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ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza

Tiki Tam Tam

May 15, 2006
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ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza

In an interview with the Al-Watan newspaper he said: "In case of any future Israeli attack on Gaza - as the next president of Egypt – I will open the Rafah border crossing and will consider different ways to implement the joint Arab defense agreement."

more at:

ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews

Is it political rhetoric or does he means business.

If he does, then what is the outcome?
egypt will not be a sucker of israel but i dont think they have enough balls to attack israel..however,its a good step for them..
egypt will not be a sucker of israel but i dont think they have enough balls to attack israel..however,its a good step for them..

Yes very good step, go visit Egypt and volunteer yourself mate.
This just goes to show whats a peace accord with Arabs is worth. I doubt he will be elected though, but this in itself is appealing to the masses.
Yes very good step, go visit Egypt and volunteer yourself mate.
This just goes to show whats a peace accord with Arabs is worth. I doubt he will be elected though, but this in itself is appealing to the masses.

People already know these alternative leaders, who are leaders of the same regime. They were rejected during revolution.
This was bound to happen..Eventually Egypt will be run by Mullahs ala Iran if people dont vote sensibly in coming elections ..
This was bound to happen..Eventually Egypt will be run by Mullahs ala Iran if people dont vote sensibly in coming elections ..

yes there is thread of extremists taking over in Egypt. due to decades of dictatorship there is no strong party in egypt other than muslim brotherhood, which is extremist. future relations of egypt & isreal is not looking good.
yes there is thread of extremists taking over in Egypt. due to decades of dictatorship there is no strong party in egypt other than muslim brotherhood, which is extremist. future relations of egypt & isreal is not looking good.
is that a joke? you know something about Egypt except "muslim brotherhood"?

muslim brotherhood is a very wide one. there are some extremists and moderate.. many ideas.

And what's the matter with Egypt and "muslim brotherhood" link explanation?
you are this kind of low IQ guy who believes any muslim is of course anti Israeli?

Any parti? ahhh yeah this country was a democracy allowing many parties to emerge. i didn't know LOL
also,whats wrong if a government opposes israeli policies?is this not allowed?
i was just criticizing the link Muslim=anti israel
It is not because someone is muslim that he should not agree with some bad policies of Israel but because he thinks it is right ot think so
and about muslim brotherhood this movment is so wide that i never understand why media here are so easily putting them in the same basket

some policies i didn't like in Israel but in the same time Hamas and Hezbollah are wrong solutions for solving the problems
i don't think even they want problems being solved at all
so when we criticize we should criticize all
i was just criticizing the link Muslim=anti israel
It is not because someone is muslim that he should not agree with some bad policies of Israel but because he thinks it is right ot think so
and about muslim brotherhood this movment is so wide that i never understand why media here are so easily putting them in the same basket

Okay, here is the idea; name me one genuinely Islamic country (i.e. claimants of being an Islamic country through and through) that likes Israel. Iran? Arab World?

Don't include Malay peninsula because they are not an islamic government as a structure or its people adherent of that sort. I am willing to know more from you on this.
Okay, here is the idea; name me one genuinely Islamic country (i.e. claimants of being an Islamic country through and through) that likes Israel. Iran? Arab World?

Don't include Malay peninsula because they are not an islamic government as a structure or its people adherent of that sort. I am willing to know more from you on this.
yes the problem is your ignorance you're right

1/ so you mean Egypt is a islamic republic. lol. didn't read wiki?

2/ islamic governance doesn't mean it includes all muslims of the world
even in Iran the regime is terribly unpopular.. so what?

3/ history of many islamic governances have a link with Palestinian movments
at least i know about Khomeiny and solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon from many martyrs
so history of the movments are often linked to the Palestinian cause

4/ there are more not islamic states in the world with majority of muslims than islamic states

5/ people from north africa are more willing to care about Palestine because of arabs
than Iranians who are less involved . they criticize like Europeans do but most people won't go doing any war there or so
and north african countries are.... not islamic states ;)

so be careful before simple lines of the story
yes the problem is your ignorance you're right

1/ so you mean Egypt is a islamic republic. lol. didn't read wiki?

2/ islamic governance doesn't mean it includes all muslims of the world
even in Iran the regime is terribly unpopular.. so what?

3/ history of many islamic governances have a link with Palestinian movments
at least i know about Khomeiny and solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon from many martyrs
so history of the movments are often linked to the Palestinian cause

4/ there are more not islamic states in the world with majority of muslims than islamic states

5/ people from north africa are more willing to care about Palestine because of arabs
than Iranians who are less involved . they criticize like Europeans do but most people won't go doing any war there or so
and north african countries are.... not islamic states ;)

so be careful before simple lines of the story

Hussein you literally make no sense whatsoever. Your English needs a bit more practice.
He meant that any government that is ruled by Islamic law is no friend of Israel, that is a fact.
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