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Emotional feelings from brother from same Mother:United Staes of INDUSTAN

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Jul 12, 2012
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Emotional feelings from brother from same Mother:United Staes of INDUSTAN

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ther-united-staes-industan.html#ixzz2QHbZvwUy

By-Hi Iam Hareesh Kumar.Am a NRI.I live in Uk and in India aswell.Tese are my own views.Just like it or Hate it but Think about it.I urge u all.Not as an Indian but as an Ancient Indian Subcontinent.The time the world never even thought of invading US.The time when we thought the world about Science,Language ,Way of living.The time when we ruled the world.Have a free thoughts before reading my article.Hope we all will realize that we are frome same Mother We drank same Milk but seperated by Religion,Western Intrest and Inner Politicians.But HOW LONG? Can we be seperated just by things i mentioned above? How canwhen our DNA and Our existance are same.

First of all I ll be very happy to be reunited with Pakistan.Western Intrest divided us.We faught freedon war together .But now we are divided and controled by western Powers.In india Hindu ans muslims live together We respect each other.many riots happends its all becase of political gain.We must understand that Pakistanis are not from arab.In pakistan government try to tell pakistanis that they are Arabs.But we are not.We are from same family.Can u deny that? We wr once ruled whole world including America in our ancient past.We wr divided by new religions and etc.But we are the same people.We are not from ARABS or ARYANS which is western propaganda now proved wrong by their own people.I really feel bad when pakistanis wait and beg for funds from USA and Chinese. Peo[le on pakistan must understand friend ship with chinese is like feeding the snacks It will bite u. Chinese will change their policy according to the political changes.If India ,I ment IF India became a superPower with domestic arms production am sure chinese will look at India in diffrent manar.They respect power.Chinese respect power. I urge all pakistanis to think about it .We the people gave knowledge to the west .Britishers ruled us and divided for their political gains.We were carried away.We all are same people from same mother.

U can question me.About Kashmir and war against India by Pakistan Armed Forces but if the Kashmir issue is solved pakistan Army has no agenda after that.To sped nearly 60% of its GDP.And am sure people of Pakistan and People of India never hate each other.Why we gona hate each other ? Family may have liltle fights or major fights but in our heart WE REALLY DONT WANT OUR BROTHER TO DIE AT ALL.Because we drank same milk from 1 mother. We all should think what we did and what we are doing.Our History is so vast even west dont want to tell the truth.West propaganda is ROMAN were super civilization or Epypts But what about mohan da Jaro ? and what about newly unearth DWARAKA which is 12000 BC (Aprox) Today am sure we resoect each others CHoice to follow thier own religion Fine.We can live with it.Very existance of pakistan is seperate Muslim State.Now its 2013 We can be who ever we want .We can be a SUPER INDIAN SUBCONTINENT or UNITED STATES OF INDIA.

To my brothers and Sister i urge only this.You may Think am like creedy or anything.but at the end of the day we need to realise our FATHER and MOTHER are same.We are from same family.We share same DNA.We shared same culture even before Islam is formed 720AD .Today we all are educated and grown as two great nations.Its high time We all join hands and Look forward to get in to our Ancient position as the SUPER POWER of the WORLD.I strongly belive chinese can backstage anyone .Small example is RUSSIA and INDIA .India-we gave chinese their culture from their God to Kungfu(DAMO-he is a south Indian KING who tought chese Kungfu and Aurveda etc. SHOLIN TEMPLE IS THE TEMPLE OF DAMO -Real Name BODHI DARMA) yet they betrays US(I ment US INDIAN AND PAKISTANIS) and RUSSIA -they betrayed russia in many ways from border wars etc.Its russia decided to settle the border and gave what chinese wanted.As u know china will be a colonisation of Jappan if Russia dint help.Am sure these chinese respect Power and Pakistan should Realize it which is very weak in economy and in defence.Please dont think am jsut trying convince u.Am more Indian and Pakistani.It has no diffrent.Whats the diffrent? Nothing.Even religion,Way of living,Politicians etc No one can seperate us from the fact that we all from one Mother.

Its my small request to my brothers and Sisters of Pakistan.As we people to people we know we dont hate each other.Cause we cant.Who will hate their own blood relation? May be fight between brothers but definitly not to kill each others .WE NEED TO WAKE UP.I know i will get more oppostion omments but when brithers,west and other means cant stop us loving each other i dont thing these comment WILL ...

We will retain our Super Power Position As soon as we realize we are not enemies but once big happy FAMILY


Partition happened for the best, let's just leave it that.
Revisionism won't help, it never does. What happened, happened. The best we can do, as nations, is to work towards good common goals like economic prosperity of our people and contributions to the world at large. I would also like to point out that many good intentioned Indians and Pakistanis turn away a lot of people from the prospect of peace and cooperation between our two nations by the same notion of uniting again. There are examples of nations that have remained independent and have cooperated with one another successfully (the USA and Canada, for example). So let's respect one another but remain one another and not one.
Fail Thread
First of all I ll be very happy to be reunited with Pakistan.Western Intrest divided us.We faught freedon war together .But now we are divided and controled by western Powers.In india Hindu ans muslims live together We respect each other.many riots happends its all becase of political gain.We must understand that Pakistanis are not from arab.In pakistan government try to tell pakistanis that they are Arabs.But we are not.We are from same family.Can u deny that? We wr once ruled whole world including America in our ancient past.We wr divided by new religions and etc.But we are the same people.We are not from ARABS or ARYANS which is western propaganda now proved wrong by their own people.I really feel bad when pakistanis wait and beg for funds from USA and Chinese. Peo[le on pakistan must understand friend ship with chinese is like feeding the snacks It will bite u. Chinese will change their policy according to the political changes.If India ,I ment IF India became a superPower with domestic arms production am sure chinese will look at India in diffrent manar.They respect power.Chinese respect power. I urge all pakistanis to think about it .We the people gave knowledge to the west .Britishers ruled us and divided for their political gains.We were carried away.We all are same people from same mother.

U can question me.About Kashmir and war against India by Pakistan Armed Forces but if the Kashmir issue is solved pakistan Army has no agenda after that.To sped nearly 60% of its GDP.And am sure people of Pakistan and People of India never hate each other.Why we gona hate each other ? Family may have liltle fights or major fights but in our heart WE REALLY DONT WANT OUR BROTHER TO DIE AT ALL.Because we drank same milk from 1 mother. We all should think what we did and what we are doing.Our History is so vast even west dont want to tell the truth.West propaganda is ROMAN were super civilization or Epypts But what about mohan da Jaro ? and what about newly unearth DWARAKA which is 12000 BC (Aprox) Today am sure we resoect each others CHoice to follow thier own religion Fine.We can live with it.Very existance of pakistan is seperate Muslim State.Now its 2013 We can be who ever we want .We can be a SUPER INDIAN SUBCONTINENT or UNITED STATES OF INDIA.

To my brothers and Sister i urge only this.You may Think am like creedy or anything.but at the end of the day we need to realise our FATHER and MOTHER are same.We are from same family.We share same DNA.We shared same culture even before Islam is formed 720AD .Today we all are educated and grown as two great nations.Its high time We all join hands and Look forward to get in to our Ancient position as the SUPER POWER of the WORLD.I strongly belive chinese can backstage anyone .Small example is RUSSIA and INDIA .India-we gave chinese their culture from their God to Kungfu(DAMO-he is a south Indian KING who tought chese Kungfu and Aurveda etc. SHOLIN TEMPLE IS THE TEMPLE OF DAMO -Real Name BODHI DARMA) yet they betrays US(I ment US INDIAN AND PAKISTANIS) and RUSSIA -they betrayed russia in many ways from border wars etc.Its russia decided to settle the border and gave what chinese wanted.As u know china will be a colonisation of Jappan if Russia dint help.Am sure these chinese respect Power and Pakistan should Realize it which is very weak in economy and in defence.Please dont think am jsut trying convince u.Am more Indian and Pakistani.It has no diffrent.Whats the diffrent? Nothing.Even religion,Way of living,Politicians etc No one can seperate us from the fact that we all from one Mother.

Its my small request to my brothers and Sisters of Pakistan.As we people to people we know we dont hate each other.Cause we cant.Who will hate their own blood relation? May be fight between brothers but definitly not to kill each others .WE NEED TO WAKE UP.I know i will get more oppostion omments but when brithers,west and other means cant stop us loving each other i dont thing these comment WILL ...

We will retain our Super Power Position As soon as we realize we are not enemies but once big happy FAMILY



You forgot: Bole Saw Nihal - Sat Sri Akal, Chhatrapoti Sivaji Maharaj Ki Jai, Jai Kali Maa, Ayo Gurkhali -- and what else?
Hi Iam Hareesh Kumar.Am a NRI.I live in Uk and in India aswell.Tese are my own views.Just like it or Hate it but Think about it.I urge u all.Not as an Indian but as an Ancient Indian Subcontinent.The time the world never even thought of invading US.The time when we thought the world about Science,Language ,Way of living.The time when we ruled the world.Have a free thoughts before reading my article.Hope we all will realize that we are frome same Mother We drank same Milk but seperated by Religion,Western Intrest and Inner Politicians.But HOW LONG? Can we be seperated just by things i mentioned above? How canwhen our DNA and Our existance are same.
it looks like the map of India from the times Mahabharata
OMG... what u mean borders are borders?We dont have borders man .. This border wr dictated by Britishers.We are the same people.Just look at u at a Mirror,.Do u look like Arabian ? or Indian ?
You forgot: Bole Saw Nihal - Sat Sri Akal, Chhatrapoti Sivaji Maharaj Ki Jai, Jai Kali Maa, Ayo Gurkhali -- and what else?

Oh Got Why did you have to Add bangladeshi Twang to Chattrapati Shivaji's Name .

Regarding what else

Tu hi Ram hai , Tu Rahim hai
Tu Karim krishna , khuda hua ,
Tu hi wahe Guru Tu yesu masi ,
Har naam me tu samaa Rahaa

Not That i support this thread but i do support Multiculturalism
With all respect.At the time of Mahabarata we had even larger teritory... We ruled the whole world. Read InFamous Book called India Once ruled America , India Once ruled Greek etc. U will know how languages nations and cultures wr derived from INDIA.Even english Language was derived from Sanskrit.And Sanskrit was derived from even older Language Which they call Pre Sanskrit or Brahim Text Which has History of 3 lac years old. West says cultures born just 5000 bc but Scientifically proved that we had civilisation befor 12000-14000 BC but its even Older. The time when EU and American continet was covered with ICE. We have our Own history which is unique It belongs to all INDIAN AND PAKISTANIS.We all are One... Still we are.How can we change our past and our DNA ? not possible We can pretend as diffrent people but inside our Heart and Soul we all know we are from same MOTHER and We are brothers..

What was the best ? DIVIDED by White Guys from the West and Fueled by CHINESE ? Mannn we need to think smarter than THEM as we are//and We wr

Guys As i mentioned U can Hate it or Love it.But Post rebute with my quates so we all know what is ur Point and what is Hard to Digest ... Am ready to answer.I know its not a Simple COPY PASTE...Its Specials Hope atleast few Pakistanis Brothers will agree ...
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