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Emirates Discriminates against Pakistan Youts Bans them


Sep 8, 2009
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In Latest acts of Discrimination , Pakistani Youth who was to be married , was going to Pakistan on so Emirates was deemed a security threat becasue his best men , were joking and making fun of him ....

Allegedly the world terrorist was used by his friends in some jokes and , just before the plane was to go to Pakistan - they get off loaded by Armed policemen - and then BANNED even after nothing was proven , instead of being - offered apology and return on cash refund they had to borrow money , on airport to be able to get home

The guy's wedding plane went out the door -

So they went in PIA ...

**** Emirates Airlines ... bycotte te crap airlines

I mean wtf - I think our impotent gov has to take so stance and ******* ban Emirates - or something like why do Pakistanis have to say its ok for this abuse to continue to Pakistani nationals -

Show some god damn balls and - ban Emirates from Flying into Pakistan

Like who in their right set of minds woud deem these guys are security threat , could be ok for three stooges but security threat ???

Just an other case of Discrimination against Pakistani Nationals
Well, this incident has nothing to do with Pakistanis and as far as being a Pakistani i travel alot in Emirates , its a really good airline with helpful staff n not to be blamed...the mistake is of the guy's friends using the word "terrorist" .. i mean if his friends used the same word on Heathrow they might be stripped down for a search , jailed and then deported ..on the other hand if in usa then a one way ticket to Guantanamo coz right now this word is very very sensitive dont even think about uttering it anywhere in public....
In Latest acts of Discrimination , Pakistani Youth who was to be married , was going to Pakistan on so Emirates was deemed a security threat becasue his best men , were joking and making fun of him ....

Allegedly the world terrorist was used by his friends in some jokes and , just before the plane was to go to Pakistan - they get off loaded by Armed policemen - and then BANNED even after nothing was proven , instead of being - offered apology and return on cash refund they had to borrow money , on airport to be able to get home

The guy's wedding plane went out the door -

So they went in PIA ...

**** Emirates Airlines ... bycotte te crap airlines

I mean wtf - I think our impotent gov has to take so stance and ******* ban Emirates - or something like why do Pakistanis have to say its ok for this abuse to continue to Pakistani nationals -

Show some god damn balls and - ban Emirates from Flying into Pakistan

Like who in their right set of minds woud deem these guys are security threat , could be ok for three stooges but security threat ???

Just an other case of Discrimination against Pakistani Nationals

you have to be a certifiable Idiot to joke about Being a Terrorist on a plane Second Why do U people think Arabs are your friend Next time chose PIA .
I am never flying Emirates again screw that airlines

That is how to politically - get RESPECT ....

Pakistan GOV have some brass ..... and ban Emirates or Any airline that bans Pakistani Nationals or Citizens -

Why should they get to operate in Pakistan and make Millios off Pakistani people if they think every Pakistani who goes with his friends on plane is a god damn Terrorist -

I don't know that is my 2 cent - also there is no evidence other then Allegedly someone hearing word terrorist

Their only prob was I think it was 3 youths going Home - for wedding of their friend and not only take off flight but BANNED for good from future flights even after - Nothing substantial could be found -

They went to Pakistan on PIA -

I say ban Emirates - political stance should be made or else keep getting whipped aroud -like a gov mule
You meant don't use the word TERRORIST ....

...OH come on man -

Using a word (Allegedly) does not constitues guilt - and why do we have to feel some good damn guilt over some shiat hatched up by some cook-koos ......who were finaced by the accusers anyway

I think the Gov needs to step up enough of the bull crap courage , and politically make some stance this , collective sense of - guilt is I think thing of past -

Anyone company discriminates you for being Pakistani they have no right to take any money or right to do business in whole pakistan , unless this guide line is maintained - let them find new customers - I would rather pay my National Airline

We will get abused - and slapped around like ****es ... unless politically our gov makes a move

People need to Man up and specially our gov - for not protecting out youth Shame on em

There is more chance of someoe dieing on car highway the being dead by terrorist ....

Why should I then not take my own food and drinks on plane - or have to catch all flights on time - why do someone has to get search 10 times to board a plane -

Like - Complete Rubbish - we should also then stop driving cars - and get back to riding horses - since clearly the driving on roads is dangerous -

I SAY no -- -I don't agree with any of these so called " security " measures its my opinion and I think its pretty sane one....

The other day one guy jumped over the cable on airport and went in the airport with his GF they blocked the whole damn airport - for 3-5 hours ...insane

All these Airlies Ittihad / Emirates this and that bycott em all.

They need need to refocus on bringing my water and food to Pakistani travellers and less worried about other matters -
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You're right about some Arabs being racist in nature. There is no denying that. However, in this instance it wasn't so smart to use the T word.
You mean the word Terrorist -sorry I was confused I though you meant - Tuberculosis :argh:
Relax , the individual act of a person cant be blamed on the organization.

Sabar kar mere bhai , one day we would be in charge .
These so called friends are really stupid. We should be cautious of the word we use when we are at the airport, given that people are very alert their. There are been few such incidence in the past too.
^^ sucks to be him...who'd name there kid that lol :S

but yh this might be an incident of protecting corporate interests more than it is of discrimination... i mean look at emirates, its one of the best if not already the best airline in the world. However, putting myself in that guys shoes i would definitely hate emirates for life. BUT my question ...Airlines only take care of boarding and everything that happens from there on, security checks arent done by airlines unless im mistaken, so i dont see how you could put Emirates at fault for this ?
I guess next time I am at the airport and see an old friend called JACK,
I shouldn't say Hi to him. !!! ??:disagree:

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