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Elections to be delayed as ECP announces delimitation schedule


Sep 26, 2018
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  • Entire process of delimitation will take nearly four months: ECP.
  • Delimitation will be held from September 8 to October 7.
  • ECP is bound to draw new boundaries after CCI approves new census.
ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday announced the schedule of new delimitations to be carried out as per the new census approved by the Council of Common Interest (CCI) earlier this month.

As per the schedule, the new delimitation of the constituencies across the country will be notified in December this year.

The ECP schedule showed that fresh delimitation will take nearly four months, meaning the general elections in the country cannot be held within 90 days of the dissolution of the provincial and national assemblies.

The ECP said delimitation of the constituencies will be held across the country from September 8 to October 7.

It said the proposals regarding constituencies will be submitted from October 10 to November 8

The quota of constituencies of the national and provincial assemblies will be allocated from September 5 to September 7, the electoral body said.

It added that the administrative matters related to the constituencies will be completed by August 31 while constituency committees of four provinces including Islamabad will be established by August 21.

The electoral body said it will decide on the objections to the constituencies from November 10 to December 9, adding that the final publication of the digital census has been completed.

As per the Election Act, the ECP is bound to draw new boundaries for hundreds of provincial and national assembly constituencies across the country, the statement added.

Earlier this month. the CCI meeting chaired by then prime minister Shehbaz Sharif approved the final results of the 7th Population and Housing Census 2023 reporting the country’s population at 241.49 million with a growth rate of 2.55%.

The CCI approval made it constitutionally mandatory for the for the ECP to hold elections following fresh delimitations in the light of the results of the 7th census.

According to Article 51 (5) of the Constitution, the seats of the National Assembly to each province and the federal capital shall be allocated on the basis of population in accordance with the last preceding census officially published.

The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)-led government dissolved the national and provincial assemblies of Sindh and Balochistan prematurely to allow the ECP to hold elections in the country within 90 days instead of 60 days if the legislature completed its constitutional tenure.

Former federal ministers including Rana Sanaullah said that elections in the country can be delayed until March next year owing to the delimitation of the constituencies.

SC moved against CCI decision​

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Wednesday filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking its orders for the ECP to announce a date for polls to the national and provincial assemblies as per Article 224(2) of the Constitution.

In its petition, the top lawyers’ body pleaded with the top court to suspend the August 5 decision of the CCI.

Raising questions over the decision made in the August 5 meeting of the CCI and SCBA said that the interim chief ministers were not eligible to sit in the meeting.

“The meeting of the Respondent No. 2 [CCI] took place on 05.08.2023, in the presence of the prime minister, the chief ministers of Sindh and Balochistan, the caretaker chief ministers of the Respondents No. 3 (Punjab) and 4 [KP] and other federal ministers,” read the petition.
If only Pakistani's were like the Turks. In Turkey the Army only lasted 24 hours infront
of the people, in Pakistan it has been 16 months of torture and still the people don't
come out.
The people don't need to come out against the army but come out to say enough is enough, no more political victimisation, false cases, kidnapping, torture, corruption, bribery, they should demand independent institutes, free and fair elections, accountability for all. If the people change then the rulers will have to change otherwise a disaster is waiting to happen.
LOL told you so. How is it that I could predict this months ago? 🤔 They will delay the elections furthermore.

There wont be any elections until they have got rid of IK. They are trying to do a deal
with IK to get him out of the Country but Khan is not budging.
I think this was the plan all along whether IK dissolved the assemblies or not or whether May 9 happened or not, elections are not going to happen until the votebank shifts substantially to non PTI places....
I think this was the plan all along whether IK dissolved the assemblies or not or whether May 9 happened or not, elections are not going to happen until the votebank shifts substantially to non PTI places....

Well that's never gonna happen, the rupee will tank further down the rabbit hole and even more hatred will be bred against these infidels. :)

Its a never-ending cycle of doom that cannot be stopped for the establishment and their phony cronies.

The breaking point will come, very soon.
View attachment 946600
  • Entire process of delimitation will take nearly four months: ECP.
  • Delimitation will be held from September 8 to October 7.
  • ECP is bound to draw new boundaries after CCI approves new census.
ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday announced the schedule of new delimitations to be carried out as per the new census approved by the Council of Common Interest (CCI) earlier this month.

As per the schedule, the new delimitation of the constituencies across the country will be notified in December this year.

The ECP schedule showed that fresh delimitation will take nearly four months, meaning the general elections in the country cannot be held within 90 days of the dissolution of the provincial and national assemblies.

The ECP said delimitation of the constituencies will be held across the country from September 8 to October 7.

It said the proposals regarding constituencies will be submitted from October 10 to November 8

The quota of constituencies of the national and provincial assemblies will be allocated from September 5 to September 7, the electoral body said.

It added that the administrative matters related to the constituencies will be completed by August 31 while constituency committees of four provinces including Islamabad will be established by August 21.

The electoral body said it will decide on the objections to the constituencies from November 10 to December 9, adding that the final publication of the digital census has been completed.

As per the Election Act, the ECP is bound to draw new boundaries for hundreds of provincial and national assembly constituencies across the country, the statement added.

Earlier this month. the CCI meeting chaired by then prime minister Shehbaz Sharif approved the final results of the 7th Population and Housing Census 2023 reporting the country’s population at 241.49 million with a growth rate of 2.55%.

The CCI approval made it constitutionally mandatory for the for the ECP to hold elections following fresh delimitations in the light of the results of the 7th census.

According to Article 51 (5) of the Constitution, the seats of the National Assembly to each province and the federal capital shall be allocated on the basis of population in accordance with the last preceding census officially published.

The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)-led government dissolved the national and provincial assemblies of Sindh and Balochistan prematurely to allow the ECP to hold elections in the country within 90 days instead of 60 days if the legislature completed its constitutional tenure.

Former federal ministers including Rana Sanaullah said that elections in the country can be delayed until March next year owing to the delimitation of the constituencies.

SC moved against CCI decision​

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Wednesday filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking its orders for the ECP to announce a date for polls to the national and provincial assemblies as per Article 224(2) of the Constitution.

In its petition, the top lawyers’ body pleaded with the top court to suspend the August 5 decision of the CCI.

Raising questions over the decision made in the August 5 meeting of the CCI and SCBA said that the interim chief ministers were not eligible to sit in the meeting.

“The meeting of the Respondent No. 2 [CCI] took place on 05.08.2023, in the presence of the prime minister, the chief ministers of Sindh and Balochistan, the caretaker chief ministers of the Respondents No. 3 (Punjab) and 4 [KP] and other federal ministers,” read the petition.
For all intents and purposes the constitution of Pakistan 🇵🇰 has been torn to shreads and the Supreme Court of Pakistan 🇵🇰 cannot do anything about it. The Real power lies with the "Neutrals".

"Rook saktay ho tu rook lo"
View attachment 946600
  • Entire process of delimitation will take nearly four months: ECP.
  • Delimitation will be held from September 8 to October 7.
  • ECP is bound to draw new boundaries after CCI approves new census.
ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday announced the schedule of new delimitations to be carried out as per the new census approved by the Council of Common Interest (CCI) earlier this month.

As per the schedule, the new delimitation of the constituencies across the country will be notified in December this year.

The ECP schedule showed that fresh delimitation will take nearly four months, meaning the general elections in the country cannot be held within 90 days of the dissolution of the provincial and national assemblies.

The ECP said delimitation of the constituencies will be held across the country from September 8 to October 7.

It said the proposals regarding constituencies will be submitted from October 10 to November 8

The quota of constituencies of the national and provincial assemblies will be allocated from September 5 to September 7, the electoral body said.

It added that the administrative matters related to the constituencies will be completed by August 31 while constituency committees of four provinces including Islamabad will be established by August 21.

The electoral body said it will decide on the objections to the constituencies from November 10 to December 9, adding that the final publication of the digital census has been completed.

As per the Election Act, the ECP is bound to draw new boundaries for hundreds of provincial and national assembly constituencies across the country, the statement added.

Earlier this month. the CCI meeting chaired by then prime minister Shehbaz Sharif approved the final results of the 7th Population and Housing Census 2023 reporting the country’s population at 241.49 million with a growth rate of 2.55%.

The CCI approval made it constitutionally mandatory for the for the ECP to hold elections following fresh delimitations in the light of the results of the 7th census.

According to Article 51 (5) of the Constitution, the seats of the National Assembly to each province and the federal capital shall be allocated on the basis of population in accordance with the last preceding census officially published.

The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)-led government dissolved the national and provincial assemblies of Sindh and Balochistan prematurely to allow the ECP to hold elections in the country within 90 days instead of 60 days if the legislature completed its constitutional tenure.

Former federal ministers including Rana Sanaullah said that elections in the country can be delayed until March next year owing to the delimitation of the constituencies.

SC moved against CCI decision​

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Wednesday filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking its orders for the ECP to announce a date for polls to the national and provincial assemblies as per Article 224(2) of the Constitution.

In its petition, the top lawyers’ body pleaded with the top court to suspend the August 5 decision of the CCI.

Raising questions over the decision made in the August 5 meeting of the CCI and SCBA said that the interim chief ministers were not eligible to sit in the meeting.

“The meeting of the Respondent No. 2 [CCI] took place on 05.08.2023, in the presence of the prime minister, the chief ministers of Sindh and Balochistan, the caretaker chief ministers of the Respondents No. 3 (Punjab) and 4 [KP] and other federal ministers,” read the petition.

Election delayed due to a decision made by CCI which was attended by 2 care taker chief minister's. Mashallah. Talk about legality of the CCI and ECP decision.
If only Pakistani's were like the Turks. In Turkey the Army only lasted 24 hours infront
of the people, in Pakistan it has been 16 months of torture and still the people don't
come out.

No thats wrong, Turks Erdogan built a para-military force along the Army, when Coup happened People of Turkey and Para-military with guns took out the Turkish Army. In Pakistan, people of Pakistan were more passionate but people donot have the guns, and the Army, the Pakistanis fed & built with its own money for 75 years never attacked or trailed its own ppl before, so recent history is all unexpected. So in Pakistan without any guns, people nearly 50,000 alone got injured in Lahore, Punjab and many more in KPK, Islamabad, Pinid, Karachi etc etc, but no guns no power and no decision making. Only way is 5 lac people come out on streets to do daily protests and fight for its own rights.
Not even pretending to be a functional democracy. Even Supreme Court looking the other way.
Tainted, useless sold out generals with tin medals want to hold on to their kingdom regardless of the damage doing to this country.
They didn't fought for the liberation or took part in the creation of this country so their scarifies are zero. But they were quick to hijack the country through the gun and filling their off shore accounts and getting the green cards from the US.
Until and unless this tola of thug generals are not cornered, caught and hanged these dramas of stolen and delayed elections will continue till eternity. After every dictator starting from the Ayub till this pathetic little general we thought country will get back at the right track but one failed to realise they won't lrt it to happen as there DHA's are on line. The uniform they wear is only for the photo shoots as they are doing moon lighting with the country destiny. Other countries are worrying about their people welfare and how to increase GDP while Pakistan is worried about IMF loans so they can pay off these dogs pay cheques.
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