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Egypt's army chief Sisi seen edging closer to presidential bid

you cant debate because you have nothing to say , as for Assad , Shia and Alqauada they can all burn in hell the last of my concerns .

Its pathological how you can hate Shia to this extent. Calling them foul names like "mutah" etc and wanting them all to burn in hell. You need help.
In the mean tie, stay classy.:tup::-)
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There goes everything!

They got their first elected president, who snatched all powers...gone out and now this.
so all this so called great revolution of people of Egypt was to just change a dictator with other dictator .:o::o::o::o:

Isn't that how most revolutions in the world works out?

One group claims that they are being deprived of their rights, but will readily squash other people's rights.

Another Hosni Mubarak in the making?

History repeats itself far too often
dumb & retarded

Even if you hated the M.B they had no real power with the deep state, military and judiciary

To fix egypt if the liberals just worked with them, they could have fixed alot of the problems & when local and national elections came around they could have voted for anyone

Of course there would be tensions & problems, these are egypts first steps into democracy but what egyptians did was simply mental

This is not even about if you like the M.B or if you think religion and politics mix, this is about egyptians shooting themselves in their own face

We need to wait and see what happens. The region is undergoing change and its not on a constant stream/path. I dont think we have read the last chapter on Egypt and elsewhere for that matter.
any kind of rule is better than brotherhood and there is nothing wrong with any Egyptian citizen to run for presdient the people choose in the end
If there is a constitution that protects basics rights, and freedoms, and treats citizens equally without decimations based on race, religion, sex, ect.. why even be worried by this if people vote him in ?

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