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Employee Outsourced Job to China

That's hilarious

The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the web, watching cat videos on YouTube and browsing Reddit and eBay.

I wonder what this guy's fark handle is.
In mail online:
Software developer fired after bosses learn he outsourced his work to China and spent ALL DAY surfing the web | Mail Online

Software developer fired after bosses learn he outsourced his work to China and spent ALL DAY surfing the web
Began day by looking at cat videos and Reddit for two hours
Took 90-minute lunch breaks
Also wasted time on eBay, Facebook and LinkedIn
Paid Chinese consulting firm $50,000 to do his work for him
Was praised for being 'the best developer in the building' and was described as 'Someone you wouldn’t look at twice in an elevator'

It was nice work while it lasted.
A software developer making six-figures was fired after his bosses learned he outsourced his work to China so he could spend all day goofing off on the web, it was revealed today.
The lazy but inventive worker, called 'Bob' and identified as being a mid-40s family man in a security report by Verizon, was even praised by his superiors for being 'the best developer in the building.'


Beating the grind: A US-based software developer making six-figures was able to outsource all his work to China. Instead of slaving away at his computer, the man watched cat videos and surfed social media

'His code was clean, well written, and submitted in a timely fashion, the case study said.
'Quarter after quarter, his performance review noted him as the best developer in the building.'
The man typically began his 'work' day at a 'critical infrastructure' company with a two-and-a-half-hour marathon session of surfing Reddit and watching cat videos.

After that strenuous work, the man, whose name or where he worked was not released, would take a 90-minute lunch break.
Then the man, who was described as 'inoffensive and quiet. Someone you wouldn’t look at twice in an elevator', would then spend about browsing deals on eBay.
After that, the long-tenured employee would check social media by posting Facebook updates and checking people's profiles on LinkedIn.
Once the end of the day came, he sent out an e-mail to management updating them, presumably on the work that others had done in China at his behest.

The report said he was somehow able to pull this scam off at multiple companies, earning several hundred thousands of dollars a year while paying out approximately $50,000 to the Chinese consulting firm.

His ruse was uncovered last year when the developer's US-based company noticed that network activity was originating in Shenyang, China.
Fearing a security breach, they contacted Verizon to get to the bottom of it.
The Verizon investigators noticed the suspicious activity was occurring regularly and often spanned the entire eight-hour workday.

They then spoke with the employee, whose credentials were being used to sustain the network connection in China, and searched his company.
They found invoices for the Chinese firm and searched his web history which confirmed 'the whole story,' the report concluded.
I pondered about doing the same

What are the going rates in Pakistan? After all you have access to a wide range of skilled people with excellent English communication and I assume many with programming skills, the PDF employment agency with of course 5% to Webby ;)
a company in Shenyang? lol``I thought advanced IT sectors in China are in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou```
a company in Shenyang? lol``I thought advanced IT sectors in China are in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou```

Shenyan and Dalian is huge software hubs to most Japanese firms, so you are quite ignorant.
Shenyan and Dalian is huge software hubs to most Japanese firms, so you are quite ignorant.

this i do not know, I only having contacts with graphic and managenent solution software companies fron Shanghai and Hangzhou, and they are the best ones in China in those areas ATM
I think this is not the one case only...I have seen that people having GC in USA, usually do multiple project at a time, although it is illegal and most of their work they it done through China's labor market to get a good return...This needs to be stopped...
this i do not know, I only having contacts with graphic and managenent solution software companies fron Shanghai and Hangzhou, and they are the best ones in China in those areas ATM
Neusoft, a big software company located in shenyang which has at least 20 thousand of employees, have good relationship with Japanese companies like Toshiba and some european companies. They cooperation in many fields and produce a lot of softwares, like indians do. Many people guess this company is the one in that news...
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