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Emigration From Israel: A Betrayal of Zionism


Nov 4, 2012
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United States
Former Major General Uzi Dayan attacks those who leave the country for economic reasons, defining it as a betrayal of Zionism.

Uzi Dayan, former Chief of General Staff in the Israel Defense Forces, has harsh words for people who emigrate from Israel, in light of the recent television series, "The New Emigrants," which aired on Channel 10.

"Those who emigrate from Israel will forever be seen as a betrayal to the Zionist idea," wrote Dayan on his Facebook page. "Let us bring the Jewish nation back to their birthplace," he pleaded.

Dayan continued in his statement: "Those who leave to go to Germany disgust me. To the Israelis who justify their emigration because of material reasons, I must remind you of anti-Semitic contention, that the Jews' homeland is wherever they feel good. Zionism contends that the only good place for the Jews is their homeland."

After complaining about those who leave Israel, Dayan admitted that there are "plenty of things to fix in our country, but it should be corrected in our country."

"Every person has the right to choose where he wants to live, just as I have the right to speak my mind about it," Dayan added.

The public castigation of Israelis who choose to leave Israel was much more common in Israel's early decades than at present.

The Talmud and Jewish sages including Maimonides (Rambam) issued numerous rulings forbidding Jews who live in Israel from leaving it, and condemning those who did, but it was the the non-religious socialist governments that ruled Israel until the 1970s that efficiently instilled Zionist ideology in the new state's citizens. This included looking down on the "yordim," or "descenders," as those who leave the country for good are known, as opposed to "olim," or ascenders, who make aliyah.

In recent decades it has become less common to publicly castigate Israelis who emigrate.

'Emigration From Israel: A Betrayal of Zionism' - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Israel is getting more and more worthless for the average citizen, and for Israeli companies too.
In 2011, a major Israeli economist and businessman called a meeting, which included like 80 people of Israels most richest businessmen.

They were discussing what the chances were of Israel becoming an isolated pariah, ala apartheid South Africa. They came out of the meeting adn concluded, that if there is no comprehensive settlement with the Palestinians and they get a state of their own, Israel WILL become an economically isolated pariah.

That is why even Israels elite is slowly and gradually moving their business out of Israel to overseas. :omghaha:
Israel is getting more and more worthless for the average citizen, and for Israeli companies themselves.
In 2011, a major Israeli economist and businessman called a meeting, which included like 80 people of Israels most richest businessmen.

They were discussing what the chances were of Israel becoming an isolated pariah, ala apartheid South Africa. They came out of the meeting adn concluded, that if there is no comprehensive settlement with the Palestinians and they get a state of their own, Israel WILL become an economically isolated pariah.

That is why Israels elite is slowly ad gradually moving their business out of Israel and overseas. :omghaha:

Israel is nothing without the U.$$$$$ and most American citizens are getting sick and tired of this rogue state. Everything Israel has is because of America all the techonology, military, etc.. EVERYTHING. Without America Israel will collapse in a month.

America is slowing moving away from Israel. It started with Clinton's administration.

We might see Israel moving closer to other countries like Canada, Germany, Australia. etc...because America will not support this rogue state anymore.

Israel is the parasite and it needs a host at all times..
Israel is nothing without the U.$$$$$ and most American citizens are getting sick and tired of this rogue state. Everything Israel has is because of America all the techonology, military, etc.. EVERYTHING. Without America Israel will collapse in a month.

America is slowing moving away from Israel. It started with Clinton's administration.

We might see Israel moving closer to other countries like Canada, Germany, Australia. etc...because America will not support this rogue state anymore.

Israel is the parasite and it needs a host at all times..

I think US will still give Israel diplomatic and materia support, for a long time to come. But surely Israeli influence in American decision making is eroding.
I think US will still give Israel diplomatic and materia support, for a long time to come. But surely Israeli influence in American decision making is eroding.

Not for long, the demographic/social/economical change in America will carry over to how much America will help Israel $$$
Not for long, the demographic/social/economical change in America will carry over to how much America will help Israel $$$

True. Lets wait and see the developments. The final result is the same nonetheless. Israel will collapse just lik South Africa. Although I think Israels collapse will be much more extremely violent.

Btw I really like your cat avatars. Dont know if this one is cuter, or the other one you had earlier. :D
Israel's economy is booming.

Egypt is in turmoil, Syria is in a civil war, and Iran's is pleading to end sanctions.

All Israel needs to do is to withdraw from the West Bank and dig in behind very heavy fortifications and its future is secured.
Israel's economy is booming.

Egypt is in turmoil, Syria is in a civil war, and Iran's is pleading to end sanctions.

All Israel needs to do is to withdraw from the West Bank and dig in behind very heavy fortifications and its future is secured.

Israel's existance is temporary and no walls will protect them from muslims n that's a rational logical conclusion . but what motivates me is nothing but faith, their past, present n future is described in sourat "Al Israe" n the prophet SAW spoke about their future in details n it's not safe at all :D
Most Jews are not Zionist but are too powerless to stop them as they have infiltrated deep into israel politics, economy and military. It will take a world effort to stop these criminals.

Unfortunately people from China do not understand the true intentions of Zionism and tend to view them in a positive light. Guys like Sidney Shapiro and Epstein are powerful members of CCP which most Chinese don't even know about! These people along with Indians must wake up and fight these criminals who are causing war and poverty throughout the world.

The West know about these Zionists for a long time, it's time China and India realize these guys are the biggest threats to the world.
Why do these Iranian members in this topic worry so much about Israel? I don't get it. Seek a hobby.
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