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Egypt president to visit India next month


Apr 11, 2011
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United States
NEW DELHI: As he looks to East to cull out important partners for his country, Egyptian President and one of world's most sought after leaders, Mohammed Morsi, will visit India next month. Exactly two years after the revolution, Egypt is not just in the midst of a debilitating economic crisis but is also facing violent protests against what many see as attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood to rule the country with an iron hand through Morsi.

An invitation to visit India was extended earlier to Morsi via diplomatic channels. Indian authorities had contemplated briefly about inviting Morsi for this year's Republic Day celebrations but later abandoned the idea because of to his hectic schedule.

Diplomatic sources said that both sides have given their consent to a visit by Morsi in March, and that the dates will be announced soon. One of the reasons for inviting Morsi to visit soon after he took over as president was the keen interest that he had expressed in improving ties with New Delhi in a meeting with former foreign minister S M Krishna early last year.

Morsi had met Krishna as the chairman of Freedom and Justice Party, which was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, and well before he emerged as a presidential candidate. Morsi had said that his party wanted to look beyond the US in pursuing Egyptian foreign policy and especially at countries in the East like India and China. Morsi has already visited China as president. Interestingly, Morsi had also told Indian authorities that Egypt had the potential to join BRICS going on to even suggest, much to their amusement, a new name for the grouping, eBRICS.

On the second anniversary of the revolution, which overthrew strongman Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has seen a fresh wave of violence between supporters of Morsi and pro-democracy protesters who believe Morsi is dragging the country back to Mubarak's days by keeping too much power in his own hands. They allege that Mubarak is only a puppet in Muslim Brotherhood's hands. Morsi has been hard presssed to explain to Western countries and others like India - that have offered help in ensuring political and economic transformation of the country — about the genuineness of his desire to usher in democratic reforms.

What is making the situation worse is that Morsi has not just dismissed talks of forming a unitary government with the opposition but also the demand for an amendment in Egypt's constitution which many believe was hurriedly pushed through by the Muslim Brotherhood. While India first engaged with Muslim Brotherhood last year in March when Krishna met Morsi, and officials regularly cite its assertions about forging better ties with New Delhi, some of these developments have led to a few concerns here about political stability in that country.

Egypt president to visit India next month - The Times of India

i am just wondering about What is Egypts' intrest in India and vice versa?...Any one can provide some information about it?
Considering Iranian angle I can say it is going to be a brain storming session for both parties. It is another opportunity for Indian establishment to break the barrier in middle east related to promotion of democracy. Egypt interest are strengthening the democracy, stability in its neighboring areas including border, trade relations & cultural exchanges. Indian interests are varied, it includes trade, security in neighborhood, more inroads in middle east, relations with a main Muslim dominated country, defense related activities etc.
This is a very good chance for India to forge a good relationship with a country that has a really good standing in the Middle East. This will open a door for India for not just the ME but also to the other African countries. Hope everything goes.
You mean the muslim brotherhood president isn't going to visit our muslim neighbours first? Dayummm
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