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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Of course, democracies never have 100% unity of views. The minority must wait for the next election to make its case for a change of government.

The thing is that the Military are saying they may scrap the whole constitution and start afresh calling for new elections but Morsi is saying this is not acceptable so what will happen now?
The thing is that the Military are saying they may scrap the whole constitution and start afresh calling for new elections but Morsi is saying this is not acceptable so what will happen now?

Whatever happens, it will not be good for Egypt or its people in the long run, that is for sure.
^ Wow.. How stupid. I think you only watch BBC.
AlArabiya TV showed MILLIONS of Morsi supporters near cairo univ (ignored by rest of media) VS thousands of protestors at tehrir square (promoted by fox, bbc).

Bye bye democracy. Welcome Army. Liberal Fascists + Israel and Americans welcome you with open arms!!

Real face of protestors at tahiri square: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=159136380939664

Morsi supporters in million, chanti Mursi Mursi Allah o Akbar: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=687019594647670&set=vb.100000189068342&type=2&theater
The thing is that the Military are saying they may scrap the whole constitution and start afresh calling for new elections but Morsi is saying this is not acceptable so what will happen now?

They should compromise, scrap the constitution but keep Morsi as President. It would be unfair to remove him before the end of his term he has popular vote legitimacy. It is the constitution that does not.
They should compromise, scrap the constitution but keep Morsi as President. It would be unfair to remove him before the end of his term he has popular vote legitimacy. It is the constitution that does not.

Would Morsi accept that? amending it scraping it altogether that is the key question now but the Military I think still holds a lot of power I think.

Egyptians are on street of Cairo to support Mursi .......
Of course, democracies never have 100% unity of views. The minority must wait for the next election to make its case for a change of government.

The problem is that over 17 million people (many of whom voted for Morsi) have taken to the streets to call for his downfall, this also comes as Tamarod (a grass roots democratic petition) gained 22 million signatures withdrawing confidence from the president and calling for him to leave. So you have an overwhelming majority of people (made of those already apposed to the regime and those who were sympathetic to the regime and those who may still have sympathy for the old one). Now with these numbers and the miniscule comparative numbers of MB supporters (and its affiliates) how can the president maintain his legitimacy?
Why is the opposition refusing to sit down with Morsi also to work this out? that is another question
The problem is that over 17 million people (many of whom voted for Morsi) have taken to the streets to call for his downfall, this also comes as Tamarod (a grass roots democratic petition) gained 22 million signatures withdrawing confidence from the president and for him to leave. So you have an overwhelming majority of people (made of those already apposed to the regime and those who were sympathetic to the regime and those who may still have sympathy for the old one). Now with these numbers and the miniscule comparative numbers of MB supporters (and its affiliates) how can the president maintain his legitimacy?

@Yzd Khalifa
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^ Wow.. How stupid. I think you only watch BBC.
AlArabiya TV showed MILLIONS of Morsi supporters near cairo univ (ignored by rest of media) VS thousands of protestors at tehrir square (promoted by fox, bbc).

Bye bye democracy. Welcome Army. Liberal Fascists + Israel and Americans welcome you with open arms!!

Real face of protestors at tahiri square: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=159136380939664

Morsi supporters in million, chanti Mursi Mursi Allah o Akbar: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=687019594647670&set=vb.100000189068342&type=2&theater
@amirPharaoh, Teez elwala dah hamra.

Largest protests in human history 17 million + largest estimate at 33 million. Go watch any live stream and you will see these numbers remain.
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Because they hold all the cards,Morsi is done,why negociate with a dead man?

mmm But does he still not have mass support? Do we know the number of followers he still has? I can not answer this

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