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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

Some national projects to be opened in 2018

Here are about 42 of them.. very impressive..



"Egypt" is not a coincidence

ليست صدفة أن تكون مصر أول دولة على كوكب الأرض منذ آلاف السنين.
ليست صدفة تأخذ اسمها مصر من اسم ابن سيدنا نوح عليه السلام.
ليست صدفة أن يولد فيها نبى الله إدريس.. ويكون أول من كتب الأحرف بيده وأول من فصل الملابس ليلبسها البشر.
ليست صدفة أن يطلق الناس منذ فجر التاريخ على النقود والأموال مصارى مشتق من مصر.
ليست صدفة أن يشترى أحد المصريين نبى الله يوسف ويعيش ويموت في مصر.
ليست صدفة أن تكون فيها خزائن الأرض ويكون نبى الله بمثابة رئيس الوزراء فيها.
ليست صدفة أن يأتى اليها كل بنى إسرائيل وعلى رأسهم نبى الله يعقوب وزوجته وأولاده.
ليست صدفة أن يولد فيها ويكبر فيها نبى الله موسى ويكلمه الله في الواد المقدس طوى وتكون المره الأولى والأخيره أن يصل صوت الله إلى الأرض ويسمعه بشر في مصر.
ليست صدفة أن يشق الله فبها لنبى الله موسى طريق في البحر لينقذه ومن معه وفى نفس الوقت يهلك فرعون ومن معه على نفس الطريق.
ليست صدفة أن يضرب فيها نبى الله موسى الحجر فيخرج منه أثنى عشر عين من الماء ليشرب كل فريق من بنى إسرائيل.
ليست صدفة أن ينزل الله على بنى إسرائيل فيها المن والسلوى.
ليست صدفة أن تنزل التوراه على سيدنا موسى فيها.
ليست صدفة أن يبين الله فيها ضلال بنى إسرائيل وبينهم رسول موسى ونبى أخاه هارون ويتركون عبادة الله ويعبدون العجل.
ليست صدفة أن تختارها مريم ابنة عمران ومعها طفلها الرضيع نبى الله ورسوله عيسى بن مريم.. مريم التي احصنت فرجها مريم التي ذكرها القرآن ومعها امرأة فرعون مثل للذين آمنوا.
ليست صدفة أن تظل فيها مريم ورسول الله عيسى بن مريم سبع سنوات.
ليست صدفة أن يستعين نصارى مصر بالمسلمين لكى يخلصوهم من احتلال الرومان النصارى مثلهم.
ليست صدفة أن تذكر مصر في القرآن خمس مرات صراحة والعديد من المرات تكون إشارة إلى مصر.
ليست صدفة أن تكون أمنا هاجر زوجة نبى وخليل الله سيدنا إبراهيم مصرية.
ليست صدفة أن يقول رسول الله عن مصر استوصوا بأهلها خيرا.
ليست صدفة أن يقول عمر بن العاص إن إمارة مصر تعدل كل باقى دولة الخلافة.
ليست صدفة أن تحدث المجاعة في شبة الجزيرة العربيه ويموت الناس جوعا.
ويرسل الفاروق عمر بن الخطاب بطلب الغوث من مصر ويكتب ثلاث كلمات فقط واغوثاه واغوثاه واغوثاه والسلام.
فيجتمع المصريين ويقررون إنقاذ إخوانهم في شبة الجزيرة العربيه ويرسلون قافلة أولها في المدينة المنورة وآخرها في القاهره.
ويدعى الفاروق سيدنا عمر لمصر وأهلها بالخير والنماء والرخاء.
ليست صدفة أن تكون البلد الوحيد الذي ذكر في كل الكتب السماويه التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن الكريم.
وأخيرا ليست صدفة
أن يختص الله في القرآن الكريم مكانين بالأمن والأمان؛ الأول بيت الله الحرام وأول بيت وضع للناس في مكة، والمكان الثانى هو مصر بطولها وعرضها.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وقال ادخلوا مصر إن شاء الله آمنين.
صدق الله العظيم.

حفظ الله مصر وشعبها

الكاتب السعودي " علاء محضر "
Egypt prepares for ‘education revolution’ launch in September

Egypt to start implementing a new education system in September, Education Minister Tariq Shawki said in a press conference on Monday.

The beginning of the implementation of the system in September will be compulsory in early childhood KG1, KG2, and the first grade, for all public and private schools.

In an effort to implement the strategy of the government 2030, Shawki pointed out that the new system comes to reflect the articles of the constitution to emphasize the proficiency of the Arabic language among pupils.
The “unified content” is highlighted as the main feature of the new educational system, including “Arabic, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies”, in addition to English, religious education and activities.

According to local news reports, the curricula in the new system will be unified in various public and private schools. And that the study will be a unified content based on the study of some themes of more than one specialty. And this means that there are topics that link the curricula of Arabic language, science, mathematics and social studies to be taught to the child in primary school.

Shawki said that education system has failed to instil moral and ethical values into students. He attributed the decline in the educational level of graduates to the fact that students focus on attaining high grades rather than understanding.

“The study will be unified in the new system in Arabic language next September, during the period from kindergartens to the sixth grade primary in all public schools whether Arabic and languages, so that students be proficient in Arabic and English languages,” he added.

He said that students enrolled in kindergartens in the new educational system when they reach the secondary stage there will be a new wide range of choices, including the language group, or technology, or robots study, science and computing applications.

The new system will not include examinations for all students in early childhood (kindergarten to third grade primary), and will otherwise include applied tests to measure the skills of understanding rather than conservation and dictation.

Shawki explained that all students in government schools from the second grade until the third preparatory stage will not be subject to the new education system, until the old education system ends in 2026 with the graduation of the last student at different stages.

The new system will not include examinations for all students in early childhood (kindergarten to third grade primary), and will otherwise include applied tests to measure the skills of understanding rather than conservation and dictation.

That's the best part of this new educational program. Need to get away from the memorization aspect of education since that doesn't help the learning process. Most of those exams are strictly based on memorization and not methods that really teach, sanaweyya 3ama being a primary example.

Back in the day, 3 of my cousins failed it 4 times in a row. It was just overwhelming memorization.
That's the best part of this new educational program. Need to get away from the memorization aspect of education since that doesn't help the learning process. Most of those exams are strictly based on memorization and not methods that really teach, sanaweyya 3ama being a primary example.

Back in the day, 3 of my cousins failed it 4 times in a row. It was just overwhelming memorization.
Memorisation is important like for formulae and other technical matters, but understanding is more important since it makes memorisation easier and long lasting..while memorisation alone is usually a short memory matter, quickly erased and forgotten..
Al assar: We are working on the production of the first Egyptian computer and solar water desalination equipment



One of the advantages of this machine is to prevent the cracking of the asphalt layer again..

Note to the left of the pictures of the Egyptian flag with Sweden and Canada and the image of the Egyptian engineer Dr. Abdel Halim Omar, owner of the invention..

War Factory 144 "Benha Electronic Industries" makes these cameras called «officers shoulders cameras» and modern radars




The General Directorate of Traffic revealed the details of the modern camera, it contains a small recording device contains a memory connected to a 10 cm x 5 cm camera with one of the latest imaging technology that works with HD, and features easy to carry on the left shoulder of the officer.

The camera works for 120 hours continuously or intermittently and then is unloaded with 15 working days manually and the files are archived, the battery operates between 7 hours and 10 hours.

While the new radar works to capture 6 lanes at the rate of two different traffic directions, and to identify the vehicle(s) that exceeds the legal speed..The Radar was installed at the top of the October Bridge.
Note to the left of the pictures of the Egyptian flag with Sweden and Canada and the image of the Egyptian engineer Dr. Abdel Halim Omar, owner of the invention..

I was reading about this the other day, pretty cool.
ماشاء الله

The final design and construction of the Al-Fattah al-Alim in the new administrative capital will be completed by the end of the next holy month of Ramadan ISA, and the first prayer will be held in the mosque during Eid al-Fitr. It is one of the largest mosques around the world, with an area of 122,000 square meters and will be the main mosque of the state.




Red Sea Governor: The announcements of bigger discoveries than the Zohr field will be made soon, as the results of seismic surveys of Egyptian economic waters in the Red Sea showed the presence of large quantities of oil reserves. The Ministry of Petroleum will then offer a global bid for oil and gas exploration in those areas..

Red Sea Governor: The announcements of bigger discoveries than the Zohr field will be made soon, as the results of seismic surveys of Egyptian economic waters in the Red Sea showed the presence of large quantities of oil reserves. The Ministry of Petroleum will then offer a global bid for oil and gas exploration in those areas..

Brings back memories of that Uranium thread we were talking about with Saif. If there is plenty of oil in Libya, and then all the way in Saudiya and only some had been discovered in the Red Sea but nothing of huge worth and exploration was never fully pursued because of mainly 2 reasons: the Red Sea was always viewed as primarily the major passageway of the southern end of the Suez Canal and so commercial transit was given the attention for that only, although there were a few oil rig platforms operating on a smaller scale and the other reason was the eco system combined with the tourism platform of the Red Sea Sinai coast was taken seriously and hampered many efforts to explore oil.

We knew there must be vast amounts of untapped oil reserves (and even gas for that matter) not only in the Red Sea but throughout central and especially western Egypt. Now one half of that observation has come to fruition and I can almost guarantee you within a few years, the western desert will yield the same results.

«Sisi» reveals a breakthrough in the negotiations of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam


President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that there has been a change and a breakthrough in the file of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which took place during the past two days, referring to the consultations held by the Egyptian delegation in Ethiopia on Tuesday.


@wedi , how's this for diplomacy? We said we would exhaust all diplomatic channels until there are either amicable results or there was nothing left but the difficult option. Seems Egyptian insistence and constant diplomatic pressure might have payed off.
Here's your girlfriend, @The SC. :-) She's at it again, bro. She's doing amazing things for the country MashAllah.
Besides her strong involvement in bringing better sanitation and infrastructure to poor villages, she's in charge of reaching out for great cooperation proects such as this one with Spain.

Egypt signs new grant agreement with Spain supporting NCJS


Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr signed on Wednesday the third phase of a grant agreement with Spain’s Ambassador to Egypt Arturo Avello Diez del Corral for supporting the National Centre for Judicial Studies (NCJS) project.

The new Spanish grant agreement is estimated at EGP 150,000, while the previous phases were worth EGP 600,000. Omar Hafiz, deputy minister of justice, attended the signing ceremony.

Nasr emphasised that her ministry pays attention to supporting the Justice Ministry, especially in fighting corruption, noting that the Spanish grant aims to share experience and build capacity in the field of justice, in which Spain is enjoying remarkable experiences such as gender equality and fighting corruption, money laundering, bribery, and electronic crimes.

The minister clarified that the NCJS was already benefited by two phases of the project through courses and training.

Nasr said that the courses were specialised in bankruptcy cases, compensation, rent, family, resumed appeals, international humanitarian law, violence against women and family crimes, anti-corruption, and illegal migration, among other areas.

She stressed that the scholarship activities include organising study visits to Spain to learn about their experiences in combating corruption, money laundering, bribery, cybercrimes, and other related activities.

Nasr praised the cooperation with Spain, adding that a number of grant agreements have been signed between both sides to support local entities including the Ministry of Interior, the NCJS, and the Ministry of Health.

Nasr mentioned that the next period will witness new bilateral cooperation on railways and water desalination plants, as Spain has competitive advantages in those areas.

The Spanish ambassador stressed his country’s keenness on supporting Egypt in various fields, especially economically.

Here's your girlfriend, @The SC. :-) She's at it again, bro. She's doing amazing things for the country MashAllah.
Besides her strong involvement in bringing better sanitation and infrastructure to poor villages, she's in charge of reaching out for great cooperation proects such as this one with Spain.

Egypt signs new grant agreement with Spain supporting NCJS


Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr signed on Wednesday the third phase of a grant agreement with Spain’s Ambassador to Egypt Arturo Avello Diez del Corral for supporting the National Centre for Judicial Studies (NCJS) project.

The new Spanish grant agreement is estimated at EGP 150,000, while the previous phases were worth EGP 600,000. Omar Hafiz, deputy minister of justice, attended the signing ceremony.

Nasr emphasised that her ministry pays attention to supporting the Justice Ministry, especially in fighting corruption, noting that the Spanish grant aims to share experience and build capacity in the field of justice, in which Spain is enjoying remarkable experiences such as gender equality and fighting corruption, money laundering, bribery, and electronic crimes.

The minister clarified that the NCJS was already benefited by two phases of the project through courses and training.

Nasr said that the courses were specialised in bankruptcy cases, compensation, rent, family, resumed appeals, international humanitarian law, violence against women and family crimes, anti-corruption, and illegal migration, among other areas.

She stressed that the scholarship activities include organising study visits to Spain to learn about their experiences in combating corruption, money laundering, bribery, cybercrimes, and other related activities.

Nasr praised the cooperation with Spain, adding that a number of grant agreements have been signed between both sides to support local entities including the Ministry of Interior, the NCJS, and the Ministry of Health.

Nasr mentioned that the next period will witness new bilateral cooperation on railways and water desalination plants, as Spain has competitive advantages in those areas.

The Spanish ambassador stressed his country’s keenness on supporting Egypt in various fields, especially economically.

She is really something..isn't she?

- Over the past 4 years we have completed 11 thousand projects with 3 projects per day at a cost of LE 20 trillion

- By mid-2019 we will finish reclamation of one million acres

- An ambitious plan for the development of the petroleum sector was implemented and 62 exploration and exploitation agreements were signed

- We succeeded in getting pure drinking water to 96% of Egyptian households

- The word Egypt has become heard in all forums and its positions have become a place of respect and appreciation of all

- A survey was carried out to detect the CL virus on 5.2 million people and the treatment was provided to 1.4 million patients at a cost of about 3.7 billion pounds​
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