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Eid ul Adha Mubarak post your Qurbani (Animal) Pics 2016

You guys cut bulls, goats etc on same day...isn't it too much of meat. Do you preserve it or does it get wasted or is finished off easily.
Does every Muslim family offer this qurbani and how does killing an animal and consuming is a qurbani. It is more of fun n festivities n joy of eating sharing good food.
We divided all meat / beef in three parts one for our family one for neighbors and one for poor who can't afford.
How much do you pay for a bull like this one in Pakistan?
These bulls are giants and beautiful
Now a days In Karachi bull like this size and beauty costs 10 to 25 lakhs.
It isnt that biv our neighbours bought one similar to that for 4 lakh the 25 lakh one,s are bigger and fatter

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