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Egypt learns lessons from Israel, starts building barrier against terror

Hamas affiliated groups operating inside Gaza strip , your already paying a heavy price for your actions against Egyptians , now Enjoy your complete Isolation . Before Egyptians have put a blind eye on your Tunnels but now you even lost those tunnels thanks to your cheap rheotoric and racism against Egyptians , now enjoy your actions

The 'palestinians' gambled badly when they helped the MB get into power. They thought all their Ramadans had come at once. They thought they would have freedom to move in and out, import weapons etc.

But Egyptians were not happy that they interfered in their politics.

Now the 'palestinians' are paying the price.

They have a history of doing this.
Lets also see what the Egyptian president said about those bombings, Palestinians were under daily Israeli bombardment during 2004-2005 and this sick liar has no shame to make BS allegations which even Egypt denies.

Egypt: Gamal Mubarak and ex-interior minister 'behind Sharm-el-Sheikh bombings' - Adnkronos Security

Cairo, 7 March (AKI) - Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak' son Gamal and Egypt's former interior minister Habib el-Adly ordered the deadly bombings of the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh in 2005, Kuwaiti paper Al-Jarida reported Monday, citing classified documents.

The coordinated bombings of a bazaar and two hotels on 23 July 2005 killed 88 people, mostly Egyptians, and injured 200.

According to the top-secret interior ministry documents, Mubarak wanted to take revenge on businessman Hussein Salem for reducing his cut on on a 2.5 billion dollar contract to supply gas to Israel from 10 percent to 2.5 percent, Al-Jarida said.

Mubarak and El-Adli ordered the bombing of 3 compounds in Sharm Skeikh, owned by Salem. In the case of the market truck bombing, the driver had to abandon his truck bomb at the bazaar because of a police roadblock.

El-Adli organised the bombings and paid several individuals who made the car bombs used in the attacks, according to the documents, Al-Jarida said.

Dozens of Beduoin Arabs from the Sinai desert were arrested over the blasts, which were claimed in a message posted to a jihadist website signed by a group called the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, which claimed links to Al-Qaeda.

As usual when the discussion is not going Hazzy's way, he starts whinging and reporting every one.

Enjoy your bans soon, lying and trolling is against forum rules. Should have learned how to behave like decent human beings. Of course, you both start becoming quiet after mods are called on to intervene since you both are pathological liars.

Israeli terrorists killed Egyptian scientists, no such Arab cheer leads for Israeli propaganda.
The 'palestinians' gambled badly when they helped the MB get into power. They thought all their Ramadans had come at once. They thought they would have freedom to move in and out, import weapons etc.

But Egyptians were not happy that they interfered in their politics.

Now the 'palestinians' are paying the price.

They have a history of doing this.

yeah hamas has to change its sophisticated behaviour if they want to survive in this world
We've been sieged for decades ever since we have been occupied, idiot.

you had tunnels before kept running by the Egyptian side , today you lost it after your brothers turned their guns on Egypt rather than Israel .
You're a liar, let an Egyptian speak. @Frogman

Let an Egyptian speak, he says.

Yet when Egyptians speak and Hazzy doesn't approve, he says...

You're only one person and don't speak for Egypt. Only the Egyptian billionaire elite and the collaborators amongst Egyptians sympathize with Israel. And also people who don't fear God.

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