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Egypt signs CISMOA agreement

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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US @CENTCOM Commander Gen. Votel: "In January 2018, we celebrated the successful signing of the bilateral Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement (CISMOA), crowning over thirty years of effort to enhance security and counterterrorism cooperation."


This agreement facilitates communication between the Egyptian military leaders and their counterparts in the United States in peace and war.. The purpose of the United States is to make sure that its military technologies are not leaked to a third party..

Its impact on the independence of the Egyptian army is zero, in case of disagreement it is possible to overturn the Convention..
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US @CENTCOM Commander Gen. Votel: "In January 2018, we celebrated the successful signing of the bilateral Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement (CIS MOA), crowning over thirty years of effort to enhance security and counterterrorism cooperation."

What little freedom you had to defend your country with The US weaponry...is gone for ever..from owners of her Arsenal’s, Egypt just gave the keys of her sovereignty to the US...
Differential basing, Ceylal. I understand your
position against U.S. involvement but CISMOA
will only concern US weapons extending their

To avoid any problems, Maṣr can locate its other
materials ( Ru / Fr, ETC ) apart from the US stuff.

Have a good day, Tay.
Differential basing, Ceylal. I understand your
position against U.S. involvement but CISMOA
will only concern US weapons extending their

To avoid any problems, Maṣr can locate its other
materials ( Ru / Fr, ETC ) apart from the US stuff.

Have a good day, Tay.
CISMOA will hinder Egypt the use of the weapons or their access to it without the US ok. The maintenance and upgrade will be exclusively performed by US personnel, and more will give the right to a complete US access to any military bases where the US weaponry is stored for inspection...and more..
The UAE found out the weight of the SISMOA in not so distant past, when they wanted to use their F16 to bomb Lybia without the US consent...
Differential basing, Ceylal. I understand your
position against U.S. involvement but CISMOA
will only concern US weapons extending their

To avoid any problems, Maṣr can locate its other
materials ( Ru / Fr, ETC ) apart from the US stuff.

Have a good day, Tay.

I admire the last-ditch effort, Tay. :lol:
I admire the last-ditch effort, Tay. :lol:
The difference between you and him..he does grasp a little bit of the subject, while you have, like most of your countrymen, no freaking clue..of the hole that Egypt dug for her self...
This can limit the accessibility to high tech Russian equipment, shouldn't have signed it.

BTW, what has USA given to Egypt so far to make her such an important ally who can have limitless access to Egyptian military arsenal during both war and peace times? A bunch of Abrams, that are being blown up by Yemenis?

Makes Russians regretful
If you buy hightech russian systems they would come and control it to. this is normal why yall bitchin around. Time to time americans are coming to Turkey to check ther goods...
If you buy hightech russian systems they would come and control it to. this is normal why yall bitchin around. Time to time americans are coming to Turkey to check ther goods...
Maybe that's why Turkey cannot buy S 400.

I haven't seen a single Russian dude coming to check their S 300s in Iran. Not to mention that USA is a bully. Never mind
Maybe that's why Turkey cannot buy S 400.

I haven't seen a single Russian dude coming to check their S 300s in Iran. Not to mention that USA is a bully. Never mind

well how do you now they are not doing that?
well how do you now they are not doing that?
They are not doing, however, depends on the contract. It's easier to have such contract with Russians if you compare it to Americans. THEY CANNOT ASK IRAN FOR IT. Independence factor ;)
C3.3.8.4. Bilateral INFOSEC Agreement Signature. The bilateral agreement (e.g., CISMOA or COMSEC MOU, INFOSEC Equipment Agreement) must be in place in order for a purchaser to receive INFOSEC products or services associated with a C4ISR system..

As far as Egypt is concerned:

Very important| The most important points in the testimony of the commander of the US Central Command on Egypt at the hearing before the Congressional Armed Services Committee.

US Central Command USCENTCOM responsibilities include The Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia region, with the exception of Israel, which is under the responsibility of the United States European Command USUCOM headquartered at the MacDill Air Base in Tampa "In the state of Florida, while its advanced position is located at the base of Al-Aideed, Qatar.

The Congressional Armed Services Committee (SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE) held a hearing, during which CENTCOM Commander JOSEPH L. VOTEL gave a briefing on central command activity in areas of responsibility for defense and challenges related to terrorism and Iran.

As for Egypt, Votel said in his statement: Egypt remains an anchor of the interests of the United States in the region, its strategic location, its demographic weight, its religious and cultural influence, and the established peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Egypt is a vital partner in combating the flow of foreign fighters, equipment, and financial aid to extremist elements, which cross from Libya through Egypt to the central region. Egypt provides us with support in requests for crossing its airspace, securing our crossing in the Suez Canal and sharing our commitment to defeat the terrorist organizations.

The cornerstone of that relationship is our partnership in security assistance. As an example of the intensification of our joint efforts, the two sides signed the joint memorandum of understanding on security and the exchange of communications, marking the culmination of more than 30 years of efforts to improve security and cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

What is the MOU in the area of security and interoperability?

This agreement is defined by two names: COMCASA, CISMOA, or the Memorandum of Understanding on Security and Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement.

This memorandum or agreement allows for a legal framework to provide the second party with US telecommunications security systems that facilitate exchange and interoperability between US forces and the Second Party's forces, and with other friendly armies that use US equipment to work with secure tactical data links. The United States does not allow any unsigned States to acquire the above-mentioned telecommunications systems, which use alternative systems that are low-standard.

In addition, the signing of this memorandum allows the acquisition of weapons systems containing high-precision navigation devices operating on the GPS system, as well as weapons containing the latest guidance packages such as air-to-air missiles and others.

Who are the signatories to that Convention?

NATO, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Gulf States, Turkey, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan.. and India, which have signed a Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement LEMOA with the United States and is negotiating to sign the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) and CISMOA as conditions for the transfer of production technology of F-16 fighter block 70 there.

The LEMOA Agreement grants the parties - the US and the other - the ability to obtain spare parts, services and support from the bases, airports and ports of each other. (Egypt is not a signatory of the LEMOA- Egypt provides transit services from its airspace and sea and refueling the usual aircraft and ships of countries with which the military cooperates in general).

The BECA Agreement grants the signatory Party the ability to obtain topographical and aerial data for navigation and targeting purposes. (Egypt is not a signatory of the BECA - it allows the US side to know details of its military navigational maps).

Why did Egypt sign that memorandum despite its continued refusal to sign it over the past years?

To answer this question we have to be familiar with the terms and conditions of the agreement, which is certainly not available, but we will try to strive for the closest analysis of the truth.

In the previous period, Egypt relied mainly on American armaments, especially in the areas of maritime and aviation weapons systems - in addition to the ground forces obviously -; its main fighter was the F-16 and the main attack helicopters were the Apache and the main frigates were the Perry class.

The acceptance of such an agreement allows the US side to synchronise its communications systems with the US-made military communications systems of the other party. This means that any combat platforms equipped with such high-level communications systems will always be connected to the network and its location is well known to all. So, with full and complete reliance on US-made weapons, this is absolutely unacceptable.

At the present time, in the presence of a new political leadership with a different direction, there is a real trend to diversify the sources of armaments with the procurement of the French-made Rafale fighters, Fremm frigate, Mistral LHDs and Gowind heavy corvettes, the German-made Type-209 submarines, and the Russian-made advanced MiG-29M-M2 (Mig-35), Kamov K-52a and Katran helicopters, T-90S tanks, the S-300V4 air defense systems, Tor-M2, Buk-M2, Early Warning Radars and many other non-US equipments, as well as contracting the French-made military communication satellite (a high-security independent communications system and network), the Russian-made Egytsat-A and cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese sides in the production of surveillance and remote sensing satellites of Egypt, as well as intensive visits exchanged with the South Korean side, which was at the level of Ministers of Defense and Military Production, in preparation for a large military cooperation in the future. And not to forget the extended technical cooperation with the Chinese, African, Indian, Pakistani and a number of Eastern European countries, along with Spain, Italy, Greece and Britain.

This huge diversity, which began to manifest itself in clarity three years ago and will continue and expand further in the coming period, gave more room for freedom to make such a decision to sign the CISMOA agreement with the American side.

However, in order to cover all the questions that beset our minds, we have to wonder what are the terms of the memorandum that were accepted by the Egyptian side and those that were rejected. For example, Egypt is making its friend and foe identification systems (IFF), and there is a complete difference in the operating systems operating on the Rafale from those of NATO countries, and the same for the rest of the Western and Eastern weapons systems operating in the Egyptian army, and therefore the Egyptian side will definitively not accept any of its other systems to be identified by any hostile party like Israel. Egypt will have its own military communications satellite, meaning that all combat platforms of the Egyptian army will operate within a closed network with secure and fully independent communications system.

Also on which platforms will these communication systems listed in the agreement be applied ? Air platforms? Or ground vehicles? Or Navy ships? Will it be implemented, for example, on counter-terrorism platforms only? Such as rapid intervention forces? And again, we should not forget the presence of the Egyptian military communications satellite, which will certainly mean the implementation of satellite communication systems, specific to Egypt.

Noteworthy is the fact that the Egyptian armed forces, and the political leadership before them, categorically and completely rejected the idea of establishing foreign military bases on Egyptian soil, whether for the American side or even the Russian side, which strives hard to establish its position in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

So the question now is what quantity and quality of armaments will Egypt get in return? In other words, to what level the US will release what was prohibited?

There will certainly be more easing than before, and this will be clarified during the coming period .. US conveniences will be as much as they meet Egyptian ones ..

The current trend in diversifying the sources of armaments is reassuring to all, and there should be confidence in the General Command of the Armed Forces, which will never accept any threat to its security and the secrecy of its weapons systems.


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This memorandum or agreement allows for a legal framework to provide the second party with US telecommunications security systems that facilitate exchange and interoperability between US forces and the Second Party's forces, and with other friendly armies that use US equipment to work with secure tactical data links. The United States does not allow any unsigned States to acquire the above-mentioned telecommunications systems, which use alternative systems that are low-standard.

This is one of the great benefits in that this is separate from link-16 since the EAF already operates in link-16, at least with all the F-16s and Rafales. Which also means that there can be other exercises with much greater sensitivities beyond what they already have been doing in exercises such as Bright Star and some of the other exclusive naval exercises through the past 4 decades.

In addition, the signing of this memorandum allows the acquisition of weapons systems containing high-precision navigation devices operating on the GPS system, as well as weapons containing the latest guidance packages such as air-to-air missiles and others.

The timing couldn't be more obvious with EGYPT STAT being launched and some of the other satellite projects. There's no question that the Egyptian military wants to have GPS guided capabilities with its US munitions instead of only laser guided ATM. If the Russian munitions that are coming in by the droves have GPS caps, it's not only important for Egypt to have that capability with its US arsenal, but for the US itself to have a competitive leverage in supply, otherwise it will phase out and the US certainly doesn't want that to happen. A plus that also opens the door for modernization of US components in the Egyptian arsenal.

It also makes the timing a bit obvious that the SCALPs, being denied, was more likely much earlier than the January 18th date of this MOA signing. We just never heard about it until a month ago. This could've easily precipitated this agreement as a condition to release the cruise missile if you look at the its guidance system. So another good thing.

Who are the signatories to that Convention? NATO, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Gulf States, Turkey, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan.. and India, which have signed a Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement LEMOA with the United States and is negotiating to sign the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) and CISMOA as conditions for the transfer of production technology F-16 fighter block 70 there.

It's good for India to have signed the LEMOA because there is no way the US will give it access (especially to detailed exhibition of weapons platforms like the F-16blk 70 and especially showcasing the F-35.) These are basic standards for the US when it comes to the security of its platforms. So to get a close glimpse of them, you need to agree to conditions that protect the secrecy of these platforms. Nothing wrong with that and India did the right thing IMO as far as that is concerned.

So look at the countries that have already signed not only the CISMOA (not SISMOA lmao) but have also singed the LEMOA, the two glaring ones are TURKEY and PAKISTAN. Egypt never signed that part (even though I believe it should have a long time ago because there are only benefits to that, especially for the F-16 fleet) but instead did not and as a result...

The LEMOA Agreement grants the parties - the US and the other - the ability to obtain spare parts, services and support from the bases, airports and ports of each other. (Egypt is not a signatory of the LEMOA- Egypt provides transit services from its airspace and sea and refueling the usual aircraft and ships of countries with which the military cooperates in general).

The EAF has in house depots for the manufacturing of over 300 spare parts for the F-16 which are actually coordinated with the US through the Golden Sentry Program which monitors not only the aircraft themselves, but each part of these spares have serial numbers and a record of where they go and the inventory is strictly monitored. This is SOP with US military hardware and Egypt has been doing this since 1982. It's no big deal.

@Harpcore_lover , the next part is what you were asking about in the other thread, so you can ease your mind.

The BECA Agreement grants the signatory Party the ability to obtain topographical and aerial data for navigation and targeting purposes. (Egypt is not a signatory of the BECA - it allows the US side to know details of its military navigational maps).

This also has a lot to do with Egypt's AWACs threat library that exist and is constantly updated in mostly all 8 of the E-2C Hawkeyes. That threat library is also shared between the rest of the EAF and the Navy and if there is anything that needs to be secret and protected, this is on top of the list. Since the AWACs platforms came to Egypt, they didn't contain any threat library from the US and the EAF had to create its own library using its own SIGINT system that it has been doing since 1970. So this part is very important and is also standard across the board. Most nations have their own threat library that is very secretive and don't share it with anyone else BUT, when it comes time to exercise with some of these other partners, there is a standard signal for IFF that the control is changed to but then that limits the exercise to very basic simulations etc. This is where a large part of signing the CISMOA comes in handy because then the more important information such as the threat library can be opened up a bit more and shared without worry so that some of these exercises and simulations can be improved. In other words, better training.

At the present time, in the presence of a new political leadership with a different direction, there is a real trend to diversify the sources of armaments with the procurement of the French-made Rafale fighters, Fremm frigate, Mistral LHDs and Gowind heavy corvettes, the German-made Type-209 submarines, and the Russian-made advanced MiG-29M-M2 (Mig-35), Kamov K-52a and Katran helicopters, T-90S tanks, the S-300V4 air defense systems, Tor-M2, Buk-M2, Early Warning Radars and many other non-US equipments, as well as contracting the French-made military communication satellite (a high-security independent communications system and network), the Russian-made Egytsat-A and cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese sides in the production of surveillance and remote sensing satellites of Egypt, as well as intensive visits exchanged with the South Korean side, which was at the level of Ministers of Defense and Military Production, in preparation for a large military cooperation in the future. And not to forget the extended technical cooperation with the Chinese, African, Indian, Pakistani and a number of Eastern European countries, along with Spain, Italy, Greece and Britain.

This huge diversity, which began to manifest itself in clarity three years ago and will continue and expand further in the coming period, gave more room for freedom to make such a decision to sign the CISMOA agreement with the American side.

If you go back to 2011-13 where the original number of F-16 Blk 52s was a batch of 24, it was reduced to 20 units in the final deal and part of that procurement was sought by the US to replace some of the MiG-21s and F-7s AND to discourage it from buying other fighters from other sources. The EAF thought that 20 aircraft wasn't enough of course and as a result of the negotiations, wanted to include a further upgrade to the existing F-16, especially with the IFF since the 20 new aircraft came with the sensors but the older aircraft did not have them. This was one of the sticking points and as things have progressed, it looks like the US has realized that Egypt is now capable of going out and using its national funds to purchase other potent, non US aircraft and that using 20 blk 52's wasn't enough to dissuade Egypt from going elsewhere, especially with the IFF problem. I think it became pretty clear that with the Rafales and MiG-35s, the US saw Egypt not only having the ability to distance itself from strictly US aircraft purchases, but it never violated any of the binding contractual agreements. With all that, and knowing the strong possibility that the F-16 production line has most likely come to an end while the existing fleet of 195 - 214 F-16s need to stay in service for at least another 20 years, the shift to maintaining the viability of their airframes and also upgrading their capabilities has most certainly been a huge motivation for the signing of this MOA. It's only a good thing and many of us have been saying this should've been done 20 years ago or more. We were saying they should've signed it 12 years ago lol. But having waited and now having the diversity of purchase has actually put Egypt a much stronger position. They did the right thing to wait until now.
C3.3.8.4. Bilateral INFOSEC Agreement Signature. The bilateral agreement (e.g., CISMOA or COMSEC MOU, INFOSEC Equipment Agreement) must be in place in order for a purchaser to receive INFOSEC products or services associated with a C4ISR system..

As far as Egypt is concerned:

Very important| The most important points in the testimony of the commander of the US Central Command on Egypt at the hearing before the Congressional Armed Services Committee.

US Central Command USCENTCOM responsibilities include The Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia region, with the exception of Israel, which is under the responsibility of the United States European Command USUCOM headquartered at the MacDill Air Base in Tampa "In the state of Florida, while its advanced position is located at the base of Al-Aideed, Qatar.

The Congressional Armed Services Committee (SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE) held a hearing, during which CENTCOM Commander JOSEPH L. VOTEL gave a briefing on central command activity in areas of responsibility for defense and challenges related to terrorism and Iran.

As for Egypt, Votel said in his statement: Egypt remains an anchor of the interests of the United States in the region, its strategic location, its demographic weight, its religious and cultural influence, and the established peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Egypt is a vital partner in combating the flow of foreign fighters, equipment, and financial aid to extremist elements, which cross from Libya through Egypt to the central region. Egypt provides us with support in requests for crossing its airspace, securing our crossing in the Suez Canal and sharing our commitment to defeat the terrorist organizations.

The cornerstone of that relationship is our partnership in security assistance. As an example of the intensification of our joint efforts, the two sides signed the joint memorandum of understanding on security and the exchange of communications, marking the culmination of more than 30 years of efforts to improve security and cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

What is the MOU in the area of security and interoperability?

This agreement is defined by two names: COMCASA, CISMOA, or the Memorandum of Understanding on Security and Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement.

This memorandum or agreement allows for a legal framework to provide the second party with US telecommunications security systems that facilitate exchange and interoperability between US forces and the Second Party's forces, and with other friendly armies that use US equipment to work with secure tactical data links. The United States does not allow any unsigned States to acquire the above-mentioned telecommunications systems, which use alternative systems that are low-standard.

In addition, the signing of this memorandum allows the acquisition of weapons systems containing high-precision navigation devices operating on the GPS system, as well as weapons containing the latest guidance packages such as air-to-air missiles and others.

Who are the signatories to that Convention?

NATO, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Gulf States, Turkey, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan.. and India, which have signed a Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement LEMOA with the United States and is negotiating to sign the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) and CISMOA as conditions for the transfer of production technology F-16 fighter block 70 there.

The LEMOA Agreement grants the parties - the US and the other - the ability to obtain spare parts, services and support from the bases, airports and ports of each other. (Egypt is not a signatory of the LEMOA- Egypt provides transit services from its airspace and sea and refueling the usual aircraft and ships of countries with which the military cooperates in general).

The BECA Agreement grants the signatory Party the ability to obtain topographical and aerial data for navigation and targeting purposes. (Egypt is not a signatory of the BECA - it allows the US side to know details of its military navigational maps).

Why did Egypt sign that memorandum despite its continued refusal to sign it over the past years?

To answer this question we have to be familiar with the terms and conditions of the agreement, which is certainly not available, but we will try to strive for the closest analysis of the truth.

In the previous period, Egypt relied mainly on American armaments, especially in the areas of maritime and aviation weapons systems - in addition to the ground forces obviously -; its main fighter was the F-16 and the main attack helicopters were the Apache and the main frigates were the Perry class.

The acceptance of such an agreement allows the US side to synchronise its communications systems with the US-made military communications systems of the other party. This means that any combat platforms equipped with such high-level communications systems will always be connected to the network and its location is well known to all. So, with full and complete reliance on US-made weapons, this is absolutely unacceptable.

At the present time, in the presence of a new political leadership with a different direction, there is a real trend to diversify the sources of armaments with the procurement of the French-made Rafale fighters, Fremm frigate, Mistral LHDs and Gowind heavy corvettes, the German-made Type-209 submarines, and the Russian-made advanced MiG-29M-M2 (Mig-35), Kamov K-52a and Katran helicopters, T-90S tanks, the S-300V4 air defense systems, Tor-M2, Buk-M2, Early Warning Radars and many other non-US equipments, as well as contracting the French-made military communication satellite (a high-security independent communications system and network), the Russian-made Egytsat-A and cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese sides in the production of surveillance and remote sensing satellites of Egypt, as well as intensive visits exchanged with the South Korean side, which was at the level of Ministers of Defense and Military Production, in preparation for a large military cooperation in the future. And not to forget the extended technical cooperation with the Chinese, African, Indian, Pakistani and a number of Eastern European countries, along with Spain, Italy, Greece and Britain.

This huge diversity, which began to manifest itself in clarity three years ago and will continue and expand further in the coming period, gave more room for freedom to make such a decision to sign the CISMOA agreement with the American side.

However, in order to cover all the questions that beset our minds, we have to wonder what are the terms of the memorandum that were accepted by the Egyptian side and those that were rejected. For example, Egypt is making its friend and foe identification systems (IFF), and there is a complete difference in the operating systems operating on the Rafale from those of NATO countries, and the same for the rest of the Western and Eastern weapons systems operating in the Egyptian army, and therefore the Egyptian side will definitively not accept any of its other systems to be identified by any hostile party like Israel. Egypt will have its own military communications satellite, meaning that all combat platforms of the Egyptian army will operate within a closed network with secure and fully independent communications system.

Also on which platforms will these communication systems listed in the agreement be applied ? Air platforms? Or ground vehicles? Or Navy ships? Will it be implemented, for example, on counter-terrorism platforms only? Such as rapid intervention forces? And again, we should not forget the presence of the Egyptian military communications satellite, which will certainly mean the implementation of satellite communication systems, specific to Egypt.

Noteworthy is the fact that the Egyptian armed forces, and the political leadership before them, categorically and completely rejected the idea of establishing foreign military bases on Egyptian soil, whether for the American side or even the Russian side, which strives hard to establish its position in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

So the question now is what quantity and quality of armaments will Egypt get in return? In other words, to what level the US will release what was prohibited?

There will certainly be more easing than before, and this will be clarified during the coming period .. US conveniences will be as much as they meet Egyptian ones ..

The current trend in diversifying the sources of armaments is reassuring to all, and there should be confidence in the General Command of the Armed Forces, which will never accept any threat to its security and the secrecy of its weapons systems.



I knew it, enta thunder, damn it's an honour to finally meet you lol

This is one of the great benefits in that this is separate from link-16 since the EAF already operates in link-16, at least with all the F-16s and Rafales. Which also means that there can be other exercises with much greater sensitivities beyond what they already have been doing in exercises such as Bright Star and some of the other exclusive naval exercises through the past 4 decades.

The timing couldn't be more obvious with EGYPT STAT being launched and some of the other satellite projects. There's no question that the Egyptian military wants to have GPS guided capabilities with its US munitions instead of only laser guided ATM. If the Russian munitions that are coming in by the droves have GPS caps, it's not only important for Egypt to have that capability with its US arsenal, but for the US itself to have a competitive leverage in supply, otherwise it will phase out and the US certainly doesn't want that to happen. A plus that also opens the door for modernization of US components in the Egyptian arsenal.

It also makes the timing a bit obvious that the SCALPs, being denied, was more likely much earlier than the January 18th date of this MOA signing. We just never heard about it until a month ago. This could've easily precipitated this agreement as a condition to release the cruise missile if you look at the its guidance system. So another good thing.

It's good for India to have signed the LEMOA because there is no way the US will give it access (especially to detailed exhibition of weapons platforms like the F-16blk 70 and especially showcasing the F-35.) These are basic standards for the US when it comes to the security of its platforms. So to get a close glimpse of them, you need to agree to conditions that protect the secrecy of these platforms. Nothing wrong with that and India did the right thing IMO as far as that is concerned.

So look at the countries that have already signed not only the CISMOA (not SISMOA lmao) but have also singed the LEMOA, the two glaring ones are TURKEY and PAKISTAN. Egypt never signed that part (even though I believe it should have a long time ago because there are only benefits to that, especially for the F-16 fleet) but instead did not and as a result...

The EAF has in house depots for the manufacturing of over 300 spare parts for the F-16 which are actually coordinated with the US through the Golden Sentry Program which monitors not only the aircraft themselves, but each part of these spares have serial numbers and a record of where they go and the inventory is strictly monitored. This is SOP with US military hardware and Egypt has been doing this since 1982. It's no big deal.

@Harpcore_lover , the next part is what you were asking about in the other thread, so you can ease your mind.

This also has a lot to do with Egypt's AWACs threat library that exist and is constantly updated in mostly all 8 of the E-2C Hawkeyes. That threat library is also shared between the rest of the EAF and the Navy and if there is anything that needs to be secret and protected, this is on top of the list. Since the AWACs platforms came to Egypt, they didn't contain any threat library from the US and the EAF had to create its own library using its own SIGINT system that it has been doing since 1970. So this part is very important and is also standard across the board. Most nations have their own threat library that is very secretive and don't share it with anyone else BUT, when it comes time to exercise with some of these other partners, there is a standard signal for IFF that the control is changed to but then that limits the exercise to very basic simulations etc. This is where a large part of signing the CISMOA comes in handy because then the more important information such as the threat library can be opened up a bit more and shared without worry so that some of these exercises and simulations can be improved. In other words, better training.

If you go back to 2011-13 where the original number of F-16 Blk 52s was a batch of 24, it was reduced to 20 units in the final deal and part of that procurement was sought by the US to replace some of the MiG-21s and F-7s AND to discourage it from buying other fighters from other sources. The EAF thought that 20 aircraft wasn't enough of course and as a result of the negotiations, wanted to include a further upgrade to the existing F-16, especially with the IFF since the 20 new aircraft came with the sensors but the older aircraft did not have them. This was one of the sticking points and as things have progressed, it looks like the US has realized that Egypt is now capable of going out and using its national funds to purchase other potent, non US aircraft and that using 20 blk 52's wasn't enough to dissuade Egypt from going elsewhere, especially with the IFF problem. I think it became pretty clear that with the Rafales and MiG-35s, the US saw Egypt not only having the ability to distance itself from strictly US aircraft purchases, but it never violated any of the binding contractual agreements. With all that, and knowing the strong possibility that the F-16 production line has most likely come to an end while the existing fleet of 195 - 214 F-16s need to stay in service for at least another 20 years, the shift to maintaining the viability of their airframes and also upgrading their capabilities has most certainly been a huge motivation for the signing of this MOA. It's only a good thing and many of us have been saying this should've been done 20 years ago or more. We were saying they should've signed it 12 years ago lol. But having waited and now having the diversity of purchase has actually put Egypt a much stronger position. They did the right thing to wait until now.
Im just concerned with the fact that they will be knowing the satellite locations of some of our troops, something which I find very sensitive.

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