designed with China in mind as China is and will be the only likely adversary of the US in the near future. Basically it is a strategy for conducting war and not containment/encirclement and so is a different ball game altogether.


I agree with what you’ve highlighted. Currently, China is not in a position to challenge the US strength and does not have the capability to project its power. That is exactly why at present it is concentrating at anti access and area denial strategies in south and north china seas to dominate these maritime zones. And that is exactly why the US is putting air sea warfare doctrinal elements in practice – precisely aimed at deterring or denying China the ability to project her power when China is ready to do so. This is part of American hedging strategy – call it containment or whatever, but this is what it is aimed at. Deter the Chinese by countering Chinese A2/AD efforts and if the deterrence fails, the elements of A2/AD would take care of Chinese military or maritime access/denial capabilities.

The Chinese are conducting trials on their first carrier – which may just be a training platform, but they are slated to raise five carrier groups in future. And these would certainly not be meant only for A2/AD. Yes, the Chinese can not access the Indian Ocean and that is why the importance of Pakistan and Burma for the Chinese and also for the US.

You may however, like to review your statement when you say that air sea warfare is a, ‘strategy for conducting war and not containment/encirclement and so is a different ball game altogether.’ Agreed it is a war fighting strategy but what is it aimed at – to deter and if deterrence fails to deny the Chinese if they try to put in practice their anti access and area denial efforts - and if they try to break out of first and second chain of islands in south and north china seas, to project power and threaten Pacific and or Indian Ocean slocs or the littoral states, including mainland US. To do all this, the US has to first of all contain the Chinese within the first and second chain of islands in order to stop them from breaking out.

To put such air sea strategy or containment in to effect, bases are required in countries surrounding the first and second chain of islands – Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and India for Andaman and Nicobar.
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