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Egypt mulls JF-17 co-production

realize that even if the deal goes thought it'll take a while before egypt installs factory with the help of original joint partners..by that time Chinese engine might be ready for JF-17..under that too there will be prohibition of many technologies that they can't import and use into JF-17 for example russian radars and other equipment and weapons...we don't know the deal and its aspects it is too early to say egypt might import this and that from russia..to protect partners market there are things that can't and won't be allowed...its not like you just get rights to assemble plane and than you tell the original developers we'll import other systems from someone else thanks..it doesn't work this way..

Sometimes the most obvious in front of our eyes and our faces and the mind cannot acknowledge it. And I have been thinling al day how could we all have missed the obvious.

Fc1---egypt and russia have no known issues---why won't egypt use russian electronics and missile systems of their choice either WVR or the BVR. It will be very interesting to see the outcome.

Sometimes the most obvious in front of our eyes and our faces and the mind cannot acknowledge it. And I have been thinling al day how could we all have missed the obvious.

Fc1---Egypt and Russia have no known issues---why won't egypt use Russian electronics and missile systems of their choice either WVR or the BVR. It will be very interesting to see the outcome.

It might look as an option as you portray, sir. But I don't believe it is workable; for the following reasons.

1) Egypt is not a partner in this program, just a customer.And that is why would have very less expertise and know how regarding the development and integration headaches.

2) Being with a customer status, it will have less privileges to customize a plane with completely own demands. here i am using the term demand and not specifications.

3) In the presence of Chinese Avionics and Armaments, a complete package meeting all needs, there will be high resistance from the Chinese to block such a move.

4) Obviously if such a move succeeds, it will cut down the precentage of the original producers of the plane to a large extent, remember also the after sale services and up gradations.

5) Engine is already Russian, put in Avionics and Armaments of Russian origin, so what left behind for Chinese and Pakistanis?? Most chunk of meat will go to Russians, Kicking the original producers almost out. So much for the years of hard work and R&D.

6) Who will offer Russian Tech For thunders???
China --- Obviously not.
Pakistan ---- Obviously can not.
Egypt ---- Does not have that rights
Russia ---- a)Cannot do that with out Pakistan/China willingness.
b) Aren't they offering their own Migs thought to be Thunders competitor to the market? Even if it happens wouldn't it effect Migs position?

c) Russia has better ties with Israel and no issues, but as Qassark once said Russians market got closed for the Egyptians after 73 when they joined the American block. In contrast that is not the case with France. Any how to me this point is of less importance so far.

7) The only option where Egyptians can get some non-Chinese Tech, that too only if they want to, is to get What Pakistan can offer. Which by the way is very impressive and enticing for the Egyptians to search for other options.

8) The good point is France has no Issues and will be more then willing to make a buck through Thunders way.

9) It is also Important to note that in either case , even if (just for the sake of explanation ) Egyptians are allowed to take another countries Tech, they will have to go through the pain of Integration and Testing, its too much when Pakistan is offering ready made and impressive solutions. Which negates its chances even further.

They fact that Pakistan serving as test bed for the western equipped Thunders, is an added plus for the interested customers.



When it is your turn, you want to get everything from usa, france, germany, britain, sweden etc--tot tot tot---and when it comes your turn to gibve, there are issues.

Kid kids kids----pakistan desperately needs to sign one major defence deal to get the ball rolling and you people are crying murder.

Pak millitary consortium will sell its right nut if needed, they will sell their left nut as well if needed to bag this deal. This is a watershed moment for our defence industry. If we make this deal happen, all other doors will open up for our equipment.

Plus egypt is one of our very own---would you charge your brother extra for its defence equipment in times of need. Here we all are bragging of what we will do to israel and right in this very moment---the truth comes out---amazing isn't it what money can do to relations and relationships.

Egypt has restrictions on the usage of its F 16's and the missiles that came with it. Egypt has its hands tied behind its back and we want to charge them extra.

This news being in janes, is a great plus for the JF 17 and its future sale---.

sorrry man this is really personal statement
being a responsible ma n i dont think tht we should give our r&D to any 1
egypt is not suppoting us o n kashmir in the way it should be

there was no one behind us when my country broke into ttwo in 71
sorrry man this is really personal statement
being a responsible ma n i dont think tht we should give our r&D to any 1
egypt is not suppoting us o n kashmir in the way it should be

there was no one behind us when my country broke into ttwo in 71

Dear, if you go through the whole thread I am sure you will find answers to the Issue you have raised.



Sometimes the most obvious in front of our eyes and our faces and the mind cannot acknowledge it. And I have been thinling al day how could we all have missed the obvious.

Fc1---egypt and russia have no known issues---why won't egypt use russian electronics and missile systems of their choice either WVR or the BVR. It will be very interesting to see the outcome.


Sir do you think Egypt would be facing Issues with MBDA Mica ?
egypt can't rely on west and us in this issue. no westren wanna sale BVR to egypt becuse it will use on there kid israel. egypt now looking for east just because of this. all we know story of secure codes.

I don't know why even bother with assembly line ? Egypt is still getting its hands on a BVR capable fighter together with its fleet of
F16 its in good shape , 40% F16 and 60% thunder force would give Egyptian squadrons great shape and tactical improvement

Assembly lines should only be discussed , when Egypt will invest 1-2 billion dollars into the plane so its next block 2 will benift form it.

Ideally we should limit the project so , the weapons purchased at Pakistani/Chinese
origin frist :china: :pakistan:

It makes no sense to build a plane, and then sell it off , and the other country put in US parts on the plane what is in it for our program etc

Very simple

a) 200 planes , frist 150 planes get chinese system and
missiles, and we install it in our local facility , second facility
This way we recover maximum profit - Assembly line is in Pakistan
Egyptian engineer will come get basic training on plane in Pakistan


b) Next 50 batch is developed 50% in Pakistan , 50% in Egypt
This is the phase where we help develop the assembly line

c) Next 20 planes could get western parts provided those
countries also have no problem making those parts available
for both china and pakistan
. Egypt pays same assembled in
egypt or in Pakistan - otherwise you assemble the plane with
chinese engines and avionics. (Restriction) you don't want to
open up your plane to other engineers unless they belong to
friendly nations

From Egypt's prespective, doing A) and B) ensures that it has a capable force
to fight a BVR capable battle - this is already enough to equal it vs Israel Airforce
or give it equal footing with Saudi Arabian Airforce.

The production line should be optional - based on specific conditions , that China would also be able to purchase these avionics from western countries

Eygpts main focus should be , well simple get BVR planes frist ... having 200 bvr capable planes + 217 F16 would be an ideal force for its needs for next 15 years.

Why turn down a deal to join up with Pakistan and China , specially since we will be coming up with Block 2/ Block 3 versions , and possibility of joint production on future projects

Ideally - Egypt should purchase the fighters and then be STRATEGIC ally in improving the planes with other avionics so we can assit them with setting up a production facility etc - the main goal frist should be to make Egypt Safer with BVR planes

Both egypt benefits , and Pakistan/China benefit ~ its a no brainer

The BIG picture
>> This could be a start considering what China's and Pakistan ambitions are with
space research and development

Great Pharoh civilization + Chinese Civiliation + Real Indus Civilization
Three great civilization merging - Endless potential

There is no shortage of customers for Pakistan, otherwise spend 90 million euro/plane on planes that come with restrictions and limited capabilities

There are alot of countries that need planes

a) Argentina
b) Vanezuella
c) Iran (oil and money rich)
d) Syria
e) Srilanka
f) Bangladesh
g) Sudan
h) Libya (oil and money rich)
i) Malasia
j) Indonesia
k) Iraq
l) Leboon
m) Nigeria

etc ...

Really our factories are busy with our own orders working 9-5 daily

And Egypt can gain from Thunder , assembly line is not urgent
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For me i thnk the best scenario for Egypt will be to get 100 thunders from block1 and then invest in equal ratio to Pakistan and China for the development of Block2 and then get their hands to Block 2 as well which by the way will b much better than block1 in this way all three will get benefit
new se lagta hai wo arabs main hero bannna chahty hai na ke jf-17 lena chahty hai.they work for papularty and media coverge.:frown:

Bro this is a harsh reality but one has to accept that many of these Arab world countries (dun wana specifeid as it will get much controversial) dun thnk of us in a respectable manner many of them call us poor and beggars and adding to the injury they supprot india more thn us they are arrogant coz of there wealth but they forget that when Israel attacks on them neither their wealth works nor india comes to help them BUT WE PAKISTANIS ARE THE ONE WHO SACRIFICE OUR PILOTS AND SONS OF THIS NATION TO DEFEND THEM...
but when it comes to Kashmir issue no one stands with us the so called Richest Arab world show their back and we lyk always are the one standing alone .We always say that they are our muslim brothers but where this brotherhood goes when its their turn to support us or help us...Actualy sorry to say but we are the most emotional people on this earth ..Humein koi aathanay bhi dai deta hai tau hum usay pta nahi kia kuch bana letey hain

For me if there is any muslim country who respect us is Turkey and if there is any non-muslim country who respect us is China

You all can disagree with me everyone has his right and personal knowledge

Sorry for going bit off topic
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