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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

More of a problem than a project. It should have been prevented years back.
Egypt lost 90k feddan of fertile agricultural land since 2011: Prime Minister
Government offers 25% cut of reconciliation fee on construction violation when paying full amount, says Mostafa Madbouly

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Egypt has lost about 400,000 feddan of agricultural lands since 1980 due to illegal urban expansion, including 90,000 feddan since 2011, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Saturday.
The Prime Minister noted that 5,000 housing blocks have been constructed on agricultural lands nationwide over the past five years, with a total of 32,000 housing blocks recorded in 2020 alone.
During a press conference, Madbouly said that only 1 million applications for reconciliation over building violations have been presented so far. He mentioned that the government has issued a directive that the value of the reconciliation fee per 1 metre in rural areas will stand at only EGP 50. The low fee will take into account the social and economic aspects of residents in rural areas.
“Those paying the full amount will receive a deduction of 25% of the value of reconciliation fee,” he added.
Madbouly also said that these violations threaten Egypt’s food security, and have already caused the loss of many job opportunities related to the agricultural field.
He noted that the random or unplanned construction makes up about 50% of the urban mass of all Egyptian cities and villages. From the mid-1980s to 2015, the rate of random growth in some cases reached more than 70% of the volume of construction that takes place.
“It costs the state between EGP 150,000 and EGP 200,000 to reclaim a single feddan in the desert, which means that about EGP 18bn must be spent to compensate the 90,000 feddan lost from fertile agricultural land,” Madbouly said.
He added that land reclamation takes time, effort, and money in terms of extending irrigation networks, electricity lines, and places of residence.
Madbouly also noted that the Egyptian state has issued several decisions to criminalise construction on agricultural land, at the same time as putting in place a set of deterrent measures. These include not connecting up utilities and demolition of construction work, although these measures have yet to bear fruit in ending the situation.
The Prime Minister also pointed out that since 2008, the government has allocated urban settlements for all cities and villages. Alongside the expansion of building in new cities, the government has already retrieved 160,000 feddan of agricultural lands that have been urbanized earlier.
The allocated urban settlements aim to accommodate Egypt’s projected population increase for a period of 20 years, or until 2030, in which the country is expected to accommodate a further 24 million.
Madbouly said that the government is only demolishing those buildings that are empty, rather than those that are occupied by residents.
He pointed out that to facilitate the process of reconciliation, the concerned state bodies accept even incomplete applications. They will then freeze all demolition measures against the building from the time the application is submitted until the process is completed within two months.
L’Egypte travaille sur plusieurs grands projets spatiaux qui devraient arriver à maturité d’ici 2022

Egypt will launch 3 satellites during the next two years 2021/2022, according to Masrah Muhammad Al-Qousi, CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency.

In a statement, Al-Qousi said that Egypt will launch 3 satellites, including an observation and espionage satellite and a scientific research satellite, in cooperation with China, at the Egyptian Center for Satellites Collection and Manufacturing of the Egyptian Space Agency.

Egypt will cooperate with China to produce and launch 2 satellites, and the third satellite, in cooperation with Germany, will be dedicated to education and scientific research.


In another context, Egypt is negotiating with both Italy and France to contract for spy and surveillance SAR radar satellites, which will be the first of its kind in Egypt.

Russia also offers Egypt high-precision surveillance satellites.
Eni announces a new Gaz discovery estimated at 4 trillion cubic feet In the Greater Nawras region in the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt..

The preliminary evaluation of the well results indicates that the gas of the Greater Nawras region can be estimated at more than 4 trillion cubic feet..
Eni announces a new Gaz discovery estimated at 4 trillion cubic feet In the Greater Nawras region in the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt..

The preliminary evaluation of the well results indicates that the gas of the Greater Nawras region can be estimated at more than 4 trillion cubic feet..

I have always maintained that Egypt has vasts amounts of hydrocarbons in the form of mostly oil since Egypt was geographically pinched between Libya and Saudiya, both of which are very rich in oil and in Egypt's Red Sea waters, a lot of oil has been discovered there but we've been mired in wars with that entity to our north that we never really bothered to look for these riches and find them and enrich ourselves until now and in the form of gas in the Mediterranean. What I like about this is the speed at which the Egyptian administration as implemented exploration and extraction as well as building the only 2 LNG capable plants in the eastern Mediterranean.

Now with this discovery and between it and Zohr and the other gas fields they've discovered already, this is so huge that it should propel Egypt into a new level of economic standard. Let's hope they move onto discovering more oil fields in the western desert soon enough to make use out of it before crude oil really loses its value.

BTW, at 4 trillion cubic feet is fantastic but just to put it in perspective, Zohr is estimated to be storing 30 trillion cubic feet lol! Good stuff.
I have always maintained that Egypt has vasts amounts of hydrocarbons in the form of mostly oil since Egypt was geographically pinched between Libya and Saudiya, both of which are very rich in oil and in Egypt's Red Sea waters, a lot of oil has been discovered there but we've been mired in wars with that entity to our north that we never really bothered to look for these riches and find them and enrich ourselves until now and in the form of gas in the Mediterranean. What I like about this is the speed at which the Egyptian administration as implemented exploration and extraction as well as building the only 2 LNG capable plants in the eastern Mediterranean.

Now with this discovery and between it and Zohr and the other gas fields they've discovered already, this is so huge that it should propel Egypt into a new level of economic standard. Let's hope they move onto discovering more oil fields in the western desert soon enough to make use out of it before crude oil really loses its value.

BTW, at 4 trillion cubic feet is fantastic but just to put it in perspective, Zohr is estimated to be storing 30 trillion cubic feet lol! Good stuff.
Egypt has already achieved self sufficiency in GAZ .. this will most likely be converted and sold to Europe.. much more to come..keep tuned..
A Gigantic project

Strategic stores

The Egyptian government is currently working to establish huge strategic stores in three fields: medicines, medical supplies, fuel, materials and food commodities

The project aims to provide a huge strategic stock of these materials without being affected by high prices internally or externally and exploiting the cheap price of some products at times to buy them in large quantities and store them, such as fuel, for example.


The Egyptian master brain

Aakl Masr (a control center in the Egyptian state) at a depth of 15 meters underground at a cost of 25 billion pounds in the new administrative capital, with another reciprocal control center nearby.

A mind that collects all the data of the state, the Egyptian people, government agencies, and servers of the government agency

President El-Sisi said in his intervention that he was keen on implementing the digitization project and making great progress in it, for the sake of the citizen, pointing out that the goal of digitization is to create complete databases for Egyptians, adding that many steps will be provided and the lives of citizens will be facilitated after the implementation of the project. Complete databases are considered national security, indicating that through databases and artificial intelligence, the citizens will not need to present demands.

This project will be useful to facilitate the provision of services to citizens, analyze data and ease its extraction, put forward proposals, and reach confirmed and sound results through accurate information and data.

President El-Sisi confirmed that by the end of this year 2020, Egypt will have reached a high level in the digital system by 95%, indicating that citizens' data are dealt with with caution and strict controls, and are not disclosed except according to specific and organized rules

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi explained that if the databases are completed in all sectors, we will feel that there is a remarkable health growth easily without conducting a full survey, but based on databases only, that will help citizens and facilitate their lives.

The president gave an example, saying: “If I want to present my son or daughter to a school through the database..Once I enter the data, I will have information about the school closest to my geographical location, and the individual’s data and medical history will also appear in front of the person responsible for providing the medical service as soon as the citizen’s number is registered. ».

For example, in the event that 1000 families lose their breadwinner and need their own pension, the Ministry of Solidarity provides these funds to citizens easily and conveniently, before those who deserve it demand this money.

For example, all bakeries are monitored over the course of working hours, indicating that the normal pattern is calculated for all bakeries, and in the event that the natural pattern changes, this bakery is inspected, and the facts of matters are ascertained.


The gross domestic product during the current fiscal year in Egypt is 6844 billion pounds = 436 billion dollars, which is a first in the history of Egypt ..


Last August, the World Bank expected the Egyptian national product to reach $ 560 billion by the end of 2023..

I mean, if you really look at these numbers and put them in perspective with all things considered such as dealing with Libya, the pain of that one spot in Sinai, the HUGE devastation of COVID-19 and to come out with those numbers is nothing short of incredible! Those who criticize Egypt and especially Sisi have no idea what the implications of his presidency have accomplished in such a positive manner to the country.

I read a long article on the economy of Egypt from a pretty well-known source and while they acknowledged the immense growth and potential and the difficult yet necessary decisions Sisi made to control the inflation with osterity measures and they could barely give him any credit for those moves he made and where the Egyptian economy stands at the moment is only criticized that it is "fragile" and has a large potential of collapsing easily if certain things happen. It was just a total bunch of BS and they even included rankings in health but especially education which when I read it, I was simply astounded at how brutally biased it was. But that's ok, the proof is in the pudding and if there was any risk in a fragility of the economy, it wouldn't be booming in such a way under these difficult situation and the country basically becoming a completely new one in the process. You would think that somewhere, a really truthful and unbiased outside report would be put together to show the successes happening because of Sisi and his entire administration. It's been a remarkable road of success stories and no one outside of Egypt is capable of telling it like it is. Really sad but screw them ten times over. Mal3oun abuhum wlad el kalb el m3araseen, they can't even give credit where credit is due.

President El-Sisi confirmed that by the end of this year 2020, Egypt will have reached a high level in the digital system by 95%, indicating that citizens' data are dealt with with caution and strict controls, and are not disclosed except according to specific and organized rules

This is a good thing. Too bad they feel the need to bury it 14 meters deep underground to protect it, but in such an environment, I'm afraid it's necessary, especially if it contains so much sensitive information.

For example, all bakeries are monitored over the course of working hours, indicating that the normal pattern is calculated for all bakeries, and in the event that the natural pattern changes, this bakery is inspected, and the facts of matters are ascertained.

When I first listened to him talking about this, I can see it being a concern as a possible invasion of the people's civil liberties, to be monitored in such a fashion even though it's intentions are to really help them so that the government is ahead of them if God forbid a problem should happen to them, the government will rush and expedite the help they need to alleviate them from having to go through the process of doing it themselves. It's a good-intention-ed system, only I'm sure many could see it as a violation of their given rights, unfortunately.
I mean, if you really look at these numbers and put them in perspective with all things considered such as dealing with Libya, the pain of that one spot in Sinai, the HUGE devastation of COVID-19 and to come out with those numbers is nothing short of incredible! Those who criticize Egypt and especially Sisi have no idea what the implications of his presidency have accomplished in such a positive manner to the country.

I read a long article on the economy of Egypt from a pretty well-known source and while they acknowledged the immense growth and potential and the difficult yet necessary decisions Sisi made to control the inflation with osterity measures and they could barely give him any credit for those moves he made and where the Egyptian economy stands at the moment is only criticized that it is "fragile" and has a large potential of collapsing easily if certain things happen. It was just a total bunch of BS and they even included rankings in health but especially education which when I read it, I was simply astounded at how brutally biased it was. But that's ok, the proof is in the pudding and if there was any risk in a fragility of the economy, it wouldn't be booming in such a way under these difficult situation and the country basically becoming a completely new one in the process. You would think that somewhere, a really truthful and unbiased outside report would be put together to show the successes happening because of Sisi and his entire administration. It's been a remarkable road of success stories and no one outside of Egypt is capable of telling it like it is. Really sad but screw them ten times over. Mal3oun abuhum wlad el kalb el m3araseen, they can't even give credit where credit is due.

This is a good thing. Too bad they feel the need to bury it 14 meters deep underground to protect it, but in such an environment, I'm afraid it's necessary, especially if it contains so much sensitive information.

When I first listened to him talking about this, I can see it being a concern as a possible invasion of the people's civil liberties, to be monitored in such a fashion even though it's intentions are to really help them so that the government is ahead of them if God forbid a problem should happen to them, the government will rush and expedite the help they need to alleviate them from having to go through the process of doing it themselves. It's a good-intention-ed system, only I'm sure many could see it as a violation of their given rights, unfortunately.
- The economy reforms and its success are concrete and solid.. and it is just a start.. let's say on a good footing..

- Burying it underground is a good thing since it is all digital.. no sand or dirt allowed..

- Bro.. you know all Western and most advanced societies have a similar program to manage citizens.. I know there is one linking all ministries in Canada.. the same in the USA..
..Only the paranoid for a reason or two will see it as a violation of their "rights"
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CAIRO – 18 September 2020: Egypt is planning to establish the first factory to manufacture trains and monorail in partnership between ministries of transport, planning and Economic Authority for the Development of Suez Canal.

In the below lines, et provides details about the factory, which is set to be built in East Port Said.

The factory will be allocated for manufacturing of railway vehicles, metros and monorails.

A company was established under the name of “The Egyptian National Railways Industries” to undertake the establishment and the operation of the factory.

This company will be in partnership with the Suez Canal Economic Zone, the Egyptian Sovereign Fund and the Bombardier International Company.

The aim behind establishing the factory is to settle train industry in Egypt. The factory will provide local needs as well as exports to countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Implementation studies related to the factory are current underway, so that once the factory is established, a group of factories for complementary industries for trains manufacturing will ensue.

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