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Eid-ul-azha : Cattle price high in city markets

Don't worry about us, think how will you feed yr Flesh obsessed populace if we seal of our borders. They might end feeding upon themselves .

I am not worried, I know Indian will keep on feeding us unless they will starve. ;)
We usually sacrifice cows in Bd and share the meat with relative and poors around our village. But just a goat/lamb in USA. :angel:

In advance! :)

If India completely seals off its border with BD and given the Muslim obsession with flesh, it would not come as surprise to me if Bangladeshis start feeding upon themselves Or perhaps on grass eating BD Hindu whom Bangladeshis anyway treat like animals.

Tens and thousands of cows cross the border. PER DAY! :lol:

And no, not all Hindus are vegetarians.

Also, cannibalism is Haram.
If India completely seals off its border with BD and given the Muslim obsession with flesh, it would not come as surprise to me if Bangladeshis start feeding upon themselves Or perhaps on grass eating BD Hindu whom Bangladeshis anyway treat like animals.

Damn man. You seem to be annoyed. What's bothering you dude?
If India completely seals off its border with BD and given the Muslim obsession with flesh, it would not come as surprise to me if Bangladeshis start feeding upon themselves Or perhaps on grass eating BD Hindu whom Bangladeshis anyway treat like animals.

If U guys do that a mojor portion of your population that survives on smuggling will die off starvation. At least be grateful to us for feeding your unfortunate poor countrymen. :)
Damn man. You seem to be annoyed. What's bothering dude?

That's cause we butcher and devour their holy animal.

Their holy animal tastes so damn good, especially when finely minced and cooked with spices and plenty of mustard oil.[/TROLL]

By the way, it's illegal for Kolkata to export cows to Bangladesh. But they still come in thousands under the watch of BSF :D
That's cause we butcher and devour their holy animal.

Their holy animal tastes so damn good, especially when finely minced and cooked with spices and plenty of mustard oil.[/TROLL]

By the way, it's illegal for Kolkata to export cows to Bangladesh. But they still come in thousands under the watch of BSF :D

Actually BSF also enjoys good steaks. Eid ul Azha is month of boon for them. ;)
That's cause we butcher and devour their holy animal.

Their holy animal tastes so damn good, especially when finely minced and cooked with spices and plenty of mustard oil.[/TROLL]

By the way, it's illegal for Kolkata to export cows to Bangladesh. But they still come in thousands under the watch of BSF :D

Well talking about Butcher?? i used to hide during Qurbani eid and i didnt like all that killing. But last year i found out i have butcher blood in me!!!!!

with little cousin-

Saturday, October 20, 2012Front Page

First time, fantastic
Online eid cattle sale intrigues buyers

<i>First time, fantastic</i>

Suman Saha
A single parent, Taslima never dares to go to cattle market to buy sacrificial animal. Given the hassle, it is a task too painful for her or any woman for that matter. Then there is the risk of carrying huge cash during eid time when muggers are out on the streets for their catch.

So Taslima, a computer software and hardware businessperson, has always relied on her father to buy eid cattle until last year. Maybe, it's time she relieves her "old man".

This year, she has bought her eid cattle herself, sitting in her Dhanmondi home. All she had to do is to go at Home, an online market, choose a cow and make the payment through her debit card.

“I've bought a cow at Tk 52,000 for the eid on the virtual market,” says the mother of one child, adding: “It took about three minutes to complete the transaction.”

Amardesheshop.com, a component of the Amar Desh Amar Gram e-commerce initiative of Future Solution for Business (FSB) Ltd, has been an online market for fish and vegetables, among other things, since October 2009. But it has come up with the new item, eid cattle, considering the ever busy city dwellers and non-resident Bangladeshis.

All one needs to do is fill up a form online, make his pick and make the payment through debit or credit card, bank draft, or mobile money transfer and get the delivery within 24 hours.

October 22 is the last date for order this year.

What is unique about this e-market is that it has direct link with farmers in different districts. Through representatives, the company reaches the farmers willing to sell their animals and makes a deal with them. The deal done, the representatives then take the measurement and weight of the cattle and upload those details along with its location and price.

When ordered, the company through its representatives collects the animal and delivers it to its buyers, said Sadequa Hassan Sejuti, managing director of FSB.

"The online trading will reduce the cattle price and ensure fair price for the farmers as there is no middleman," she told The Daily Star.

As of yesterday, 17 cows were available for sale at prices ranging from Tk 32,000 to 70,000, including service and bank charges.

Since the opening of the service on October 6, the company has so far sold 14 cows, nine of them in the last three days. Photos of some 200 cows are expected to be uploaded today.

Though the company offers to deliver the animal within 24 hours of the payment, most of the buyers, preferred to get it just three days before the eid. Taslima will get hers on October 24.

The cattle trading site comes at a time when online shopping is fast becoming popular in Bangladesh.

Last year, about a dozen online shopping portals or e-trading platforms popped up following Bangladesh Bank's introduction of online payment service through debit or credit card in local currency.

Freedom fighter Momin Ahmed, who has left the country after the liberation and is now a permanent resident in the Netherlands, takes a great pride to have found such a service available in Bangladesh.

"I'm surprised that I could pay online, like I do in European countries, in my Sonarbangla," Momin, former MP of North Holland Province, told The Daily Star in an email.

He bought three cows online, and is coming home after many years to celebrate eid.

FSB, a youth enterprise that introduced e-commerce in the country in 2009, has clinched the United Nations World Summit Youth Award 2011 for "creating outstanding digital content for rural people".

The e-portal company has direct links with around 5,500 rural people, including farmers, weavers and fishermen, who can post their produce at the portal for sale.

The company, currently serving its customers through its seven e-centres in Mongla, Narsingdi, Tangail, Sirajganj, Jamalpur, Rangpur and Sylhet, has also a database of around 8,000 registered customers, according to officials.
RIP HARRY. . . . . .
Shame on you. some muslims have eaten the ox and you are mocking on the life of the poor animal. Imagine some dinosaurs roaming on earth, and they have a festival on which they eat some muslims so that they can please their god. If you imagine this, You must be aware of the value of life, even the poor animal's life who can not defend himself is important as yours.

Think from the perspective of the poor animals, that he is going to be get killed and eaten by som humans just because they have to please their God!!!
Have some shame!!
Shame on you. some muslims have eaten the ox and you are mocking on the life of the poor animal. Imagine some dinosaurs roaming on earth, and they have a festival on which they eat some muslims so that they can please their god. If you imagine this, You must be aware of the value of life, even the poor animal's life who can not defend himself is important as yours.

Think from the perspective of the poor animals, that he is going to be get killed and eaten by som humans just because they have to please their God!!!
Have some shame!!

Even tree has life... Including fish.... So what is your point??? Do you say the same while enjoying chicken tikka or goat curry.... ??? Let the Muslim enjoy beef steak, shikh kabob etc. I enjoy chilli beef though.
Even tree has life... Including fish.... So what is your point??? Do you say the same while enjoying chicken tikka or goat curry.... ??? Let the Muslim enjoy beef steak, shikh kabob etc. I enjoy chilli beef though.

Foe the bold part. Yes exactly, life is life. Be it tree or bird. Why to cut even a tree. Being a supreme intelligent race of animal kingdom, humans should be able to adjust themselves with fellow non-human lives. This planet is equally belongs to them also.

that is why only Muslims are accused of being intolerant to the nature and surrounding environment :rolleyes:
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