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Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi MB terrorists to death

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A court in Egypt has sentenced to death 529 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

They were convicted of charges including murdering a policeman and attacking police.

The group, members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, are part of a larger trial involving more than 1,200 Morsi supporters.

Egyptian authorities have cracked down harshly on Islamists since Mr Morsi was removed in July.

Thousands have been arrested and hundreds killed.

The court in Minya, south of the capital, Cairo, issued its ruling after only two sessions in which the defendants' lawyers complained they had no chance to present their case, the Associated Press news agency reports.

The alleged attacks are said to have taken place in southern Egypt in August after security forces broke up two Cairo protest camps of Morsi supporters demanding his reinstatement.

In the backlash that followed, hundreds of people were killed.

BBC News - Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi supporters to death
Very fool political move........They want to follow Algeria story, but sadly in the very wrong political context. I wonder why the hates are so much in them. They need to learn Indonesia's politics. We were able to make a good transition in the time where ideology was still important (1999-2004). The lesson is to collaborate first between Islamist vs Secular, we did it in Megawati ruling (about 2 years/ Islamist supported Megawati (PDI-P/secular). Today in Indonesia ideology is not really that important, we just focus on the programs and personality.
Lol, Zionist Al Qaeda anti-muslims sect are hanged by the sunnis themselves, even they pretend to fight for them

Nobody is deceived by the JEWS sheitans deceivers
Why, you would like pro-Qatar MB-terrorists to attack civilians and kill christians and shia, secularists, leftists like in Syria?

Perhaps you don't realize that Morsi was more friendly to Iran than Mubarak or Sisi.
Both Mubarak and Sis, the military dictators, are supported by Saudi Arabia and UAE to promote their agenda.
You dumb Persian shithead this has nothing to do with Syria. Save me your crocodile tears, the regime is carpet bombings civilians and dropping barrel bombs on civilians and you make it like the poor innocent Syrian regime is defending itself.
How dare you to speak like this to an Iranian safavid man like me you landless opressed land-selling slave of Israel?
May Allah help Israel to wipe your weak saddam-zarqawi worshipping nation and hamas from the earth and may God curse your symbols.
May God paralyze the other hand that is left for khamenei dajjal (fake shia) if he gives 1 cent more to MB terrorists.
How dare you to speak like this to an Iranian safavid man like me you landless opressed land-selling slave of Israel?
May Allah help Israel to wipe your weak saddam-zarqawi worshipping nation and hamas from the earth and may God curse your symbols.
May God paralyze the other hand that is left for khamenei dajjal (fake shia) if he gives 1 cent more to MB terrorists.

LOL! Don't make stupid threads next time. :lol:

How dare I! :D

So much for your resistance against Israel. :lol:
How dare you to speak like this to an Iranian safavid man like me you landless opressed land-selling slave of Israel?
May Allah help Israel to wipe your weak saddam-zarqawi worshipping nation and hamas from the earth and may God curse your symbols.
May God paralyze the other hand that is left for khamenei dajjal (fake shia) if he gives 1 cent more to MB terrorists.
The Safavids were Turkic just saying
Not our bisinizz, go beg qatar/saudi brothers, our shops are closed and assad is busy

We produce and purchase our own weapons, don't worry. While you're wasting billions on Assad to keep him in power while he's killing tens of thousands of civilians and destroying the nation. The changed your image all over the Arab world and we were huge supporters of you during the period before Syria exploded. Now it's impossible to change your image and we can't help you build bridges with Arab Sunnis since MB was ousted out of power. They were the only people who were open to relations with Iran. I was referring to your policy of 'resistance' btw. It turned out that wasn't so real.

Nevertheless, Hamas and Iran still cooperate. :lol:
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