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Egypt to boost Rafale order by 100 Aircraft as it’s Su-35 failed to withstand Rafale’s SPECTRA electronic attacks

Oct 6, 2020
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That’s interest regarding Spectra jamming SUs.

Now this begs the question about the rest of Russian and Chinese Air Fleet.

@Windjammer @Raider 21

How well would JF-17 Suites be able to handle this considering we’re taking off the shelf Chinese equipment.
That’s interest regarding Spectra jamming SUs.

Now this begs the question about the rest of Russian and Chinese Air Fleet.

Some critical reasoning is perhaps beneficial before you believe the crap that is posted on PDF.
Ask yourself how does a self defence suite like SPECTRA cause the SU35 radar to fail?

The best SPECTRA can do on a good day is prevent a lock and (or) deceive enemy radar receivers it is incapable of anything else..
Some critical reasoning is perhaps beneficial before you believe the crap that is posted on PDF.
Ask yourself how does a self defence suite like SPECTRA cause the SU35 radar to fail?

The best SPECTRA can do on a good day is prevent a lock and (or) deceive enemy radar receivers it is incapable of anything else..

SPECTRA is built on a system of receivers and countermeasures. RF (radio frequency) detectors employ sophisticated techniques such as interferometry for high-precision direction-of-arrival and passive ranging, and digital frequency memory for signal coherence. The system also employs accurate laser warning detectors with direction-finding capability, and a passive infrared missile warning system. Data from all three sensor suites are fused and processed by a central computer, which prioritises and activates the relevant countermeasures, based upon comparison between the received signals and an onboard threat library.
RF jamming is transmitted through active phased antennas. Employment of this advanced technology allows the jamming signal to be concentrated in the sector where it is needed, not only increasing its effectiveness, but also reducing the probability of intercept by the adversary’s own sensors. In addition to RF jammers, the SPECTRA system incorporates mechanical countermeasures for the dispensing of chaff and decoys that are effective in either electromagnetic or infrared domains.
In addition to protecting the Rafale, SPECTRA also has a valuable offensive function. Fused data from the sensors provides threat tracks in the weapon system, which can be displayed in the cockpit. These tracks can be used for targeting in the defence suppression role.
Additionally, the data product from the SPECTRA sensors is of very high quality, so that the system can be used for the gathering of Elint (electronic intelligence).
Pop-up threats can be compared against the threat library, which can be updated with new information. The product of SPECTRA is also recorded and can be downloaded upon the aircraft’s return to base for more detailed analysis in the ground-based support centre. In this way master threat libraries can be updated, and revised data files produced for subsequent missions.

That’s interest regarding Spectra jamming SUs.

Now this begs the question about the rest of Russian and Chinese Air Fleet.

@Windjammer @Raider 21

How well would JF-17 Suites be able to handle this considering we’re taking off the shelf Chinese equipment.
You can be rest assure. Chinese electronic equipment is different from Russian. Chinese airforce already deploy 3D AESA AWACS, AESA radar and even dual band AESA radar for our naval in wide service. Anybody who still think Russian warfare electronic is on par with China , is as good as living in era of China still not able to send anybody to space.
Some critical reasoning is perhaps beneficial before you believe the crap that is posted on PDF.
Ask yourself how does a self defence suite like SPECTRA cause the SU35 radar to fail?

The best SPECTRA can do on a good day is prevent a lock and (or) deceive enemy radar receivers it is incapable of anything else..

True, but overall, I'm not as much knowledge in EW as other members would be.
That’s interest regarding Spectra jamming SUs.

Now this begs the question about the rest of Russian and Chinese Air Fleet.

@Windjammer @Raider 21

How well would JF-17 Suites be able to handle this considering we’re taking off the shelf Chinese equipment.
Considering SU-35 failed against spectra, do you think JF-17 stands any chance?
Some critical reasoning is perhaps beneficial before you believe the crap that is posted on PDF.
Ask yourself how does a self defence suite like SPECTRA cause the SU35 radar to fail?

The best SPECTRA can do on a good day is prevent a lock and (or) deceive enemy radar receivers it is incapable of anything else..
Maybe you need to apply critical thinking yourself and think outside the realm of india and consider this bit of information from an objective point of view. Spectra is not just a self defence suite for starters.
Considering SU-35 failed against spectra, do you think JF-17 stands any chance?
No chance, but it might be a work in progress to have something integrated to counter it. I have no knowledge if it is being worked on presently.
No chance, but it might be a work in progress to have something integrated to counter it. I have no knowledge if it is being worked on presently.
I doubt there is much we can do about it, Jeff can compete against the likes of Tejas and maybe SU-30 to a certain degree. Rafale is a much more advanced fighter and Jeff would be cannon fodder against it. Good thing, india doesnt have many and we prolly will never fight a war against them.

Our only hope is the J20 - lets hope the chinese have a few tricks up their sleeve.
Some critical reasoning is perhaps beneficial before you believe the crap that is posted on PDF.
Ask yourself how does a self defence suite like SPECTRA cause the SU35 radar to fail?

The best SPECTRA can do on a good day is prevent a lock and (or) deceive enemy radar receivers it is incapable of anything else..
I am assuming that Su 35 failed to establish a lock on Rafales due to spectra..
Guys this is nothing unexpected. Here competition is between aesa and pesa radars. Su35 pesa cant withstand against aesa radar. It is not like spectra is something out of the world. Rafael ew suit is one generation ahead of su35.

The real capability of rafael will be tested against j10,jf17 block3 and some other fighters with aesa radars
Spectra is not just a self defence suite for starters.

Oh really? Did you know S.P.E.C.T.R.A = Self-Protection Equipment to Counter Threats for Rafale Aircraft. So I'm wrong to call it a self defence suit, the people who made SPECTRA are wrong but you are a 100% right. Sorry my bad.

Guys this is nothing unexpected. Here competition is between aesa and pesa radars. Su35 pesa cant withstand against aesa radar. It is not like spectra is something out of the world. Rafael ew suit is one generation ahead of su35.

The real capability of rafael will be tested against j10,jf17 block3 and some other fighters with aesa radars
J10-C maybe but doubt the JF-17 stands any chance. The jet doesnt even have a proper EW suite. Two different generations.
Oh really? Did you know S.P.E.C.T.R.A = Self-Protection Equipment to Counter Threats for Rafale Aircraft. So I'm wrong to call it a self defence suit, the people who made SPECTRA are wrong but you are a 100% right. Sorry my bad.

Not sure why you are being so passive aggressive. I know what the abbreviation stands for but the EW suite has offensive capabilities as well.
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