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Egyptian Armed Forces

Who will pay most because of the Dam will be Sudan , Egypt could easily destroy this dam if it has a base in Sudan but sadly the MB goverment in Sudan is supporting the project Just to tease Egyptians , Just like how most stupid Islamists hate Egyptians even if it means cooperating with a non-muslim country.
Sudan is split in half, and it is still sorting out who will controll the oil or how to divide the benefits, so it is not stable now, and no one can have a stable base in an unstable place.
Sudan will suffer more, but Egypt's very survival is in question too. Anyhow there is a serious danger to Egypt and it should be dealt with smartly, and wisely.
Sudan is split in half, and it is still sorting out who will controll the oil or how to divide the benefits, so it is not stable now, and no one can have a stable base in an unstable place.
Sudan will suffer more, but Egypt's very survival is in question too. Anyhow there is a serious danger to Egypt and it should be dealt with smartly, and wisely.

By the way all international institutions including the UN have cut funding for the DAM , the Ethiopians are struggling funding it through their own means and its a drain on their economy , any small conflict will simply lead to the fall of Ethiopian economy for good .

The thing Egypt should first think about is forcing Sudan to behave through supporting rebels there or creating a security zone under the pretext of stopping smuggling of weapons for terrorists in sinai which is actually a fact.

The only language these countries understand is power , negotiations will not bring anything especially that those ethiopians are radical christians .

It should be more like either we share water together or both Sudan and Ethiopia will go down .
By the way all international institutions including the UN have cut funding for the DAM , the Ethiopians are struggling funding it through their own means and its a drain on their economy , any small conflict will simply lead to the fall of Ethiopian economy for good .

The thing Egypt should first think about is forcing Sudan to behave through supporting rebels there or creating a security zone under the pretext of stopping smuggling of weapons for terrorists in sinai which is actually a fact.

The only language these countries understand is power , negotiations will not bring anything especially that those ethiopians are radical christians .

It should be more like either we share water together or both Sudan and Ethiopia will go down .
Even if they can not finance it now, they might be able to finish it in the future, so egypt has to be proactive on this and prepare its response and solutions.
Even if they can not finance it now, they might be able to finish it in the future, so egypt has to be proactive on this and prepare its response and solutions.

They already preparing for war with Sudan and engaging with countries neighbouring Sudan and Ethiopia .

Both Saudi Arabia and UAE would be more than happy to lend Egypt our refuel tankers when they decide to strike Ethiopia Dam.

There will be no direct war with Ethiopia as both do not share a common border but Egypt will have to fight Sudan since their goverment supports Ethiopia .

The problem would be with international reaction to be specific from USA but again it would be limited to arms embargo from USA and then back to business since Egypt has peace treaty with Israel and will be needed in future by West especially Europe in countering Terrorism in Libya and Syria.

Before resorting to military solution Egyptians are currently carrying out a diplomatic campaign , china , russia , usa and EU all agreed not to fund the Dam and at the same time Egypt is preparing those country to indirectly accept the idea it might have to strike ethiopian dam in the future if needed in the case ethiopia refuses to negotiate constructively.

The other thing Egypt foreign minister visited nearly all basin countries and Just this week Egypt prime minister first foreign visit was to chad a country on sudan border and then to tanzania another nile basin country.

Diplomatic is number one solution for Egypt but if it does not work then military force will be used , they have to show the world first they are going through negotiations so that when Egypt has to bomb the dam one day no one blames it .
Yes , that is more of an existential threat than anything Israel can come up with. Like I told you before, I saw the Israeli hand in that Dam project as soon as I've heard about it, just putting 1+1=2, Fellashas, now Israelis, mostly in the army, and Ethiopia their native land plus the Israeli political inclinations pointed the suspicion towards them.
Now in this case, it is an extremely dangerous move on the part of Ethiopia, but it is Really a political agenda of Israel and Some Europeans or to be bold some Judeo-Christian coalition.
The more troubling news were from some Europeans or Americans who just said that those are natural resources, and since it is inside Ethiopia, so that it has the right to do whatever it wants with them, and added, it is like the Egyptian Oil reserves. I found the comparison childish, and at the same time unprofessional and mostly provocative. For this issue alone, I wish Egypt had Nuclear weapons nothing less, since Ethiopia itself acts as a front (really, since they have noting to lose at all, an attitude of -the least to say- animosity towards Egypt), the big players behind this conspiracy showed their cards, either by naivety or by pure defiance and maybe hatred for Islam (believe it or not, this is their most central thought behind their attacks on Muslim countries, with some eagerness shown and demonstrated, _reminds one of the crusades_, be it Iraq, Afghanistan, lybia, Yemen, overtly or the rest of the Muslim world covertly. This, in my humble opinion is real extremism, although disguised in diplomacy and other mediums.
What is Egypt for me, I'll tell you; when the October war started in 1973, i was a child, as the news broke on TV at midday a few thousand kilometers away, I was begging my parents to send me to fight for Egypt, of course coming from an 9 or 10 years old boy it seemed like a fantasy , but it was all real for me at that time, I really wanted to do it if I had the means on my own, it was that dear to me, since I was already reading the monthly magazine Al Arabi to which my father was subscribed, and we had a full room full of it, it was very enjoyable, and color printed on top of it, it was a thick magazine, with very sound and thorough articles on every Arabic subject ( I was good in Arabic But still struggling with it, it was full of pictures though and most articles I could read, and sometimes I asked my father for some words or sentences or even full articles, and started discussing articles with him when I got a bit older, and covering the whole Arab world in particular and the Muslim world in general. just to tell you that I was aware of what happened in 1967 mostly, 1956, I found out later, but they all involved the same entities that are still threatening Egypt, which is by all means the biggest and most symbolic Arab state.
If I felt like that at that time, believe me, there are millions of Arab youth that will join Egypt anytime in war. but the best thought that comes to me is first we should all help Egypt economically, and put all that youth energy and eagerness in the economic , social and science fields.
There is still another thought. why, is Egypt the symbolic nation of the Arab world does not have the ultimate weapon, because to be frank this Dam like you explained brightly in your post, is worst danger-wise than a nuclear bomb in the hands of any one who wants to submit Egypt and thus the Arab world. So it is an Arab Affair by all means, and they should all get involved...
I don't wanna sound like one of those conspiracy theorists nut jobs BUT the whole idea of pressuring Egypt through its water security has been around in many declassified and leaked official documents since the 1980s so it ain't a new idea.

To answer your question Egypt does possess the know how to build a nuclear weapon, it had a pretty ambitious nuclear program in the 50s and 60s when Nasser was in power, along with a missile program that was even more promising put after 1967 it got derailed for obvious reasons, and after 1973 and later the Camp David accord one of the main conditions is that Egypt won't peruse a nuclear weapon, and its been the same since then but now things have changed, now with Iran and the general situation in the Middle East Egypt has to rethink its position, and I believe they have already, they are building a 1000+ mega watt (the right term might be 1000 kw I'm not sure lol) new reactor and its a part of a 7 or 8 complex of mega-reactors and a heavy water plant too, given that Egypt does need those for electricity but anyone would tell you it'll most probably be used for weapons too, and btw did you see the Saudis yesterday, finally after 25+ years showing their Chinese DF-3As in public!!! AND with the Pakistani chief of staff in attendance!!!! Its a message, we have nukes, missiles from China and war-heads from Pakistan!!! But they didn't show their new DF-21s!!! It is a big development if you ask me!!! Sticking their finger to the USA and Iran's nuclear deal!!! And Egypt will follow soon, buying nukes and missiles are a very expensive venture! Cheaper for them to pay Egypt to produce both for them, more strategically important!!
I don't wanna sound like one of those conspiracy theorists nut jobs BUT the whole idea of pressuring Egypt through its water security has been around in many declassified and leaked official documents since the 1980s so it ain't a new idea.

To answer your question Egypt does possess the know how to build a nuclear weapon, it had a pretty ambitious nuclear program in the 50s and 60s when Nasser was in power, along with a missile program that was even more promising put after 1967 it got derailed for obvious reasons, and after 1973 and later the Camp David accord one of the main conditions is that Egypt won't peruse a nuclear weapon, and its been the same since then but now things have changed, now with Iran and the general situation in the Middle East Egypt has to rethink its position, and I believe they have already, they are building a 1000+ mega watt (the right term might be 1000 kw I'm not sure lol) new reactor and its a part of a 7 or 8 complex of mega-reactors and a heavy water plant too, given that Egypt does need those for electricity but anyone would tell you it'll most probably be used for weapons too, and btw did you see the Saudis yesterday, finally after 25+ years showing their Chinese DF-3As in public!!! AND with the Pakistani chief of staff in attendance!!!! Its a message, we have nukes, missiles from China and war-heads from Pakistan!!! But they didn't show their new DF-21s!!! It is a big development if you ask me!!! Sticking their finger to the USA and Iran's nuclear deal!!! And Egypt will follow soon, buying nukes and missiles are a very expensive venture! Cheaper for them to pay Egypt to produce both for them, more strategically important!!

What to say !!!
Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, North Africa, Sout east Asia, Turkey, just to name a few. This is big time turmoil, what do you think is going on?, be it in Africa, the Middle east, Asia and now Russia and Europe, the whole world is getting engaged somehow, do you have any clue of what might be happening?

I'm sure there must be but I'm afraid I got no info on that what so ever lol

I thought about supercomputers , since it is some measurement for the level of achievement attained by a nation, IT-wise.
What to say !!!
Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, North Africa, Sout east Asia, Turkey, just to name a few. This is big time turmoil, what do you think is going on?, be it in Africa, the Middle east, Asia and now Russia and Europe, the whole world is getting engaged somehow, do you have any clue of what might be happening?

I think we all know what is happening, even if it on a subconscious level! It is change my friend! Big change, and the bigger that change is, the harder it gets before it happens, kinda like giving birth, hard, very painful and chaotic, but at the end, a new entity is born, comes to light after months in the dark, a beautiful magical thing, new life, and that is what is happening! I'm gonna say this, and this is probably the first time I ever write it in public, but be it. All human beings, not just Arabs, are the same, share the same human nature, given that they do on different levels, but the core is the same, they are human, and humans, by nature resist change, even if their present existence is not ideal by any means, and they tend to keep going, as long as basic necessities are secured, food, shelter, means to buy things,...etc, and they, by nature, would resist anything that would pose a risk to that stability, but what makes them do? Stress, resulting from threat to that stability. What is happening now a days, and I'm going to speak relevant to the Arabs, is a necessary evil to bring on change, otherwise another 100 years will pass by and we will keep deteriorating like we have been for so long. What is happening is a must, it is God's way of bringing change and punishment for ultimately the better good for all of us, in short, what is happening to us is necessary for us to change and achieve what we should have achieved a long time ago. History teaches us great lessons, it always repeats itself. all along history, and especially in modern history, what brought on change? It wasn't ideology or religion like most would say, no, its suffering and great stress. For example, what brought Fascism to Europe at the turn of the last century? Fascism as an ideology has been around for so long before that, but it was the great suffering people in Europe had especially after World War I, the conditions were right for it, and it was the same with Communism in Russia, communist ideology had been around for a least 60 or 70 years prior to that, but again, after WW I, conditions were right, people in Russia were under great stress, so they listened, changed and moved towards change. Also the case later with Zionism, to which we as Arabs and Muslims are the closest to in our current conditions believe it or not! Before World War II and the Holocaust, the Jews were divided between two main factions, I call them right wing, ultra-religious and left wing, Zionists. Both were opposite and fought each other for more control of the Jews (also Zionism had been around, as an ideology for many years prior), just like us Arabs now a days, right wing ultra-religious (whom have been gaining more ground in the last few decades) and left-wing ultra Arab-nationalists (although in our case there are no fundamental conflicts between both, unlike the Jews), both sides fighting for more control among the Arabs, and what happened to the Jews? After the Holocaust with all the stress and pressure it brought on their way of life and day to day survival, then and only then they realized in order for them to overcome it and prevent it from happening again they have to somehow put their differences aside and unite, and the rest is history, look were they are now! And with almost no resources of their own! What happened to them is happening to us now a days, and this is just the beginning, things will get much worse but ultimately it is what we need, and it is Gods way of bringing on change, it is, in a way, divine! Be prepared, things will get much worse and much in a much faster passe than we would have thought, but it is a must, I'm going to use my own motto, "It is better for 99 to die and 1 to live free than all 100 living the way they have been" plain and simple, or at least that is what I think is happening and will happen. Believe me my friend, I've been saying this for years, I know change will come, and I know what is needed for it to happen, it ain't pretty, but it will happen, I never knew how exactly or when, all I knew was that it will happen, it is the natural progress of things for us, and that it will be hard, painful to witness but I was also surprised by how fast things happened and are happening! I thought it would be at a much slower passe than this, but I guess somethings are better quick, especially when they are hard and painful, kind of like taking a shot, it is God's mercy on us, in a way! Good news is that something good will come out of it, the bigger the changes, the bigger the price that has to be paid for it, and from the look of things, it is going to be massive, the biggest in modern history I believe.

I can go on and on about why it is happening, how, what we need and what exactly will come out if it all, I hope I didn't bore you with the long answer, but you asked the question lol! So what do you think? What's your take on it?
Even if they can not finance it now, they might be able to finish it in the future, so egypt has to be proactive on this and prepare its response and solutions.
Its Bigger than that! It is the simple concept of yes, countries like Ethiopia can build a even start construction dam is what is threatening as it will encourage others to do so, and before you know it there will be many of them and Egypt is screwed!! So as Sudan! It is one of those situations, unfortunately, when one must make an example so the rest will be deterred, plain and simple! I understand why Ethiopia needs that project, and their reasons are justified, but it is one of those situations, were it is us or them, it can't be like we can both have it!
I think we all know what is happening, even if it on a subconscious level! It is change my friend! Big change, and the bigger that change is, the harder it gets before it happens, kinda like giving birth, hard, very painful and chaotic, but at the end, a new entity is born, comes to light after months in the dark, a beautiful magical thing, new life, and that is what is happening! I'm gonna say this, and this is probably the first time I ever write it in public, but be it. All human beings, not just Arabs, are the same, share the same human nature, given that they do on different levels, but the core is the same, they are human, and humans, by nature resist change, even if their present existence is not ideal by any means, and they tend to keep going, as long as basic necessities are secured, food, shelter, means to buy things,...etc, and they, by nature, would resist anything that would pose a risk to that stability, but what makes them do? Stress, resulting from threat to that stability. What is happening now a days, and I'm going to speak relevant to the Arabs, is a necessary evil to bring on change, otherwise another 100 years will pass by and we will keep deteriorating like we have been for so long. What is happening is a must, it is God's way of bringing change and punishment for ultimately the better good for all of us, in short, what is happening to us is necessary for us to change and achieve what we should have achieved a long time ago. History teaches us great lessons, it always repeats itself. all along history, and especially in modern history, what brought on change? It wasn't ideology or religion like most would say, no, its suffering and great stress. For example, what brought Fascism to Europe at the turn of the last century? Fascism as an ideology has been around for so long before that, but it was the great suffering people in Europe had especially after World War I, the conditions were right for it, and it was the same with Communism in Russia, communist ideology had been around for a least 60 or 70 years prior to that, but again, after WW I, conditions were right, people in Russia were under great stress, so they listened, changed and moved towards change. Also the case later with Zionism, to which we as Arabs and Muslims are the closest to in our current conditions believe it or not! Before World War II and the Holocaust, the Jews were divided between two main factions, I call them right wing, ultra-religious and left wing, Zionists. Both were opposite and fought each other for more control of the Jews (also Zionism had been around, as an ideology for many years prior), just like us Arabs now a days, right wing ultra-religious (whom have been gaining more ground in the last few decades) and left-wing ultra Arab-nationalists (although in our case there are no fundamental conflicts between both, unlike the Jews), both sides fighting for more control among the Arabs, and what happened to the Jews? After the Holocaust with all the stress and pressure it brought on their way of life and day to day survival, then and only then they realized in order for them to overcome it and prevent it from happening again they have to somehow put their differences aside and unite, and the rest is history, look were they are now! And with almost no resources of their own! What happened to them is happening to us now a days, and this is just the beginning, things will get much worse but ultimately it is what we need, and it is Gods way of bringing on change, it is, in a way, divine! Be prepared, things will get much worse and much in a much faster passe than we would have thought, but it is a must, I'm going to use my own motto, "It is better for 99 to die and 1 to live free than all 100 living the way they have been" plain and simple, or at least that is what I think is happening and will happen. Believe me my friend, I've been saying this for years, I know change will come, and I know what is needed for it to happen, it ain't pretty, but it will happen, I never knew how exactly or when, all I knew was that it will happen, it is the natural progress of things for us, and that it will be hard, painful to witness but I was also surprised by how fast things happened and are happening! I thought it would be at a much slower passe than this, but I guess somethings are better quick, especially when they are hard and painful, kind of like taking a shot, it is God's mercy on us, in a way! Good news is that something good will come out of it, the bigger the changes, the bigger the price that has to be paid for it, and from the look of things, it is going to be massive, the biggest in modern history I believe.

I can go on and on about why it is happening, how, what we need and what exactly will come out if it all, I hope I didn't bore you with the long answer, but you asked the question lol! So what do you think? What's your take on it?

No, you did not bore me a bit, since our thoughts converge very well on these matters, I have enjoyed reading it. And I do agree 100% with it, the metaphors are right and the descriptions also.
So, yes, the bigger the change, the bigger the price to pay for it, because more fundamental things will be shaked. And I also believe the outcome to be big and positive.

Its Bigger than that! It is the simple concept of yes, countries like Ethiopia can build a even start construction dam is what is threatening as it will encourage others to do so, and before you know it there will be many of them and Egypt is screwed!! So as Sudan! It is one of those situations, unfortunately, when one must make an example so the rest will be deterred, plain and simple! I understand why Ethiopia needs that project, and their reasons are justified, but it is one of those situations, were it is us or them, it can't be like we can both have it!

I think they should have thought about other alternatives to use the Nile water than building a dam, knowing that it might have consequences on other countries. So you are right again, they did it while they were thinking its us or them, and the response they have attracted is the reflexion of their own egoistic or necessary thought, but necessity is subject to freedom, and ones freedom ends where others' freedom begins. In simple words they should have been wiser.
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Dino R.
about the change in the future do you think arab nationalsim is a dying ideology? the new generations dont beleive in it and i see it will be soon history after failures to unite arab speaking nations in the past when there was no blood between arab nations and almost all were coming out of west occupation now we have problems with sunni and shia algira and morocoo Egypt will soon have many issues with libya and sudan
my opinion is Egypt does not need 22 allay on paper i would perefer 2 or 3 real allay and we have wasted years on a false ideology i would like to hear your opinion
Dino R.
about the change in the future do you think arab nationalsim is a dying ideology? the new generations dont beleive in it and i see it will be soon history after failures to unite arab speaking nations in the past when there was no blood between arab nations and almost all were coming out of west occupation now we have problems with sunni and shia algira and morocoo Egypt will soon have many issues with libya and sudan
my opinion is Egypt does not need 22 allay on paper i would perefer 2 or 3 real allay and we have wasted years on a false ideology i would like to hear your opinion
This arab nationalism is no more than a fake haux similar to adel imam's fankosh

Now there is alliance evolving between egypt uae and saudi arabia basically were talking about the two richest arab states allied with the most populated arab nation

As you said most of egypt problems today is coming from other arabs whether libya qatar or sudan . We have pushed qatar away but egypt has to focus on cleaning eastern libya from terrorists in future and forcing sudan to behave on water nile issue

Sissi was talking about countering terrorism in eastern libya through preimtive operations and the new fast intervension unit in egypt must have been formed for this sole purpose
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