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Empire with No Clothes


I am not looking at it from a patriotic prespective at all, people are happy and TATA's are always closer to the Indian Heart unlike the Birla's or Ambani's.There were times when they did more for the Indian people than the government themseleves

I do believe it is a good deal, over-valued yes, profitable and a good business and that kind mint money in the future, a definite yes
We also wish them to be successful, a big company from a poor country can prove to be a big blow to economy in case of failure and lots of people who have invested from earning overseas and their assets of life can suffer.

We wish it never happens, you would have seen the misery of ENRON victums.
i am no expert but it sound like a good deal.Tata get the customers of corus that they can supply cheaper steel from india.
If i am correct did tata not make there money from opium sold to china?

There has been so many reports that he made his money through the Opium Trade in China. It is not confirmed, but i do believe there is a good chance,
There are also reports that he borrowed this money from Indian pension funds and peoples savings with banks "before taking over the world" and also borrowed from international institutions against his assets in India.

The intrest on these borrowings would be taken out from indian economy, is not it?

How can he take savings of people, pensions funds are with the government nobody can take it. I dont think you have any understanding of Provident FUnd, Pension Fund.

PS: Borrowing Money to buy a Productive organaization which will bring in more Rate of Return than the rate of Interest Incurred on borrowing money, is a good and sound business decision.
You might be right, but actually it is too ignorant to say that these funds are "with government", being with government doesnot means that government puts these funds in a locker and throughs key in to a well.

These funds are regularly invested in various shapes and corporations and the profit or loss is shared.

To make you have a batter idea, I would quote Malaysia's example, the pension funds of Malaysia were invested in few corporations on political grounds last years, the corporations collapsed, so did the funds, and in a single year $ 1.3 Billion disaapeared from fund.

This happens everywhere when these funds are invested on "other" considerations.

BTW, if you are clear, its offtopic, let us discuss the origanal post.
India we have our share of the godless commie "pricks", And since they are so f***King idiotic and anti-capitalistic, the Unions and the Communist party doesnt allow the Workers fund to be invested in the market, The Government wants to do it, but Unions has said NO, The negotations are still going on. They are invested as government Treasury Bonds, which gives interest and covers inflation, Therefore they are not available on the market.

International Financial Insitutions were fighting for a place to invest with the TATA's for Corus.

There is nothing for me to be clear Mir, I really do think Tata's did the right thing. And I dont agree with the Article

It is simpy catching ear from otherside, suppose govt invest such funds in to bonds and provides gurantee, bonds lend money to corporate to generate the profits, the corporate fails like ENRON, who is suffering at the end?

It is always pubilc funds which vanish.

As regards the decision of TATA, the article is well balanced and unbaised, although it do not matches with what we want to see or what we have been told about "taking over the world".

Actually any good government (Securities and exchange commission) would not allow a company to take such decision in the situation deal was done, but again TATA is the most powerful corporate in India and got a lot of influance.

Now lets see who are investors in TATA? They are poor expetriates who leave their home for batter life, they are the people who have invested the savings and entire assets in company.

Now if an adventurist corporate leader while dreaming to take over the world makes such decision, the situation can get to ENRON crisis. Just imagine (Gof forbid) if such thing happens what would be the impect on economy, a common personas life and investors future.

You guys have too many conspiracy things in your heads, maybe that is how things are done in Pakistan, but not in India. Indian Government Bonds cant lend money in the Open Market but only for Government use, that is the whole point.I thought I already explained that to you in the previous post. You dont understand market dynamics nor are you aware of Indian and World Steel Market situation. Poor Expats, lol. No they are Foriegn International Banks, Investment houses, Employees shareholders and Mangement of Tata's itself, Private Individuals. You have no clue. Do you know how many company Indians take over a year, Just yesterday Essar Group bought a steel company in Canada. There is something called a Shareholders meeting. I dont want to throw my resume at you, But I am a CFA.
But I am a CFA.


Mir, its not about taking over the world, just happiness that Indian companies are now prosperous enough that they are buying western companies. That we have created the atmostphere for our own companies to grow to such a world level. Its not common to see S.Asian companies buying Western companies.

And its not just one TATA that has bought Corus, there are HOARDS of Indian companies doing just the same. Its pride, nothing more, nothing less.I hope you understand.

you think I am not intelligent enough to get myslef a CFA after studying that good for nothing thing called MBA. You keep forgetting that I am old...lol,hmmm..you engineer's have all the nerve...lol
Check my orkut, Did I tell you that I met up with Bull, last week

PS: I am dis-engaging, i cant go in circles any more....lol

you think I am not brainy enough to get a CFA,hmmm..you engineer's have all the nerve...lol
Check my orkut, Did I tell you that I met up with Bull, last week

Nah, you didnt. In which city?

I think that your brainy enough adux, meant that as a joke LOL.

good good, bring those Avro's back in the hangar :lol:
Cochin!!! I am in cochin now a days, i have my business here, ps: go check my edu in orkut mr.engg.lol
lol, ok

Who is Geetu? She looks Hot!

Anyways Adux, man how many businesses do you actually have?! do you work as labour in many? :lol:--->jk mate!

Dude, now what business do you have in Cochin?
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