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Egypt’s Sisi Promises Rapid Growth

My Arab-obsessed Azeri (you are not even Turkish so stop talking in the name of Turkey, most Turks have no problems with Arabs nor are they obsessed as you, must be the Iranian influence or your original sect which is 100% influenced by Arab scholars funnily enough) I suggest not to troll on the Arab section for your own sake.

I also notice that your username and most likely name (Kamil) is an Arabic name to make it a bit more spicy.

Listen, Saudi Arabian and Egyptian ties are out of your understanding and reach. We are talking about ties that predate the notion of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turks by several millennia.

The ties are inked in blood (as proven by DNA) that far predates Islam. By geography. By ancient civilizations. By people movements (migrations) that have been continuous since the Neolithic period almost 15.000 years ago and even before that as proven by archaeology and modern-day science. By culture. By language. By religion (s). By economic realities of today. For instance millions of Egyptians have been hosted in KSA for decades. Many have become naturalized. Many became Saudi Arabian citizens after the foundation of KSA since they had already lived here for centuries. In particular in neighboring Hijaz. Cuisine. Folklore. Dresses. Everything that you can think about there is some sort of connection, mostly a very strong one. When Egypt gained freedom under Muhammad Ali Pasha (Albanian) and allies, the closest ally became the Grand Sharif of Makkah next door (Hijaz) and Hijaz was under Egyptian protection for the next 100 years.

With all due respect to tiny Azerbaijan, Turkey included, you will simply never be able to compete with those brotherly bonds. That goes for all Arab countries.

Forget about Arab regimes here for a while. It's the people that matter. Even the regimes have much closer ties (economic in particular) than anything that foreigners can offer.

You do not care about Egypt or Egyptians as a brother, as fellow Arabs do. Egyptians are foreigners to you. You can use the religion card (Islam) but using that logic an Jamaican convert to Islam in some UK jail, is as close to me as an Egyptian or Iraqi or Yemeni or Jordanian etc. That will never be the case.

If anything KSA and the UAE (that you are so obsessed about while pretending to care about Egypt, if you cared about Egypt you would not be parroting Erdogan's nonsense and know better) have proven to be very reliable allies of Egypt and helped Egypt at its most darkest period. When nobody else wanted to do it. Not even the US. At a big risk moreover. But once again, forget the regimes in power. It's the people that matter.

Here is more fantasy talk from foreigners that are obsessed about Arabs as you are. In this case an Azeri.

I don't know where you have been taught history but Yemenis kicked out Ottomans with ease several times and Ottoman presence in Yemen was always minimal as in all of Arabia. Most of the Ottomans were fellow Arabs too. So it was an Arab-Arab conflict. With the exception of one Arab party (Ottomans) fighting on behalf of an Arabized Sultan in Istanbul.

In Turkey they have songs about Yemen and their defeat there. You must be out of your mind to think that Yemenis wish to be Turkish vassals (LOL). They don't want to be vassals for anyone and never have been. Yemen is the Afghanistan of the Middle East/West Asia. History is the witness of this. Only fellow Arabs have ever managed to control Yemen fully.

Yemen is our backyard and everything that I wrote about Egypt also goes for Yemen. You are incredibly deluded to think that you will have any significant presence in Yemen. Just laughable.

As for being untouchable, are you really this dumb to believe that 80 million Turkey with an economy not even twice as big as 10 million UAE and with a population and landmass 5-10 times smaller than that of the Arab world, 50 times smaller resources, potential etc. will be able to dictate/rule events in the Arab world, and Yemen of all countries?:lol: Who feeds you this nonsense?


As for your beloved tiny Qatar, it was under Ottoman influence for some 20 years before Ottomans were kicked out by the Al-Thanis in 1893.



I really hope for the future of Turkey that just a tiny percentage of Turks (forgetting that you are an Azeri and not a Turk) have such delusions like you and want to pursue such policies because it will backfire tremendously for Turkey. Arabs (vast majority) don't look at Turkey as an enemy (just like most Turks don't look at the Arab world as an enemy) but if too many delusional ignorants like you reach power, those relations can quickly sour and I know which party will be the strongest. The Arab party.

I have nothing against Turks (unless they are anti-Arab) or Turkey (unless a Turkish regime is pursuing anti-Arab/hostile policies) in case you begin to cry here. However I have never seen the few Arab users here bark against Turkey in the same fashion as I have seen 3-4 Turkish trolls do (tiny element in a large sea of mostly sane users by large from what I have seen at least) and that won't be tolerated by any Arab, even the few of us remaining on PDF.

I wish that the same logic was applied for the West Bank and Gaza in particular.


Could not have written it better bro. As usual, hats off.

Sorry for "spoiling" the party a bit but our Azeri friend (I really have nothing personal against him or Azeris for that matter) but when somebody is trolling and writing outright childish, ignorant and idiotic threats, you sometimes have to take your gloves off. I guess the increasing trolling from certain foreigners on this otherwise peaceful Arab section, is getting too me at times. Last refugee where this lot were few in numbers. Alas. Time to confront the nonsense head on.:enjoy:
Well, Israel left Gaza in hopes for a next singapore, untill it understood that the Palestinians chose Hamas, so I don't see how this is any different.
Anyway tho, unrelated
My Arab-obsessed Azeri (you are not even Turkish so stop talking in the name of Turkey, most Turks have no problems with Arabs nor are they obsessed as you, must be the Iranian influence or your original sect which is 100% influenced by Arab scholars funnily enough) I suggest not to troll on the Arab section for your own sake.

I also notice that your username and most likely name (Kamil) is an Arabic name to make it a bit more spicy.

Listen, Saudi Arabian and Egyptian ties are out of your understanding and reach. We are talking about ties that predate the notion of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turks by several millennia.
We have nice word in Azerbaijan, "who the hell shit you here?"
listen, no need to test your IQ and cultural level. i am being very honest here and nobody has special hate to Arabs or something like that. with the same mentality, why a Saudi come to talk about Egyptians?
Azeris are Turks, which if you read a book, you could know it..
I really dont want to be like a teenage and be like hero behind computer. I am sure you will not be able to talk to me like this if you see me in real life. so you better just shut up..
Growin21, i really liked your honest opinion.. huge respect to you.. people like these rats, people start to hate each others.. They only see the word from top of their big nose..

As for being untouchable, are you really this dumb to believe that 80 million Turkey with an economy not even twice as big as 10 million UAE
You really have to be stupid to compare both economy, which one is earned its money with petrol sales and another with its export..
We have nice word in Azerbaijan, "who the hell shit you here?"
listen, no need to test your IQ and cultural level. i am being very honest here and nobody has special hate to Arabs or something like that. with the same mentality, why a Saudi come to talk about Egyptians?
Azeris are Turks, which if you read a book, you could know it..
I really dont want to be like a teenage and be like hero behind computer. I am sure you will not be able to talk to me like this if you see me in real life. so you better just shut up..
Growin21, i really liked your honest opinion.. huge respect to you.. people like these rats, people start to hate each others.. They only see the word from top of their big nose..

You really have to be stupid to compare both economy, which one is earned its money with petrol sales and another with its export..

The only low IQ troll (using your language) and Arab-obsessed user who cannot deal with the factual statements that I and @Gomig-21 wrote to you and who lives in La La Land is you, the Azeri, that talks on behalf of Turkey, lol.

Did you skip the factual posts that were written by me and @Gomig-21 about the ancient historical ties between Egypt and KSA and Arabia as a whole? People of Egypt and KSA are much closer than people of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Same goes for every Arab country. It's out of your understanding, it seems.

Egypt to me is like a second homeland. No need to explain more to you. Even less so when you are writing nonsense about imaginary "Gulf countries", Yemen and KSA. As a Azeri, when your tiny country is irrelevant with all due respect.

I am not going to shut up when a deluded, ignorant and irrelevant foreigner is barking about internal Arab matters that he has nothing to do with. You are the irrelevant child in front of your computer here who lives in La La Land. I just helped you return back on earth.

Yes, let's forget the fact that the non-oil/gas part of Arab economies is many times larger than Turkey's entire GDP (nominal). By the same token you should not compare a country that has a 8 times larger population (Turkey) than UAE.

Instead of crying try to read what I and @Gomig-21 actually wrote in posts 22, 24 25, 27 and 29. You failed to counter any of our statements for well-known reasons. Because you are unable to.

All I see you doing in Arab-related threads is barking and writing nonsense about topics (Arab world and Arabs) that you have no clue about. Such nonsense, if spoken in front of an Arab, would be dealt with within seconds. Arabs are not like other people in this region. No need to elaborate on this.

Well, Israel left Gaza in hopes for a next singapore, untill it understood that the Palestinians chose Hamas, so I don't see how this is any different.
Anyway tho, unrelated

What about before Hamas? Or what about the West Bank? I don't see a great interest of the current Israeli regime to want a "developed and stable" neighbor (Palestine). Rather all I see is further Israeli Jewish radicalization and more illegal (as per international law) settlements being built in the West Bank.
The only low IQ troll (using your language) and Arab-obsessed user who cannot deal with the factual statements that I and @Gomig-21 wrote to you and who lives in La La Land is you, the Azeri, that talks on behalf of Turkey, lol.

Did you skip the factual posts that were written by me and @Gomig-21 about the ancient historical ties between Egypt and KSA and Arabia as a whole? People of Egypt and KSA are much closer than people of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Same goes for every Arab country. It's out of your understanding, it seems.

Egypt to me is like a second homeland. No need to explain more to you. Even less so when you are writing nonsense about imaginary "Gulf countries", Yemen and KSA. As a Azeri, when your tiny country is irrelevant with all due respect.

I am not going to shut up when a deluded, ignorant and irrelevant foreigner is barking about internal Arab matters that he has nothing to do with. You are the irrelevant child in front of your computer here who lives in La La Land. I just helped you return back on earth.

Yes, let's forget the fact that the non-oil/gas part of Arab economies is many times larger than Turkey's entire GDP (nominal). By the same token you should not compare a country that has a 8 times larger population (Turkey) than UAE.

Instead of crying try to read what I and @Gomig-21 actually wrote in posts 22, 24 25, 27 and 29. You failed to counter any of our statements for well-known reasons. Because you are unable to.

All I see you doing in Arab-related threads is barking and writing nonsense about topics (Arab world and Arabs) that you have no clue about. Such nonsense, if spoken in front of an Arab, would be dealt with within seconds. Arabs are not like other people in this region. No need to elaborate on this.

What about before Hamas? Or what about the West Bank? I don't see a great interest of the current Israeli regime to want a "developed and stable" neighbor (Palestine). Rather all I see is further Israeli Jewish radicalization and more illegal (as per international law) settlements being built in the West Bank.
i didnt even write message about your relations. Why do you write me how close you are or anything else? after first sentence i stopped reading.
we say that those dogs who afraid bark the most. i hope you find yourself in the sentence..
those like you, make Arap people look so bad.. seems like some flies make it impossible to have a normal conversation...
i didnt even write message about your relations. Why do you write me how close you are or anything else?
we say that those dogs who afraid bark the most. i hope you find yourself in the sentence..
those like you, make Arap people look so bad.. seems like some flies make it impossible to have a normal conversation...

Yes, Arabs, the ones that created and ruled the largest empires of all non-Western people (only British and the very short-lived Mongol empire can be compared) and the region for the longest time (1000 years almost) are very afraid of tiny Azerbaijan and likewise tiny (in comparison to the Arab world on all fronts) Turkey. Not to say that there will not be any conflicts between Arabs and Turks. You are dreaming here.

The by far largest ethnic group, that control the by far largest landmass (Arab world) with the by far largest combined economic power and military power, potential and resources, is scared shitless.:lol: Can't sleep.

I know that you are anti-Arab as your previous posts confirm this and those in this thread as well. How can any sane person take your latests posts in this thread seriously and the moronic claims that they contain? You talk about gaining a foothold in Yemen and much more nonsense.:lol:

You are the same guy that claimed that Arabs never had a presence in Caucasus despite ruling it for centuries. In Georgia the Arab presence lasted 450 years alone for example.


The patron saint (Christian tradition) of Tbilisi (the capital) is an ethnic Christian Arab.

Saint Abo of Tiflis.


From 132 BC until 216 AD much of Southern and Eastern Turkey was ruled by an Arab dynasty (Kingdom of Osroene)


It's strange behavior because despite most of Azeris being Shia, I see many pro-Arab comments from Azeris in tons of Arab-related videos on Youtube (Arab music etc.). Very common to see people from Azerbaijan. There are even some old Arab communities in Azerbaijan.


Many were absorbed into locals as well.

The Bibi-Heybat Mosque (Azerbaijani: Bibiheybət məscidi) is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. The existing structure, built in the 1990s, is a recreation of the mosque with the same name built in the 13th century by Shirvanshah Farrukhzad II Ibn Ahsitan II, which was completely destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1936.

The Bibi-Heybat Mosque includes the tomb of Ukeyma Khanum (a descendant of Muhammad), and today is the spiritual center for the Muslims of the region and one of the major monuments of Islamic architecture in Azerbaijan.

It is locally known as "the mosque of Fatima", which is what Alexandre Dumas called it when he described the mosque during his visit in the 1840s.

The mosque was built over the tomb of the daughter of the seventh Shiite Imam - Musa al-Kazim, who fled to Baku from persecution of caliphs. On the tomb there is carved on a stone inscription indicating that Ukeyma Khanum belongs to the sacred family: "Here was buried Ukeyma Khanum, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the granddaughter of the sixth Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, the daughter of the Seventh Imam Musei Kazym, sister of the eighth Imam Riza".[1]

View of the old mosque before restoration in 1911

Based on the writings on the south wall of a mosque, historians attribute the construction by the end of the 13th century. Arabic inscription on the mosque wall reads: "The work Mahmud ibn Sa'ad", which is the same architect who built the Nardaran Fortress near Baku.[2][3]


You also need to thank Arab scholars and historians for writing about the history of modern-day Azerbaijan.

You need to control your empty and hilarious hostility. Don't know what nonsense you are reading.

BTW Iranian Arabs and Iranian Azeris are allies as well. You are some kind of Farsi troll.
Yes, Arabs, the ones that created and ruled the largest empires of all non-Western people (only British and the very short-lived Mongol empire can be compared) and the region for the longest time (1000 years almost) are very afraid of tiny Azerbaijan and likewise tiny (in comparison to the Arab world on all fronts) Turkey. Not to say that there will not be any conflicts between Arabs and Turks. You are dreaming here.

The by far largest ethnic group, that control the by far largest landmass (Arab world) with the by far largest combined economic power and military power, potential and resources, is scared shitless.:lol: Can't sleep.

I know that you are anti-Arab as your previous posts confirm this and those in this thread as well. How can any sane person take your latests posts in this thread seriously and the moronic claims that they contain? You talk about gaining a foothold in Yemen and much more nonsense.:lol:

You are the same guy that claimed that Arabs never had a presence in Caucasus despite ruling it for centuries. In Georgia the Arab presence lasted 450 years alone for example.


The patron saint (Christian tradition) of Tbilisi (the capital) is an ethnic Christian Arab.

Saint Abo of Tiflis.


From 132 BC until 216 AD much of Southern and Eastern Turkey was ruled by an Arab dynasty (Kingdom of Osroene)


It's strange behavior because despite most of Azeris being Shia, I see many pro-Arab comments from Azeris in tons of Arab-related videos on Youtube (Arab music etc.). Very common to see people from Azerbaijan. There are even some old Arab communities in Azerbaijan.


Many were absorbed into locals as well.

The Bibi-Heybat Mosque (Azerbaijani: Bibiheybət məscidi) is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. The existing structure, built in the 1990s, is a recreation of the mosque with the same name built in the 13th century by Shirvanshah Farrukhzad II Ibn Ahsitan II, which was completely destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1936.

The Bibi-Heybat Mosque includes the tomb of Ukeyma Khanum (a descendant of Muhammad), and today is the spiritual center for the Muslims of the region and one of the major monuments of Islamic architecture in Azerbaijan.

It is locally known as "the mosque of Fatima", which is what Alexandre Dumas called it when he described the mosque during his visit in the 1840s.

The mosque was built over the tomb of the daughter of the seventh Shiite Imam - Musa al-Kazim, who fled to Baku from persecution of caliphs. On the tomb there is carved on a stone inscription indicating that Ukeyma Khanum belongs to the sacred family: "Here was buried Ukeyma Khanum, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the granddaughter of the sixth Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, the daughter of the Seventh Imam Musei Kazym, sister of the eighth Imam Riza".[1]

View of the old mosque before restoration in 1911

Based on the writings on the south wall of a mosque, historians attribute the construction by the end of the 13th century. Arabic inscription on the mosque wall reads: "The work Mahmud ibn Sa'ad", which is the same architect who built the Nardaran Fortress near Baku.[2][3]

You supporting Qatar blockade, killing Arabs in Yemen tell me everything, so you are the last one to talk from the name of all Arabs.. We have the proverb that who goes to hell looking for a friend to bring. Saudis and UAE in that situation right now... hell know what you gonna do in 30 years.. especially with people switching to 5d factories and no petrol sales.. WHy dont you talk about these?
All Saudis i know here are the first buyer of cocaine and Weed, so it tell how religious you are...

Dude, Turkish people came to these area after 11th century.. you were here 7th century so not connection with todays people even... And Safavids are made of Azeri king shah ISmail Xetai who was the first one made Azeri language main language.. tell me his fight against your army..
I just recently teached you history when you said that Dagestanis are Muslim because of Arabs but with history i proved that Arabs lost 2 main war against Turkish Khazar khanlig in Derbent 1 10 year after another.. So you are really last person to talk about history especially in my region.. You just disappeared after that.. Do you even have an honor to talk? well, if you understand what it is..
You supporting Qatar blockade, killing Arabs in Yemen tell me everything, so you are the last one to talk from the name of all Arabs.. We have the proverb that who goes to hell looking for a friend to bring. Saudis and UAE in that situation right now... hell know what you gonna do in 30 years.. especially with people switching to 5d factories.. WHy dont you talk about these?
All Saudis i know here are the first buyer of cocaine and Weed, so it tell how religious you are...

Dude, Turkish people came to these area after 11th century.. you were here 7th century so not connection with todays people even... And Safavids are made of Azeri king shah ISmail Xetai who was the first one made Azeri language main language.. tell me his fight against your army..
I just recently teached you history when you said that Dagestanis are Muslim because of Arabs but with history i proved that Arabs lost 2 main war against Turkish Khazar khanlig in Derbent 1 10 year after another.. So you are really last person to talk about history especially in my region.. You just disappeared after that.. Do you even have an honor to talk? well, if you understand what it is..

You are a non-Arab (ignorant foreigner) that has no say in internal Arab affairs (you are irrelevant so is Azerbaijan and Turkey outside of tiny Afrin, lol).

Firstly I am not doing anything personally nor any Arab people outside of ruling regimes. Secondly, Qatar is not the innocent lamb that your beloved Erdogan media has been telling you. There are reasons why many powerful Arab states (KSA and Egypt at the forefront) have had a dispute with Qatar which is not greater than both countries joining mutual military exercises in KSA as recently as a few months ago.

You mean, that we are cleaning brotherly, ancient and beautiful Yemen from Farsi-sponsored terrorist cultists (Houthis) alongside the Yemeni army and people and something that is working very well (90% of Yemen is in our mutual control).

Using your logic, you are killing Syrians.

You should not worry about KSA and UAE. We are moving ahead on all fronts. Leading the Arab world on many fronts.

@The SC

You are some kind of sick individual. Great joke.:lol:

Azeris are more religious.:lol:

Long before that (2150 years ago as I just showed you) and until not long ago (800 years) as I also showed you. Besides, with all due respect to tiny Caucasus, it was and is not the most important area of the world. We ruled an empire from Portugal/Spain/France in the West to modern-day China and Pakistan. No need to mention more. Our influence is felt in every single majority Muslim country and the culture.

Safavids did not fight against any Arabs and did not rule a single Arab territory aside from tiny parts of Iraq for a while before they were driven out. Barbaric Safavids have a extremely bad reputation among every Muslim that is not a Shia due to their genocide against Sunnis in Iran and plundering in Baghdad (Iraq). In the Arab world Arab puppets of Iran (luckily a tiny minority) are called Safavids as an insult. No need to mention more.


This useless dynasty committed genocide against your people. '

Read this below (tons of references and sourced are used)


Arabs never lost a single war against some nomadic Khazars.


changes Transcaucasia falls under the control of the Caliphate, Muslim expansion is stopped beyond Derbent

Nobody was interested in empty flat steppe land in modern-day Northern Caucasus (Russia). Arabs (Caliphate) conquered all the relevant areas.

Anyway I will not waste my time on you any further and I will let you live in La La Land. However if you continue to troll on the Arab section in Arab-related threads that you have nothing to do with as a foreigner, you will face replies, so no need to cry.

Go seek help Farsi lapdog and continue parroting their useless propaganda and barking online.

Egypt’s Sisi vows to back South Sudan peace bid

Sisi said the peace talks in the Sudanese capital were aimed at achieving peace and stability in neighboring South Sudan. (Reuters)
AFP, Khartoum
Friday, 20 July 2018

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday backed an ongoing regional bid to resolve the conflict in South Sudan as he praised Khartoum for hosting peace talks between the country’s warring groups.

Sisi, who arrived in Khartoum for a two-day visit, said the peace talks in the Sudanese capital were aimed at achieving peace and stability in neighboring South Sudan, where tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced since a brutal civil war erupted in December 2013.

“To South Sudan, I want to say that we will work together with our brothers in the region for achieving peace so that South Sudanese people enjoy stability and prosperity,” said Sisi in remarks broadcast on state TV after holding talks with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

“These efforts ... have a clear vision when it comes to security, stability and development of regional countries,” added Sisi, on his first visit to Khartoum since being re-elected to a second presidential term earlier this year.

The war in South Sudan began at the end of 2013 after South Sudanese President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy, now rebel leader, Riek Machar of plotting a coup. Khartoum, as part of regional efforts to end the conflict in South Sudan, has already hosted peace talks between the arch-foes.

Power-sharing deal
Hours before Sisi’s remarks, Khartoum announced a delay to a “preliminary” power-sharing deal between Kiir and Machar -- due to be signed Thursday -- as the warring factions had disagreements over the draft.

Although the sides had agreed to a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of their forces from urban areas, Sudan’s Foreign Minister al-Dierdiry Ahmed said the parties wanted to include changes to the final power-sharing deal.

“A new date for the preliminary signing of the deal will be announced later,” Ahmed said, noting that the South Sudan government wished to have “observations” included in the text. Rebel leader Machar’s group said it was also seeking changes.

“We will not sign unless they are included in the document,” Machar’s representative in the negotiations, Agouk Makour, told reporters. Sudan’s government insisted a final power-sharing pact would still be signed on July 26 in the presence of Bashir.

A similar deal was signed in 2015 but fell apart a year later in a deadly battle that saw Machar flee into exile.

Last Update: Friday, 20 July 2018 KSA 08:39 - GMT 05:39


Good to see.

Sudan is currently firmly in the KSA and Egypt axis and for the past 2 years our Sudanese brothers have fought and died side by side the Arab coalition in Yemen.
Last edited:
You are a non-Arab (ignorant foreigner) that has no say in internal Arab affairs (you are irrelevant so is Azerbaijan and Turkey outside of tiny Afrin, lol).

Firstly I am not doing anything personally nor any Arab people outside of ruling regimes. Secondly, Qatar is not the innocent lamb that your beloved Erdogan media has been telling you. There are reasons why many powerful Arab states (KSA and Egypt at the forefront) have had a dispute with Qatar which is not greater than both countries joining mutual military exercises in KSA as recently as a few months ago.

You mean, that we are cleaning brotherly, ancient and beautiful Yemen from Farsi-sponsored terrorist cultists (Houthis) alongside the Yemeni army and people and something that is working very well (90% of Yemen is in our mutual control).

Using your logic, you are killing Syrians.

You should not worry about KSA and UAE. We are moving ahead on all fronts. Leading the Arab world on many fronts.

@The SC

You are some kind of sick individual. Great joke.:lol:

Azeris are more religious.:lol:

Long before that (2150 years ago as I just showed you) and until not long ago (800 years) as I also showed you. Besides, with all due respect to tiny Caucasus, it was and is not the most important area of the world. We ruled an empire from Portugal/Spain/France in the West to modern-day China and Pakistan. No need to mention more. Our influence is felt in every single majority Muslim country and the culture.

Safavids did not fight against any Arabs and did not rule a single Arab territory aside from tiny parts of Iraq for a while before they were driven out. Barbaric Safavids have a extremely bad reputation among every Muslim that is not a Shia due to their genocide against Sunnis in Iran and plundering in Baghdad (Iraq). In the Arab world Arab puppets of Iran (luckily a tiny minority) are called Safavids as an insult. No need to mention more.


This useless dynasty committed genocide against your people. '

Read this below (tons of references and sourced are used)


Arabs never lost a single war against some nomadic Khazars.


changes Transcaucasia falls under the control of the Caliphate, Muslim expansion is stopped beyond Derbent

Nobody was interested in empty flat steppe land in modern-day Northern Caucasus (Russia). Arabs (Caliphate) conquered all the relevant areas.

Anyway I will not waste my time on you any further and I will let you live in La La Land. However if you continue to troll on the Arab section in Arab-related threads that you have nothing to do with as a foreigner, you will face replies, so no need to cry.

Go seek help Farsi lapdog and continue parroting their useless propaganda and barking online.

Egypt’s Sisi vows to back South Sudan peace bid

Sisi said the peace talks in the Sudanese capital were aimed at achieving peace and stability in neighboring South Sudan. (Reuters)
AFP, Khartoum
Friday, 20 July 2018

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday backed an ongoing regional bid to resolve the conflict in South Sudan as he praised Khartoum for hosting peace talks between the country’s warring groups.

Sisi, who arrived in Khartoum for a two-day visit, said the peace talks in the Sudanese capital were aimed at achieving peace and stability in neighboring South Sudan, where tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced since a brutal civil war erupted in December 2013.

“To South Sudan, I want to say that we will work together with our brothers in the region for achieving peace so that South Sudanese people enjoy stability and prosperity,” said Sisi in remarks broadcast on state TV after holding talks with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

“These efforts ... have a clear vision when it comes to security, stability and development of regional countries,” added Sisi, on his first visit to Khartoum since being re-elected to a second presidential term earlier this year.

The war in South Sudan began at the end of 2013 after South Sudanese President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy, now rebel leader, Riek Machar of plotting a coup. Khartoum, as part of regional efforts to end the conflict in South Sudan, has already hosted peace talks between the arch-foes.

Power-sharing deal
Hours before Sisi’s remarks, Khartoum announced a delay to a “preliminary” power-sharing deal between Kiir and Machar -- due to be signed Thursday -- as the warring factions had disagreements over the draft.

Although the sides had agreed to a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of their forces from urban areas, Sudan’s Foreign Minister al-Dierdiry Ahmed said the parties wanted to include changes to the final power-sharing deal.

“A new date for the preliminary signing of the deal will be announced later,” Ahmed said, noting that the South Sudan government wished to have “observations” included in the text. Rebel leader Machar’s group said it was also seeking changes.

“We will not sign unless they are included in the document,” Machar’s representative in the negotiations, Agouk Makour, told reporters. Sudan’s government insisted a final power-sharing pact would still be signed on July 26 in the presence of Bashir.

A similar deal was signed in 2015 but fell apart a year later in a deadly battle that saw Machar flee into exile.

Last Update: Friday, 20 July 2018 KSA 08:39 - GMT 05:39


Good to see.

Sudan is currently firmly in the KSA and Egypt axis and for the past 2 years our Sudanese brothers have fought and died side by side the Arab coalition in Yemen.

Dude, in the same link you posted here says "these successes had little impact on the nomadic Khazars, who continued to launch devastating raids deep into Transcaucasia. In one such raid in 730, the Khazars inflicted a major defeat on the Umayyad forces at the Battle of Ardabil, killing al-Jarrah"
Just to let you know Ardabil is 300-400 south of Derbent. There isa city the same name today too

we are not talking about internal issues of Arabs, we are talking about the reality and we all knows that media in the whole world is biased, which your chicken mind dont really get it..

Anything words you say i bring prove and then you change the topic to totally different thing, which shows that you are not here to discuss but to troll.. learn something from Growing, it real shows me the difference between you GUlf and Egyptians.. when dads has 3-4 wifes, seems like they cannot spend with their kids and their education..

You talk about whole arab just minutes ago and now Yemenis are Iranian terorists, Qataris are bad which you dont even tell what is wrong they did.. which i dont really get so far.. Libya are bad... Maybe you Saudis are bad that making this much problem? thats why we are here to bring support reasons. WHich i get that Saudis have now culture doing so..
Dude, in the same link you posted here says "these successes had little impact on the nomadic Khazars, who continued to launch devastating raids deep into Transcaucasia. In one such raid in 730, the Khazars inflicted a major defeat on the Umayyad forces at the Battle of Ardabil, killing al-Jarrah"

we are not talking about internal issues of Arabs, we are talking about the reality and we all knows that media in the whole world is biased, which your chicken mind dont really get it..

Anything words you say i bring prove and then you change the topic to totally different thing, which shows that you are not here to discuss but to troll.. learn something from Growing, it real shows me the difference between you GUlf and Egyptians.. when dads has 3-4 wifes, seems like they cannot spend with their kids and their education..

You talk about whole arab just minutes ago and now Yemenis are Iranian terorists, Qataris are bad which you dont even tell what is wrong they did.. which i dont really get so far.. Libya are bad... Maybe you Saudis are bad that making this much problem? thats why we are here to bring support reasons. WHich i get that Saudis have now culture doing so..

You do understand that you can loss a few battles (as every people have and will time and time again) but if you win the war it does not matter.

Did the Arabs conquer most of Caucasus and did they rule it for centuries? Yes, they did. Did the Arabs bother to conquer the largely barren steppes of Northern Caucasus (Russia) that had no significant purpose? No. Why would they? To conquer barren woodlands in modern-day Central Russia?

I am not talking about anything but replying to your nonsense. Successfully. With factual posts. While you are only good at mostly idiotic, ignorant and baseless one-liners that you cannot provide sources for.

Having more than 1 wife is less prevalent in the GCC than in Egypt, not that there is anything wrong with this in theory.

Don't talk about education when Saudi Arabian universities are lightyears ahead of Azerbaijan, when KSA is lightyears ahead on all science rankings (international) and when we have a much greater percentage of university graduates (women are even better than men as one of the few countries of the world).

Houthi terrorists cultists are terrorists as they have waged wars against the Yemeni state since their terrorist cult was created in 1994. If they are not terrorists, there are no terrorist groups in the world.

Don't put words in my mouth, troll. I never said Yemeni. I said Houthi terrorist cultists.

Qataris are not bad (people) as they are the same people as us. What is bad are certain Qatari policies that have lasted for 2 decades now. Which most Arab countries have had grievances against. I don't need to explain this here for you in a thread that is not about this topic and to talk about a topic that I have talked about many times here on PDF and other Arab users.

Libya bad? Are you drunk? They are our brothers which whom we have deep historical, ancestral, tribal, dialect etc. ties.

A few weeks ago.

You don't get it, Libyans are our flesh and blood. Vice versa too. We wish only the best for them and vice versa. Has nothing to do with regimes. Hard for non-Arabs to understand it seems.

BTW, as an Azerbaijani you should not really be talking about regimes. Your country is the biggest Israeli lapdog in the region. You have close ties to Russia and the West. What have you done for the Muslim world? Have you even done 1% of what KSA has did in just relief work?

You talk about who is religious or not (I personally do not care) meanwhile we all know what is going on in Azerbaijan and what Azerbaijani women are doing in certain Arab states. No names mentioned but they are not called KSA.

I suggest leaving the La La Land that you live in and stop trolling in order not to embarrass yourself as the foreigner that you are.

Arab-obsessed foreigners and their inferiority ridden nonsense. FFS. Getting tiring. It really is. They found their way to the peaceful Arab section.

Anyway you are a foreign and ignorant anti-Arab troll that has nothing to offer and who does not wish Egypt and Egyptians the best, rather the contrary as I explained before. You are just parroting what you are reading on Erdogan-controlled media without having a single clue and without being able to even count to 10 in Arabic. Not worth my efforts. Ending it here.
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You do understand that you can loss a few battles (as every people have and will time and time again) but if you win the war it does not matter.

Did the Arabs conquer most of Caucasus and did they rule it for centuries? Yes, they did. Did the Arabs bother to conquer the largely barren steppes of Northern Caucasus (Russia) that had no significant purpose? No. Why would they? To conquer barren woodlands in modern-day Central Russia?

I am not talking about anything but replying to your nonsense. Successfully. With factual posts. While you are only good at mostly idiotic, ignorant and baseless one-liners that you cannot provide sources for.

Having more than 1 wife is less prevalent in the GCC than in Egypt, not that there is anything wrong with this in theory.

Don't talk about education when Saudi Arabian universities are lightyears ahead of Azerbaijan, when KSA is lightyears ahead on all science rankings (international) and when we have a much greater percentage of university graduates (women are even better than men as one of the few countries of the world).

Houthi terrorists cultists are terrorists as they have waged wars against the Yemeni state since their terrorist cult was created in 1994. If they are not terrorists, there are no terrorist groups in the world.

Don't put words in my mouth, troll. I never said Yemeni. I said Houthi terrorist cultists.

Qataris are not bad (people) as they are the same people as us. What is bad are certain Qatari policies that have lasted for 2 decades now. Which most Arab countries have had grievances against. I don't need to explain this here for you in a thread that is not about this topic and to talk about a topic that I have talked about many times here on PDF and other Arab users.

Libya bad? Are you drunk? They are our brothers which whom we have deep historical, ancestral, tribal, dialect etc. ties.

A few weeks ago.

You don't get it, Libyans are our flesh and blood. Vice versa too. We wish only the best for them and vice versa. Has nothing to do with regimes. Hard for non-Arabs to understand it seems.

BTW, as an Azerbaijani you should not really be talking about regimes. Your country is the biggest Israeli lapdog in the region. You have close ties to Russia and the West. What have you done for the Muslim world? Have you even done 1% of what KSA has did in just relief work?

You talk about who is religious or not (I personally do not care) meanwhile we all know what is going on in Azerbaijan and what Azerbaijani women are doing in certain Arab states. No names mentioned but they are not called KSA.

I suggest leaving the La La Land that you live in and stop trolling in order not to embarrass yourself as the foreigner that you are.

Arab-obsessed foreigners and their inferiority ridden nonsense. FFS. Getting tiring. It really is. They found their way to the peaceful Arab section.

Anyway you are a foreign and ignorant anti-Arab troll that has nothing to offer and who does not wish Egypt and Egyptians the best, rather the contrary as I explained before. You are just parroting what you are reading on Erdogan-controlled media without having a single clue and without being able to even count to 10 in Arabic. Not worth my efforts. Ending it here.
When arabs came, Turks were not there and the first Turk they met were Khazar khanliq which they lost the war..
As everybody knows Turks came after Mongols. 12th century.. Only you moron dont want to know about it and change the topic from religion to universities not to face the fact...

KSA is the last country to talk about university degree... DO you write it to laugh later or you really believe it? without engineering jobs Universities are nothing... when you hire relatives, friends, not hire who deserve it... it is the biggest mistake in ISlam..

You foolish say that Azerbaijani people hate KSA, they are shia.. 90% of Azerbiajan dont even know if they are Shia or Sunni including me, also dont give a shit.. FOr Turkish people being Turk is more more important than being religious.. only stupid fanatics divide people based on that.. Wahabi bitches are the cancer of ISla world if you want to know the fact..

do you wanna see what KSA girls do in the US universities? you better shut up. i dont want to talk about it and go down to your educational level..

Why dont you go to sign up in Army to take back Hodeyda? we all know why..)
When arabs came, Turks were not there and the first Turk they met were Khazar khanliq which they lost the war..
As everybody knows Turks came after Mongols. 12th century.. Only you moron dont want to know about it and change the topic from religion to universities not to face the fact...

KSA is the last country to talk about university degree... DO you write it to laugh later or you really believe it? without engineering jobs Universities are nothing... when you hire relatives, friends, not hire who deserve it... it is the biggest mistake in ISlam..

You foolish say that Azerbaijani people hate KSA, they are shia.. 90% of Azerbiajan dont even know if they are Shia or Sunni including me, also dont give a shit.. FOr Turkish people being Turk is more more important than being religious.. only stupid fanatics divide people based on that.. Wahabi bitches are the cancer of ISla world if you want to know the fact..

do you wanna see what KSA girls do in the US universities? you better shut up. i dont want to talk about it and go down to your educational level..

Why dont you go to sign up in Army to take back Hodeyda? we all know why..)

Azeri troll, Arabs conquered and ruled most of Central Asia when it was inhabited by Turks. I am not even going to mention a controversial topic about how some of them were used and what for.

No such thing occurred.

The ancestors of modern-day Arabs invented science and it was an Arab women with origins in modern-day KSA (Hijaz) that created the oldest continuously award-giving university in the world.

It is the oldest existing, continually operating and the first degree-awarding educational institution in the world according to UNESCO and Guinness World Records[5][6] and is sometimes referred to as the oldest university.[7] It was founded by Fatima al-Fihri in 859 with an associated madrasa, which subsequently became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers of the historicMuslim world. It was incorporated into Morocco's modern state university system in 1963.



The rise of Saudi Arabia as a science powerhouse


Global Nature Magazine; Saudi Arabia ranks 28th worldwide in high quality scientific publishing


KSA is also located 31st worldwide in the Nature Index of 2016. The 2017 tables are based on Nature Index data from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016.


Best performing Muslim nation.

I suggest taking a look at science rankings and university rankings before blabbering nonsense. You have embarrassed yourself enough of times already in this thread for all to see.

Azerbaijan is lightyears behind KSA on this front.

You retarded idiot. Saudi Arabian girls are much better educated, better behaving and have much greater honor. Case in point, you won't find Saudi Arabian prostitutes like people from your country that can be found in Kuwait, Bahrain and UAE. You have no shame.

Listen troll, I am the last person in the world that cares about sect (same case with fast majority of Arabs), but you are parroting the same propaganda that Mullah Farsis are doing.

Listen dimwit, Hudaydah has minimal participation from KSA currently and is an operation the size of Mosul which took over 9 months and had the parcipation of all Western powers with the US at the forefront.



The Battle of Hudaydah has been going on for less than 5 weeks in comparison. 90% + of Yemen is in our control. Your tiny Afrin is a joke in comparison with Yemen with all due respect. Wait, it's not "yours" as you are an Azeri.

Now get lost from this section if you don't have anything else to offer other than moronic trolling, false statements and being ridiculed in the process by me. I suggest spending your time better, Arab-obsessed troll.


I am leaving the Arab-obsessed troll to your care in this thread. I believe that I have schooled him enough and picked all his ignorant and moronic nonsense apart. You have a better pedagogy when it comes to trolls.:enjoy: I don't have the patience with such trolls on the long run.
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