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Elon Musk asks Trump to kill American auto companies in China

You gonna use national security ? Are you kidding ? China is a member of WTO. If you were to ban companies citing tweets, your products at the world market would go berserk as well. The only thing thats keeping the trades going is because most of the countries are bound by the WTO rules.
Why can't? just USA and EU can use the excuse, they also are member of WTO, after 15 years, they still not recognize Chinese market economy status, where's the punishment from the WTO on them?

And it is business between China and USA, why you as indian involved in? when USA use the excuse on China company, where are you? you are somebody here?

You do know that China runs a surplus with us on trade. You start banning stuff and it will be China's loss. Wait- how can I expect you to know that. nvm.

China puts huge hurdles and requirements on our cars in China. Elon is asking we do the same in the U.S.
Sound like China will loss, but you can't? you are nut completely, do you know foreign brand occupy a large rate in trade between China and USA, especially American companies, you are innocent in the trade conflicts? stupid American Indian. because we run a surpls with US, so banning will be our loss, you are so uneducated nut!
Sound like China will loss, but you can't? you are nut completely, do you know foreign brand occupy a large rate in trade between China and USA, especially American companies, you are innocent in the trade conflicts? stupid American Indian. because we run a surpls with US, so banning will be our loss, you are so uneducated nut!

Listen use something outside of google translate and then come barking at me with your nonsense.

"do you know foreign brand occupy a large rate in trade between China and USA" - what hell does that even mean. Makes some sense, any sense.

I'm 100% Full Blooded American; The Indian flag in my profile is forced upon me because they don't like the substance of my posts and taking on bullies. especially your kind.
Listen use something outside of google translate and then come barking at me with your nonsense.

"do you know foreign brand occupy a large rate in trade between China and USA" - what hell does that even mean. Makes some sense, any sense.
Hehe, means, foreign companies occupy large proportion of the value of trade between China and USA, can understand?
Asians cry out in pain as they strike you.

Time to cut off all contact.

LOL are you just going to make empty and emotional threats on a Pakistani forum or actually go ahead for once?
Hehe, means, foreign companies occupy large proportion of the value of trade between China and USA, can understand?

Nope, makes zero sense. Trade surplus between US and China is among US companies, US entities and not some foreign company. China enjoys the surplus with our direct relationship. You obviously can't understand English and started challenging my assertation that a ban on American companies will lead to trade wars, where China has more to lose due to the surplus.

I'm 100% Full Blooded American; The Indian flag in my profile is forced upon me because they don't like the substance of my posts and taking on bullies.
Apple has all the market it needs in China.

The specific question is why Chinese phones, and only Chinese phones?

There is not a single evidence that Huawei's current phone lineup has any spying capability that is against the US law. No evidence.

Any electrical products from China can have added "spy" capability. Why not ban all of them?

If you talk about "equal/same...opportunity" then I could also argue that the state right now is not equal and China has to ban Apple in return to make this equal. This is clearly not productive, and frankly, a shitty argument.

The simple truth is that America and her allies are a paranoid bunch of sore losers. America isn't winning anything as Trump promised. They are only losing. What does a loser do when he loses? You got it right. He starts blaming left and right and becomes a psycho paranoid b!tch.

First, the Yanks claim that their elections are hacked by Russia LOL You heard it right. The biggest fraud on the planet is accusing another country of hacking its elections LMAO They get their a$$ whooped in every war they become embroiled in. Their morale is worse than crap. Politically, the Yanks are isolated and longing for a conflict with every country on the planet. They are an obstacle to peace and prosperity. Even climate change is denied. Their own traditional allies view them with great suspicion. Their economy is a shambles with astronomical debts. The white man is being "robbed" by every person of a color. Mexico is sending their worst and a wall has to be built. Muslims are demonized and hated by ugly green frogs. In short, white America is angry and blaming everyone except itself.

Now let's compare a peaceful and developing China with a whining US. The mind boggling economic development speaks for itself. Politically and security wise China is Rock solid. America has made no secret about viewing China as a grave threat. Now, why would any country in their sane mind view China as a threat? China has no policy nor history of invading and balkanizing other sovereign nations. You got it right. America is a nation that lives in constant fear. Any nation that doesn't tow US dictation is deemed an instant threat. America is loser and a waning power. It is struggling to face the inevitable.

It is very easy to understand why the Yanks would be bitter and angry. Elon Musk is another bitter man part of this vicious chain.
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Why can't? just USA and EU can use the excuse, they also are member of WTO, after 15 years, they still not recognize Chinese market economy status, where's the punishment from the WTO on them?

it's not just a lame excuse. elon does have deep connection with US military. his spacex been launching secret payloads to space for the cia/nsa and air force for a while now. saying tesla connected car is security risk is not a bad excuse at all :D
Nope, makes zero sense. Trade surplus between US and China is among US companies, US entities and not some foreign company. China enjoys the surplus with our direct relationship. You obviously can't understand English and started challenging my assertation that a ban on American companies will lead to trade wars, where China has more to lose due to the surplus.
Hehe, zero sense? so what kind of reply you do here?

And now become to "more to lose", you don't know any bussiness, just judge by "surplus or deficit". As a largest market, and largest exporter, you really think China can't digest the products and you can seek a better supplier than China? and American has taken many bans on Chinese companies, China also have use the same action on American companies, but China become poorer?

USA are strong, but not that strong, don't overrate yourself!
Hehe, zero sense? so what kind of reply you do here?

And now become to "more to lose", you don't know any bussiness, just judge by "surplus or deficit". As a largest market, and largest exporter, you really think China can't digest the products and you can seek a better supplier than China? and American has taken many bans on Chinese companies, China also have use the same action on American companies, but China become poorer?

USA are strong, but not that strong, don't overrate yourself!

You lose the American market you are done. You will also lose Europe if that happens. Because you have no brand, nobody covets you. We can take the hit and go find manufactures all over S Asia and actually do most of it on our own. Other emerging economies will take our brands.

So we won't have cheap Chinese stuff to buy at walmart...we will survive fine. We can afford to pay abit more before someone else takes you manufacturing base.

I'm 100% Full Blooded American; THE CHINESE -PAKISTANI'S-BANGLADESHI'S all attack AMERICA. Indians support Americans. Because I support them, they stick an Indian flag in my profile and it is forced upon me.
it's not just a lame excuse. elon does have deep connection with US military. his spacex been launching secret payloads to space for the cia/nsa and air force for a while now. saying tesla connected car is security risk is not a bad excuse at all :D
:-), Google, Facebook and Twitter have been limited in China because of "National security", and Apple have to set up a User Data Center in China, what USA have been done and will do for these? of couse, they can claim that these companies done it willingly, not so-called requirments from China government!:coffee:
You lose the American market you are done. You will also lose Europe if that happens. Because you have no brand, nobody covets you. We can take the hit and go find manufactures all over S Asia and actually do most of it on our own. Other emerging economies will take our brands.

So we won't have cheap Chinese stuff to buy at walmart...we will survive fine. We can afford to pay abit more before someone else takes you manufacturing base.

Who is "we"? Speak for yourself and Rapistan.

South Asia is much larger than India. All South Asian nations including India are obsessed with Chinese products. Chinese mobile phones are sold like hot cakes in India. In fact, they are the number one brand. All other Chinese commodities are sold world over including the Subcontinent.

You are a malicious liar who doesn't even know how to lie LOL
Why can't? just USA and EU can use the excuse, they also are member of WTO, after 15 years, they still not recognize Chinese market economy status, where's the punishment from the WTO on them?

And it is business between China and USA, why you as indian involved in? when USA use the excuse on China company, where are you? you are somebody here?

Market Economy status to China would be a nightmare for any country that takes Anti Dumping seriously. You have been given enough time to create laws adhering to WTO, but there are still allegations about your govt's unfair interference in domestic market giving foreign investors a tough time, what do you have to say to that?

This is an open forum. By your logic, why do I see so may Chinese and Pakistani's on threads related to India?
Market Economy status to China would be a nightmare for any country that takes Anti Dumping seriously. You have been given enough time to create laws adhering to WTO, but there are still allegations about your govt's unfair interference in domestic market giving foreign investors a tough time, what do you have to say to that?

This is an open forum. By your logic, why do I see so may Chinese and Pakistani's on threads related to India?

Keep crying rivers. The world is sick and tired of your warmongering and bickering. No matter what you say, you are on the losing side. Now stop begging and convincing us to take you seriously.

This is first and foremost a Pakistani forum. We don't need lectures from you about Indian topics LOL If you feel victimized please leave. We will criticize your nations and you will have to take it on your chin.
You lose the American market you are done. You will also lose Europe if that happens. Because you have no brand, nobody covets you. We can take the hit and go find manufactures all over S Asia and actually do most of it on our own. Other emerging economies will take our brands.

So we won't have cheap Chinese stuff to buy at walmart...we will survive fine. We can afford to pay abit more before someone else takes you manufacturing base.
Talking is always easy, and I don't care where you can choose the replacement of China. You want other can do better than China, you have been seeking for the one, good luck.

For me, I care more is whether China can be richer and stronger, Four times of population of USA, more diligent people, do you think China leave your USA, we China will be hungry to death? don't worry over China, Indian need your help.

No USA, there are still more than 6 billion population market, maybe they are not rich like you, but why not work with them, and let us all be rich? huge market.:coffee:

You Indian and American IQ are higher than Chinese? You are more diligent than Chinese? NUT!

Market Economy status to China would be a nightmare for any country that takes Anti Dumping seriously. You have been given enough time to create laws adhering to WTO, but there are still allegations about your govt's unfair interference in domestic market giving foreign investors a tough time, what do you have to say to that?

This is an open forum. By your logic, why do I see so may Chinese and Pakistani's on threads related to India?
It is rule of WTO that USA and EU must accept it in a certain time, first, they both violate it. and now many members of WTO have accept ths status of China, so why these memers accept but they don't? USA and EU's complanies and market are weaker?

All members of WTO obey the rule of WTO completely? USA and EU make up excuse of so-called national security to ban China companiese is obeying the rule? USA still not lift the restriction for High-Tech on China, does it obey the rule? sound like USA are innocent and play as a victim. USA can invade Iraq through making a unreal excuse, USA obey the rule? are you nut?!:coffee:
Talking is always easy, and I don't care where you can choose the replacement of China. You want other can do better than China, you have been seeking for the one, good luck.

For me, I care more is whether China can be richer and stronger, Four times of population of USA, more diligent people, do you think China leave your USA, we China will be hungry to death? don't worry over China, Indian need your help.

No USA, there are still more than 6 billion population market, maybe they are not rich like you, but why not work with them, and let us all be rich? huge market.:coffee:

You Indian and American IQ are higher than Chinese? You are more diligent than Chinese? NUT!

It is rule of WTO that USA and EU must accept it in a certain time, first, they both violate it. and now many members of WTO have accept ths status of China, so why these memers accept but they don't? USA and EU's complanies and market are weaker?

All members of WTO obey the rule of WTO completely? USA and EU make up excuse of so-called national security to ban China companiese is obeying the rule? USA still not lift the restriction for High-Tech on China, does it obey the rule? sound like USA are innocent and play as a victim. USA can invade Iraq through making a unreal excuse, USA obey the rule? are you nut?!:coffee:
Murika has abysmal expressways and ZERO high-speed railway.
Their airports are worse than Supa Powan airports.
Their Metro smells worse than Supa Powans streets, yeah, you hear me!

They are now just a Sub-Sahara style slum.

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