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Featured Egyptian President Sisi arrives in France to visit Macron for controversial visit


Sep 18, 2019
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Egypt's Sisi arrives in France for controversial visit

The Egyptian leader will discuss 'strategic partnership' with French President Emmanuel Macron during his three-day visit to Paris


Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el Sisi arrived in France on Sunday evening for a three-day visit amid international criticism for jailing three activists who had met with European diplomats.

Sisi will dine with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Sunday evening before holding talks with Macron at the Elysee Palace on Monday to cement the strategic partnership between Cairo and Paris.

Rights groups have urged Macron to raise the issue of human rights after activists from the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) were arrested in November for meeting with diplomats from France, the United States and several other European countries.

The three activists were released on Thursday following an international outcry, but the EIPR's assets have now been frozen by the Egyptian public prosecutor. A hearing will take place later on Sunday to determine whether to uphold the public prosecutor's order.

Troubling human rights record

France was quick to condemn Egypt for jailing the EIPR activists and said it had "deep concern" over the arrest. Egypt, however, was quick to rebuff France's criticism, calling it an attempt to interfere in its internal affairs and influence its investigations.

"French diplomacy has, at the highest levels, long indulged President al-Sisi's brutal repression of any form of dissent," a dozen human rights groups including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) wrote in a joint statement ahead of the Egyptian leader's visit.

"It is now or never for President Macron to stand up for his self-declared commitment to promote human rights in Egypt."

The statement also noted that France was Egypt's main arms supplier and that Paris allowed French companies to provide Cairo with surveillance and crowd control tools, despite the Sisi government's troubling human rights record.

Rights groups are expected to hold a protest outside the French parliament on Tuesday, where they will denounce the "strategic partnership" between France and Egypt.

A French presidential official told AFP that the release of the EIPR workers was a "positive signal" and emphasised that rights issues would be brought up by Macron.

Macron raised human rights concerns during a visit to Cairo in January 2018, saying "respect for individual freedoms, [the] dignity of everyone and the rule of law".

The French leader had been criticised by rights groups during a previous visit by Sisi to Paris in October 2017, when he said that he would not "lecture" Egypt on liberties.

Egyptian authorities are accused of detaining more than 60,000 political prisoners since Sisi ousted his democratically elected predecessor, Mohamed Morsi, in a 2013 military coup.

Those jailed in Egypt include Palestinian-Egyptian activist Ramy Shaath, husband of French national Celine Lebrun, held since July 2019 on accusations of acting against the state.

"His case is completely empty, and the accusations are devoid of any proof," Lebrun told AFP, saying she had been able to speak to her husband only twice by phone since his arrest.

Allies with shared interests
Macron and Sisi are aligned in their opposition to the growing influence of Turkey in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as in their crackdowns on political Islam.

French-Turkish relations have deteriorated in recent months after Macron called Islam "a religion in crisis," while his government has pushed forward legislation seeking to combat "separatism" in France, which rights groups have warned could indiscriminately target France's Muslim community.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a boycott of French products in October following Macron's comments on Islam and the French president's defence of cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in the wake of the killing of a French schoolteacher who had shown one such image in class.

In the run-up to Sisi's visit, Erdogan said that France should "get rid of" Macron "as soon as possible".

France's priority is the reinforcement of the "strategic partnership" with the most populous country in the Arab world, which an official from the French presidency has called a centre of "stability" in a volatile region.

Shameless and disgraceful, they (france) insult Islam by continuing to sinfully print the caricatures of the Prophet (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) of Islam. And this puppet of Najdis, goes and visits that mentally retarded president of nation full of buffoons, devoid of any faith or humanity.

Day by day, those Muslim States who have chosen to be on the side of the ones who commit Kufr, are becoming visible. The lines are being drawn for those who eyes of Imaan, with which to see, the ones who are betraying Islam by recognizing the zionist state of israel and allying with those who have continued insult Islam under the guise of their bogus "freedom of speech."
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I think Egypt's going to buy a satellite from France(for like 600+ million Euros).
If you check the meeting between El-Sisi and Macron, El-Sisi said that France should try and stop caricatures that insult religious figures and he reiterated the fact that Egypt is against any type of violence. Now, this is much better than Erdogan calling France names because you can at least make the French understand our point of view. However, by boycotting and insulting them, they will think that Islam encourages attacks against people who insult religious figures which will only lead to having western governments being more anti-Islam.
Macron should pay a billion for this visit, isn't it? Sisi helped him on France diplomacy difficulties.

lol, we're the ones paying 600+ million Euros for a satellite lol.
I think Egypt's going to buy a satellite from France(for like 600+ million Euros).
If you check the meeting between El-Sisi and Macron, El-Sisi said that France should try and stop caricatures that insult religious figures and he reiterated the fact that Egypt is against any type of violence. Now, this is much better than Erdogan calling France names because you can at least make the French understand our point of view. However, by boycotting and insulting them, they will think that Islam encourages attacks against people who insult religious figures which will only lead to having western governments being more anti-Islam.

lol, we're the ones paying 600+ million Euros for a satellite lol.
So you will bend over let macron give you one.

Sorry but we are NOT like arabs. We have a voice and stand up for our rights. Macron was sexually abused by his teacher at 15. A married woman who is now his wife. So they can all f off and look in the mirror. Turkey should have just sent a hit squad and taken out the entire Charlie hubdoo management
Ermm....Mr Macron, you do know what Sisi does to any Egyptian who publishes an unsavoury cartoon about him right?

Why are you such a bloody hypocrite Macron?

We would respect you if you simply declared "I look out for French interests only", instead of banging on that somehow you are the great protector of freedom of speech.

The European colonisation of Africa continues.....aided by local dictators.
I think Egypt's going to buy a satellite from France(for like 600+ million Euros).
If you check the meeting between El-Sisi and Macron, El-Sisi said that France should try and stop caricatures that insult religious figures and he reiterated the fact that Egypt is against any type of violence. Now, this is much better than Erdogan calling France names because you can at least make the French understand our point of view. However, by boycotting and insulting them, they will think that Islam encourages attacks against people who insult religious figures which will only lead to having western governments being more anti-Islam.

lol, we're the ones paying 600+ million Euros for a satellite lol.

Macron after meeting with Sisi: I will not link arms sales to Egypt to its human rights record

ماكرون بعد لقائه السيسي: لن أربط بيع الأسلحة لمصر بسجل جقوق الإنسان الخاص بها

Macron should pay a billion for this visit, isn't it? Sisi helped him on France diplomacy difficulties.

He will ... just follow the news in the upcoming days

Shameless and disgraceful, they (france) insult Islam by continuing to sinfully print the caricatures of the Prophet (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) of Islam. And this puppet of Najdis, goes and visits that mentally retarded president of nation full of buffoons, devoid of any faith or humanity.

Day by day, those Muslim States who have chosen to be on the side of the ones who commit Kufr, are becoming visible. The lines are being drawn for those who eyes of Imaan, with which to see, the ones who are betraying Islam by recognizing the zionist state of israel and allying with those who have continued insult Islam under the guise of their bogus "freedom of speech."
Worthless the Arab leaders have become

the strange thing is that those Pakistani hypocrites criticizing Elsisi for visiting France .... while they are cooperating with China that kills Muslims ( as their Turkish role model says )

stop talking about things above your IQ level .
He will ... just follow the news in the upcoming days

the strange thing is that those Pakistani hypocrites criticizing Elsisi for visiting France .... while they are cooperating with China that kills Muslims ( as their Turkish role model says )

stop talking about things above your IQ level .
Just face it arabs are pathetic
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