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Election results 2018

My understanding is different. PM election will not be from 270 seats, it will be from total occupied seats in NA (including women and minorities seats). See 91(4) below for PM election process.

Total seats are 342. Occupied seats (1 count) only vote.

For forming the government, 172 seats are required.

Getting elected as PM is the easy part, forming the government not so easy.

MQM plus all 10 minorities seats required to form a government. This is assuming all 13 independents join PTI, plus GDA plus AML plus BAP etc. That way if no major upsets in by-elections the majority is retained.

Article: 91 The Cabinet

1[91. The Cabinet.—(1) There shall be a Cabinet of Ministers, with the Prime Minister at its head, to aid and advise the President in the exercise of his functions.

(2) The National Assembly shall meet on the twenty-first day following the day on which a general election to the Assembly is held, unless sooner summoned by the President.

(3) After the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, the National Assembly shall, to the exclusion of any other business, proceed to elect without debate one of its Muslim members to be the Prime Minister.

(4) The Prime Minister shall be elected by the votes of the majority of the total membership of the National Assembly:

Provided that, if no member secures such majority in the first poll, a second poll shall be held between the members who secure the two highest numbers of votes in the first poll and the member who secures a majority of votes of the members present and voting shall be declared to have been elected as Prime Minister:

Provided further that, if the number of votes secured by two or more members securing the highest number of votes is equal, further poll shall be held between them until one of them secures a majority of votes of the members present and voting.

Useless pieces of shit not required.. he blackmailed KP government too much..

As posted earlier by @Verve ,Kashif Abbasi and Aitezaz Ahsan further solved the PM CM election riddle for me...

First the National Assembly:

(There are a total of 342 seats in the National Assembly. Of these, 272 are filled by direct elections. In addition, the Pakistani Constitution reserves 10seats for religious minorities and 60 seats for women, to be filled by proportional representation among parties with more than 5% of the vote.)

First of all... Multiple seats only count in deciding Women and Minority seats.

For PM CM election, Every member counts as one.

Women and minority seats are allotted to Major Parties as per total number of seats won including Multiple seats.

In PM election...172 is the required number set by constitution to be reached by any one PM Candidate in National Assembly in First POLL...

If in the first poll no PM Candidate achieves the number of 172 then there is going to be another poll among the two highest vote getters of the first poll.

This Second Poll will be for simple majority of votes among all the members of assembly present in the house.

For Example:
IF in the first poll X gets only 158 votes and Y gets 145 votes Z gets 10 votes...then all candidates fall short of 174.
Then there will be another poll between X and Y for simple majority so if X still gets 158 votes against Y's 155 then X becomes PM.

The same rules apply for Provincial Assembly's CM election with the only difference in the number of votes required in the first poll.
IF first poll does not produce required number, the Second Poll is held between two candidates who got the highest votes, The candidate who gets simple majority's votes Wins.​


PTI Officially completes the numbers game, Fawad Chaudhry claims.

I think the best thing to do about such Yellow Journalism is to expose it for what it is. For most, its about the right of free speech...The world cannot be perfect. The libtards have the right to squeak, scream and squirm after all and we should enjoy them doing it on DAWN, Geo or where ever.
فساد پھیلائے بغیر Dawn
رہ سکتا نہیں ۔ سمندر پار سےاس کی رہنمائ ہے۔ دنیا کو پاکستان نہیں بلکہ پاکستان کو وہ دنیا کی نظر سے دیکھتاہے۔آج کا صفحہ اول ملاحظہ کر لیجئے!

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Yasmeen Rahid looks like winning her seat, AlhamduLillahe Rabbil Aalameen, I prayed for her win from the heart and am rooting for her to win all the way, In sha Allah!!!

Out of all those who lost in Elections 2018, my heart sank when Dr. Yasmeen Rashid lost her NA election from Lahore. Just looking at her opponent shows that at least half of the people of that constituency are indeed brain dead zombies due to ill effects of years of drinking sewer contaminated water as well as raised on "lion's-kill" leftovers and scraps from looting exchequers...like our friends here on PDF; Tammo Rani and Champoo Usmani.

I hope she gets the slot of CM Punjab. It also seems that IK trusts her loyalty and dedication and rightfully so. I hope she gets a chance to prove her management and leadership skills.
Out of all those who lost in Elections 2018, my heart sank when Dr. Yasmeen Rashid lost her NA election from Lahore. Just looking at her opponent shows that at least half of the people of that constituency are indeed brain dead zombies due to ill effects of years of drinking sewer contaminated water as well as raised on "lion's-kill" leftovers and scraps from looting exchequers...like our friends here on PDF; Tammo Rani and Champoo Usmani.

I hope she gets the slot of CM Punjab. It also seems that IK trusts her loyalty and dedication and rightfully so. I hope she gets a chance to prove her management and leadership skills.

I totally agree with you. It was a sad moment when I saw the result. I was hoping that she wins with at least 10 thousands lead but again I agree what you said. It seems that most of the people in that constituency are indeed infected with "Naegleria fowleri -(N)"
I think or say I hope that she gets at least the Ministry of Health and I am sure she will do good there.
@tps77 @Mugen @war&peace @IceCold @Path-Finder @PakSword @Arsalan @Farah Sohail @BHarwana @Zibago @Moonlight @Verve @El_Swordsmen @El Sidd @Hyprion @pkuser2k12

Some notes shared by a PO that tell an interesting tale of the day of the Elections 2018 and a look into why there was delay in compiling the results:






@PakSword @Verve @war&peace and all other ex-pat posters, please share and spread the word...

IK decides to keep Mianwali Seat and vacate seats from Lahore, Karachi, Bannu and Islamabad for by-elections.
Apparently IK promised Mianwali people that he will retain that seat this time around.

Vacating Lahore seat is a good move too. Now, all odds should be stacked against Khwaja Saad PARAGON Rafique by PTI's sitting Government and PTI should return him his own medicine too in by-elections - the same odds and playing field he doled out to PTI in 2013. That is, if he survives NAB investigation and case to be filed against him on PARAGON Housing scam.

I'm sure we all quite enjoyed his crying, squeaking and squealing these past few days. Lets hope and pray for a repeat of the same as happened to him on 25th July with an even bigger margin this time around... I'm sure it can all be arranged and so it should be, he above all - deserves it.
IK decides to keep Mianwali Seat and vacate seats from Lahore, Karachi, Bannu and Islamabad for by-elections.
Apparently IK promised Mianwali people that he will retain that seat this time around.

Vacating Lahore seat is a good move too. Now, all odds should be stacked against Khwaja Saad PARAGON Rafique by PTI's sitting Government and PTI should return him his own medicine too in by-elections - the same odds and playing field he doled out to PTI in 2013. That is, if he survives NAB investigation and case to be filed against him on PARAGON Housing scam.

I'm sure we all quite enjoyed his crying, squeaking and squealing these past few days. Lets hope and pray for a repeat of the same as happened to him on 25th July with an even bigger margin this time around... I'm sure it can all be arranged and so it should be, he above all - deserves it.

IF PTI is in power in Punjab, he will get what he deserves BUT if somehow PTI cannot form Govt. in Punjab, it will be like handing the seat over to N.
People in Punjab tends to fall for the one who is in power and even if PTI has the Fed. Govt., chances are that people will bow down to these haramkhors. remember that IKs winning margin was just 600+ and it was a tough match without N in power in Punjab.
On the other hand if PTI forms Punjab Govt. then I think, it will be just like how you described and SR will be doing all the above and beyond.
IF PTI is in power in Punjab, he will get what he deserves BUT if somehow PTI cannot form Govt. in Punjab, it will be like handing the seat over to N.
People in Punjab tends to fall for the one who is in power and even if PTI has the Fed. Govt., chances are that people will bow down to these haramkhors. remember that IKs winning margin was just 600+ and it was a tough match without N in power in Punjab.
On the other hand if PTI forms Punjab Govt. then I think, it will be just like how you described and SR will be doing all the above and beyond.

PTI looks set with majority of the independents joining it already. They don't need much help from other parties besides PMLQ.

SirajulHaq looks like trying to be neutral to gain some confidence of IK again while not breaking MMA but practically saying everything against FazlurRehman's rhetoric.

So we may see a JI candidate for CM slot too... meaning PMLN already has holes in its alliance even before it got off the ground.
@tps77 @Mugen @war&peace @IceCold @Path-Finder @PakSword @Arsalan @Farah Sohail @BHarwana @Zibago @Moonlight @Verve @El_Swordsmen @El Sidd @Hyprion @pkuser2k12

Some notes shared by a PO that tell an interesting tale of the day of the Elections 2018 and a look into why there was delay in compiling the results:

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@PakSword @Verve @war&peace and all other ex-pat posters, please share and spread the word...

Nawaj league wont get it
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