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Egypt clashes: Four killed at pro-Morsi demonstrations


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Four people have been killed in Egypt as supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi clashed with opponents and security forces.

Medical officials said at least 40 others were hurt as gunfire and explosions rocked the centre of Cairo.

Troops used tear gas and live rounds to halt crowds heading to Tahrir Square.

The square has since been sealed off to prevent pro-Morsi supporters occupying the symbolic heart of the 2011 uprising which ousted Hosni Mubarak.

Reports said the four fatalities were all Brotherhood supporters who died amid fighting in two Cairo neighbourhoods.

As clashes broke out in the capital, state TV reported further violence in the northern Sharqiya district and to the east in Giza, as well as in the northern port city of Alexandria.

There were also reports of skirmishes between pro-Morsi demonstrators and civilian supporters of the military government.

BBC News - Egypt clashes: Four killed at pro-Morsi demonstrations
All the Egyptians can do is keep going against the military and liberals, and remember next time that the liberals, seculars and copts need to be destroyed and purged out of the military for Egypt to be free
Morsi and the muslim brotherhood are extremists and should never have beem put in charge of such a strategically important country like Egypt. They were trying to instate mob rule and it backfired. I think the majority of Egyptians realized that. What should have transpired was a recall referendum. Not the military coup. But I cant say I completely disagree with the result although Al Sissi might now be that much better than Morsi. Only time will tell.
They were put in charge through winning 5 elections in a row

The military and liberals couldn't beat them through the ballot box so instigated a coup now they have attempted to dismantle the brotherhood knowing they can't best them in elections

It is only right Egyptians and M.B supporters fight back and don't let the military and fake government peace
They were put in charge through winning 5 elections in a row

The military and liberals couldn't beat them through the ballot box so instigated a coup now they have attempted to dismantle the brotherhood knowing they can't best them in elections

It is only right Egyptians and M.B supporters fight back and don't let the military and fake government peace
i respect your opinion but why spill all that blood? Human life should be valued and respected. Isnt it better to seek new elections with international monitoring? Why is violence always the first resort?
i respect your opinion but why spill all that blood? Human life should be valued and respected. Isnt it better to seek new elections with international monitoring? Why is violence always the first resort?

Blood has already been spilled thousands of brotherhood members have been killed, the president of the country has been deposed and not seen for months, leaders of the brotherhood have all been rounded up and arrested with many media outlets closed down unless they support the military and liberals

What free and fair elections are you talking about?
Blood has already been spilled thousands of brotherhood members have been killed, the president of the country has been deposed and not seen for months, leaders of the brotherhood have all been rounded up and arrested with many media outlets closed down unless they support the military and liberals

What free and fair elections are you talking about?

From the news ive seen and heard. When Morsi went to a rally where some imam declared war on Syria and non muslims. Right after that the muslim brotherhood in mobs started killing Shias Christians and anti Morsi protestors. I recall seeing Muslim Brotherhood rioters waving al qaeda flags and throwing little boys off rooftops to their deaths. So please, they are not innocents here.

People have died on both sides. Have respect for life. Think about the children who will die. Opposition parties can run in future elections. Why dont they request UN monitoring as a condition to end the violence?

Sorry mate, I just dont think more violence will solve anything. But then again maybe its easy to call for violence when youre not in the middle of it. I personally think the middle east has seen enough for two lifetimes.
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