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Egypt’s Sisi Promises Rapid Growth

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sunday, 1 July, 2018 - 09:00


Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al Sisi. (AFP)

Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al Sisi pledged to his citizens to target rapid growth rates of at least seven percent over the next few years.

He said that this goal will contribute to "changing the reality of life in Egypt as a whole and putting it on a rapid economic path."

In a televised speech on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the June 30, 2013 Revolution, Sisi said: “No doubt the reform path is tough and difficult and it causes a lot of suffering. What is certain, though, is that the suffering resulting from lack of reform is even greater and worse.”

“Reform has been delayed so much that it has become a necessity, not a luxury,” he explained, promising Egyptians a better future for them and their children.

For years now, Egypt has been implementing measures adopted by various governments within the framework of the so-called "economic reform plan".

In successive stages, it gradually approved the gradual cut of subsidies on a number of transport, electricity and water services. It announced in mid-June a rise in fuel prices by an average of 60 percent.

“Egypt celebrates the fifth anniversary of the revolution of June 30, 2013, when the great Egyptian people spoke in a loud and audible voice, making the world bow with respect to their will, which changed the course of the region from the path of evil, exclusion and terrorism to peace, security, and development,” Sisi told Egyptians.

The president said that this day was a remarkable one in Egypt's history, and that "Egyptians must be proud of the achievements."

“On this remarkable day, millions of Egyptians, men, women, elderly and youth stood up to say their word loud and clear: there is no place for a traitor or conspirator among them, and to stress that they have nothing but loyalty to this homeland,” he stressed.

He added that the events of June 30 changed the whole region and redirected its destiny away from “terrorism and sectarianism.”

“On this great day, Egyptians stopped the wave of extremism and division that would have plagued the region,” Sisi said, expressing his respect and appreciation to the people for their patience and persistence and unity with their national institutions to confront one of the biggest challenges in their history.

The president reviewed what has been achieved since June 30, 2013, starting from stabilizing the pillars of the state and rebuilding its national institutions, such as its constitution, executive and legislative authorities and judiciary.

Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al Sisi pledged to his citizens to target rapid growth rates of at least seven percent over the next few years.

7% is pretty ambitious, but not impossible.

He is 100% right about the reforms and their difficulties and without them, the situation would've been MUCH worst. Like @mahatir said a while back, Sisi had the guts to make those reforms as unpopular as they can be in any situation, it's like austerity measures and who ever like those? But they've shown tremendous signs that they have worked so far and will most likely continue to work.
7% is pretty ambitious, but not impossible.

He is 100% right about the reforms and their difficulties and without them, the situation would've been MUCH worst. Like @mahatir said a while back, Sisi had the guts to make those reforms as unpopular as they can be in any situation, it's like austerity measures and who ever like those? But they've shown tremendous signs that they have worked so far and will most likely continue to work.
5.4 % this year.. So talking about the near future and with these tough reforms.. 7% or more is not impossible at all..
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7% is pretty ambitious, but not impossible.

He is 100% right about the reforms and their difficulties and without them, the situation would've been MUCH worst. Like @mahatir said a while back, Sisi had the guts to make those reforms as unpopular as they can be in any situation, it's like austerity measures and who ever like those? But they've shown tremendous signs that they have worked so far and will most likely continue to work.

7% growth rate for a developing country like Egypt is anything but 'ambitious'. Don't try to cover up Sisi's bad performance.

People are starting to wake up. Sissi is losing his popular support:
7% growth rate for a developing country like Egypt is anything but 'ambitious'. Don't try to cover up Sisi's bad performance.

People are starting to wake up. Sissi is losing his popular support:
I am not a fan of sisi at all, especially considering how sisi's actions parallels our own past. But I do wish for Egypt to grow economically and prosper, because politics are fickle and at some point it will have a good and decent leader chosen by the will of its own people. Egypt's current growth will benefit the future leaders into serving Egypt as it deserves to be served. Personally I believe Egypt should be among the top 10 (at least 20) biggest economies in the world, considering it has a population of 95 million. Hopefully it will reach this potential someday.
I am not a fan of sisi at all, especially considering how sisi's actions parallels our own past. But I do wish for Egypt to grow economically and prosper, because politics are fickle and at some point it will have a good and decent leader chosen by the will of its own people. Egypt's current growth will benefit the future leaders into serving Egypt as it deserves to be served. Personally I believe Egypt should be among the top 10 (at least 20) biggest economies in the world, considering it has a population of 95 million. Hopefully it will reach this potential someday.
I am probably the greatest supporter of Egypt on this entire board. I love the people, the history and the country. I wish that Egypt could lead the Arab world instead of certain Wahabi creatures but I am not going to support Sissi. What he did to the MB is not acceptable, the way the military sabotaged the MB is obvious for every sane person. They destroyed a mainstream movement and forced them into terrorism. Right now, there is a big debate among the MB about the future. Acc to some members in the diaspora, the movement is about to take up the arms. Sinai is nothing compared to what the MB could do to Egypt. And that's the fault of the military. Btw, the trade between Egypt and Turkey was/is extremely advantageous for both nations. We traded real goods and services. In a way, it was similar to the German-French trade relationship. Both economies were producing and exchanging actual goods. This was/is the best trade relationship to generate actual wealth for all sides. However, this is history.
For Egypt to really jump on the train of growth... There is few things to do...

- Reform the Administration... & Recruit "even more" among well competent youth... send to retirement & Exit all those "I know your Daddy, come work..."
- Corruption, zero Tolerance.
- Equality in Biz aka Give equal fair chance btw a startup and a State or/& Big corporation...

Extra: Less restriction on Foreign currency ( € $) for small biz/startups...

With only those basic things... the Double Digit growth is easily doable.
What he did to the MB is not acceptable, the way the military sabotaged the MB is obvious for every sane person. They destroyed a mainstream movement and forced them into terrorism. Right now, there is a big debate among the MB about the future. Acc to some members in the diaspora, the movement is about to take up the arms. Sinai is nothing compared to what the MB could do to Egypt. And that's the fault of the military.


Please tell me you're not being serious right now. Seriously?!! the motherlode of every single radical islamist terrorist group in history is not itself a terrorist organization? Then who the F was bombing and slaughtering our people for the last five years? Is it a coincedince that the worst terror wave in all our history as a nation started when their president got deposed?

These dogs have always been terrorists since day 1, they just never had the cojones to own up to it. And now they are being bumfucked by Assad and Putin in Syria, while Haftar is already cleaning up Libya from their filth. Not to mention Sinai is on its way to stabilize, not a single terrorist attack was recorded there in months. And their Democrat allies over here won't be coming to their aid this time through "accidental" air drops. The only friend they have remaining is Erdo who has been importing them by the boatloads to act as his lapdogs in order to unleash them at his political opponents. So no, I don't think the terrorism option will work out for them, they already tried it.

What is your opinion on Sisi?

7% is pretty ambitious, but not impossible.

He is 100% right about the reforms and their difficulties and without them, the situation would've been MUCH worst. Like @mahatir said a while back, Sisi had the guts to make those reforms as unpopular as they can be in any situation, it's like austerity measures and who ever like those? But they've shown tremendous signs that they have worked so far and will most likely continue to work.

Whoops you already kinda replied about it here haha. My bad!
Economically Egypt is doing great and 7% isn't impossible giving that Egypt had that growth rate during 2007 and the trend is very optimistic when the world Bank changes their forecast for Egypt's growth twice this year that alone tells you we r doing better that expect
Right now, there is a big debate among the MB about the future. Acc to some members in the diaspora, the movement is about to take up the arms. Sinai is nothing compared to what the MB could do to Egypt.

The exiled leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood are struggling to keep the organisation abroad together. If they have trouble making centralised decisions there what makes you think they can do it in Egypt?

The Rabia massacre and the subsequent crackdown eviscerated the group's middle and upper leadership. Contests arose between those left in Egypt and leaders in exile. The former won out and took the group towards a new direction.

They began with demonstration and sabotage campaigns. So stuff like cutting roads, bombing electricity infrastructure, and clashing with Security Forces. That eventually lead to the reestablishment of the Secret Apparatus under Mohammed Kamal which carried out terrorist attacks, including the assassination of Egypt's Prosecutor General.

The groups Kamal founded eventually became Hasm and Liwa Althawra. Although initially successful they've been pushed into hiding.

They already tried and failed. Old guard trying to take over from exile won't happen because there's nothing to take over. Everyone is in jail or dead. Not even counting those who jumped ship to IS and AQ.

not a single terrorist attack was recorded there in months

That's incorrect.

At least 79 soldiers were killed during Operation Sinai 18. This past week has featured the execution of civilians which included a state TV broadcaster and several contractors working on the buffer zone.
7% growth rate for a developing country like Egypt is anything but 'ambitious'.

Yes it is. Please don't presume you can tell a 52 year-old Egyptian what is and isn't ambitious in his own country, especially its economy where practically my entire family has some connection in one way or another. Let's make sure we understand where we're all coming from here. And I said AMBITIOUS BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. People need to understand words when they read them.

If you -- and many of the hateful anti-Sisi crowd on this forum -- put that hate aside for just 20 minutes and took a good look at the list of accomplishments, even just in the economy and nothing else that have happened under Sisi in an objective manner, you would truly understand the magnitude of what he's accomplished in merely 5 years since the country was on the brink of falling into a failed state thanks to the crotch grabbing on TV Morsi that you Turks love so much only God knows exactly why?!

Foreign reserves were barely over $10 billion and now they're at $46 billion and growing at an unprecedented rate Egypt has NEVER seen in it's entire history. Egypt's current GDP is $336 billion the only other country in Africa currently ahead is Nigeria at $405 B. Universal health care just implemented. Dependency on imported natural gas has just ended 1 month ago and now Egypt is not only self sufficient, it's an exporter of gas. These are things that were unheard of at the start of this campaign not to mention the gazillion mega projects that have been created in the country including the construction of the new capital. There's been improvements in education, in infrastructure, in sanitation and roadways and so much more. So let's not let our political cloud of Sisi-hatred get in the way of the objective, ground realities that are incredibly positive.

Oh, and the Ethiopian dam issue, it's finally been resolved by Sisi himself and his diplomatic prowess which he excels at. People never give him nearly enough deserved credit for that particular skill he has. What kind of a feat was that problem alone?

Don't try to cover up Sisi's bad performance.


People are starting to wake up. Sissi is losing his popular support:

lol, good luck to all those clowns. Look, how many Turkish clowns are anti Erdogan? Even better, how many people are currently trying to IMPEACH Trump here in the US let alone those who are creating media against him? There's a billionaire who buys 100's of millions of $ in TV adds calling for his impeachement an where is Trump now? His popularity is actually increasing, that orange-headed, genitalia-grabbing clown lol. Com'on, maaaaan.

I am probably the greatest supporter of Egypt on this entire board.

Thank you, bu spare us, please. With all due respect, we don't need your support nor do we care. Most of you Turks have made enemies of us because of your support of Erdogans big, fat, filthy mouth and the gublush that comes out of it that has made us into enemies. We didn't start this. If there's anyone to look at and criticize for creating the tensions between our countries, it's the big-mouth sultan wannabe. And that big mouth of his has not only made enemies of us, take a look around at who he's pissed off and created tensions with because he's a diplomatic idiot. Talk about a clown! :lol:

but I am not going to support Sissi. What he did to the MB is not acceptable, the way the military sabotaged the MB is obvious for every sane person.

And they will stay crushed under Sisi's feet until they disappear from the face of this earth. I have absolutely no problem with weeding out each and every one of them until they evaporate. What you need to understand is the UNPOPULARITY of the Crapperhood, not just their measly terroristic state and agenda.

They destroyed a mainstream movement and forced them into terrorism.

"Mainstream movement?" You gotta be kidding me! You buy that load of crap? Let me tell you something about the Brotherhood and ALL their affiliates and their ideology. Do you know who's their mentor/founder? His name was Hassan Al Banna who was the biggest political clown and hack to ever come up with an organization that did anything but follow the principles of the Prophet (SAWS) and the hadiths. When this clown started the MB in 1928, he wrote a series of conceptualized writings to form the basis of the brotherhood (which the clowns of today adhere to stick by stick) which were nothing but stances meant to advance the aims of the group and promote the interests of its members or supporters ONLY. They had nothing to do with advocating growth, security, better living or anything for a nation and there was nothing mainstream about them! They were a mob and nothing else. Ever hear the saying "The Mob Rules?" Well, that's what they philosophy is entirely based on. And many of their Islamic outlooks actually conflicted with the modern-day scholars who understood A LOT more than these drubs. They were strictly oriented at strengthening the political power of the group itself and only itself. This is why Gamal Abdel Nasser crushed them left and right and Sadat after him as well who unfortunately got embroiled in peace with Israel that he became complacent about them. Once they were miraculously given the keys to rule what happened? They almost drove the country into the abyss! Now let's hope Sisi finishes the job once and for all ya Rab!

Right now, there is a big debate among the MB about the future. Acc to some members in the diaspora, the movement is about to take up the arms.

lol. They might as well start digging their own graves before taking up arms, trust me. The new chief of intelligence that Sisi just appointed has one, main priority and that is to weed out any remnants of that heretic and disgusting group of scum.

and forced them into terrorism.

Wuuut?! You wanna take that back? Nobody is "forced into terrorism." Becoming a filthy, murderous insecticidal cretin cockroach is nothing but a choice lol.

Sinai is nothing compared to what the MB could do to Egypt.

You can't be serious. Please, stop.

What is your opinion on Sisi?

No one is perfect, my bro. Sisi has many qualities that are not very appealing, yet he's the best thing that happened to Egypt at the worst time of it's storied history. He's tough, strong and makes the difficult decisions that need to be made for a country like Egypt and most of all, his outlook for the country and its prosperity is like none other we've seen in our recent history. Practically every single move he's made has been successful and that's why the haters who dislike him are losing their shit, bro. :-)

- Reform the Administration... & Recruit "even more" among well competent youth... send to retirement & Exit all those "I know your Daddy, come work..."
- Corruption, zero Tolerance.

He's done a lot of that. Sisi is not of that school where he positions people just because of connections. That's a thing of the past, ma man. His appointings have been spot on, a huge reason for his own success. Take a look at all the recent nominations he's made, including the many women he's appointed to ministers. One of the best which he re-appointed was Dr. Sahar Nasr, the minister of international cooperation and development. This woman is a genius and she's brought in foreign investments by the truckload for projects like sanitation and proper roadways to villages and many things of that sort. There was a huge write-up on her in Bloomberg.


He just appointed the first female minister of tourism (which as you may well know is huge business for Egypt) Rania Al-Mashat and just in the short time she been heading the ministry she has propped up tourism with very original ideas that she's the talk of the town. This is just a couple of the so many things Sisi has done that don't get seen or appreciated by outsiders.

Yes it is. Please don't presume you can tell a 52 year-old Egyptian what is and isn't ambitious in his own country, especially its economy where practically my entire family has some connection in one way or another. Let's make sure we understand where we're all coming from here. And I said AMBITIOUS BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. People need to understand words when they read them.

If you -- and many of the hateful anti-Sisi crowd on this forum -- put that hate aside for just 20 minutes and took a good look at the list of accomplishments, even just in the economy and nothing else that have happened under Sisi in an objective manner, you would truly understand the magnitude of what he's accomplished in merely 5 years since the country was on the brink of falling into a failed state thanks to the crotch grabbing on TV Morsi that you Turks love so much only God knows exactly why?!

Foreign reserves were barely over $10 billion and now they're at $46 billion and growing at an unprecedented rate Egypt has NEVER seen in it's entire history. Egypt's current GDP is $336 billion the only other country in Africa currently ahead is Nigeria at $405 B. Universal health care just implemented. Dependency on imported natural gas has just ended 1 month ago and now Egypt is not only self sufficient, it's an exporter of gas. These are things that were unheard of at the start of this campaign not to mention the gazillion mega projects that have been created in the country including the construction of the new capital. There's been improvements in education, in infrastructure, in sanitation and roadways and so much more. So let's not let our political cloud of Sisi-hatred get in the way of the objective, ground realities that are incredibly positive.

Oh, and the Ethiopian dam issue, it's finally been resolved by Sisi himself and his diplomatic prowess which he excels at. People never give him nearly enough deserved credit for that particular skill he has. What kind of a feat was that problem alone?


lol, good luck to all those clowns. Look, how many Turkish clowns are anti Erdogan? Even better, how many people are currently trying to IMPEACH Trump here in the US let alone those who are creating media against him? There's a billionaire who buys 100's of millions of $ in TV adds calling for his impeachement an where is Trump now? His popularity is actually increasing, that orange-headed, genitalia-grabbing clown lol. Com'on, maaaaan.

Thank you, bu spare us, please. With all due respect, we don't need your support nor do we care. Most of you Turks have made enemies of us because of your support of Erdogans big, fat, filthy mouth and the gublush that comes out of it that has made us into enemies. We didn't start this. If there's anyone to look at and criticize for creating the tensions between our countries, it's the big-mouth sultan wannabe. And that big mouth of his has not only made enemies of us, take a look around at who he's pissed off and created tensions with because he's a diplomatic idiot. Talk about a clown! :lol:

And they will stay crushed under Sisi's feet until they disappear from the face of this earth. I have absolutely no problem with weeding out each and every one of them until they evaporate. What you need to understand is the UNPOPULARITY of the Crapperhood, not just their measly terroristic state and agenda.

"Mainstream movement?" You gotta be kidding me! You buy that load of crap? Let me tell you something about the Brotherhood and ALL their affiliates and their ideology. Do you know who's their mentor/founder? His name was Hassan Al Banna who was the biggest political clown and hack to ever come up with an organization that did anything but follow the principles of the Prophet (SAWS) and the hadiths. When this clown started the MB in 1928, he wrote a series of conceptualized writings to form the basis of the brotherhood (which the clowns of today adhere to stick by stick) which were nothing but stances meant to advance the aims of the group and promote the interests of its members or supporters ONLY. They had nothing to do with advocating growth, security, better living or anything for a nation and there was nothing mainstream about them! They were a mob and nothing else. Ever hear the saying "The Mob Rules?" Well, that's what they philosophy is entirely based on. And many of their Islamic outlooks actually conflicted with the modern-day scholars who understood A LOT more than these drubs. They were strictly oriented at strengthening the political power of the group itself and only itself. This is why Gamal Abdel Nasser crushed them left and right and Sadat after him as well who unfortunately got embroiled in peace with Israel that he became complacent about them. Once they were miraculously given the keys to rule what happened? They almost drove the country into the abyss! Now let's hope Sisi finishes the job once and for all ya Rab!

lol. They might as well start digging their own graves before taking up arms, trust me. The new chief of intelligence that Sisi just appointed has one, main priority and that is to weed out any remnants of that heretic and disgusting group of scum.

Wuuut?! You wanna take that back? Nobody is "forced into terrorism." Becoming a filthy, murderous insecticidal cretin cockroach is nothing but a choice lol.

You can't be serious. Please, stop.

No one is perfect, my bro. Sisi has many qualities that are not very appealing, yet he's the best thing that happened to Egypt at the worst time of it's storied history. He's tough, strong and makes the difficult decisions that need to be made for a country like Egypt and most of all, his outlook for the country and its prosperity is like none other we've seen in our recent history. Practically every single move he's made has been successful and that's why the haters who dislike him are losing their shit, bro. :-)

He's done a lot of that. Sisi is not of that school where he positions people just because of connections. That's a thing of the past, ma man. His appointings have been spot on, a huge reason for his own success. Take a look at all the recent nominations he's made, including the many women he's appointed to ministers. One of the best which he re-appointed was Dr. Sahar Nasr, the minister of international cooperation and development. This woman is a genius and she's brought in foreign investments by the truckload for projects like sanitation and proper roadways to villages and many things of that sort. There was a huge write-up on her in Bloomberg.


He just appointed the first female minister of tourism (which as you may well know is huge business for Egypt) Rania Al-Mashat and just in the short time she been heading the ministry she has propped up tourism with very original ideas that she's the talk of the town. This is just a couple of the so many things Sisi has done that don't get seen or appreciated by outsiders.


I'm not speaking of those type of Civil Workers... But the simple guys at your local administration center...
That guy who tells you " Sorry I don't have time today...see with my coworker"... and it's only 10am... or That guy who is not at work in due Time...
Or that guy...who is not at his desk... Or that Guy who tells you to come back tomorrow... Or that guy who is the Chief of the local Bureau and still tells you "I don't know... " and 6 months later...still Don't know... Or that Woman who keep us waiting in line while browsing the Internet/Phone at work... Or those guys who need to check with "Others" at every paper is given too... Or those guys who can't "WRITE" a proper sentence...

I have so many... And those ppl are the true Cancer of a country... A lot of Ppl are willing to work AND are competent...But because of "I know your Daddy"... they are cursed to stay at home While the country is drowning...

But in every Curse there is a Magical "Accessory"... and I think you know which one is it...
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I'm not speaking of those type of Civil Workers... But the simple guys at your local administration center...
That guy who tells you " Sorry I don't have time today...see with my coworker"... and it's only 10am... or That guy who is not at work in due Time...
Or that guy...who is not at his desk... Or that Guy who tells you to come back tomorrow... Or that guy who is the Chief of the local Bureau and still tells you "I don't know... " and 6 months later...still Don't know... Or that Woman who keep us waiting in line while browsing the Internet/Phone at work... Or those guys who need to check with "Others" at every paper is given too... Or those guys who can't "WRITE" a proper sentence...

I have so many... And those ppl are the true Cancer of a country... A lot of Ppl are willing to work AND are competent...But because of "I know your Daddy"... they are cursed to stay at home While the country is drowning...

But in every Curse there is a Magical "Accessory"... and I think you know which one is it...

Yeah, those things are unfortunately prevalent in almost all the world, especially the Arab world and will take decades to weed outs since it's an embedded cultural problem. At least the top important positions are not being decided in those manners which is more important at the moment.

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