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Egypt, Jordan refused to accept Palestinian refugees


Sep 30, 2016
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Despite Israel’s request to European leaders to intervene, Cairo will not take in people fleeing from Gaza


Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly speaks during a visit to the city of
Al-Arish, some 45km from the Rafah border crossing with Gaza on October 31, 2023.
© Khaled DESOUKI / AFP

In light of issues in Egypt over whether Palestinian refugees should be accepted, the country’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly visited northern Sinai on Tuesday and vowed that his country is determined to safeguard its territory and maintain its sovereignty over it.

Addressing members of parliament, tribal and military leaders as well as public figures assembled at al-Arish near Egypt’s borders with Gaza and Israel, Madbouly said: “We are prepared to sacrifice millions of lives to ensure that no one encroaches upon our territory.”
According to the prime minister, Cairo intends to expand its plans to develop and reconstruct the Sinai Peninsula in the near future, demonstrating that “Egypt remains committed to the region.”

The UN Secretary General’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said that the involuntary relocation of Palestinians is unacceptable. “We stand clearly against the forced mass displacement of people, full stop. And we’ve seen in other places around the world and we’ve been consistent in that,” he claimed on Tuesday.

President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said on October 21 that Cairo rejected “any attempt to liquidate the Palestinian issue by military means or through the forced displacement of Palestinians from their land.”
Egyptians see as a matter of concern that the 2.3 million people currently living in Gaza could end up in Sinai.

As the Financial Times reported, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, aimed to persuade European leaders to put pressure on Cairo to accept Gazans last week. According to the source, France and Germany refused the request to persuade Egypt to accept the agreement. Jordan also refused to accept refugees from Gaza.
Egypt and Jordan both knows how Israeli terrorist apartheid rogue regime kick Palestinian people from Palestine to settle illegal Zionist squatters instead. This is a planned ethnic cleansing to occupy more and more land from Palestine.
Palestinians are not known for their generosity when it comes to treatment of others they're mostly radicals who have a hige distaste for anything but their own groups.

Most countries that gave Palestinians asylum have suffered hugely under their hands Lebanese non Muslim population literally got shrunk after years of violence or killings. Kuwait had give lot's of Palestinians asylum and during the iraq invasion they got attacked and assaulted by lots of Palestinians who sided with the Iraqis...amd many more acts of violence which is why even Muslim countries are hesitant to take them in or give them citizenship.
Palestinians are not known for their generosity when it comes to treatment of others they're mostly radicals who have a hige distaste for anything but their own groups.

Most countries that gave Palestinians asylum have suffered hugely under their hands Lebanese non Muslim population literally got shrunk after years of violence or killings. Kuwait had give lot's of Palestinians asylum and during the iraq invasion they got attacked and assaulted by lots of Palestinians who sided with the Iraqis...amd many more acts of violence which is why even Muslim countries are hesitant to take them in or give them citizenship.
This is one the worst examples of incoherent nonfactual BS written in poor yogiland hinglish. Try again pajeet...
Palestinians are not known for their generosity when it comes to treatment of others they're mostly radicals who have a hige distaste for anything but their own groups.

Most countries that gave Palestinians asylum have suffered hugely under their hands Lebanese non Muslim population literally got shrunk after years of violence or killings. Kuwait had give lot's of Palestinians asylum and during the iraq invasion they got attacked and assaulted by lots of Palestinians who sided with the Iraqis...amd many more acts of violence which is why even Muslim countries are hesitant to take them in or give them citizenship.

Oye pajeet.

Taking in palestinian refugees would mean giving away gaza to zionist settlers and the end of any palestinian resistance.

Arab leaders are aware of that. Though they are zionist lapdogs they have enough sense that they see value in keeping gazans in gaza.
It simply means depopulation of Palestine

It's what the Jew bastard's want, and it's exactly why it can't happen

Palestinians have the demographic advantage and in a few more years the Jews won't have any hope left

So yes the Palestinians will suffer, and indeed everyone should offer support and money and pressure governments across the world but beyond the most Injured or needy you can't allow ethnic cleansing of Palestine

Egypt takes blame for not funneling more support and weapons to the Palestinians to defend themselves but it's taken the right decision to not allow Israel ethnically cleanse gaza
Palestinians are not known for their generosity when it comes to treatment of others they're mostly radicals who have a hige distaste for anything but their own groups.

Most countries that gave Palestinians asylum have suffered hugely under their hands Lebanese non Muslim population literally got shrunk after years of violence or killings. Kuwait had give lot's of Palestinians asylum and during the iraq invasion they got attacked and assaulted by lots of Palestinians who sided with the Iraqis...amd many more acts of violence which is why even Muslim countries are hesitant to take them in or give them citizenship.

You are a sub servant slave and Always will be it’s your nature

Palestinian would rather die
Its better for Palestinians to move away than stay in the line of fire of genocidal jaws.
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