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Egypt Did Not Oppose Israel’s Observer Status at African Union


Dec 22, 2020
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United States
While opposition mounts to the African Union Commission’s decision to grant Israel observer status at the AU, Egypt has yet to officially comment on the move.

CAIRO — Cairo has yet to express a position on the African Union Commission’s decision to grant Israel observer status in the African body on July 22. Some other African countries have condemned the sudden move that was made without consultation with member states

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/08/egypt-mum-israels-observer-status-african-union
Imhotep would theologically oppose such a notion.

Also what happened to that Nubian claimaint to Throne of David?
So what? How is this relevant? You are without a shadow of doubt an Israeli supporter.. You are the only one screaming at the top of your lungs about Israel.. They are irrelevant in the larger world bro.. It is just an American outpost nothing more or less..

The worst elements that need to be removed from society it is elements like you.. Who are deceitful by the way we know how the outpost came to be it was the crusaders who brought them and they just didn't appear magically out of thin air and they will return with the crusaders meaning they will exit how they came.. Which means Israel itself is not even in the picture entirely but only for you because you concentrate on irrelevant matters... To liberate Isreal means an eventual clash with NATO but you are mentally handicap to understand this little fact... You have been singing or talking about a mirage something that is entirely not there don't waste your time and ours..

It has already fallen imho as they say the pen is dry and written along with whoever comes to defend her so there is no need to be hasty and why the rush..
So what? How is this relevant? You are without a shadow of doubt an Israeli supporter.. You are the only one screaming at the top of your lungs about Israel.. They are irrelevant in the larger world bro.. It is just an American outpost nothing more or less..

The worst elements that need to be removed from society it is elements like you.. Who are deceitful by the way we know how the outpost came to be it was the crusaders who brought them and they just didn't appear magically out of thin air and they will return with the crusaders meaning they will exit how they came.. Which means Israel itself is not even in the picture entirely but only for you because you concentrate on irrelevant matters... To liberate Isreal means an eventual clash with NATO but you are mentally handicap to understand this little fact... You have been singing or talking about a mirage something that is entirely not there don't waste your time and ours time..

It has already fallen imho as they say the pen is dry and written along with whoever comes to defend here so there is no need to be hasty and why the rush..
I am an African talking about ousting the Zionist cancer from our continent. And who the heck are you ? What do you know about Africa. BTW, you write a lot, with very little substance.
The Zionists claim everything between the Nile and Euphrates. So does it seem Israeli's "observer" status in the AU could be pointing to a new territorial claim on everything on the East side of the Nile sometime in the future? Not now but actually sometime in the future. This move does seem that Israel sees itself as a future member state in the African Union. I'm sure we can all remember how the Israel's gradual takeover of the West Bank started, and how it is progressing now.

Israeli embassy in Cairo is also on the East Side of the Nile.

How about ISIS attacks in the Sinai? Who is bankrolling them?

There is more to this story that meets the eye.

Call me conspiracy theorist if you will but something is sinister about Israeli's push in the AU in this regard.
While opposition mounts to the African Union Commission’s decision to grant Israel observer status at the AU, Egypt has yet to officially comment on the move.

CAIRO — Cairo has yet to express a position on the African Union Commission’s decision to grant Israel observer status in the African body on July 22. Some other African countries have condemned the sudden move that was made without consultation with member states

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/08/egypt-mum-israels-observer-status-african-union
Arabs are all pathetic..thew ...
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